Heroin 4-5 Hrs After Suboxone?? (Page 3)
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Any1 know if it's okay to take heroin say 4-5 hrs AFTER having taken my first dose - 6 decidedly inadequate mgs - of suboxone?

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I read through this forum to see if heroin can be felt 5 to 6 hourz after taking suboxone. From experience my girlfriend & I have had, if you take 4mgs or more of the sublingual suboxone, it will be very hard to feel anythin at all no matter how much you take. But taking roughly 2 mgs or less of suboxone & waiting about 5 or 6 hrs, then doing heroin, you WILL feel it for sure just as if you never took the sub, but it will be just a little less effective. So all in all, like I said "from experience" if you do 2mg of sub, you can feel H several hours after, but if you take 4mg or more, youre pretty much s*** out of luck for the next 24hrs. Hope this helps.

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Ive just switched over from 25ml methadone to subutex first dose 4mg tues 8yestday in feeling terrible i used heroin yesterday took my subutex hours later and was very ill. I realy wants to sucseed but so hard...anyone any tips Thanks

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I just started subs today. I had my last methadone dose at 10am on Tuesday, then Wednesday (yesterday) at 5pm I had my first dose of 4mg subutex. I have work at 7 in the morning and by 11pm I knew I was in for another rough night, I already had no sleep from Tuesday night after dropping 8mg on meth to get down to 26mg meth to be able to go on subs. I decided to go score at 12 midnight but was unsure if it would make me worse so looked on other sites, then found this thread. by 330am I had real bad restlessness and diarhia/yawnng/sickness/cold sweats so used the bag 15 mins ago. I feel ok I suppose, no p/w or real effect but its taken the edge off and hopefully I can get some sleep now before work. I get double dose of 8mg tomorrow then 16mg Friday so hopefully by then I can be opiate free apart from the subs. Thanks for info and advice guys. I really need to get clean now, im 30 in December and ive lost over 16 friends over the years to h. how long should I wait tomorrow til I take my next dose?

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U have to wait 24 to 48 hours before the heroin after subs but dont worry u will be ok hun I promise

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Seven hours ago, I took a zubsolv, which is the same thing as suboxen, but with less blocker. I have only taken it for 2 days. Two minutes ago, I took more heroin because I have a headache and a huge assignment due.....Nothing....No Rush, No Buzz and my head is still killing me....So there ya have it...immediately after it happened so I am completely clear on the LACK of affect it had....

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Yes, you will test dirty. You'll test positive for H and suboxone.one doesn't "cover" the other. Good luck.

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Most people on a regular dose of opiate can take suboxone before withdraw symptoms. Opiates have a small life span and only fill the receptors for as much as 8 hours. I have taken suboxone 5 hours after doing 60mg of percs and never gone into any form of withdraw. I hate hate hate Satan's box because you get stuck in it for so long while all you want to do is get high. I have been battling back and forth with subs and opiates for 9 months and have never gotten sick when mixing the two (but I know how long my body needs to wait) only wasted a lot of opiates this way. Best bet is to wait 24 hours for each 4mg of suboxone you intake. Hope this helps some

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I've been taking heroin for about a year and am up to about a gram a day. I got prescribed buprenorphine to get off and the doctor told me just wait till I start to withdrawal. I did my last dose at 8 the night before. Well I woke up this morning and waited till about 9 or so then took 8 mg over a couple hours and was thrown into the worst with drawl of my life. I couldn't stand it anymore so I took heroin again and did almost half of it with very little effect. How long till I will be able to feel the effect of the heroin and make this nightmare of a withdrawal go away?

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Thanks for giving unbiased facts Bill.

Hopefully it can save someone from discomfort and obviously possibly death.

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Naloxone has nothing to do with whether a full agonist opiate will be felt or not. Heres the basics: even though subs are not full agonist (like heroin is) the molecules bind to the opioid receptors in the brain better than other opiates. Whether you will feel dope after four mg of subs depends on the quality of dope, and your tolorance.

When I had a big habit of 8-12 Camden NJ bags, 4mg of subs would keep me from being sick but I definitely would not feel even three bags at one shot. I cleaned up for awhile, my tolorance was zero. I did four mg of subs to try and catch a buzz, which I did slightly. I decided that it was pointless so I got afew bags and one slammed me even with the subs in my system for a few hours.

You really have to be careful mixing dope and subs. Many people keep doing more and more thunking they cant feel the dope, which is partly true. But it will still have an effect on other areas of your brain chemistry, such as what controls breathing and heart rate. The subs will compound the effect, so it is easy to toxicly OD without even realizing or feeling it.

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Nice post Trix! I mean that seriously! What you've stated is completely true. We must Change the mentality of "needing" ANYTHING, wether it be h, pills, subs etc.

I think most of us have underlying mental health issues that need to be treated in conjunction with sub/done therapies. Anxiety issues are especially correlated with addicts using to self medicate.

The general consensus when an addict gets in legal troubles, anything from misdemeanors to felony is to lock them up until their debts to society are void. Obviously this doesn't treat the underlined issues of what prompted the addict to crime initially, provides no treatment and therefore they re-offend.

If behavioral modification would be utilized in the criminal court process and further provided after the mandatory sentencing or in lieu of, I believe their would be less relapse and ultimately more sobriety.

And back to the general stigma of how society, our families and friends view this issue makes it much harder for us to feel comfortable asking for help when we're sincere.

