Fill Oxycodone Prescription (Page 49) (Top voted first)


Cannot fill them anywhere in Bradenton or Sarasota. Please help I have a real doctor and the pharmacy I have been going to the past year in my city says they will no longer fill out of county. Does anyone know of a pharmacy in Bradenton or Sarasota that can help a patient fill qty 180 oxycodone 30mg? Please help. On the verge of getting deathly ill w/out meds! Thank you.

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Unfortunately I caLled and my group has tried feverishly to get a class action law suit going and none wil touch this subject. So our next step is protesting in front of the Florida state capital. We are searching for tour buses to take people there from all over Florida. We need at least 24 hours with these buses. When this achieved I will ask Donna K to announce all the information so if anyone from this wall would like to join us. We will need plenty of warm bodies that have pain to help with mission. I know this happen just not sure exact date. We will give decent notice so everyone can plan this day off work. Stay tuned.

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We called many with No luck. I don't remember who I called . I know I searched class actions but not one lawyer would take case. So we are handling this our way now.

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Laura, I too have chronic back pain from years of manual labor work in warehouses. I know what your husband is going thru and believe me I have called every lawyer, news agency, etc. trying to get some justice for us law abiding pain sufferers. sad part is they all say they can't or won't help unless I am DEAD. Pretty sad huh? If you die from withdrawals your family might get paid n some lawyer gets paid n we just die... I have a wife and 5 kids to support in this crappy economy and all the government, etc is worried about is screwing with mine and your meds.

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I just wanted to update everyone on how my doctor's appointment went yesterday. I spent an hour & a half with my doctor explaining to her how hard it had become in just the past 2 weeks to even get my prescriptions filled and the excuses the pharmacists have been giving me, ie. I don't reside in the same county as my doctor, although I live in the Four Corners area of Clermont (Lake, Polk, Osceola, & Orange Counties). 2 miles either way & you're in a different county. I live in Lake County & she is in Orange County, about 25 miles from my home. She's been my doctor for YEARS & I've used the same pharmacy (Walgreen's) since 1992. And, how the pharmacists have even suggested if I use 1 of the 4 doctors in Clermont that they have a personal relationship with, they would fill my meds, no problems. And even going as far as calling me a drug addict & my doctor a drug dealer (which is the furthest thing from the truth)! Needless to say, my doctor was very hurt & p*ssed off by all of these excuses & accusations that she called the attorney for her practice while I was sitting right there. He even said that what these pharmacists are doing is wrong. My doctor is a GREAT doctor who follows & implements every new law & procedure before it even goes into effect. She requires ALL patients to sign contracts requiring them to use the same pharmacy every month & also that any abuse of medication will result in the immediate dismissal of that patient. We are also fingerprinted and mandatory drug tested monthly. She's a part of the state's E-EFORCSE Florida program. She passed her Department of Health/DEA inspection in an hour & a half. She is also 1 of only 200 pain management doctors of outstanding practice, in the State of Florida, that is invited to the seminars that are held every 3 months by the state's new Pain Management/Drug Enforcement (DEA) Board to update the good legitimate pain management doctors of all the new rules, law changes, & procedures. She attends every one of these seminars & implements every new law change/procedure in her practice. She has gone above & beyond what is required of her by the State of Florida. So you can understand why she was hurt & p*ssed off by the "drug dealer" accusation. I had another MRI done yesterday (cervical & lumbar) which shows ALL but one disc in my neck is herniated, bulging, ect and 2 discs in my lumbar with the same problem. This, along with all of my other medical problems for which I have been disabled from since 1995 & on SSD/Medicare since 1997. My doctor gave me copies of my MRI reports, my medical records with my medical disabilities listed, and personally wrote a 1 page letter to the pharmacists explaining her concerns for them refusing to fill legitimate prescriptions that she prescribed for her patients. I took this paperwork along with my prescriptions to a Walgreen's in Orlando, whose regular policy is that you MUST live within a 5 zip code radius in Orlando (which I do not) for them to fill any controlled prescriptions. I explained to the pharmacy manager all the problems I have been having with my regular Walgreen's and gave him my paperwork & he personally accepted my medical records, the letter from my doctor, and my prescriptions, including the ones for long-acting & short-acting pain medications. This pharmacist was very sympathetic & compassionate to my situation and agreed to accept me as a new patient at that Walgreen's location & fill ALL of my medications. In doing so, this pharmacist gave me back my peace of mind, relieved a huge amount of stress/anxiety for me & my family, & gave me the ability to care for my 5 children with pain levels that are tolerable (though not always) with the help of my pain medications. Thank you, Mr. Pharmacist! And to all of you, I would suggest that you get a copy of your medical records along with a letter from your doctor explaining your medical problems & treatment and take it to a pharmacy manager & explain your situation with them. Like this pharmacist told me, 9 out of 10 patients lie to them & they see a lot of people with fake MRI/medical records that they just get fed up & would rather not deal with it at all. Prove to them that you have a legitimate doctor and that you are a legitimate patient with legitimate pain. It really sucks that we even have to prove this to someone other than our doctor, but when you have thousands of drug addicts/dealers seeking drugs from a few bad doctors (Pill Mill Doctors), we the legitimate pain sufferers/patients suffer the consequences of their stupid actions & have to then prove ourselves to the pharmacies to be a legitimate pain sufferer/patient with a legitimate doctor. Good luck everybody. I hope this information has helped you! :)

