Help Me Find A Doctor To Prescribe Klonopin, Adderall And Chronic Pain Meds (Page 5) (Top voted first)


I moved to Minnesota and need to find a Doctor to prescribe Klonopin and Adderal or Dexadrine. I have high anxiety and panic disorder and can barely leave the house. I also have ADHD and can't start or finish anything without becoming stuck. I have chronic pain and was forced to start a Methadone program. I don't want to take it but have no choice because the pain is so bad. I am looked at like a "drug seeker" but I need my medication and don't know what to do.

102 Replies (6 Pages)

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Re: Nstar (# 43) Expand Referenced Message

Yes I have Epilepsy also Caused From Nerve Damage. The Doctors Tried Me on A,Numerous Of Medication For Seizures. After Trying Every thing They Tried me On Klonopin. A Low Dose I don't Abuse it. But Odd to Say I have Not has Any More Epilepsy Fits Since they Put me on it For Muscle Twitches. It was the last Resort but Worked.

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Re: Rita (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Clonazepam has saved my life! I have panic attack disorder and was housebound until I was prescribed Clonazepam. There are hundreds of drugs which are known to interact with Clonazepam in major, moderate, or mild ways, so let your doctor know what other medications you are taking before you begin taking the medication.

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Re: Rita (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

No I've heard enough. I need Klonopin as it is the only med that helps me. I pick all the time if I don't have it. I'm better on them that for sure...

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Re: robin (# 18) Expand Referenced Message

Looking for Klonopin provider in OKC AREA???

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Re: William (# 15) Expand Referenced Message

Needing Dr. Who is willing to prescribe Klonopin in OKLA. CITY area and also NO MONTH WAITLIST????

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Re: Is it really worth it Yeah Buddy (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

What is your answer for the long term with insurance? Have been trying to find one either locally or telehealth (I'm Washington State)

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Can anyone help me find a doctor in WA State (specifically the Bellevue/Redmond area) who prescribes Klonopin or Diazepam and takes United Healthcare? I have had a hard time finding anything and it's taken me 2 months just to get the courage to post this for my social anxiety and panic attacks. I'm not looking to get Xanax because I don't want to feel high or black out, and I have tried almost every holistic approach to find nothing works.

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I am in the same boat myself but I finally dosed off methadone cause I hated the clinic, it wasn't the right enviroment for me but the medicine was fine and IF there was a way I could get it prescribed I would take it but I cannot go to the druggie clinic! I do have a doc that prescibes me adderal though.... I am looking for someone to prescribe me methadone (small amount 5-10mg) and/or pain meds to allow for me to take 2-4 a day...

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Please heed her advice! I am still taking Klonopin, I take it exactly as prescribed by my doctor. My body is used to the dose now, I am going through withdrawl and I have not lowered the dose.

I am very scared for my future. If it is this bad now, how bad will it be when I taper off?

Stay away from benzos like Klonopin please!!!!

I was given it when I had a problem, now it is the problem!

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That's not always true. I take ritilan and have to take .5mg klonopin for seizure, although they do counteract. First, go ahead and take the test with a new psychiatrist to see about your ADHD. I'm not sure of course, but it doesn't sound like you have it.
The anxiety cycle is a horrible trap to get into. I feel for you. I am a psychologist and have some ideas that you may not have thought of.
The pain is something that I don't even think doctors know what to do about.. The problem is that you develop a tolerance to the pain meds, and need more and more to help, which could cause conditions that might kill you.

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Adderall and Klonopin will cancel each other out. This is why they won't give them both. It makes no sense. I am not saying you are lying, but taking a tranquilizer and an amphetamine together well, they will work against each other

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Detoxing off coke isnt as physical as benzos. If your complaint of benzos is withdrawal, it seems if you had a so called coke withdrawal, you are obviously a dual diagnosed ppatient. You should have never been prescribe benzos in first place. You probably ate more and more each month and it started looking obvious to your doctor. Benzos are a miracle drug taken as prescribed. People with addictive personality should never be on benzos. Good luck with all your addictions.

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Ok now I really have to jump in here. If you have ever been addicted to real pretty much non cut coke then you really only should have been going through mental withdrawals. More than likely you had been having coke laced with opioids to make you physically addicted. Oh and ce cee if you haven't quit taking illicit drugs you and your girlfriend nina need to give methadose TX a chance. #Someone who has

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Oh Dear God William! My heart goes out to you! I haven't been on any Klonopin at all for almost seven months and I am still suffering from withdrawal syndrome. It has a name we discovered. It's called Protracted Benzodiazepine Withdrawal Syndrome, not that that is any comfort. If all I can do with this agony is to use it to warn others to stay away from these horrible drugs, then that is what I will do. There is a site called benzo.orguk (not sure if I spelled that all exactly right but I think it will come up ok) that may be of some help! God bless you, William, you will be in my prayers!

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Thank you Rita, I hope that by us writing here people will see the RED FLAGS.

I also hope you start feeling better!

To anyone reading this, I was NOT told how this medicine would act. I had no money and had to go to the county hospital for what I thought was a heart attack.