Until addiction treatment is better understood and made readily available in every area it's just going to be a bandaid. ..and why not it's a billion dollar industry, just like cancer. I'll spare the conspiracy theories for now :)

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Its not the cure because he won't have delt with what made him take H in the first place so when he stops the sub's he will relapse be it 1 week or 1year he will pick it up again I garrentee it because as addicts we think differently from normal people and we self medicate with h to give us ease an comfort from our feelings we dont do feelings we hide them in our lives because our thinking is all messed up ...until people stop an look all the things deep within with the help of other non using addicts and be honest with themselves take away there ego and street mentality (things that make you look like an idiot) and realise they are venerable sensitive people who actually feel a lot more than normal people...hyper sensitive who without H are a raw nerve who can't take life on there own will, look where you will and thinking has got you....all messed up? Before you react just think about it...your spiritually f***ed, until you realise that an start doing something about it your life will be miserable....for some reason all us addicts think alike and we all have a f***ed up thinking, ego, mentality, sensitivity (when i say sensitive i dont mean gay i mean so sensitive that if someone called me a name i wouldn't brush it off id batter the person for saying it because it really hurt me inside but you have to ask why did it hurt so much you have to be willing to search deep in yourself which takes inner strength) we are people that's particularly sensitive to everything people say to us so once we start doing spiritually good things we suddenly stop using stop craving H very odd an I have no idea why it works but very true an as soon as we stop working on our self's spiritually we relapse, sadly it takes a huge amount of courage to even try this or admit that we are very sensitive people who block all our feelings out for fear we will be seen as week when in reality everyone has them but we are f***ed up in our thinking, we blame others for our down falls we are unmanageable, we loose things constantly and we never use the words "I feel" we say "you or they" never I....think about it an be honest with yourself....you need to change your thinking!! An start building up your self esteem self worth etc etc your good enough you deserve it work on yourself spiritually an I'm not talking about holy s*** I'm just saying the more good you do for some reason the less you crave h but you have to talk to other clean addicts(on no opiates or drugs wat so ever none not even ones like methadone or sub's I keen totally clean as you can't work on yourself until you are yourself without drugs changing your personality you need to talk about you deep feelings let them out and they don't bug you anymore which takes away the mental obsession of using that mixed with doing good things an taking your ego etc out of things works don't ask me how it works it just does an there are over 25 million ex addicts to prove it

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The naltrexone in subutex is a blocker yes but subutex is the main blocker on its own they put naltrexone in it to make it impossible to cook up an bang up/inject...not to act as a blocker....the blocker is subutex its self!! Even though subutex is a strong opiate it is also a strong blocker of opiate because it binds to the opiate receptors so tightly that anything you take on top of subutex will not bind to your receptors it will not work at all also it binds so tightly that if you are still on h when you take subutex it will kick the h off your receptors an throw you into major withdrawal...you need to learn some facts kid, people are so missin formed by idiots on here who think subutex without naloxone/naltrexone doesn't block gear but it does block h Let me be clear subutex on its own without naloxone in it blocks H or any other opiate from working subutex with naloxone was only made to stop people from injecting it because it f***s up the cooking up process. I was one of the first people to be put on subutex back when they didn't make suboxone(subutex with naltrexone in it), subutex has always blocked opiate use on top even before naloxone/naltrexone was added, naltrexone/naloxone was only added in the beginning to stop people injecting it, back wen they introduced suboxone with naloxone/naltrexone in it we didn't get told about it having naloxone in it we were just told its uninjectable subutex by the doctor's, these days people have it all mixed up an wrong making idiots withdraw bad because they were told by some idiot who's never taken subutex or suboxone that subutex is fine to use on coz it doesn't have naloxone init well that's completely wrong.people use heroin then take a subutex on top thinking they will be fine coz it has no naloxone in it only to find out that they just made a big mistake and are going to cluck like a muthaf*** an nothing will stop it coz the sub they just took will now block anything they take to stop clucking, meaning your gonna have to ride it out.....so lol in answer to your question ...NO you cannot get high now subutex blocks opiates because its such a strong binding opiate its self get it....!!!!

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For those that dont realize it bupe docs are only allowed a 100 patient maximum. Relapse is one thing but if you want to just use suboxone/tex just for dopesickness when you're out of dope, move the hell out of people like me so we can get the help we WANT. Instead I had to wait almost a year altogether to get in a program because of people like you.

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Ok so my question is ive just taken a first dose of subutex that doesnt contain naloxone which i believe is the drug ure referring to that blocks the ability to get high so if the 4 mg of subutex i took did not contain the naloxone can i still feel opioids?

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Yes it will for sure show up on a drug test. This is because you are still putting the substance in your body and you liver will still have to process and metabolize the H. Thus the metabolite will still be present in ur urine producing a positive result for H and the Buperenorphine from the suboxen u also put in your system. Hope that helps

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I've read that it's stored in your fatty tissue and can be stored for years. Stress releases it sending a signal to your brain and that's where the intense cravings come from. It's best to do a full body cleanse. Which will not only boost your low immune system from using, but help decrease cravings. Here's to slaying the dragon we've been chasing! Good luck everyone I know you have it in you!

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Why would you do that. It is people like you giving suboxine a bad name

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Its really hard living w someone using drugs & u do not. especially a herion user
If hes on subs hes on heavy opiates. You will not have a good relationship living with someone using. Good luck & get out, if he changes --good!

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He's using heroin and lying to you. Heroin is the devil. And sub is not. There is no cure for the urges. Except the subs. Suboxone is probably the best. If he really wants off for life.

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