Generic Norco M367 10/325 (Page 3) (Top voted first)


It's no good. I have to take three at a time for 1 hour of pain relief. Anybody else have this problem with M367 - 10/325? Has anyone else noticed that meds from certain manufacturers do not work as well for them?

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That is all RiteAid carries in Northern CA
I told them that the Mallinkrodt sp? are worthless. They don't give a hoot. Was also told that if we make requests of certain manufacturers, colors etc. that we could end up with nothing. Wouldn't put it past them.

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Hi Sandy, I as well as others are curious I'm sure, to see what your Drs solution will be. I told my Dr of 9 yrs the same about the Mallinkrodt not working for my pain. Was pretty much told that to make waves about this could end up with me getting nothing. So not right. I have not ever caused a problem with early refills, going to another Dr or pharmacy. I go see mine tomorrow and still don't quite know what to say anymore. Used to be able to approach him about anything and now don't appreciate being treated the way a lot of us are now.
Happy New Year to All! Think positive thoughts if you can.

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Wow...this whole situation is just so unbelievable. With each post I read it really brings it home that this could be done to us in this day and age. My Dr told me today that companies making the "real" medications that we have been legally prescribed and taking and that helped us to function in everyday life no longer exist because of others abusing them. This solution they have stupidly come with is harebrained and not very well thought out.

I called the pharmacy that has been filling all my prescriptions for years to see if the Norcos were in stock. Never had to do it in the past but after being on this site and hearing what so many of you have been going through, I thought I best do it. Glad I did too. They told me they were in stock at that moment but they couldn't promise me that tomorrow they would. Asked them to please hold them and I would be there in 15 min. Luckily I was that close. We all have to contact our Congress people and pray that someone can and will open their damn eyes. Kind of hard to get a Happy New Year out but there it is anyway. All Take Care

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I did write to my Congressman, Duncan Hunter. He has always come through for me with issues I have had in the past. I will let you all know when he replies and what he suggests. Have a great New Year, all. Let's hope that 2015 will be the year of resolutions to all our woes, including the Norco issue.

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Saw my rheumatologist and she told me she has had many patient complaints about it and that she will write on my prescription "Qualitest" only. That is the brand that works and I am sticking with it. I just hope the pharmacy has it when I go to town to pick it up. Otherwise, I have to drive around and try to find one that does, unless the pharmacy clerk will call ahead for me, which she has done before. Best wishes to all of you that your pain will be handled.

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Sometimes I feel the pharmacies do it on purpose. I took a friend with me once to pick up my script, and he said they made me feel like a drug addict.. and it's true, RITE AID in LA BREA, CA constantly tells me they dont have my script, then once, they stated that, then they filled it the same day! hmmmmm... and the manager wont accept that, said it was my error, yea, i'm fd on pills i dont remember stuff, bs.. i remember s***, esp when it comes to my meds.. lol

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I wonder why this never was a problem in the past with the quota thing. People who are abusing pills will always find a way to get them. The chronic pain sufferers who by no fault of their own are the ones this is hurting. The M367's are giving me a rash, sores on my scalp and my hair is falling out. They also make my throat itch. I am going to talk to a different pharmacist. Some just don't give a damn, they are the ones that get pissed when you interrupt them for a consult. Thank God not all of them are like that. A friend who works in a pharmacy told me they order the yellow Norcos when someone is having a allergic reaction to another brand. Guess I will find out.

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Telee, I doubt the majority of people on this site are taking these pain meds recreationally. It is rather an insult to insinuate that. I, for one, have been in chronic pain for a number of years and the meds I take are the only ones that work so that I can lead a near-normal life.

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Sandy I 2nd what you said and totally agree. Those of us who are dealing with chronic pain and HAVE to take the pills we do would much rather not. It is not because we want to feel high. Unfortunately because of the recreational users and abusers, our lives are now impacted even more. Having to jump through all these damn hoops and for some of us it's turned our lives upside-down. Then we have all of the short sighted thinkers who lump us all into one group. Addict junkies and that irks me to no end. All we want is to be able to function without the pain that use to keep us in tears and hardly able to move. That is not a life.

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Watson is no longer its now Actavis and they are horrible not the same anymore the pills don't work like they did they claim they only took out the dye I swear they took more then the dye out cause they don't work just taking one. So try to find a Pharmacist that doesn't deal with Actavis I know Walgreens here in Tn. deals with them. Good Luck

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It could be due to the formulary for your insurance. But let me start with a disclaimer that I'm not a paid medical expert, including pharmacy.