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Latitia..the Purdue Patient Assistance Program is great. My husband lost his job last year and as a result of that, we lost our health insurance. My prescription for Oxycontin 80mg cost right around $1800 a month and at that time my Medicare Part D plan did not cover it and I could not afford it. My doctor told me about the Purdue Patient Assistance Program and gave me the application for the program. Most legitimate pain management doctors should have a copy of this application or you can call and ask them to mail you an application. The doctor will need to fill out a portion of the application, as will the patient. Along with the application for Purdue, I also had to submit my prescription, my previous year tax return, proof of address, a copy of my drivers license & social security card. It took about 3 weeks for them to approve it, but once it was approved I had no problems. The membership is good for 1 year from the date of enrollment, unless you have Medicare part D, then it's only good through December of that year. In December 2011 (Medicare open enrollment), I had to find a different Medicare Part D plan that would cover it for a co-pay of $50 or less. If I could not find a plan that would cover it, they would continue to fill the medication upon re-enrollment. I did find a Part D plan that covers this medication for a $0 co-pay, along with all of my other medications, so I'm no longer using Purdue. It is a great program and you never have to worry if you'll be able to get your prescription filled or not. I would suggest using Purdue if you have a prescription for OXYCONTIN and you can not afford it and you do not have health insurance. If you have health insurance, you can apply, but only if the prescription is NOT covered by your health insurance, your co-pay is MORE than $50, or you have reached your insurance gap. They do have income limit guidelines (for a family of 7, I could have income up to $106,500 & still be eligible). I would send my prescription to them every month by mail with tracking confirmation. They will fill the prescription every 28 days and FedEx overnight it back to you at no cost to you, but you must be home to sign for it. The phone number for the patient assistance program is 800-599-6070.

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24Char NO POLITICS about the the election OR policies on here ..OK? Thank You

You being way across country it obviously is different to go to the Dr and to Pharmacies there in Arizona..
here in Florida Most of us have been doing the Pharmacy Crawl and being Profiled by Pharmacist that think they know better than the Doctors, for almost year now
Don't you think that one or all of us have at least thought and shared on here what and how to get through this mess?

President Obama's ACA, that Just became a Law has nothing to do with this!

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FIGHT FOR PAIN ACTION NETWORK on Facebook Donna Ratliff is getting buses and people to go to Tallahassee soon and protest with signs they have t-shirts getting printed etc. contact Donna Ratliff and msg her about the pain you are going thru etc.

