Fentanyl False Positive
UpdatedI have now tested positive 2 different times for Fentanyl which I have never taken. I'm prescribed Trazodone, Gabapentin, Suboxone and Bupropion. Is there any reason that this could happen, or should I be worried that I'm being drugged?
I have also tested false-positive for Fentanyl on a mouth swab test for DCS. I also take Suboxone, Gabapentin, Remeron, Omeprazole, Cymbalta, Micronor (birth control), and Melatonin. I KNOW I haven't been exposed to this drug, what could cause this?? They are opening a DCS case and I could lose custody of my son because of this. The mouth swab took over 10 minutes too administer, and it did NOT turn blue, my mouth was so dry I couldn't get any spit to come out because I was having a panic attack. The Fentanyl showed up at 15.8 ng, which is a HIGH LEVEL. My Suboxone only showed up as 4.8 ng, and I took 16 mg the night before.
Well, the Gabapentin and Suboxone are the two we have in common. But in my rigorous search of the internet for an answer the only thing I could find that would cause a false positive for fentanyl is Trazadone. I wish I had better news for you, definitely have them retest you, or maybe try the detox products that are out there. It's the worst feeling ever to be doing the right thing and still being accused. Good luck!
Thank you Rene, they DID re-test the swab to confirm it, but the odd thing is with the mouth swab test they have to special request for Fentanyl because it's a synthetic opiate and doesn't normally show up unless they test for it. The DCS caseworker said that they "accidentally tested for it" which makes me wonder if some how she tampered with my mouth swab test on purpose just to make sure I would test dirty. I had a DCS case when my son was 5 and they know I have a "history of substance abuse." My swab was in my mouth for 20 minutes (I have a dry mouth because of all the meds and my Anxiety Disorder) and she said it was "defective" because it didn't turn blue. Frustrating is right!! I wish that this hadn't happened because now they have grounds for starting a case against me, so my 8 year old winds up being punished...
I tested false positive for fentanyl too!
At the time, I was taking vicoprofen, ativan, soma and bio-identical hormones. I've never been around fentanyl let alone taken it. This is scary to be because it means the drug screens are not trustworthy. I have to take urine drug test every once in a while for pain management.
The same s*** just happened to me at my methadone clinic. I have been clean almost 9 years now and had a urine test from all that time on methadone showing just that. I just got my 2 weeks or take home bottles and was so damn happy I would not have to see that clinic for 2 weeks. Guess what the test right before I get the bottles I pop hot for F'ing fentanyl, a drug I have never even seen let alone done in my life. I am going nuts trying to find out what the hell did this. I felt like someone punched me in the stomach when my counselor told me I pissed hot for fentanyl. I will never ever trust a urine test again after this s*** and boy I am only on 30mgs of methadone and thought I would be on the rest of my life but this motivates me to get my ass off now!
Omg SHOC, that just happened to me! 14 yrs not 1 blemish on my record. I cried all day. I AM ONLY ON 60MGS MYSELF BUT I WOULD NEVER RISK MY TAKE-HOMES; MY ABILITY TO be able to go where I want and more so my dignity. I was wondering if toilet paper has any chemicals in it that would affect a urinalysis? I dropped it in the "hat" that had the urine and I also took 4 levaquin for a UTI and all of a sudden I test positive for the first time ever. IDK Its driving me crazy bc I didn't do anything, it was the most minute amount too, like .009 or something. I am going to fight this and was told bc of my history this will be my only pass BUT I DONT WANT A PASS I DONT want THIS ON MY HISTORY!! BEST BELIEVE AM GOING TO BE ALOT MORE ATTENTIVE TO EVERYTHING BUT I CANT CONTROL THE LAB PEOPLE AND I DON'T TRUST THEM anymore either. What lab did yours go to? Maybe we can find something in common and solve this insanity.
Me too :/ spotless record and now pos for fentynal! I've never taken it either so I'm mad and distrustful. I also got a pass because it was a very small amount I don't even know what lab my Dr uses. I'll try to find out tho and post. Where did yours go?
