Fentanyl False Positive (Page 2)
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I have now tested positive 2 different times for Fentanyl which I have never taken. I'm prescribed Trazodone, Gabapentin, Suboxone and Bupropion. Is there any reason that this could happen, or should I be worried that I'm being drugged?
Can chemicals in cigarettes cause a false positive for fentanyl? My son is getting false positives for fentanyl and he is not taking any medication but is a heavy smoker.
Re: Kimmie (# 20)
I have tested the last 2 times for it as well. I have never taken it or even seen it. I don't drink, smoke, nothing. The only thing I have taken is over the counter unisom which has Diphenhydramine and hydrochloride. That is it ever.. No other drugs ever. I am so pissed off as I was treated so poorly. I understand it is their lic but there has to be some type of protocol to test and confirm. Dr's don't want to even talk to you about this. Now they want you to go to drug council... How can you test positive for something you never done? Help!
I was given a urine test that came up positive for fentanyl. I had not taken any drugs except what my doctor ordered. Will Cymbalta give a false positive for fentanyl?
Re: FentanylExposure (# 8)
Petition the board an after an agonizing 5 year's no matter it will clear. Htf can they go against HIPPA LAW an Expose you like that. I would check out suing about that.
Re: Renee (# 2)
Hi. I too have been falsely accused. I did have my teeth out and they used fentanyl plus I get regular injections at this doctors office with fentanyl but h argues they were both done 2 weeks or more out and NOBODY tests positive outside a week. I have been super sick since 2011 and it is autoimmune. I had methotrexate as treatment and was taking a long list of meds. I believe I have severe systemic lupus. I have trouble getting ANY doctor to listen and the only way I got ANY diagnosis was through my pain guy. he stood to make money, I needed help. I do not want to say I have a drug problem to get suboxone because I don't. it looks like I suffer otherwise. The staff has been cold since this happened and the last 2 times I became upset because I do not stand a chance and they assume I have no integrity. THAT is ALL I have left! I do not have a life. I have every symptom of kidney failure and feel very very sick but he asked who my pcp was! It falls on deaf ears. I give up, Super frustrated.
Re: shoc (# 5)
Wow. I'm in the same boat. Something needs to be done and asap. I was on stage 5. Which is going once a week. Now because I tested positive for fentanyl, to many times I am going 3x power week. In the 10yrs I been on, I've NEVER tested dirty other than for a short time for prescribed pain killers. I feel set up. I lost ALL trust in the test, the counselors and ALL fkn clinic.
I am beside myself. I have never ever taken fentanyl knowingly. When I was taking opioids, it never came up for that. Even when I relapsed years later the response I got, "we just started testing for fentanyl". I don't give a rats a**. Something needs to be done. I am taking 20mgs of methadone and 300 mgs of wellbutrin xl 2x per day. The 300 is cut into 150 each time. I tested positive for benzos (i took a Valium), and I told them I took it w/o a script after being in excruciating pain and getting no sleep. I got a warning as it was my first time in 11 yrs. If I did it again I would lose my stage. I tested clean the following week but after that I tested dirty for benzo again. I DID NOT take another Valium as I didn't want to lose my stage. Being that it was my 2nd one they pulled my stage.
Because I had a procedure done around same time as 2nd benzo urine screen, they automatically assumed I took another one. I DID NOT. Stupid me said I'll take the blame. I know I didn't take anything but since it was so close to the other it makes me look guilty. I never should have taken responsibility for something i knew I did not do.
Anyhow, fast forward to a couple of months. I switched from paxil to wellbutrin. In the beginning I believe my urine was fine, but out of nowhere in August I tested positive for fentanyl derivative. Really? FENTANYL? I said no fkn way. My counselor says don't worry about it. I didn't. I should have. I was okay until Sept 5 when another urine came back for fentanyl. Oh I forgot after my second benzo urine my stage was pulled as I mentioned but the doctor kindly gave it back after a month as his words "you've never been shown to be dishonest and have been an exemplary patient".
