Fentanyl False Positive
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I have now tested positive 2 different times for Fentanyl which I have never taken. I'm prescribed Trazodone, Gabapentin, Suboxone and Bupropion. Is there any reason that this could happen, or should I be worried that I'm being drugged?
Re: Panicking (# 9)
I've been reading that trazadone can make a false positive, along with several other psychotropic drugs. I've tested positive twice now at my Suboxone doctor and I've never (knowingly) touched fentanyl!!!
I am in a drug diversion program. I want to start off by saying yes I have used drugs in my past !! And yes I am on methadone at the clinic I go to..... my drug diversion program is 18 weeks long!! .... I had 17 weeks clean !! And in the very last week 5 days before we were supposed to go into court I was supposed to graduate this program! And my counselor called and told me I tested POSITIVE FOR FENTANYL !!! And it was borderline of a false urine. It came up 0.07mlg ... I felt like i was punched in the gut!! I didn't want to get out of bed and go to work for the next few days...I don't understand this! I don't understand how all of these false positive are coming up and peoples life are on the line...
I'm a CNA and all my charges would be dropped. I've never had a charge in my life besides a traffic ticket! (And I'm in drug court for a felony!!) If I don't complete this program I have 3 years jail time. Never been to jail in my life ... fast forward. We went to court October 26th. The judge looked right at me and told me I was a liar!! And said that if I came in next month with any positive urine screens that i would be kicked out of the program (go to jail) !!! ... Even after 17 weeks of clean urine!!
I bawled my eyes out when I left!! I worked so hard to finish this program and move forward with my life.... I tried to let it roll off my shoulders and told myself I can do this! I can do 18 weeks all over again!! ... I got clean urines again right after that dirty urine for fentanyl. Almost 4 weeks (8 clean urines). And they just called me and told me the same thing, that I submitted dirty again.... and that is right on the cut off line, also for a false urine!!!! .... I'm devastated. I feel like I can't breathe!! I have kids and a fiance I have to leave behind now. A home that I just bought but pay lot rent on every month! ... and most importantly I will now have a FELONY on my record for the rest of my life!!! I don't understand this!! I don't understand how this can keep happening and nothing gets done about it!!! This is so wrong! .... I go to court this week! And I'm terrified. This is so wrong!!!!! And every single one of you just confirmed EVERYTHING I've been saying this whole entire time!
What is in Topamax (Topiramate) that causes a false positive drug screen? My drug test is a false positive for Fentanyl.
I have been clean from heroin for 90 days today. I had to take a drug test and for some reason it was positive for fentanyl. I know i havent used anything. I'm on a bunch of meds: imitrex, ranitidine, trazodone, verapamil, minipress, desmopressin, pristiq, naproxen, hydroxyzine, and the vivtrol shot. Can any of my meds cause a false positive?? Please help, I need answers.
Re: AtheistChess (# 47)
That's what happen to me I tested positive for fentanyl and only that ,pls let me know if u find out why .and I will do the same for u.
Keep in mind that you are testing where others who DO use Fentanyl could be also testing.
Since the amounts were so low it could be from the lab technician handling positive piss and moving to your cup and just enough on their hands to cross contaminate.
More likely?! You're touching door handles, cups the techs handed you, etcetera and then either cleaning or not before you urinate - could be just enough residues somewhere on the journey to contaminate the urine if you aren't careful about how you handle the whole thing.
SAME with mouth swabs. Do you touch a handle/anything in a waiting area and then pop gum in, to get saliva flowing, touch yourouth for lip balm, anything... That could contaminate your mouth enough ok to would pop.
To put patches on we are supposed to wear gloves and remove them the same as the medication is highly transferable.
Just something to consider?