Hi, please help. I recently tested positive for fentanyl at .06 nanograms/ml in my urine (0.5 ng/ml is the threshold) after providing care for my mother for 2 days prior to the urine screen. I was 1/10 of a nanogram over the threshold (a nanogram is one billionth of a gram), which obviously indicates accidental exposure and not intentional use. I was exposed to her weeping wounds and bodily fluids and possibly even accidental exposure to a patch. I had no idea how toxic this substance is. I've been a nurse for 2 years, still a little naive. Meanwhile, I was escorted off of my wonderful, new job on day #2 (after relocating for the position and being so excited about it!). I was told that I would never again be considered for a position with one of the largest, most reputable healthcare providers in California (starts with a K), or the gigantic staffing agency that helped place me, or the smaller (also gigantic) staffing agency that presented me for the position because this positive drug result will be attached to my social security number and if I apply again, it will automatically eliminate me as a candidate. What should I do?
I'm in the same boat. I'm a well respected RN in ICU. A bloody needle was found on the toilet seat of the bathroom and I must have been the last person in there; didn't pee- went to splash water on my face and pull myself together after being publicly ranted at twice during rounds by the same MD...
So a probable cause test was performed.
Came out positive for fentanyl; I do take trazadone for sleep and cymbalta. Wondering if they might have changed the outcome ? I'm freaking out!
I could lose my license and go to jail. This is serious! What should I do?
I tested false positive for fentanyl on february 11, 2017, and I just found out about it today March 2. I am going nuts because I was tryng to get my stage at the Methadone clinic,and I have been clean for e very long time. The worse part of it is that it was nearly 3 weeks ago and if I had found out then, I could go through by memory some of what I ate, drank, etc. The only medications, I know for sure were Advil Cold and Sinus, and Benadryl because I was fighting an allergy/cold, and we were going away for early Valentine wknd. My prescribed meds are flouxetine, and methadone. I can't even figure it out. I am so frustrated, and upset. Any thoughts?
Sorry this took so long I just saw it now I hope everything worked out okay,Yes I do believe Benadryl will cause in some cases a false positive for Fentanyl, After I came up positive for Fentanyl at my methadone clinic almost a year ago now I did a ton of research hours and hours on how this can happen, I read studies from colleges and drugs trials,etc. I went absolutely nuts trying to find out how this could happen to me knowing I never did any drug years prior to that test let alone Heroin or Fentanyl. One common thing I found is certain over the counter meds and sleeping aids like Benadryl seem to be a common theme in a lot of instances when a false positive for fentanyl hits. Also I think a huge problem is labs since the heroin crisis because of all the Fantanyl deaths where its cut in a lot of heroin have now added Fentanyl onto the testing list but still have no idea what they are doing and how to properly test for the drug and because of this a ton of false positives for fentanyl keep happening. I can't even begin to tell you how many reports over the last year i have read about this happening and I think its the labs fault for not properly testing right and over reacting because of fentanyl in the news all the time. I wish you the best of luck,I showed my clinic all the info I obtained and the theory I had of what happened and they did not care, Whats funny is they changed the lab they used for UA's a month after and its kind of funny since then all my UA's 7 months worth have come back clean. I am still pissed though I am back up to having 4 take home bottles again but should have 2 weeks still and the positive should not been on my record. But you know clinics they will never admit they were in the wrong !
I hope everything worked out okay for everyone I will post this reply in the common section also ,Yes I do believe Benadryl will cause in some cases a false positive for Fentanyl, After I came up positive for Fentanyl at my methadone clinic almost a year ago now I did a ton of research hours and hours on how this can happen, I read studies from colleges and drugs trials,etc. I went absolutely nuts trying to find out how this could happen to me knowing I never did any drug years prior to that test let alone Heroin or Fentanyl. One common thing I found is certain over the counter meds and sleeping aids like Benadryl seem to be a common theme in a lot of instances when a false positive for fentanyl hits. Also I think a huge problem is labs since the heroin crisis because of all the Fantanyl deaths where its cut in a lot of heroin have now added Fentanyl onto the testing list but still have no idea what they are doing and how to properly test for the drug and because of this a ton of false positives for fentanyl keep happening. I can't even begin to tell you how many reports over the last year i have read about this happening and I think its the labs fault for not properly testing right and over reacting because of fentanyl in the news all the time. I wish you the best of luck,I showed my clinic all the info I obtained and the theory I had of what happened and they did not care, Whats funny is they changed the lab they used for UA's a month after and its kind of funny since then all my UA's 7 months worth have come back clean. I am still pissed though I am back up to having 4 take home bottles again but should have 2 weeks still and the positive should not been on my record. But you know clinics they will never admit they were in the wrong !
