Fentanyl Withdrawal Symptoms (Page 14)


I'm trying to wean myself off the Fentanyl patch. I went from 75 micro-gms to 50 now I'm on 25. Having a problem and not sure it is related to the decrease in the med. It's been 20 days on the 25 micro-gm and I'm going crazy. I need to keep rocking, moving in any way b/c my body is very restless. Is this a symptom of withdrawal and what do I do? I cannot take it any more.

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Cindy, how long was he on patch? I did have some weird what I term kinda out of ordinary feelings, thoughts, said stuff to my husband that didn't make sense or he didn't understand HOWEVER, I did notice and do know that I ended up in ER because I had tried to quit other medications as well, if he's on any other meds YOU HAVE TO MONITOR THEM REALLY CAREFULLY because with the fentanyl withdrawal you go through a hypersensitive mode and any little change in other meds can really mess you up, mentally and physically. I do know from the rehab doc as I stated in previous post that the patch, especially the Sandoz one which is based in alcohol and is the one that can't be cut, it has gel like stuff inside it, stays in your system up to 27 days. Also what you have to remember is that AFTER REMOVING PATCH the stuff is STILL IN SYSTEM FOR 72 HOURS, although you have withdrawal symptoms during the 72 hours, they got worse for me after the 72 hours as it was finally gone and then full blown withdrawals hit and last for about another 5 days, by that I mean 5 BAD days.....after that it got SLOWLY better but I really can say I didn't feel semi ok or normal until after about 12-15 days after FIRST TAKING OFF PATCH. That being said, it gets worse before better, maybe if he knows this he will talk to doctor. I wanted off this horrible patch and pain meds, however, the others are right about valium and or xanax helping with the sleeplessness, spasms, etc,. Hope this makes and helps, keep us informed. Praying for you, Tessie.

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PAT- Glad to hear u feel a bit better, let us know about the test!
CINDY- Please get him to an ER or his doctor NOW!!! When I had to go cold turkey because of an allergic reaction to the generic & insurance took 9 days to OK it!! I was in agony & was taken to the ER who said it was very dangerous to go cold turkey, it can cause seizures & death!!
They also sent me home without anything & told me if I had any more serious problems to let them know!! Jerks!! Thank-goodness I survived that & am Fentanyl free for a month now!!
Congratulations to anyone who has made the choice to bear with it & get off!!! I can honestly say I actually have 80% LESS pain now than when I was on it!!!

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I want to thank everyone for your suggestions, support and prayers.. He is doing MUCH better now. I am pretty sure the hallucinations he was having was due to sleep deprivation. Monday night he finally fell into a deep sleep and slept for 14 hours. He woke up Tuesday and the hallucinations were completely gone. His appetite is back (with a vengeance) and he feeling better. He is still having chills and night sweats and is very weak but I think the worst of it is over. I think in hind site he wishes he had gotten a doctor's help with getting off that horrible drug, but it's too late for that now. He is off it and on the mend. From now on, he will just stick to Vicodan for his pain. He has been disabled for 12 years due to a broken back and has been on one pain control med or another all that time. He has taken Vicodan in the past and has no troubles with it. No addiction problems at all, no trouble getting off of it when he wants. He was on the patch for over a year. Vicodan is much safer for him.


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That goes to show how addicting Fentanyl is Erin was on it for only 6 weeks and went through Hell..I just want to add that if anyone goes to your doctor and he/she tries to give you fentanyl for anything but horrific pain, I would be scared to death and say give me anything but that..And this is coming from a 30+ year heroin addict..That fentanyl scares me


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You are right Pat!!! Do you know what the docs told me it was ORIGINALLY made for......TERMINALLY ILL CANCER PATIENTS and the only way I'd ever put another one on is if I was gonna die with IT ON!!! They are awful!! My cousin and brother who have tried everything, legal and NOT, heroin, cocaine, fentanyl, everything say they'd rather cold turkey heroin that come off these *&^% patches. Don't ever try em!! Good luck to all of you. Sounds like everyone is doing pretty good right now. Hang in there everyone!!

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fentanly this is a really bad drug i had a dreaful time getting my self free of it night sweats, rocking back and forward sleepless nights i thought i was going insane each day get a bit better stick with it all of you

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Just wanted to give support to veryone dealind with this!! I have now been patch free for about 2 1/2 months and can't believe the difference in my brain & well-being!! I put the last patch on Dec 16 after 4 yrs of them!! I was on 150mcg for 3 yrs & weedled down to 50 and then stopped for good!! It sucked for awhile but it was definiyely worth it!!! I no longer take ibuprofen or any pain med, seems I was getting pain from the patch somehow!! I will be getting a knee replacement soon & there is no way on the planet I will let them drug me again! I am allergic to everything else so it will be very hard, but not going to go through that again!! IT CAN BE DONE< STAY STRONG & GET OFF< IT IS SO MUCH BRIGHTER & HAPPIER WITHOUT THE PATCH!!

