Help! Single Disabled Mom Wrongfully Kicked Out Of Pain Management (Page 3)
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Ok, this will be lengthy to include all the necessary details but can someone help please? My being able to raise my daughter depends on my necessary medicine. I have no clue where else to turn. I have DDD with 4 herniated as of 2014 MRI, adv & degenerative osteoarthritis of the spine, tarlov cysts, neuropathy and nerve compression so badly that my left leg will give out with little warning. My father and I went to our PM last week, only a few days after unexpectedly burying my oldest sister. I've been a very trustworthy patient of his for four years and my Dad just about one year. Doc puts us both in same room which he's never done before. Doc starts talking to my Dad who is clearly morose & then says to my Dad, I don't like your attitude, which again just answers to his questions in a monotone voice. I explained to dr we just buried my sister, my dad's daughter so he's not doing well. Honest to God, that pos says "So, we all go through stuff". My Dad & I exchanged looks as if to say did he really just say that? Then doc asks how the super-charger script that begins with an N is working & Dad said yes a bit. Then the Dr flat out lies and says yeah I've had patients on that for 6 months and they're down to 1 opiate a day. That's a lie. He only began prescribing them two months ago. My Dad says Doc Ido, I hope but don't see how that's possible. Doc says I'm not going to argue to which my Dad replies I'm having a conversation, not an argument. And he was...if my Dad was wrong I'd have called him on it. So we head out and his daughter the receptionist asks to reschedule, my Dad says he's not coming back and I said I was unsure. Called today to make an appt and I was told I'm no longer a patient. I asked why and she said you released yourself. I said no I didn't, my father did. This is a family run practice so no one to complain to. Oh and they also declined to send my records & said have your new Dr. request them.

My question is I know I can't do anything just because he was a jerk to my Dad, but can I report him for lying about releasing myself thereby avoiding having to prescribe me one last time and for giving me no notice to go find a new Dr before I need my meds refilled? This last appt he was going to force me to continue inj's. suddenly when I haven't had one in a year because they don't work for more than a week on me. Dr got all weirded out a few months ago when his anesthesiologist was busted for supposedly not keeping correct docs & was fined $455k. My Dad thinks it was a set-up from the start...despite being excellent patients who never abused anything, never had dirty U/A, very rarely rescheduled appts and not once missed an appt, proof we're both permanently disabled from SS Disability... he wanted to dump us. Only thing we can figure is doc is or was def up to something sketchy & he knows my Dad is a retired cop and he doesn't want that around. So now my poor father and I are searching for new Dr at worst time. Does anyone know a good PM anywhere in the Chicagoland area who isn't afraid to prescribe, though I'm pretty far S/W of the city in Plainfield? I've tried everything in the world prior to getting on opiates and it is the only thing that has made my pain significantly retreat. I will take a new fancy OTC aspirin if it's strong enough, I just need to function and be in less pain. Custody of my 6 year old daughter depends on life depends on this. How do they not see what this opiate crackdown is doing to legitimate chronic pain sufferers. Anyway, ty for those few who took time to read my novel. If you refer a good PM I would never use your name. Thank you all very much.

79 Replies (4 Pages)

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Meathead (# 37) --

It all depends on what you want prescribed, for how long, and lastly where the Doctor is located. A FP will NORMALLY only prescribe a certain level of pain medication. If one is a cancer patient an FP will generally prescribe anything in the pain med line, at least for awhile. If you are not a cancer patient many FP's prescribe a pain med on the lower end of the scale (such as hydrocodone/acetaminopen up to 10mg/325 mg) but they will only do that for so long before they refer you to a PM specialist as they do not want to fade the heat of any long term pain medication supervision.

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Does it have to be a PM md?
I know a FP doc who is very empathic

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Re: Silverlining (# 32) Expand Referenced Message

I am glad you are enthusiastic about this issue. There are a couple of issues that need to be considered. NORMALLY, every Doctor has some form of malpractice insurance. NORMALLY. With the cost of malpractice insurance skyrocketing many Doctors are just not getting malpractice insurance and they tell you up front about it. These "Doctors" have all sorts of layers of protections to protect their personal assets and so all you could do is try to collect whatever you could. MOST "government entities" and their employees have some sort of immunity against litigation. This means that your attorney actually has to send a letter of your intention to sue and the "government entity" may not allow your suit. I know this sounds stupid but I found this out the hard way. Finally, remember this: It is one thing to get a large judgement and it is another thing to be able to collect. If there are no assets or deep pockets to go after many attorneys would just pass. They want to be able to collect on an award. NOT just get a judgement. Good luck on your issues. Hopefully, it will not come down to this. Remember too that what State you are in has a lot to do with your ability to sue and collect.