I was listening to a news story and they had tested tap water; it has all kinds of others drugs in it. Not just the meds being dumped into the toilet, but ppl that take meds and they are being detected in human waste to put it politely. I buy bottled water but i broil tap water. I do use tap water for cooking; about 10 years ago I came up positive for methamphetamine which I had not done prior to that test. I lost my pm and it was 2 years of hell. Good luck to you all. Now you all are armed with a little more info.
Came up positive for fentanyl on a urine test and I don't take fentanyl. Does it come in pill form? I was given a pill the other day and am wondering if it could've had fentanyl in it?
These clinics, doctors and courts take these results as if they are 100% fool proof. My dr told me there is NO way my urine got mixed up with someone elses, NO way it was a false positive. He told me I was a lier. I have followed every rule right to the letter. In 2 years this is the only problem I have had. I had the right amount of perks in my system, I dont go out partying, I am in bed with illness all the time. I DID not take this fentanyl! He wants another test but if it is one of the many other meds I am on, I am afraid the same result will happen and then he fires me. I have anylosing spodylitis. I can not abuse drugs, they are needed just to live somewhat of a life worth living. I am a nurse and have little patience with addicts (because I was married to a mean alcoholic). I will not stop until I clear my name. It is important to me. This doctor and I have such a great rapport and he has made strides in getting me diagnosed and controlling my pain. I do all the procedures, never miss an appt. and have ALWAYS pissed clean. Something has to be done about these false positives and false negatives because the doctors believe it every time. Even birth control doesn't work 100% of the time! I know they are scared and I dont blame them, but patients with REAL problems should not be punished over the many that abuse the system. If I lose this doctor, my life is over. He has gotten me walking again, pain under control and he is a very rare genuinely caring doctor.
Yeah I'm coming up hot too for fentanyl and I'm on methadone daily. Does anyone smoke a vape that is also coming up hot?? Is that maybe causing a false positive for fentanyl?
I am also on methadone and have been clean for five years on 28 mg. I've tested positive for fentanyl twice now and have never touched the crap and I also take trazodone, Tylenol, and raperozole, which is a stomach inhibitor for the naproxen 375mg I take.... I cried my eyes out as my methadone doctor told me that it could be a false positive and that they're sending it to toxicology... I'm so pissed off wondering what the f*** is happening...I smoke a vapor - could there be fentanyl in it? But I've smoked vapor for 3 years and it's always been the same people I get it from....so I've been clean.
What lab is being used by all those showing false positives? This just happened to my son who has been on 24 hr lockdown for the last 3 months. His tests were through TASC lab.
I'm going thru the same s***. But my freedom rides on these urine tests. I'm passing every swab at my methadone clinic. I haven't used in so long & now i'm getting urine tested every day for 2 weeks in court & coming up positive for fentynal. The po doesn't believe the tests are wrong & I know I haven't used. Idk what to do! Clearly something's not right if all of us are clean but coming up positive. I think methadone & suboxone are mimicking positive bcuz they're synthetic opiates. That's my theory unless anyone has a better 1? But they need to be aware of this.
Did you ever find out how this could have happened? Im just asking cause same happened to me. Possibly a mixture of some kind of medication prescribed or over counter?
Most Recent Replies:
Re: Panicking (# 9)
I've been reading that trazadone can make a false positive, along with several other psychotropic drugs. I've tested positive twice now at my Suboxone doctor and I've never (knowingly) touched fentanyl!!!
I am in a drug diversion program. I want to start off by saying yes I have used drugs in my past !! And yes I am on methadone at the clinic I go to..... my drug diversion program is 18 weeks long!! .... I had 17 weeks clean !! And in the very last week 5 days before we were supposed to go into court I was supposed to graduate this program! And my counselor called and told me I tested POSITIVE FOR FENTANYL !!! And it was borderline of a false urine. It came up 0.07mlg ... I felt like i was punched in the gut!! I didn't want to get out of bed and go to work for the next few days...I don't understand this! I don't understand how all of these false positive are coming up and peoples life are on the line...