I was upset that my stage had gotten taken away but glad I got it back. I from that moment refused to take any medication over the counter because I did not want to take a chance. All I had been taking was wellbutrin and methadone from that point on, but now it's fentanyl? So I came up on Sept 5 and 8 for fentanyl. I went on the 12th to see Dr Kelly. I gave a urine that day. I got 9 take home bottles to return on the 22nd. I only received 3 bottles. It didn't hit me until Saturday late afternoon that I was supposed to get 6 bottles, not 3. I couldn't call Sunday because they're closed so I called Monday morning. My counselor wan't there so I had to speak to a different one. She goes to find out and now instead of her I get the clinic coordinator. She tells me my stage was pulled for coming up with fentanyl. I said "No, Paula said I was fine". She never told me I had more than one fentanyl so I'm angry.
I just have used every bad word I knew. Even threw in her face that when "they" overdosed me from i think I was on 40mgs and they put me on 130mgs for weeks. When they finally caught it they called me in and said "were so sorry." That it was "human error". I, the nice person, shouldn't have said "it's ok I understand". Now I get why I been feeling zombie-ish. But now it can't be "human error" that my urine is now coming up with fentanyl?
So my stage was pulled on the 19th and no one told me anything. When I came in on the 22nd not a call, nothing. I was fuming. On the 26th I went in and right away and they said I need to see a counselor. I broke down. I didn't do anything I'm being accused of. She tells me give 3 urine and I'll bring up stage. I said what's to say I won't have another fentanyl urine. I'm going to get my stage taken away again? No. She says "you're comfortable with that?" No I'm not. So she says if it does happen again we'll split it and send it to 2 different labs. Still not ?? with me.
Anyways, the urine I submitted on the 22nd came up for fentanyl. Once again, I said NO WAY! Mind you, now I remember dates and realized I wasn't even there on the 5th so how do I have a fentanyl urine that day? She says let's schedule to meet and I'll look it up then. So we scheduled. Had I not had places to go, I would have said no I have time NOW. Let's figure this out.
So tomorrow I see her. I gave another urine Sept 29. I wonder if that one will be back by tomorrow. I know I most likely will have a urine tomorrow too. I don't know what to do. All I take is Wellbutrin XL and Methadone. I've cried so much. I've had many anxiety and panic attacks because of this. Something has to give and it can't be me because I have nothing to do or change. I WILL NOT accept any of these fentanyl urines like I accepted the 2nd benzo one. At this point I feel like someone is fkn with my urine or just fkn with me. I trust NO ONE there now. I basically feel like I need to be a robot. I'm just a number to them. Normally this s*** would be an awesome excuse to use. That's what I've done in the past when accused of something I didn't do. I mean if I'm being blamed for it, might as well be for a real reason.
I asked how in not coming up for heroin if I'm supposedly using. She says "people think they're getting heroin but it's all fentanyl." Either way, I didn't do it. So I NEED to know why I'm coming up for fentanyl. Something I've never taken nor had knowledge of it being in my heroin when I was active. I'm going to pull my hair all out trying to figure this snafu. Anyone, someone, have any good explanation or research on this issue? Are there any Dr's or RNs that can shed some light? I feel like I've been punched in the chest and the wind has been knocked out of me. It won't go away until this is satisfactory resolved.
I am currently on Methadone and taking 300 mgs of Wellbutrin per day. 150mg in the morning & 150mg in the afternoon. My urines randomly have come up fentanyl derived. I used to go once a week. Now they're making me come 2x per week. My issue is I've NEVER done fentanyl. This only started happening after I switched from Paxil to Wellbutrin. Someone please let me know if you have any info on this. I'm about to lose it.
Re: Shamed (# 6)
I'm having the same problem as you are except for I only take methadone and Ibuprofen 800mg. I've been clean for a little over 2 years and I'm a couple weeks away from my 2 week take home too and I knew about my doctor's appts and all and I've never even seen this drug either. I really think someone in these labs is using something in our urine or getting our urines mixed up with another person that is dirty, cause there's no way possible I can have fentanyl in my urine. So I looked up anyway that I can clear myself and just so you know we can find a place to test our hair and this drug stays in our hair for up to 90 days and I'm not letting this place get away with making me look like I used any kind of drugs what so ever. So I'm going to find me a place to prove myself cause this is very discouraging to me. But I still won't use!!! It crushes my feelings cause I know that I'm clean. Good luck and I hope and pray that you and everyone else that's in our shoes and is innocent gets their name cleared. Something is wrong with these tests.