Would Risperidone cause a false positive for fentanyl? - Yes, to whom it may concern. I am attending a methadone clinic and here lately I've been testing positive for fentanyl and I haven't been doing anything and they won't let me retest because Medicaid is paying for it and they say that Medicaid won't let them take money from us to pay for it. It's so unfair but I've read that it's possible that risperidone can give you a false positive for fentanyl. Is that true? I mean I have done a lot of reading on this. You see I am hep-c positive and I have to have 3 months of clean tests for me to get the cure for Medicaid to pay for it. Please help.
Re: Tom (# 25)
The hair follicle test will go back 90 days, the urine test has to be specific for fentanyl, I believe it has to be a 14 panel, because the 12 with ad on don't cover fentanyl
Re: shoc (# 5)
I have been on MMTP for almost a year, and have been clean for 9 months of it which is why I get 3x/week take home bottles. On my last counselor visit I was supposed to decrease to 2x/week which would have been awesome, but my urine popped for fentanyl and ONLY fentanyl (other than methadone). My counselors did not take my bottles, because the likelihood that I or anyone would take fentanyl alone is very slim, since it takes very insignificant amounts to cause fatal overdoses. I have no idea what caused this. If anyone finds anything out, please post.
I got a feeling the mix of drugs you take with the Trazodone is the reason. When I popped positive for fentanyl last year, of all the information I found, Trazodone was one of the leading drugs taken for people who show false positives. What I would do is get all the info you can off the net about it, copy it out and show your job, clinic, counselor, probation/parole officer, etc., whoever it is testing you, how this easily can happen and all the corresponding evidence you have collected showing that it can.
Re: Shocbomb (# 36)
I used to feel the same about people who would fail their UA. I would think "oh stop it- just admit it or shut up".... until it happened to ME! I've been 100% sober since 12/1/2014. There's no way I had fentanyl in my system. The only fentanyl I knowingly ingested was after my hernia surgery 2 years ago- all coordinated with the clinic. The clinic is treating me like I am guilty, and the feeling really sucks, because I know 100% for sure that I did not use fentanyl. I don't know why I have a positive reading for 2.0 ng fentanyl (which is ironically the cut off number for many labs). It's just bizarre and it really changed my opinion about people who have also claimed a false reading. It's a terrible feeling to be innocent but also be the only one that believes it.
Re: Jess (# 42)
No sorry, I'm in New England. I can't remember the name of the lab but I can ask.
Re: Mama58 (# 40)
I wish my clinic would do a hair test, but as a Medicaid patient at a non profit clinic, I think they'd laugh at that request. I'm already 6 weeks in to my *now* 12 week punishment... I know I'm doing what I need to do and I'm overall proud of my sobriety so that's what matters the most but it just sucks when the medical staff you're supposed to trust don't and won't believe you. I feel so.... defeated. You know? Thanks for looking out for me though. BTW I'll ask them for one for the heck of it. What do I have to lose?
I'm testing pos for fentanyl at my methadone clinic as well. I'm 100% not doing fentanyl and know how you guys feel, bc of the people they deal with there's no way they would ever believe anything we say when it comes to this. Are any of you at a clinic in Cincinnati? Or is anyone's lab in California Santa something in Cali is the lab my clinic uses I really believe after reading this it's related to the clinic or lab. I'm s9 scared I'm going to get kicked out of my clinic if my test is pos again I'm out after singing my agreement today. The clinic did a GCMS on my test and it came back as aceentyl fentynl which is not even in the US. I'm litetrally at a loss for words.
Re: Tanyab (# 37)
Always ask for thm to save your sample. Also ask for print out of lab results. If your not doing anything ask for a hair test.
I now list anything and everything I take aspirin, cold meds EVERYTHING list everything even over the counter.
Re: Dalileh (# 39)
Always ask fornthrm to save your sample. Also ask for print out of lab results. If your not doing anything ask for a hair test.
