Generic Norco M367 10/325 (Page 2) (Top voted first)


It's no good. I have to take three at a time for 1 hour of pain relief. Anybody else have this problem with M367 - 10/325? Has anyone else noticed that meds from certain manufacturers do not work as well for them?

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I now have to take oxycodone10/325 to even do anything they seem to last around 3to 4 hours. Much better than norco 10

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No one should ever have to take 3 hydro#10!
Two of them,if they are real,would put me out!
The ER doc had me take one or two every 4 to 6 hrs.One & a half every 4hrs.was good if I need it,but my PC will only let me have 1 every 8 hrs.!

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What I've noticed are the expiration dates. I have Norco m367, and expire in 2016. So far so good. I noticed this when I started using a hospital related pharmacy, the pain pills always expire in a year or less. But, I know there can b just crappy generics, I have 2 mg xanax. I usually get yellow bars, once my pharm gave me a white bar n did not work. I called my pharmacist gave them the ndc # for yellow, n no prob since. Ask before u get them the exp date, should b at least 2 years. Good luck.

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I'm located in Tomball, TX. I go to Gloyers Pharmacy. Go to Wallgreens or were ever but ask them first what brand they have before you let them fill the prescription.

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Walgreen have name brands and they seem to work for me hope that helps

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Siglam, I agree and those of us in metro Detroit might do something about it. A gal named Gail is looking into to talking to an attorney and at least finding out what our options are. I hope something can be done. At the very least we may find out why these so called shortages are taking place and what they intend to do. I've been taking Norco for almost 9yrs now and must have them due to past polio and the pain that comes with it. I'm not putting up with being treated as an addict looking for a fix. I don't know if the chain drug stores are doing this on their own or are being told to. I hope we can all find out.

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If they have changed the formula to stop abuse then that explains why we are not getting the pain relief. I am going to the doc on Monday to see what my options are about switching to a totally different medicine. I do not care about the "high", I just need effective pain relief and would again appreciate not being vilified as a "drug addict". We are all being let down by the government, the pharmacies and the medical community. In medicine, the golden rule is "Do no harm", well guess what? You are doing harm to people that are begging for your help to relieve their misery and pain!

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You are all so correct regarding the bad side effects from the M367s. They made me so sick and didn't help the pain. My pharmacist told me to ask for Qualitest brand, and she writes that on the prescription. The problem is when I check to see if a particular pharmacy has it in stock, they won't tell me, as they consider this "pill shopping." Unfortunately, there is only one pharmacy in the town where I live and they won't fill it for me. Lame excuses that make no sense, like that is too big a quantity for one person-they aren't making enough money on it, being another. I have to drive 2 hours each way to pick up my script and spent several hours this past month trying to find a pharmacy with Qualitest generic. The only luck I had was for a smaller dose (7.5 instead of 10). Finally, I have worked it out with my doctor and the mail order pharmacy my insurance is now requiring me to use to write it for a 90-day supply. I still have to drive to pick up the script, and the doctor puts "Qualitest brand substitutions" on it, so i hope all goes well. I will let you know later on this month when it is time to be filled. I still think government regulations now in effect are the reason for all these problems.

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I had the same problem I talk to my pharmacist and he said since they all have the same amount of the main pain reliever hydrocodone I could try taking one Tylenol with it since it only has 325 mgs of acetaminaphen....Tylenol ... and that acts as a booster to the hydrocodone. He said if adding one Tylenol to my dose didn't help ask my doctor about changing to oxycodone ie Percocet but not to add more than one Tylenol to dose bcuz of liver. That worked for a long time but eventually I did talk with my doc and he put me on rocicet 10 mg which is plain oxycodone with no acetaminaphen but it works great

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Because the M367 in made by Mallinckrodt. Since the new laws went into effect October 6, all I have been able to find is Mallinckrodt and Actavis 10-325s.

Target used to be the place to go fore the yellow Watson 10-325s. Now they use Mallinckrodt. At CVS, 120 Mallinckrodt used to be $29; now it is $88. Save Mart had the yellow Watsons; now they have Mallinckrodt. I paid $37 for 120 Mallinckrodt at Save Mart a month ago; today they were $69.

Actavis norcos suck. Mallinckrodt is actually better, and it doesn't do much. People with real pain problems are going to be suffering something awful now, since any 10-325 norcos that work are no longer available.

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Watson is now Actavis. Got that from a family who is a Pharmacy Tech. He said patients come into their pharmacy a lot saying that certain brands are not working and request a different one. RiteAid says they won't do special orders. One tech told me that all they have now are the M367s. Gee, maybe we are not being told the truth? (imagine that)

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Peanut, I know how you feel when you describe the treatment we get in our pharmacies. I have been with RiteAid for many years. ALL of my prescriptions, not just pain meds. Have always asked questions. Now they look at me like I'm speaking a language they've never heard before and it is only when the subject is the Norcos. I have been telling them (calmly) that the Mallinkrodt white ones aren't keeping the pain tolerable. NOTHING takes it away, but it's better than nothing. Except now those are like nothing. Why keep putting our livers and kidneys in jeopardy for nothing. I keep waiting for a news story about this dilemma to come about.
Ronin, I hope you were able to get that rx problem solved. Does anyone know if we take a pain rx to a different pharmacy, do we have to transfer all of them? That's what I want to do but they have me so paranoid, will they take it and tell me to "hit the road". This whole thing is a nightmare
Sorry for the novel.

