Glyx-13 Discussion (Page 2)
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There seems to be some demand for a GLYX-13 discussion (now known as Rapastinel) so I would like to start one here.
Any suggestion for a med for someone who has tried almost everything for depression and anxiety for over 25 years.going to my pdoc on wed, this is the worst I have ever been and I am scared. Please help. Thank you. Trish
The open label I am hearing about, reportedly to start in June 2014, is referred to as an "estension." I hope that is different than the phase 3 starting in 2015! Thank you for the heads up!
Naurex's website says the phase III trial of glyx-13 won't start until 2015.
Phase 2a trial of NRX-1074 is supposed to be starting now, though. No cities listed for that one yet, unfortunately. I'm trying to find out if there will be a study site in southern California.
You're right, it's hard to explain, especially to anyone who's never been a sufferer.
If I had to describe it, I'd say it was like a rip current of fatigue and apathy that's constantly trying to pull me under.
Yeah, the waiting is maddening, but if they got fast track approval from the FDA, that's a good sign that it's going to happen eventually.
I have a feeling that we won't see the open label study starting before the summer, though. Who knows why these things take as long as they do; we just have to be patient (which is hard when you desperately want to feel better, I know).
This is incredible. This same group of people that bounce from the ketamine forum to the glyx-13 forum. We must all have the same genetic abnormality that presumably is a glutamate dysfunction. For what it's worth I'll share my cocktail if it's helpful to anyone else. I'm also anxiously awaiting glyx-13 availability. Everybody's dose is going to be a function of their own biology so I'll just post the agents. It would be very interesting to see how many of us are on similar therapies and try to pinpoint the ones most effective. It doesn't seem at this point that I can get along without anyone of them and together there is only a partial response but it keeps me alive. Thank G-d.
1. riluzole
2. venlefaxine
3. omega 3 Mood Formula (country life)
4. lorazepam (don't know how necessary it is for the depression but I do know there is an addiction at this point and I simply am not at the point where I can start to modulate this)
I really hope to G-d that all of those who are suffering will have their suffering eliminated. There are no words to describe the pain and dysfunction of this disease.
@Daisey.... This is madening. I am getting worried.
Yeah. Makes me wish they'd hurry up and get the next trial underway!
Great news! I hadn't heard that.
Read last month that the FDA just granted Naurex fast track approval for glyx-13, btw.
So that's good news...
This probably doesn't bear repeating, but could anyone who hears when the glyx-13 phase III study launches post it here? I'll do the same if/when I hear.
Right, it's supposed to be the sponsors who decide whether the study's unblinded. Hope you find out.
@daisy. The local study center manager doesn't believe he can tell me (which makes no sense to me). I finally insisted he consult with those running the study. I am waiting to hear back.
I keep looking for a new glyx-13 study on, but haven't seen anything so far.
I was told that some sponsors unblind their studies and some don't, but it seems like if you were going into the open label study, they'd tell you what you were on in the previous study?
I heard from the Chicago GLYX-13 study site this morning. Still no protocol for the open label study but I am told it is still planned. I am trying to find out if I was on placebo or not without luck.
I'm curious as to whether you got a reply from Dr. Moskal?
Thanks for your reply I will follow up with my guy who is DR. Brookls at NY Ketamine , The other question I have is a saw someone mention that they have bought Ketamine Online, I tried that is early January and got burned. Does anyone know a good supplier
well I had 2 last june and felt better , recently just had 4 over the last month in NYC and they were spaced out but did not get that same feeling and am pretty disappointed sine that was 2,000 , I have just heard about GYLX infussions from a girl on this site and tring to do some research, has anyone know about this
I shared the protocol somewhere here.... ketamine thread probably. It is a three phase trial in which they measure your ability to motabolize the drug and study withdrawal. There are only a few of us left as it winds down.
I've never heard of that--a clinical trial with an arm that combines a dose of the real drug with placebo. Hopefully you're on placebo.
Thank you in advance for sharing what you hear. I don't know whether I'll qualify for the open label study, but I'm definitely going to try if they run it here in San Diego.
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