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I too was put on fentanyl for chronic pain. Until I read this site I didn't realize how much of an issue the drug was. I also then researched. My own story was that I went from 25 to 50 to 75 for about a month -- then I found this info. I took off a patch for an MRI and never put one back on (with my doctor's knowledge). It has been tough but after 3 days, touch wood, I'm actually feeling reasonable and far better than before -- all I did was sleep with the 75. Always take medical advice about stopping any medication but for me, just being strong willed worked as well as keeping on schedule with my other pain medications, drinking plenty of water and eating healthy. I suppose only being on it for a month helped too. THANK YOU ALL FOR THE WARNING and the encouragement in your messages to refuse this medication. Good luck. STAND STRONG!

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Well, as i sit here with tears in my eyes, I now feel like Im not alone. I want to share with you all who are in disstress as I. In the last 14 years (age22 then)after suffering from a back pain after giving birth to my 1st child. I was talked into a triple lamonectomy surgury @ age 28 as I prayed would cure my chronic pain. After an extensive surgery I was imediately given morphine in the hospitol and to go home Percicets and upon return checkups to the sergeon9more drugs), he informed me to give myself at least 2yrs till full recovery from pain symptoms that always follow surgery like this. Young , I was 28@ time of surgery suffered, with pain prior for 6 years on and off Percicet was drug of choice (given by dr.) the Dr.s seemed to write scipts out w/out blinking.I upped dossage after dossage till after giving birth to my 2nd child I added to my drug addictions ,adderol,vicodin,xanex,valume,and pretty much whatever they would proscrbe(dr.s)or I could get!!! I was able to ween myself off of most all those pretty easily by myself as I was to have my 2nd child.9months of torture with severe back pain I forced myself for the babys sake to go drug-free! Immediately after i seeked all kinds of help for pain ,management centers ,chiropractics,healers, massage,herbs you name it I tried it! Well, as I tell you all this I am getting to the worst part , as i had numerous challenges as we all do I had a few other illnesses and was told that I no longer could have anymore children. So with that I immediately did whatever it took , in my mind to relieve pain . Shockingly , yes you guessed it I became pregnant, But I was allready severely addicted I found myself pregnant and scared to death I was addicted to vicodin and anywhere between 11-14 550's per day with other s. I immediatelysought advice to my shock i was told to take 150mcg of fentenol every72hrs, that it was safer for me to go through my pregnancy on such a strong drug ! After research with Hershey Medical drs. that I may add had no experience dealing with such a drug being used during pregnancy. So Immediately they lowered my dose and basically I was a ginny pig and I fear my childs life because Drs just dont really care who they are hurting when little or no research is done and they are writing prescriptions out to anyone. Needless to say now in 2010 I am suffering from painful, withdraw I have begun to ween myself from the fentenol I had my new family dr. write me out a 25mcg scrip. and decided to wear 2 at a time from 75mcg and then I could lower to 25. Just here in the last 2 weeks I removed a patch trying to get to just 25mcg /3 days , as I did this I began to experience 10x the side effects that I have been experiencing durring the last few months commind down. I thought I could handdle this alone , I havehad feelings increase in wanting to commit suicide,hiding away from people depressed, anxiety,jitters,severe hot to cold sweats and not at night . It has consumed me and for any of you thinking of FENTENAL think twice !! I am so scared because at this point I am searching for help and maybe just maybe in the process stop someone from getting on the fentenal patch and save a life.

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Mary just read yours and yes you are experiencing the terrible withdraw that goes along with this deadly drug. I say deadly beacause I cant even cout how the symptoms leave us feeling out of control of our own body, wanting to feel happy, calm , and instead the symptoms have increased as trying to ween I find myself getting worse , so Im at a stand still and at 50mcgs fentanyl I sympathize and ask where to go from here. For example , it's almost 4 am unless I drown myself with 4-5 sleeping pills/night I cant sleep. Fentanyl is huge on causing insomnia,or restless sleep. Prayers to you all.