I'm a CNA and all my charges would be dropped. I've never had a charge in my life besides a traffic ticket! (And I'm in drug court for a felony!!) If I don't complete this program I have 3 years jail time. Never been to jail in my life ... fast forward. We went to court October 26th. The judge looked right at me and told me I was a liar!! And said that if I came in next month with any positive urine screens that i would be kicked out of the program (go to jail) !!! ... Even after 17 weeks of clean urine!!
I bawled my eyes out when I left!! I worked so hard to finish this program and move forward with my life.... I tried to let it roll off my shoulders and told myself I can do this! I can do 18 weeks all over again!! ... I got clean urines again right after that dirty urine for fentanyl. Almost 4 weeks (8 clean urines). And they just called me and told me the same thing, that I submitted dirty again.... and that is right on the cut off line, also for a false urine!!!! .... I'm devastated. I feel like I can't breathe!! I have kids and a fiance I have to leave behind now. A home that I just bought but pay lot rent on every month! ... and most importantly I will now have a FELONY on my record for the rest of my life!!! I don't understand this!! I don't understand how this can keep happening and nothing gets done about it!!! This is so wrong! .... I go to court this week! And I'm terrified. This is so wrong!!!!! And every single one of you just confirmed EVERYTHING I've been saying this whole entire time!
What is in Topamax (Topiramate) that causes a false positive drug screen? My drug test is a false positive for Fentanyl.
I have been clean from heroin for 90 days today. I had to take a drug test and for some reason it was positive for fentanyl. I know i havent used anything. I'm on a bunch of meds: imitrex, ranitidine, trazodone, verapamil, minipress, desmopressin, pristiq, naproxen, hydroxyzine, and the vivtrol shot. Can any of my meds cause a false positive?? Please help, I need answers.
Re: AtheistChess (# 47)
That's what happen to me I tested positive for fentanyl and only that ,pls let me know if u find out why .and I will do the same for u.
Keep in mind that you are testing where others who DO use Fentanyl could be also testing.
Since the amounts were so low it could be from the lab technician handling positive piss and moving to your cup and just enough on their hands to cross contaminate.
More likely?! You're touching door handles, cups the techs handed you, etcetera and then either cleaning or not before you urinate - could be just enough residues somewhere on the journey to contaminate the urine if you aren't careful about how you handle the whole thing.
SAME with mouth swabs. Do you touch a handle/anything in a waiting area and then pop gum in, to get saliva flowing, touch yourouth for lip balm, anything... That could contaminate your mouth enough ok to would pop.
To put patches on we are supposed to wear gloves and remove them the same as the medication is highly transferable.
Just something to consider?
Would Risperidone cause a false positive for fentanyl? - Yes, to whom it may concern. I am attending a methadone clinic and here lately I've been testing positive for fentanyl and I haven't been doing anything and they won't let me retest because Medicaid is paying for it and they say that Medicaid won't let them take money from us to pay for it. It's so unfair but I've read that it's possible that risperidone can give you a false positive for fentanyl. Is that true? I mean I have done a lot of reading on this. You see I am hep-c positive and I have to have 3 months of clean tests for me to get the cure for Medicaid to pay for it. Please help.
Re: Tom (# 25)
The hair follicle test will go back 90 days, the urine test has to be specific for fentanyl, I believe it has to be a 14 panel, because the 12 with ad on don't cover fentanyl
Re: shoc (# 5)
I have been on MMTP for almost a year, and have been clean for 9 months of it which is why I get 3x/week take home bottles. On my last counselor visit I was supposed to decrease to 2x/week which would have been awesome, but my urine popped for fentanyl and ONLY fentanyl (other than methadone). My counselors did not take my bottles, because the likelihood that I or anyone would take fentanyl alone is very slim, since it takes very insignificant amounts to cause fatal overdoses. I have no idea what caused this. If anyone finds anything out, please post.
I got a feeling the mix of drugs you take with the Trazodone is the reason. When I popped positive for fentanyl last year, of all the information I found, Trazodone was one of the leading drugs taken for people who show false positives. What I would do is get all the info you can off the net about it, copy it out and show your job, clinic, counselor, probation/parole officer, etc., whoever it is testing you, how this easily can happen and all the corresponding evidence you have collected showing that it can.
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