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If people would just read the past posts you will find solutions..for the post in Arizona..the reason is the PILL MILLS and mothers that had kids dying from the oxy/methadone,xanax combo etc.. we didnt have problems either before it all hit the fan a couple of years ago..Now the problem has went North of Florida.
We live in Pinellas we only go to Walgreens every month usually to the same RX but like others we have had to do the pharmacy crawl also but we do finally get them filled the same day or a few days later and that is for the 30mg 15mg methadone and xanax..
as I have stated before many times on here, keep going back to the same Rx even if they tell you they are out..ask them when the truck is due to deliver them.. and then go there the next day and the day after that
don't waste your time calling them

also USA DRUG DISCOUNT Card -Google it ..print it-Walgreens accepts it and you will save a substantial amount of money on the oxy's..

also go to Facebook to Donna Ratliff's FIGHT FOR PAIN CARE ACTION NETWORK

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go to sign petitions that Fight For Pain Care Action Network on Facebook has on there.. they are planning a rally in Tallahassee soon go to FB msg Donna Ratliff..her group is doing a lot of good things to help CPP to stop this craziness of the trouble of getting a script filled. everyone in the group including myself are going thru the same problems as all of you on here.

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i went through complete withdrawl thanx to my old quack doctor and the dea making it so hard for legit people to get there meds. ive got a pharmacy but no doctors will see any patients from stuart pain. bullsh***
that should be against the law man...discrimination in its finest. my disability attorneys got me a doctor but in next county...does me no good.
your right since july 1 2012, ive been sick, home in bedridden, cant go out for more than couple hours before i have to lie down without my meds. keep positive attityude...things will get better someday as more of us do what the people in texas did last someone else in office thats a complete shakeup...only way to change things. once i get medicaid, etc...things will be better and i can move to a different county and out of moms home at age 40. sad that a surgeon did this to me but wont follow up with pain management. this country sux now and will only get worse. i hope the dea all get someone they love in a position like mine and cant get there meds so they know how we feel...and the governor...and pam bondi too...fuc***ng all of em...hope they get 24 pieces of titanium in there neck with a blown out gunshot jaw and tell me how they feel especially once they can get a normal life with meds and help and then 1 day just close shop and be on there own...rise up people and do whatever it takes to get these scumbags out of office...anything

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OK, my 2-cents worth. Why suddenly unable to fill these prescriptions after months and years with the same pharmacy? My theory.. I hate to say it, but let’s just follow the Money. One of the pharmacists let it slip the other day. I was running from store to store, doing the pharmacy-crawl. Instead of saying "we are out of that" (I believe this is frequently lies), she actually said to me "… we don’t carry that any more, it is not profitable". That explains a lot. Think about it. Something changed. Extra security cost for pharmacy? Yes. Plus Maybe the amount the insurance co pays $/pill, maybe the amount Medicaid pays $/pill, but these corporations are now unable to make the same profit and they simply don't want to bother selling at a loss. If you have 3 or 4 profitable scripts each month, or pay cash, they will probably fill, even though they are "out of stock" for the insurance / Medicaid paitient.
I'm furious. Please think twice, there is an important election coming up in November. Should we blindly follow the business mantra of more and more deregulation? This is a perfect example where the current practice is (should be) illegal. But nobody's watching and they certainly don’t behave well on their own accord.
Thanks for listening.
50-something in W. Central Florida w/fractured thoracic vertebra. Previously on Oxy30s, but can't get them anymore.

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i dont like dilaudid either but just saying better than nada... when i had insurance, i was on 80mg oxycontin #120/month for 10 years. now Im on 5 30mg oxycodone ir daily, valium, and ms contin(hate it doesnt work but dr likes me on it so whatever)
and yes MEDICAID no longer will pay on or before january 1 2013 for oxycodone. Period...done deal so pony up and have to pay cash or find a subsitute that medicaid will pay for..