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Re: pamelaQ (# 25) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you for your return notes. Yes not sure what future will bring, they my pain doctor and my phyciatrist are already got to talk to me about being taken out of these as my dimensia becomes more disabling, thworried I will take more, but my husband sorts out my stuff and gives to me when needed he won't give me more if it's not due yet. I can't take aspirin or the other ones that are contain ibu due to a stomach thing. I could use better function if getting off these rely helps with it, but I am so afraid of be in pain at all times. Do you think my pain will go away as dimentia gets worse? They not to love long ago put me on adderall so I could function better and it has helped me to come back from being non animated and anti social cuz I feel very stupid around people, to at least up and doing housework and spending more time with people but only ones that I know really well very close too. Have a good time and how is your pain now that you don't take any?

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Re: Really agitadated right shoulder Oxycontin guy who (# 34) Expand Referenced Message

I got it! Lol But seriously, you do have a point& they are working for the citizens. Unfortunately it's on the citizens that have lost a family member to an O.D.. Well if I die due to their neglect my family's gonna become much louder than those they've been representing cuz I've got allot of years left that may be taken from me either due to death or remaining bedridden thanks to no meds!

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Silverlining (# 30) --

Just trying to lighten things up a little. Is their anyone out there with any idea about a legal suit? To go after these imbeciles in gov't? The gov't has unlimited resources to delay&waste time in a never-ending/losing battle against us. Ironic we are the citizens paying these people to fight us,while we have to try and find anyone in the private sector to represent us pro bono. So, here's my comical (I'm hoping some of you out there will find it comical anyway). The law firm of Dewey Cheethem & Howe would best represent us. I'm referencing the Three Stooges here, for those of you out there not as old as I am. "Do We Cheat Them, and How"? Because, just saying, wouldn't a group of Stooges best be able to fight another group Stooges? I hope some of you out there will be accepting of my attempt at humor. To quote "laughter is the best medicine". Not trying to offend. Just trying to interject something "light" to as many of you out there, as lame as it may be, as I can. Thanks for listening/reading.

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Nope (# 29) --

Glad you live in a State that lets you get away with consuming marijuana AND get prescribed pain meds too. As I posted earlier I KNOW that in most States consuming marijuana will get you dismissed from any PM Office. There are posts on this site that back that up. IN MOST STATES it does not matter what the Doctor thinks about your marijuana use or if he/she cares. It comes down to the LAW in that State and locality. If people read your post and think that it will open the doors for consuming marijuana and getting their pain med prescriptions they will be sadly mistaken. IN MOST STATES that is a sure way to get thrown off a pain med regimen.

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Re: w john (# 21) Expand Referenced Message

I've instructed my family to go after both the Dr's&any gov types legally if I don't survive the heart attack my heart Dr is certain I will have due to being forced to dealing with this pain. If I did survive it I'M GOING FUL FORCE&MAKING AS MUCH NOISE ABOUT THIS ISSUE AS I CAN!

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Re: Kat (# 26) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Kat, do they have medical marijuana in your state? We do here, and I have a card, but my brother used to go to pain management and his doc didn’t care that he was “dirty” for marijuana. It surprised me because NH is a police state, but now they just need to see you have a card if they are worried about it.

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Re: Gregg (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

Can you share the doctors name in Chicago I need my daughter to change a doctor in Chicago thank you in advance

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Re: Really agitadated right shoulder Oxycontin guy who (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

I totally agree with you to talk, do petitions or whatever anyone can suggest to have us heard. I've even thought about writing the president but like that would really help, not. Point me in the right direction and I dont know for sure but I would think us chronic pain patients who have been on for years and aren't marked with a dr or pharmacy for any red flags, why get punished? By the way, I live in az and our governor is making my mental health dr ask me to chose between the pain pills or clonazepam for anxiety ive been taking for years now at a very small dose of 2 .5 mg a day. So im not going to only be more depressed, I will have no pain relief plus having anxiety over taking my anxiety medication away. Does anyone know of a petition going around to sign? The government are *****s. They freak out so they make pain clinics. You cant be a junkie or abusing when you sign a contract, pill counts, u/a... That was good for the people not abusing so why not leave them alone? I've said this many times, when the politicians show us their 2, 4, maybe 8 year dr license then I might listen.

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So sorry for what you and your dad are going through! Hang in there!

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Re: Kat (# 26) Expand Referenced Message

The marijuana debate will rage on until there is concrete medical proof and/or legislative relief instead of just opinions. Getting upset because an entity "doesn't understand" a situation will not get things done. Many rant and rave because they desire a different outcome but that will not correct a situation. It will take LEGISLATIVE ACTION to resolve this problem. For the time being if a person wants relief with prescribed pain medications one had better not consume marijuana. IN MOST STATES finding marijuana in either your urine or blood will get you removed from a pain management program.

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Re: Nope (# 18) Expand Referenced Message

I was "dismissed" (thrown out) of a pain management clinic in Kansas for using marijuana.
The doc said she could lose her license if she kept me as a patient. I don't know if that was true or not. I was given enough morphine and hydrocodone for a three week taper down. It was hell. Our state is woefully ignorant about the medical use of marijuana.

