Find A Doctor Savannah Ga (Top voted first)


I have been in soma for a long time on and off. I have tried every muscle relaxer/spasmodic out there. All of a sudden my dr won't prescribe soma anymore?? I have a disease that has no cure and I know what works for me. I have given an honest try with all the other muscle meds, but I am at my wit end. It is ok to give me oxycodone and fentanyl patches but the soma is a no? I don't understand. I would need less break through pain meds if I still was in the soma. I was doing so much better. I am disabled and I am having a hard time with going to urgent care whenever I'm having spasm or my muscles are locked. Any suggestions?

8 Replies

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Hello, JJ! How are you doing? I am very sorry about what you're going through.

There were new regulations put in place last year regarding what a doctor can prescribe, how much they can prescribe and why. Since Soma is so frequently abused, they are trying to keep it from being used so often, so it can only be prescribed for certain very specific reasons. I wish it was different, but unfortunately, this is the way it stands right now.

What type of doctor are you seeing? You may do better with a specialist.

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I am in desperate need to find a doctor in Savannah who: 1. Accepts no insurance but does not charge astronomical fees; 2. Can refill my ADHD meds (adderall 30mg 2x day); 3. Can refill my anxiety meds (Xanax) and up my dosage from 2 mg per day. I have been on the above Rx, SAME dosage, for over 7 yrs now (since my mother's passing). I have been previously diagnosed with severe ADHD, severe Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Attacks, and OCD. Now, I have a 9 month old baby girl, found myself laid off two weeks ago, and am at my breaking point. The xanax dosage was effective prior to my becoming a mother, I went off all of my meds while pregnant, and although I have resumed them now, they aren't working anymore! My anxiety is horrible and the stress of everything has brought me to my breaking point! If anyone could please help with a referral, I would greatly appreciate it. I don't want to have another nervous meltdown ..... My child needs me and I need to be able to function to provide for my child.

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Hi Rose,

Sorry to hear about your current sad state of affairs. "Savannah Psychiatry" writes scripts for Adderall. I'm certain Xanax as we'll although it would be a different physician than one that specializes in ADD. Regarding payment; yes they accept patients w/o insurance & it's quite reasonable. $85 for follow-up appt or seldomly $100 contingent upon length of appt. However as is standard protocol everywhere the initial consultation appt would cost more than aforementioned quoted prices (i.e. approx $250-$300?). That said worth noting it is legit place; in other words it's not a "pill mill" by any means. They've always been very nice, fast & professional but I can only speak for myself. Anyhow if your legit, have med records & don't act a fool or exhibit typical "red flags" you should be fine. I do hope this helps you & your able to procure your desperately needed meds here sooner than later. Good luck!

PS: Assuming it was mistake on your behalf but you'll have far better luck receiving help if you post on main page rather than via reply to someone else's post...

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Rose, I swear, your post describes me (my Rx doses + being a new mom) to a tee! I've been on the same dosage of adderall and xanax since my mother passed 6 yrs ago, am a new mother -- a beautiful 17 mos old baby girl -- and neither of my meds are working anymore. I've been diagnosed with ADHD, GAD, and OCD and I'm a mess! I recently became a single mom, after leaving my daughter's abusive father, and despite my BEST efforts to keep it together, I fear I'm headed for a nervous meltdown (I've had 2 in the past).. The severe stress I'm under, coupled with the Rx that no longer work, is debilitating for me. I moved back to Savannah after having my daughter but all the doctors here seem to be terrified to even quite a script for xanax, let alone up my dosage of adderall -- BOTH of which I've been on for YEARS. I'm at such a loss as to what to do. I DON'T WANT TO BE LABELED AS A "drug seeker" but I can't even function without my meds (despite their lack of effectiveness). Have you found a psychiatrist or family doctor who is empathetic and understanding of your situation yet? If so, PLEASE let me know!

If I have to wait 2 hrs to see yet another doctor, only to be told they don't write scripts for xanax (despite all of my medical records/history), I'm going to lose it!

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I live in west ga have had 5 neck surgeries. Only med that helps pain is soma. No drs seem to prescribe anymore. Does anyone know of one?

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Dr docu will prescribe soma. He is located in Savannah ga somewhere on Paulsen. Also adderall.

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I am looking for an orthorpedic Dr that will accept L & I of Wa St workers comp !

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Looking for a good pain doctor in the Savannah, GA area. New to the area and having a hard time. Thank you for any help you can provide.

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