I thought I was going insane until I read all these testimonies! In Nov. 2017, I had a monthly urine at my methadone clinic. They just switched to a new, more "detailed" lab that tests for 12 substances now, including fentanyl. 2 weeks after taking my urine test, I was asked to sign for it, which was supposed to be signed for prior to me providing a sample. An hour later, my counselor calls me to tell me I tested dirty for 2.0 ng fentanyl! Everything else showed up clean- even for heroin. There was no way this could happen, as I have been sober for 3 years. Since fentanyl typically stays in your system 8-24 hours (clinic insists 3 days, medical joirnals state otherwise), WHY would I use drugs the night before my 1 clinic day that week? I am just not that dumb. I was punished by having one of my possible 6 bottles taken for SIX MONTHS! All for something I did not do. My counselor suggested i gile a grievance so I did and that was a nightmare. I was lied to constantly. My counselor said the lab only keeps samples for 7 days and can't retest the sample. Yhe head counselor then said they keep it for 21 days and already retested it. Then- I learned they didnt keep it but instead retested it immediately. THEN they told me they keep my sample "indefinitely". I don't even know what the truth is, but they're just adamant no matter the case, I HAVE to be guilty. I asked if it could be a false positive as I was taking generic mucinex for a cough (dextromethorphan) and trazodone for sleep. Both have been proven to cause false positives. They "insist" they ruled those medications out, even though they didn't even get that info from me until after the testing and after they "threw it out". At the end of the day, the clinic director told me either I suck it up and take a reduced punishment of 3 months or leave the clinic. So i have to suck it up with a 3 month punishment for a drug I never ingested. I sincerely think it is a problem with the lab. I wish everyone on here gets the justice they deserve because this is pure BS!
Re: Tanyab (# 37)
Nope, I have no idea what caused them and neither do they, but it's funny, once they moved to a different lab it stopped. I'm down to 30mgs of methadone. I've been on that dose for years and even though I only go to the clinic twice a month, once every 2 weeks, I'm truly thinking about trying to get off methadone and do a very very slow taper maybe 1mg a month. I always thought I would be on methadone for life since in my late 20's it truly did save my life and stopped me from ending up in prison, homeless, and just being a piece of s*** thief addict. I'm actually a big advocate of methadone because I've seen it work wonders with my life first hand, but now I'm almost 40, I've been clean for years and I know never say never but I can't picture myself ending up a junky again back having a heroin habit. So maybe it's time I try getting off and putting the clinic behind me? It's something I will have to think about a lot these next few months and hey if when I get down to under 10mgs and I start feeling very uncomfortable I will just have them raise my dose again until I feel fine. All in all, I wish I got my s*** together in my 20's and got off methadone, but hey, then again like I said above it worked wonders for my life. When it comes to the UA's like I said below I will never trust them or any place ever again. I hope all goes well for you at the clinic and in life.
Re: Shocbomb (# 36)
I used to think the same thing. Now I'm the in the boat.You said you got you're take homes back. Did they ever ever find out what caused it? Ive now cut my wellbutrin in half so I can get off completely and see if that was the cause of my false positive fentanyl. It's scary specially something I've never done. This was me 11 yrs ago and I most certainly have went back on account of, if I'm being blamed accused anyways then last give then a reason be right. But I refuse to let them push me there.
Re: Tanyab (# 30)
I know you posted this some time ago but the same with me, I'm back now getting 2 weeks of take home bottles from the clinic but I will never ever trust them or a urine analysis ever again!!! It's funny every time I would see patients b****ing and moaning to the counselors about a dirty UA and then saying they never used, it's wrong, I would always think come on stop making a fool out of yourself, you are an addict, just admit you used and move on, but now I wonder how many of those people I thought this about actually were clean since it happened to me and it was a nightmare and the clinic did not want to hear s*** even after I had 10 years + of clean UA's under my belt. Hey, the ramifications for me were just having to drive to the clinic 20 mins away daily again until I got my bottles back. I can't even imagine being on probation and parole and having your freedom depend on a urine test that was bogus. That truly must be a nightmare when you know you did nothing wrong and no one believes you at all and you gotta go back to jail!
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