Re: shoc (# 5)
Omg this just happened to me today. I got my weekend take homes and I tested for fentanyl. This is bulls***, I'm freaking out. How the hell did I get it in my body? Please help me. I've been clean for 5 months and never planned on going back to drugs. Please tell me some ways this could've gotten in me?.... I worked so hard for this, I got my kids back and I know damn well I did not do any drugs.
Re: Luna (# 10)
I also tested positive for fentanyl and have not taken it, I am taking 5.7 mg of subsolv twice a day, 300 mg of gabapentin, 2 mg of klonopin, 100 mg of seroquel, and I was taking a few Benadryl at night to sleep. I am so upset and so confused, I want to take a hair follicle test butbidk if it will be the same result? Does anyone know if the tests are differently assessed?
Do you drink big k pop, especially citrus drop extreme? As soon as i quit drinking that i stopped popping dirty for it.
I've had 3 false positives for fentanyl so far. I'm on the vivitrol shot and that's it. Every time it's extremely low levels and my only thought on what it could be is from being sexually active with someone in active use. If i actually used it would just make me sick but i'll probably be going to jail for being intimate with my girlfriend. :-( cant think of any other rational reason for the positives. Either its that or there's a conspiracy to f*** me over. Sucks to know i'm clean but contemplate using fake urine.
I also go to a methadone clinic and not only myself but a few people tested positive for fetanyl. The clinic just recently started testing for that specifically. I raised so much hell demanding a retest even offering to pay for it out of pocket and they would not retest. I have a year clean next month and yes, it is like being punched in the stomach when you are doing the right thing only to be told by someone that you are dirty. I had just got my first take home and of course it was yanked and have to start all over!! Very depressing!! I even told my counselor that this s*** made me want to go use!! That was one thing I was good at was dropping dirty urines!! I didn't!! Thank the good Lord, but I would be lying if I said it didn't cross my mind!! I'm on probation too so if I drop dirty for them I'm pretty much screwed!! Because the test is RIGHT, no matter what we addicts say!!
I feel you on this. It is crazy. I tested positive for heroin metabolite, fentanyl, and morphine. My program gave me a swab test. I havent used heroin in over 3 months. I do take suboxone, metformin for diabetes, and was on some antibiotics cipro at the time. And at time of test while talking to my counselor was eating a poppy seed bagel and i was like is this gonna interfere with test. She said no that. I would have to eat alot. But now Im not so sure. But even if that was it, it wouldnt have spiked my level as high and that would only explain the morphine i think. Ive been reading alot of meds can come up for false positives and also (diabetic acidketodosis will make u test positive for something or other i think). The program wont retest because they said the lab automatically tests twice when there is a positive result. But check this out too. I should have definately came up positive for alcohol cause They do an 80 hour test and i drank the night before. Furthermore, I have an ACS (CPS) case and they have my son. They actually tested me too the same day an hour and a half after my first test. It was a urine test and that came back fine. The lab that does program test is Quest, so there good. But im really starting to believe some how its the subs...it has to be.
Did you ever find out how this could have happened? Im just asking cause same happened to me. Possibly a mixture of some kind of medication prescribed or over counter?
I'm going thru the same s***. But my freedom rides on these urine tests. I'm passing every swab at my methadone clinic. I haven't used in so long & now i'm getting urine tested every day for 2 weeks in court & coming up positive for fentynal. The po doesn't believe the tests are wrong & I know I haven't used. Idk what to do! Clearly something's not right if all of us are clean but coming up positive. I think methadone & suboxone are mimicking positive bcuz they're synthetic opiates. That's my theory unless anyone has a better 1? But they need to be aware of this.
What lab is being used by all those showing false positives? This just happened to my son who has been on 24 hr lockdown for the last 3 months. His tests were through TASC lab.
I am also on methadone and have been clean for five years on 28 mg. I've tested positive for fentanyl twice now and have never touched the crap and I also take trazodone, Tylenol, and raperozole, which is a stomach inhibitor for the naproxen 375mg I take.... I cried my eyes out as my methadone doctor told me that it could be a false positive and that they're sending it to toxicology... I'm so pissed off wondering what the f*** is happening...I smoke a vapor - could there be fentanyl in it? But I've smoked vapor for 3 years and it's always been the same people I get it from....so I've been clean.
Yeah I'm coming up hot too for fentanyl and I'm on methadone daily. Does anyone smoke a vape that is also coming up hot?? Is that maybe causing a false positive for fentanyl?
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