I was driving on an 8 lane highway and was driving over a bridge when I had my first attack, I was never so scared in my life.

At this time I was, along with my mom, taking care of my dad who had parkinsons, he needed to be watched 24/7. I got very little sleep at the time, which was probably the main reason for the panic.

The Doc. explained it as a "mild sedative", their were warning with the drug info that said it could cause dependence. The Doc told me that was only in "rare cases", I believed him.

That was at 0.25mg, he got me all the way up to 2.0 mg twice daily. This doctor told me that I needed the dose increase. When my father passed on in 2004, the doctor told me that since my "problem" was over he was going to take me off, he cut my dose in half, I thought I was going to die. My brother got me in to see his doctor, he immediately put me back to the dose I was on, he told me to relax for a week and come back. I felt "normal" again. When I went back the Doctor told me that my former doctor was a fool and trying to cut me down so quickly could have given me a seizure.

The doctor I go to now has tried very hard to get me off klonopin, by trying SSRI's and other medicines to ween me off this stuff, even 1/10th reduction, and I can't sleep, or drive because I get so funny feeling.

He has been trying for two years to help me, he can't find the right combo for me. I wish I would have went to him in the begining, he only prescribes klonopin in an emergency. He despises it for the reasons I've said. He is keeping me on it now because he is more concerned with what will happen if he takes me off it.

It is not fun, I have never abused it or taken more than told, yet, I have to see him at least once a month and he will not ever, no matter how much he trusts me give me more than a 30 day supply.

This is a hassle to try and live my life and have to always worry about my appointments and prescriptions.
If I miss my appointment, I will have no medicine.

I do respect my doctor though, he is doing this because of what this medicine is, a menace.

Please, I beg you, listen to Rita and I, if your doctor won't start you on Klonopin, he or she is a GOOD Doctor!!!

Best of luck to you Rita and everyone else here.


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Please, if possible, take some educated trustworthy person with you if you go to a mental health center or an er. Our local mental health center (which changes psychiatrists as you would your underwear) are the ones who got me hooked on Klonopin to begin with. Every time they changed psychiatrists, the new fellow would change everyone's diagnosis and meds and therapy. I had my diagnosis changed three times and none of them were correct. I was given all kinds of different drugs and yanked back off of them with no preparation depending upon what the diagnosis of the day was. I can't speak for anyone else's but our mental health center is a joke! (Or it would be a joke if it weren't for the tragedy it has wrought in patients' lives). Then our local ER kept sending me home time after time unable to catch my breath and calling it anxiety attacks. This happened for about ten months. Finally my son got furious and took me to another hospital where they didn't know about my bipolar. There they actually scanned me and found my gallbladder needed out pronto, I have a growth in my lung, and probable GERD all which can cause shortness of breath. I could've died! I frankly don't trust anyone in the medical profession anymore and my son (who has a degree in Psychology) and I do tons of research before I'll take any new meds or agree to any nonemergency treatment. With the emergency treatment you just kind of close your eyes and pray as you get on board the roller coaster.

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To anyone who likes to research their meds before they become a problem, here is the website for benzos like Klonopin, etc. I spelled it wrong earlier and I want you to have access to this information. What you do with it is up to you. But it's your right to have access to it.

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Allison, instead of coming online moaning and groaning that you can't get your fix, why not try and do something healthy and constructive like walking, exercising or meditation? Do you really think your going to score your drugs online? Get real!

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Run! Don't walk away from Klonopin which is a horribly addictive drug. There are literally thousands of letters on the Internet, (including mine!) describing the horrors of this drug which can actually CAUSE panic attacks! I had mild anxiety when prescribed this pill but I did not have panic attacks! Now I wake up every morning in excruciating anxiety (and this is AFTER I have been off the medicine more than a month!) It took me more than four months of hellish withdrawal to taper off of the drug and I am still so sick from it that I cannot work, am on disability, wake up shaking, heart pounding, anytime I sleep, whether it's nighttime sleep, or if i even just drift off in a chair for 5 minutes! I repeat, the withdrawal was horrible with vomiting, heart palpitations that sent me to the hospital thinking I was having a heart attack, violent panic attacks that had me throwing my body onto the floor! And no doctor can tell me when this is going to end! Run for your life! God bless you! PS> My Psychologist is an ex-cocaine addict and he says it's almost as hard to get off of Klonopin as to get off of cocaine!

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It isn't just my say so, it's the say so of many in the psychiatric profession and psychological profession who are no longer prescribing Klonopin at all because it is so dangerous and highly addictive. Getting off of it can be as horrible as detoxing from cocaine. (I know because I had to do it!) I would be doing a disservice if I didn't bring up a different point of view. It's not preaching to give people information that might not otherwise be available to them. They don't have to do anything with the information or go to the website and, if they think it's working for them, then more power to them. However, it's a free country and I have every right to express my viewpoint however painful that might be to you. If I can help one person, it will be more than enough to offset any aggravation I cause you or you cause me. Let people make up their own minds and be educated on both sides of the debate, not just yours. Enough said!

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