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Im so sorry becca I use Apollo and haven't filled oxycodone there because I can't get it there since my Dr is out of county but he said he had them and could fill it if i went to Dr in Lee county I am at Dr Berdick office now my primary and have to go to Apollo after important done please friend me on Facebook asap so I can speak to Mr Patel at Apollo for your husband and tell him i know you and see what I can get done for him. I have instant messager set up to my cell from Fb so i will text right back after accept friend. Also have you tried the new pharmacy on 41 its before the walgreens on right if coming from cape coral? I have heard they have them always in stock. I just sent a 62 page fax to Dr Liebowitz two days ago to try and get seen by him instead of Dr ouw in deerfield beach plus cannot get anything class two like vicodin from Dr B today because Dr Liebowitz is supposed to let me know Monday if they can help me. what a croc huh? Oh and for all my cancer treatment has not worked for uterus and Dr Peterson has now told me I have to have hysterectomy asap important so stressed out!!

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Please post what you can on Donna Ratiff Facebook Darlene.

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Dear Disguisted .... you may be right about many things, but one you are very wrong about! My daughter is a pharmacist; she spent 3 years as an undergrad, then was accepted into pharmacy school where she spent either 3 o 4 more years. She then chose to do a residency progrm which took another 2 years. The pharmacists today have the title of PHD. That is a doctorate which makes her a doctor of pharmacy!

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Publix is good to depends on store santa barbara and cape pk way has limited but us very nice littke chinesse man.

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I have had a problem getting any CII meds filled. The pharmacy I have used for 30 yrs refuses. First let me advise you that the DEA does not interfere with filling of legal prescriptions. I spoke to the local investigator and have his number to give my pharmacist. They only need to fear illegal or abnormal amounts of the drug. CVS and Walgreens, now Publix have a corporate policy refusing new patients. It should be noted that if you have a current pharmacist who is refusing to fill a legit medication there is a moral code of conduct these people are to follow. It is against the LAW to refuse to fill the medications and jeopardize our health for a non-existent reason such as fear of being shut down. I am just telling you all what I have been doing. I am in the same situation but plan to return to the pharmacy on Monday with the DEA phone number for the pharmacist. ALSO it is against STATE law to send CII meds into Florida. Don't try as this has left me without original scripts or meds. I am currently waiting for them to be returned.

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I went to a compounding pharmacy with my script of 20/80 hydro #360 a month. The pharmacist wanted to see my medical records, my doctor called him up and reamed him out saying that he is a pharmacist not a doctor and there is no way he will share my patients private medical records with you. I asked the phamacist if I came in with a script for 129 10/650 would he fill it and he said yes, no problem. So what is the difference with that and my 360? Dumba$$, these pharmacist are wannabe doctors and are on a power trip, this guy went to the U of TN for 4 years in the 70s and thinks he knows what I should be taking, not what my doctor diagnosed me to take.

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cindy@ tell me what county your in. i can help with a doctor in palm bch county, indian river or st lucie counties i know a dr and a pharmacy to help,but if your in tampa ive been hearing horror stories so depends where you live. you may have to goto mom and pop pharmacy and pay more.

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The problem with people getting oxy 30, #180, or what have you, is the street diversion factor. Too many people are selling the drugs. It's what police find on criminals. Use a controlled release medication or better yet, get off the meds, and/or cut down to decrease your tolerance. It's not impossible, is just really really hard. There are natural ways to combat pain. Eating a clean healthy diet and doing as much PT as possible/tolerable. But what is clean and healthy? Most people don't understand how to eat clean/healthy. Research paleo diets, i.e. The Primal Blueprint. Eat grass/fed, grass finished meat, coconut oil, MCToil. Fresh vegetables, cut grains. The more you do these things, the easier the pain will be to manage. Do the research. Pills are the end all last resort solution. If you find you need a controlled/narcotic pill to function during the day, something is wrong with that whole approach. Unless you're on your death bed, there are better ways. And if you're a man of Jesus, just suffer, He did. Do it for Him.
I'm a retain pharmacist, all pain addicts act the same. They're all professional liars and play the sympathy card every time. Been doing this for 13+ years. All we care about is keeping our license. Keep it legal, don't sell it, Keep it morally sound. Don't get pills to get high, etc. And you'll be okay.

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