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Yes, it is lousy. I am not sure about having to transfer all of your prescriptions to one pharmacy, but our local pharmacy said they no longer would fill it for me as they are not making enough $$$ on it. I live in a small town with one pharmacy...the closest one 1 1/2 hours away. They know they have a monopoly. Now, I have to drive 2 hours each way to pick up the prescription each month, so I get it filled in town. I think it is terrible the way we are being manipulated with this government control/medical and prescriptions. So much for freedom.

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These medications are made in China for very very cheap. After any generic medication is validated as equal to the brand it is never again checked for quality. The inactive ingredients are often cheap fillers that in some cases make people sick. If someone has a medical condition the brand of medication can impact their quality of life. If you prefer a particular generic go to the pharmacy that carries that generic and be sure to call them ahead of time to be sure its in stock. Dont be shy when it comes to your health, its your responsibility to take care of your body. Pharmacist know which generics are garbage and which arent but they are trained to tell you otherwise. They are a company that wants to buy as cheap as possible to make the most profit. If they try to intimidate you with weird looks or say they cant tell you....MOVE ON! You can and are entitled to make those types of choices. I stick to the generics that work for my body and refuse to pay for some of the garbage they are pushing on us. If we all do this pharmacies will be forced to change their unethical business practicies and choose our welfare over their pockets. If you are to shy to speak up for yourself have your dr. write on your perscription you can only take a particular generic. They are there to help you.

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I used to be shy and scared of being labeled a drug addict. I learned very quick you can find a phatmacy who does have and will sell you yellow norcos.... complain. demand. I never have a problem. I've called 25 pharmacies before. It's my body, my responsibility.

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Yes, exact same, sometimes have to take an extra half. So sad, to be in so much pain and they give U so many because they know the medicine is no good, yet their favorite two come back words is addiction and liver. Pain causes depression, major especially when the doctors refuse to help. The Doctors carry a lot of blame, they started the downhill of pain medication by illegally selling pain meds to patients for greed. They start getting busted and now they're scared to write a prescription. It's sad for people who have to live with a lifetime of legitimate pain?

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That was a great post. Too many people have said exactly what you have said about the generic Norco. I find that I cannot do the shopping or anything that requires me to be on my feet for more than five minutes. I have had to accept this. I talked to my pharmacist and they order the same Activis all of the time. My physician has trouble knowing how to e file so I must call in every month even if I saw him one month before. In my state there are too few family physicians.

CVS treated me like a criminal. They had the Mallincroft but they count days and on day 29 I just brought in a written prescription. I planned to pick it up the next day but the female pharmacist told me she was not going to fill it and she said she had that power. She accused me of being addicted. I have never taken more than prescribed and I had the pain management and all of the treatments that have harmed me more than helped me. That is why I switched to Walgreens and they treat me with respect. It hurts to be judged because we have pain.

I do not understand why we are told to take a more expensive drug. I was fighting to stay on my diabetic pills. I have medicare and drug coverage. The pills I take cover me for 24 hours and the new drug does not. We are victims here.
I fought and my physician fought to keep me on the drug that has controlled my diabetes for five years. For a while I had to pay out of pocket. What is going on here?

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In my state CA they are passing SB 482. I think it went through. I read the entire bill.
It is a handcuff on all doctors trying to make them stop prescribing pain meds and if they do they must register and a physician must send in reports every four months. There are limitations on new pain prescriptions. I know almost all states have adapted these rules. They started up in 2015 according to what I read. I read nothing about patients with real pain. It is abusive to all of us. Maybe someone here knows more about the new laws. We are all on a computer system and they know everything we take. We have no privacy any more. Maybe soon they will require a mug shot. I am angry.

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I called Walgreens HQ and filed a complaint to them about Walgreens selling Triss and the effect it has and how junk it is compared to Watson Actavis 10/325. They took a long report and I also explained how their mangers are treating their help. I wad getting Watson and now I have to pay a big dectuctable. I complained how greedy they are and I was gonna file with the FDA. Because the triss don’t meet the requirements on the pain it uses. I told them everybody is unhappy with there move of changing to this junk that does not work. I will post the complaint on Medschat if they will let the public see how greedy Walgreens is. And they also are hurting their customers badly they are losing business as I post this. I want public to know what they are doing do not open your bag if it has triss instead of Watson. Oh by the way there is no shortage which Walgreens lies to the public just to buy cheap brand. I am still waiting a reply from HQ about this matter. They are greedy and liars. Please believe me. I am telling you the public the truth.

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I don't think they give a damn and frankly don't know what the options are for those of us that suffer from debilitating pain. If you question this subject, you are looked at like a junkie even though you have medical results from MRI's and x-rays. When I told my Dr. about the white M367's not working he told me they are changing the narcotic pills ingredients so they can't be abused. Well hell, what about the majority of us who don't have any thoughts about doing that?

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