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Tessie-- ok I still am awake, Ive been reading and reading!!! I cant stop!! I dont feel so all alone , thanks to all of your posts! Please keep posting everyone, I need to tell you all I am a christian and I through these last really BAD 4 years I feel like ERIN and alot of you that these patches stole so much of my life , my 3 boys 13,6,&3 yrs .The most precious gift God has given me and I lost 4 yrs of each of their lives if not more!!! I cry because although u all share that it can be done , i can eventually beat this , I need to say I'm weak and I have pushed God from my world and let this sh*ttY drug rule me. I was at 25mcgs for 2 days and I felt like taking my life, but as I told my wonderful husband I didnt have the guts to . Terrible , I know. I have been on 600Effexor also and dropped to 300 and about 4days ago stopped all together, I had a full blown hystorectomy in 2008 andwas blaming some recent symptoms on it.Took Premerin, I do agree if you are on other meds with Fentanyl they make it that much harder to get clean.kicked out evrything but the fentanyl, really hurting now, I am going to pray for each of you to NEVER GIVE UP!! I like to thank you all again for reading mine and writing ur posts!

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lots of impingemnet and fusions etc and tendency to crumble and need things replaced still in my forties play the piano and use a powerchair for more than one block outing,morphine 3 years 100mg x3 p(in the form of Kadian)was very effective but the doctor decided it was time for Fentanyl so I tried to do everything exactly as instructed but the sides of the patches alwasy curl up and I tried surgical tape and that doesn't work.I wake up sick and find the patches half off or somewhere else.VERY DANGEROUS I KNOW!Whatt o do??TY

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My 80 year old mother has been on the fentynal patch for many years for chronic back pain due to osteoperosis. I'm not sure of the dose or frequency, but know that just last week she was prescribed a stronger dose.

Anyway, since then she has been having a lot of problems with short term memory...recent events are out of sequence in her mind and she's remembering events long ago as if they just happened. So, after several strange incidents this past week, my brother took her to the doctor this morning. He said the oxygen level in her blood is low which would account for the disorientation and confusion that have been a problem recently.

She's been admitted to the hospital for tests an observation. She's had chronic bronchitis for years, and was diagnosed with early stages of emphysema last year. Fentanyl supresses her cough, but also the other functions of her respiratory system.

My brothers want her off fenanyl RIGHT NOW! I disagree. I don't think she is strong enough to survive a cold turkey withdrawal from this drug. (90 pounds soaking wet and frail) They don't seem to understand that there will be a long weaning process, assuming she is willing to give it up. I haven't spoken to her doctor, who I know and like. My brothers don't want to hear anything from him, since they blame him for her addiction. But he is trying to relieve her pain and give her some quality of life in her golden years, and she has been complaining of pain for years.

I don't want my mom to be an addict, but she is. She is alone at home, so I think she would need an inpatient treatment program if she goes off the patch. I just don't know if it is worth putting her through that when she is likely to need pain meds for the remainder of her life. (she has zero pain tolerance now. She said the pain from waking up with a stiff neck was terrible...every ache is a 10 on her pain scale.) I'm not sure that going through withdrawal will lead to a better quality of life for her when/if she gets through it.

She's safely tucked away at the hospital now until they know for sure what is going on and she's had some rest. I don't know what's going to happen after that, but I'm very worried.

Any suggestions and thoughts would be appreciated. I understand that addiction is a disease. I do not blame her doctor or her...I blame genetics. I'm afraid my brothers (who are much older than me) view it as a personal weakness and are ashamed that she allowed herself to get into this mess... I don't know how to reconcile those opposing viewpoints.