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Re: Patrice (# 24) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Patricia! I can't say exactly what will happen to you, however, each state, clinic, physician is being handled differently as are the patients. I really don't believe they have a true guide line to follow. I was in PM for 9 years and on Morphine, Oxycontin and Oxycodone along with Lyrica. I was taken from these drugs at a rather rapid pace and I personally confronted my physician and told him while I agree to withdraw from pain drugs we will have to go at a 15% decrease rather than 40-50%. He agreed, but I will tell you that it is still hard but you will feel better mentally and somewhat physically. I use advil 12hr daily it helps but it does not take away the pain. I also use Advil PM to sleep this too helps. I am afraid as far as the government agencies are concerned we pain sufferers are just going to have to "tuff it". Makes me wonder if they tuff out the pain or take meds because their pain is so excruciating and they are important.

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I have been on pain meds (Norco 10s) for 10 years going from one up to 5 a day a little while ago, can't remember when I started 2 morphine Er 30 and went down to 3 Norco for pain that I still have daily. This has helped a lot. I have fibro, 6 knee surgeries, I have a disease in my knees called chondromalacia and I have severe arthritis in my back. I get occasional shots in my hips and I get radio frequency shots back. Thank you.

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Re: Verwon (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

My first post was about Keri. I think number 15 said that in 12 months no opioids will be available for anyone anywhere according to laws coming out something like that. So my question to you was do you know anything about this? And what should us people in pain that have legitimate pain and are legitimate patients of pain doctors do if this is going to happen? Should we try to cut down in advance to avoid a serious medical issue like coma or would this be wrong because it would show in our U/A, or will they slowly take us off these drugs to help with withdrawal as we slowly experience even more pain than we have while taking them overtime getting worse because we're without our medicine? This really scares me as I am in pain even with my medicines and I'd hate to go back to where I was before but it even scares me more to go completely without all at once, so I'm wondering what is the best thing for us to do, or will they give doctors notice so they can cut us down? Sorry if I'm not real clear. I try really hard as I have early onset dementia also and am in the next stage after early onset but I'm still here as most of me but not all of me at times which are getting more frequent. As I said thank you for your knowledge and participation in this site as it has helped me with all my medicines I take and I really take your advice seriously because you seem to know what you are talking about. I don't mean that all people don't know what they're talking about, I just mean you seem to have a legitimate medical degree or something like that. Thanks.

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VERWON (# 3) --

The last post that I did was actually for you I did not know I needed to type your name at the top. When I say that I think you might be connected to the site I don't mean any wrong or suspicion. By that I just mean that you've been on every medicine that I take that has had questions on and you always know the answers which is very beneficial and I thank you very much for having this knowledge. That is why I'm asking you because you usually seem to have the correct answers other than other people just saying what they heard. I did ask my pain doctor about this recently but before I read this post and he stated that the government is coming down on all Dr's but he does not know what's to come. he said we'll just go as we go until they get notice of whatever is going to happen. and this might be all the information we get. I am just really scared of ever having to go without many of my medications due to my illnesses and pain. I don't believe my other medicines that are not related to this will be a problem but I guess we never know. Thank you again for all your knowledgeable information, I tend to take your answers very seriously. and I know you have the best interest for all in mind that are really going through this, and we as patients of real p.m. doctors know that we have a risk of addiction because they tell us this in the beginning and throughout our visits. if this happens do you think there will be a slow down of prescriptions to let us go off them slowly or will they just cut us off if this happens? This is very scary to learn for all of us patients that really need them to live a somewhat normal life, I cannot work anymore but my pain meds and other meds that help with anxiety bipolar dementia and so on help me to at least do housework and smaller stuff like that, do you also know with dementia as you get worse and become withdrawn and forgetful, do you think the pain goes away in your brain because you don't recognize it?

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Re: Silverlining (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

You are so correct about being ignored by the various State and Federal legislators. I have contacted almost all of them (that represent my area) about this exact issue and have been totally ignored. No response whatsoever. This topic is the only one that I have been totally ignored on. One of the main areas that is concerning is that manufacturers are being sued and many of them just capitulate to the activist groups because they know it will take millions to defend themselves while the activist groups are represented by volunteer lawyers or State D.A. Offices. They know that they are fighting a losing cause but all they want to do is get the manufacturers to stop making the pain meds and it is working in many cases. Even if a manufacturer took a case to trial and won and were awarded their Court costs and Attorney's fees that the "activist groups" would just desolve and their would be no one there to pursue their award from. It is one thing to get a judgement. Collecting on that judgement is another issue altogether.

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Re: Really agitadated right shoulder Oxycontin guy who (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

I so wish my uncle hadn't passed away last year. He was a very respected & high position holding supreme court lawyer & politician. He fought for the "little guy" so to speak. He would've been all over this B.S.! I used to talk with & email the state senator for ct on behalf of the ASPCA. But this one I'm sure he'd ignore. Very sad!

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