Fill Oxycodone Prescription (Page 51) (Top voted first)


Cannot fill them anywhere in Bradenton or Sarasota. Please help I have a real doctor and the pharmacy I have been going to the past year in my city says they will no longer fill out of county. Does anyone know of a pharmacy in Bradenton or Sarasota that can help a patient fill qty 180 oxycodone 30mg? Please help. On the verge of getting deathly ill w/out meds! Thank you.

1005 Replies (51 Pages)

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You can no longer fill #180, and with insurance you can only fill #120. Without insurance only #90 - you can fill any benzodiazepines with them, and they will know if you try to fill at another pharmacy (they will see in the computer also you can't fill multiple narcotics anymore). Most pharmacies won't carry oxy 30 anymore and there's a jurisdiction issue also you cant fill no more than 10 miles. Best thing you can do is switch or get off oxycodone - it isn't the only medication out there....I was taking it 30mg ir, now I take morphine. But if you refuse to change it just sounds like you're wanting it for abuse and not pain because if you were in pain you would take anything.

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Yeah don't be going to dirty doctors. You don't need roxi 30s. You can take morphine or dilaudid and you know that but you sound like a drug abuser and since you're asking for a doctor who will write oxycodone 30s because that's what you want, how about find a legit doctor with an MRI and you'll get what the DNA analysis tells the legit doctors about what medication works the best.

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It is rather ironic that most of you are talking about FL as not being an accessible place to purchase pain meds. I have a daughter who is an addict, and it break my heart that the system tosses her in jail for a couple of months and lets her go. At NO TIME do they offer any type of rehab! She is broke and destitute and needs HELP! I am too ill to take care of her so all I can do is pray! And would appreciate if y'all would add a few words of prayer for her, too.... if you don't mine.... Thanks

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I am a 39 year old male with pain from breaking my hip and femur, herniated & bulging discs, and head pain from fractured skull/brain hemorage. Unfortunately this medication problem is very true. I have been trying to get my prescription of 30mg oxycodone 120 quantity for a week. I have checked over 30 pharmacies from Tampa to Zephyrhills. All tell me they are out and don't know when they will have them. They say that there is a limited allotted to Florida and there simply isn't enough to go round. When I went back to my DR to have him change script his staff said "because of the new printed prescriptions we are using you can't get it replaced without an appointment and the soonest we can see you is Oct. 17th". This is totally unacceptable to me, however there doesn't seem to be a thing I can do about it.

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Have never heard of a pharmacy refusing to fill RX for Oxycodone unless there is a problem with the prescription. Does Florida have a law against filling RX for narcotics outside of jurisdiction of county in which the patient resides? I would call the doctor that wrote the prescripton. Maybe it is the quantity that is a factor ? I have never heard of this and I don't believe there is a shortage of the drug. I do know they are cracking down on this drug and many other narcotics due to abuse of narcotics by drug addicts/seekers.

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