Now, it's 2016. The laws have changed, of course. I've been having this issue for several years now, mostly in the last year. They've punished the honest people once again, who truly use the drug for the right reasons & as prescribed. And who really do need it. Mallinckrodt 366, 367 or 357, just all the white ones I've had since 2012, even the red specked ones, are pure junk. They only put me to sleep. No wakey, no houseworky. I went to 7.5mg bc the yellow 5mg weren't effective enough. Tolerance isn't really an issue bc I take a couple days off from taking it, typically on off days from work here & there, so there's no addiction or tolerance issue with me. I don't have an addictive personality, thus I'm lucky in that sense. The yellow 7.5/325 generic work (for me), PERIOD. I can't remember the manufacturer. I read in this thread that M366, M367, M3whoknowswhat (all Mallinkrodt generic Norco / hydrocodone APAP that I've personally been dispensed at some point) is weaker & CHEAPER, however, I've been informed that's not the case. It's made in St Louis, MO, according to my pharmacist (and the internet). She just told me they're actually MORE EXPENSIVE than the yellow brand that actually works properly (for me). What's even more perplexing is the fact that my insurance currently, is Medicaid/Aetna Better Health of MO! I'd probably get more pain relief if I went & drank a gallon of polluted (by byproducts) Mississippi River water downstream from the new plant they're building. [- sarcasm, just in case anyone thinks I'm actually crazy enough to do that lol].

On a quick side note, does anyone else find it awfully *strange* how my insurance makes my pharmacy give me some of my pharmaceuticals, in the name brand, even when there's generics which work fine (unlike these Mallinckrodt C2 medications, Norco - which I've never had the name brand)? E.g. Adderall, Valtrex, etc. Note that I'm fortunate enough (? I'd prefer to be healthy, honestly) to be covered by a government funded Medicaid program (a HUGE thank you to all the other taxpayers, who help me to have coverage - I'm legitimately "entitled", so seriously THANK YOU VERY MUCH). But why would a government program mandate the most expensive option on certain medications? HMMM...

Anyway, my pharmacist said to make sure to tell them next month, a couple of days before AND once they get the Rx. They'll hold off filling it until they can get the yellow ones. I told them I'll wait for the yellow before I just take the white Mallinckrodt brand again - they're practically a waste of money, especially knowing they're wholesale pricing is HIGHER!

So if you're wondering if "it's just you...", it's probably not (your imagination). Therefore, BEFORE YOU LEAVE THE PHARMACY, CHECK TO SEE WHAT THEY GAVE YOU! TALK TO THE PHARMACIST IF YOU HAVE THIS SAME ISSUE, BEFORE YOU LEAVE THEIR SIGHT!!! If you walk out the door, they cannot, by law, take it back (since drug abusers have given reason to make it a major deal --C2 in the US-- to be relieved of pain for those who really need it).

I've been paying attention to this issue for myself, so I had called in advance twice before this fill from Monday, to my pharmacy, to make sure they had the yellow ones in stock. Yes & yes. But by the time I got the PAPER Rx to them (the same day), they were out of the yellow. It's a small town pharmacy, and I love them. They're great! But, they're controlled by the insurance mandates &/or what their wholesaler can get in stock. It's not necessarily 'CVS getting the cheaper & weaker brand to save money', as my pharmacist (who orders the controlled substances) told me today when I called bc I wanted to bring that [M367] crap back. But alas, I had it delivered so once it's gone, there's no going back/exchange for a controlled/scheduled drug in the US. I'm not sure about the unscheduled drugs, or if all pharmacies have to abide by that same law. It may be different in different states, I'm not sure.

I was advised by another pain sufferer who is prescribed Norco/generic & has the same problem, to report the problem, in detail, to the government site. I believe it's In headed over there now. I'm finally tired of this bc I DID think "it's just me". That maybe since I have to take several other medications for epilepsy (JME, which requires me to take Lamictal/lamotrigine that's also for bipolar - I take it for the JME - thankfully, I don't have that additional diagnosis, Keppra along & PRN diazepam) & a couple others, such as Lyrica for the nerve pain from injuries from grand mal seizures (outdated, I know but whatever lol - this is MY comment & MY life, dangit!)

Sorry if I'm confusing in my writing, I don't take Adderall anymore bc I'm trying to control the ADHD with other methods & naturally. Yippee.

Thanks for reading. Please feel free to tell me I'm wrong, argue, agree, etc. Just bc I have illnesses, injures, pain & am heavily medicated for such, doesn't mean my brain doesn't still work, or that my feelings need be spared all the time! I'll be ok :)

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Yes!! I cannot take them, it's useless medicine being dumped in my body. It's ridiculous for pharmacists/doctors to say its the same meds as of 4 years ago. They have compromised and taken at least 80/90% of the pain meds out. So all we're really getting is a plain & regular tylenol.