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PAULA, in reading your last post I'm assuming you're still on patch, ONE problem is that when you drop dosage on these patches it isn't like dropping dosage on Vicodin or even a immediate release Morphine (at least it wasn't for me and what I've learned from rehab docs,etc.,) It is so much stronger than anything out there, THEN you have to factor in the 72 hour system release problem, which EVEN after you take off your last patch you really don't have the FULL blown withdrawals til 3 days after removing patch ( I HAVE FOUND THERE HAS BEEN A DIFFERENCE IN BRANDS OF PATCHES HOWEVER) anyway for me and others I've talked to the WORST of patch withdrawals for me was 7-10 days from the time I took patch off until I FINALLY could sleep and then I was still weak and shaky for quite awhile. PAULA I was finally told at seven days when I went to ER cuz of no sleep, going crazy, etc., that the benzo's like xanax, valium, etc can really help and I was already on these but was trying to cold turkey everything, when I went back on the benzo's it helped greatly with the withdrawals and sleep, you can't mentally cope with no REM sleep. I've now been off the patches for about six months and feel so much better, let me define better, YES I still have PAIN, I have chosen to deal with it via other means, holistic approaches, lidocaine rubs, bengay rubs, heat and cold therapies, etc, I want to be able to mentally be there for my children and family even if physically its painful. THAT being said DAUGHTER...there is NO WAY you mother could or should cold turkey patch...in my opinion. There are OTHER Slow Release Opiates out there that are much safer and cause much less confussion with older people that I have had experience with and seen firsthand, my grandfather was 83 and paralyzed and they had him on the 100 mcg patch and poor grandma was 80 on the 50 mcg patch and trying to take care of him..dangerous, we did have to put her in a rehab/detox place and she didn't completely quit meds they just got her off the patch and some other medications and onto a SR morphine tablet which was much much better for her. I don't mean to scare you but grandpa was in a hospital bed at his home while grandma was in medical place and he leaned over his hospital bed which was in his home to untangle some cords (home health nurse in other room) and ended up loosing consciousness, nurse found him later but he passed away in hospital due to an anurism (probably from being head down for awhile they think) because this patch makes you so tired and incoherent and just out of it. My Opinion about your mom, she's older, she needs to be comfortable, there are other alternatives. That being said my body was Physically Addicted to the patch as I had been on it for 5 years or so, once I got it out of my system I can take or leave pain medications, meaning, I CHOOSE whether I want to be mentally involved with my family at a present time or if I am in too much physical pain I will take an immediate release pain pill (vicodan, percocet) and sleep for a few hours and then be clear and able to deal with things better, NEVER pain free but theres a choice to be made...by saying I take the pain pill occasionally I would say in the last 2 months I have probably only taken three pain pills. I do still have to take xanax occasionally for anxiety and stress as anxiety and stress makes my conditions (and any if you read up) much worse. LOVE and HUGS to all. I pray daily for all who are in pain both physically and/or mentally and I do know God hears and cares. If any of this doesn't make sense feel free to ask ?? sometimes my fingers don't keep up with the brain.

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Hello. I am hoping some of you can help me. My dad is 84yrs old. He has suffered from chronic back pain and diabetic neuropathy for many years. He has had over 10 spinal surgeries, tried electronic stimulator and many different medications and various specialists, but no relief. About 2 years ago, his GP prescribed the fentanyl patch. He started on 7.5mcg, then increased to 12.5mch and then 25 mcg. He stayed at 25 mcg for over a year with success and no side effects. Anyhow, he had sugery on his foot (toe amputation). He was in a skilled nursing facility for physical therapy. They increased his dose to 50 mcg. At the same time he was on many strong antibiotics and had two follow surgeries, etc. He had nausea everyday, occassionaly vomiting, no appetite and extreme exhaustion. All of this was believed to be from the antibiotics and post-surgery. Then they found out he was anemic and his thyroid was low, so he his medications were adjusted accordingly, but still he had the nausea, no appetite and lack of energy. Well, its 9 months later, and his foot has completely healed, he no longer takes any antibiotics or any new medications, his blood work results including his anemia and thyroid are right on target. There is not medical reason for his symptoms. Through process of elimination we are guessing it is the fentanyly patch.

Do you think it could be the fentanyl patch? Is it because its too much on him or too little?

Anyhow, we decided to taper him down on the patch. He is on his second set of 37.5 mcg (25mcg + 12.5 mcg patch). His GP said to take oxycodone every 4 hours (he takes this now but usually only once or twice a day for breakthrough pain). My dad is definatley going through withdrawals. He is sweating, extremely sleepy, very weak...can hardly stand or walk, shaky, etc. It day 6 and no decrease in the withdrawal symptoms. How long could this last?

Also, I planned to wean him to 25mcg tomorrow, but maybe this is too fast? Is it better to go very gradually or get it over with?

I would like to keep on fentanyl but at 25mcg where he felt good last year. Is this possible? or do I have to get it completely out of his system to eliminate the nausea, fatigue and decreased appetite? All the posts and experiences I read about are about complete withdrawal of the patch; none about just lowering the dose. Can it be done or has a tolerence been reached?

My dad is 84 yrs old. He lives alone ( I check on him most days and call him several times a day). He is a diabetic, so I worry about the lack of eating.

Any help or thoughts welcome. Thank you.

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hello all, on april 1st my dr. suddenly took meee offf 200 mcgs od fentanyl which i was on for two years. she gave me nothing for relief, i wish i were dead or i feel like im dying and losing my minf. these dr.s need to tell you the negative affects of this drug and not just how well it works. my sister who is 36 is slowly dying from not only fentanyl but other dangerous drugs dr,s just hand out without a thought. i've done lost one 20 year old brother to drugs and i don't want to lose my only sister either. that fentynal has taken 2 years from mine and my 2 young childrens lives. not to mention it caused my divorce from the man i was with for 17 years. i lost everything. now i am gong through inhumane withdrawal and these dr.s dont care. it's not there wife, daughter, sister, or mother. i feel for you all anhang in there i pray for all of you. i am so sick right now, i've had cancer andnever felt this bad. i can only hope it gets better. my kids deserve their mom back.