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I can contribute with my academics & my empiric knowledge acquired over the span of 16 years of taking these kind of narcotics for chronic as well as post-op severe pain. Dr. Dean Edell (the most knowledgeable Dr. that I have known of) who had a radio talk show for over 30 years with the ABC network & quite often replied to questions on opioids. I did & do concur with his opinion, that if you take 3 or even 4 10 MGL for any kind of pain, you are within the normal range of usage of these medications. If one takes more than 5 or 6 of this type of medications & you are 30 days or more out of a surgery; you have crossed the line between DEPENDENCE & addiction. I am 75 years of age & I depend on these type of medications, as a pain attenuation, but never take more than 3 in a 24 hour period. Most of us, the elderly, do have a dependence on some kind of medication; not an addiction. Any Congressman or politician in general that believes the lies about THE OPIOID EPIDEMIC, should go back to a university & take a refresher course on political science. The epidemic is alcohol. Anyone under 60? years of age should need to prove a genuine need for these type of narcotics. Laws should be stern; so that no young kids can get their hands on these medications, to mix them with any other substance, to get a "real high" that will end up killing them. No narcotics for the young ones!

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Re: John H (# 540) Expand Referenced Message

I have posted several other replies to the cowardly formed coalition of the nefarious & demoniacal minds of politicians & their friends at the drug manufacturing companies. The opioid epidemic is an economical political maneuver, perpetrated by all giant health providers, that lobbied (bribed) top U. S. officials, with manipulated use of pain killers, to spread the false alarm called: OPIOID EPIDEMIC. Yes. there is an epidemic, but it is/was created by the medical community that were prescribing tons of these strong medications to YOUNG PUNKS, that will use anything & everything that will give them the highest HIGH. Even so, the deaths attributed to opioid or similar abuse of strong medications by these young punks, was recorded to just over 16,000. 95% of them were under 55 years of age. The deaths attributed to the use of alcohol, including drunk drivers, was over 1.6 million. The 2018 report of the fake "opioid epidemic" shows over 40,000 deaths; but not a single death from opioid overdose, was attributed to individuals over 60 years of age. The elderly should be allowed to be addicted to either: ADDICTED TO PAIN or ADDICTED TO PAIN KILLERS. The choice is clear, to anyone with the intelligence of a 4 year old: LET THE ELDERLY HAVE SOME PAIN RELIEF. -NOT ABUSE- no more than 4.5, 10 367 or equivalent, per day. But not a single opioid or strong pain killer to young punks. Information deducted from scientific (M. D.) Dr. Dean Edel.

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All i did was call the pharmacy and asked for the yellows cause of the reviews for sode affects posted online and they gave me yellows in exchange worth a try if you must have them i dont tell a differance eaither way not a big pill taker anyways just when my foot hurts

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Same here, sick and no pain relief. Will they never have the yellow 10/325s anymore?

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I am not getting any pain relief! I feel labeling and schedule change was not the only change done to the Norco's 10/325. It is as if the narcotic is missing or greatly reduced. Something is not right, I have two chronic conditions that are not being managed by the above and wonder what to do? Everyone thinks you are an addict now, what a shame and a disgrace! I have to believe the truth will come out and the people that truly need pain relief, finally get it!

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I have been told Kaiser carries the yellows but that doesn't do anything for us without Kaiser Ins. Ronin, you really are good with getting your thoughts written down and saying it like it is. Now if we could get someone to listen to help get this rectified.

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Beagle, you are one of the very few that seem to feel anything when taking the M367. Obviously they have made their changes so abusers can't misuse them. Which is a good idea. But when there are legit people with long chronic pain history and plenty of medical records to prove it and due to conditions that are only going to degenerate and cause more pain with time. It's downright cruel to all of a sudden not care about managing peoples pain. It's true, look at all the posts here on this subject. Think of how many would speak up if they knew who would listen and where to go.

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I still have a problem here in Michigan. A pharmacy told me that whether you go to one pharmacy or the other, if no one has it you will still go into withdrawals, so you might as well wait for me to get it, then proceeds to charge me double of what I paid last month, this should be criminalized as price gouging and intimidation. I have been told that the pharmacy's have quotas, or a certain amount they are allotted and then they can't get anymore for a while. So I see that this will continue to happen. When a pharmacy is out, people go to the next one they hear that has it, then they run out and so on and so on... a vicious cycle that will never end unless someone with some intelligence intervenes! I want to go to one pharmacy, as this hopping is not good for my health, neither is this stress!

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