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Hi again. I guess no thoughts on my Dad's situation.

Daughter in Distress....what have you decided to do about your Mom? I guess my situation with my Dad is nearly the same. He is 84yrs old and lives with chronic pain. Fentanly was a good choice for a few years, but when he started to get side effect (not eating and sleeping all the time), although now I think it might have been withdrawal effects as his body wanted a higher dose, I thought it was best to wean him down to a lower dose. We started this 16 days ago with his doctors blessing. Its been hell and he too lives alone. I am afraid for him. He has had two spells of not being able to walk due to weakness and he is a very strong man. He has lost 15 pounds. He is freezing even though its 70 degrees out. Shakes, drenching cold sweats, anorexia, morning headaches, etc.

Anyhow, I am taking him back to his doctor today to see if we are doing the right thing. Will these WD stop as he adjusts to a lower dose (37.5mcg down from 50) and when?

I would highly recommend that you do not put your Mom through this. She is much thinner than my Dad and sounds frailer. I would not have approved this has I known what it would be like. I wish my Dad was in a detox, but we don't have that kind of money.

Please let us know how your Mom is doing.

I give all those that have kicked this addiction so much credit. I think it takes great resolve, courage and self-love to get through this. It by far must be anyones greatest achievement to get through this.

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To Mala on your Dads situation,
I am now14 days Fentanyl FREE But only from wearing the Patch, I have to tell you you can NOT ween from this drug without a drs. help, and i mean not any dr, I have the help from a certified phsychiatrist his main job is getting people clean.
Your dad at his age, has got to be so bad for him. I must tell you all the symptoms you wrote he has is only beginning of withdrawl. NOTE! I am still in withdrawl, but as I ended the patches I celebrated too early after a week everybone , knuckle, joint ... in my body ached with severe pain, Forgive the forwardness, but I wanted to end my life each day and nights were worse because of the scilence! I felt like Cutting limbs off !! Only way through some withdrawl is a DRUG called neurontin I started it as I got to 50mcgs and imediately went to 25, then with 400mg of Neurontin I stoped the patch in 1 week, imediately after neurontin my sweats went away! I was more relaxed, . I hope you are wroking with an antiwithdrawl type med. like Neurontin and its NON-ADDICTING!! with it you have to watch blood pressure but I had no problem with that.To learn more write me back , Prayers to all!

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You can NOT go through withdrwl off 200mcgs alone!!! You need to ween plus have the drug I wrote about to Mala: NEURONTIN!! I swear by this I have been on 150mcg for 4yrs and this stays inside your body for sooo long I fear some will never be gone as it ripped my world apart too!!! I lost 4 years with My 3 boys and husband of 15yrs. BUT there is HOPE!!! please understand I also am familiar with drug abuse and Drs. writing out scripts like CANDY!! I have been on all kinds of drugs for about 15 years and know all SIDE EFFECTS!! Trust me I was stupid for so long feeling all kinds of Deppression, anxiety, anger, Fear, severe sweats, hair standing on edge, sleeping all days, loss of apetite,severe constipation, ect..... By the way I found an ALL_NATURAL way to cure your constipation, I am not Kidding I have been severely constipated for the last 10 yrs and blamed it on my genes and a little on meds. But I found this brand called, OxyLife Nutrition Supplements, ROYAL FLUSH Bowel Stimulant ! I am going to give all of you the web on bottle cuz this is ALL Natural and worked the first day!! I would go 3 weeks w/out going and WOW! oxylifeco.com TRUST ME!

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I sat here and reread one of ur post and , wow we are so much alike , meaning as I sit here thinking I have been off Fentanyl now for exactly 17 days I still struggle with w/drawl but as I want to share I wanted to continue vicodin a drug I've been with for 15yrs and I too can take it and leave it as desired but I too realized that to really allow my body to clean and with the last 3 days Fentenyl and vicodin FREE I see now how really bad my Pain is but I also am in complete awareness that I am not just popping pills at the first sign of a wee pain , or breakthrough pain from Fent. I guess I mean to say I agree with trying to deal with the pain for my familys sake I am still early and tend to wish for meds and it is sooo hard I am going to a Spine specialist on monday the 19th and looking into the electric stimulator and pray it is for me and works. I will update on my progress with that . I want to tell all of you out there , I along with all of you undersatnd how hard it really is!!!

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