Fentanyl Withdrawal Symptoms (Page 13)


I'm trying to wean myself off the Fentanyl patch. I went from 75 micro-gms to 50 now I'm on 25. Having a problem and not sure it is related to the decrease in the med. It's been 20 days on the 25 micro-gm and I'm going crazy. I need to keep rocking, moving in any way b/c my body is very restless. Is this a symptom of withdrawal and what do I do? I cannot take it any more.

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To Meg_in_wa: Glad you found us! Its been a rough road for all of us, but we're here to tell you it DOES get better. I was only on this stuff for 6 weeks @100mcg every 3 days, and I quit cold turkey not knowing any better....duh!
I think personally that once you get down to the 12.5 patch you are only prolonging the agony. Check If I Would Have Known's comments.....he went through the tapering as well...and I think 12.5 seems to be the place where tapering does not work any more and you have to call it quits.
Even at 12.5 it took him just as long to recover when he totally stopped as it did me going cold turkey. Of course, with only 6 weeks on it, that could affect things too.
My recommendation would be to find another opioid to use when it gets really bad (I used Hydromorphone 4mg) and use the Valium to help with the RLS.
Hope this helps somewhat, but I see you are also on a lot of other things and have more problems as well. I will keep you in my prayers as I do the rest og the group.

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Hi Everyone. Sorry its been awhile. I too have had broken pipes, one right in the wall of my newly finished room. Glad to hear everyone is doing well. I have to say to
Meg that I agree with Tyger about prolonging the agony at 12 mg but that is my opinion. Most people I have talked to have some sort of withdrawal even at the 6 or 3 mcg it you are cutting them down. Hang in there and carefully read the posts there is good info in them. For THE RESTLESS LEGS, I haven't tried the soap however, i believe it was MauiGirl or Happy girl that said in one of these posts to try something at local health food store. My brother checked into this and bought me some Homeopathic Restless Leg medication, NOT the one at Walmart, it needs to be the one at the WholeFood Store but they are a little disc you put under your tongue and within about 5 min tops my legs quit jumping. I have suffered with this for years and this stuff is amazing!!! Also I can't remember who mentioned they were on SAVELLA, my doc just put me on it for the fibromyalgia but I HAVEN'T taken it yet, filled the RX but didn't take it yet, I'm scared to death of side effects of a new med. Let me know how long you've been on it and how it works if you don't mind. It's NOW BEEN over 60 days, I feel better!!! Glad to be off wicked awful patch. Hang in there to all. Got to get pipes fixed and truck is coming to suck up water. Erin, GLAD to hear you're hanging in!! Everyone IT WILL BE A GOOD YEAR for everyone who can get off this patch. LOVE AND PRAYERS To ALL!!!

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Tessie, I have been on Savella for over 5 months with no adverse reactions. I know when I have forgotten to take it, but don't get sick or feel terrible. I am not convinced I even have fibromyalgia so my doctor and I are in agreement that we are gradually taking me off all the medications, one at time, starting with the narcotics. I quit using hydrocodone last May, was amazed at how much different I felt! Can't WAIT to be clean AND sober!
One of the things I always do, as a recovering alcoholic, is follow my doctor's directions to a T, ESPECIALLY when it comes to narcotic medication. SO, I am calling to get an appointment. I'm not certain I

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Hi Everyone! I wanted to give an update on how things are going. I tapered down from 100 mcg patch, and now I am on 75 + 12, so 87 mcg. It wasn't bad. I did fill the script for the Clonidine and it basically just knocked me out. I was so incredibly sleepy. So I haven't taken it since. I will only use it if I REALLY have to. So since I have been on the 87 mcg of Fentanyl, I have noticed my pain much more. I just wanted to give a bit of a history about me. I was an avid triathlete prior to my accident, and I was actually hit by a drunk driver on my way to swim practice. I suffered a crushed spine and broken pelvis. Prior to this accident the strongest medication I was taking was Motrin. I had been prescribed Ultram for a back surgery in 2008. So all of these narcotics are new to me. I am so scared that I won't ever be pain free. I am struggling mentally with this. My doctor just gave me a refill for Oxycodone IR for my breakthrough pain. I just started training for Ironman Arizona today, and I hope that with all the training I plan to put my body through that I can deal with the pain. My doctor told me that when you are put on strong medicine for pain, that it shuts down our bodies own ability to ward off pain. Like our bodies sort of forget how to deal with pain. But, anyway, the taper down to 87mcg from 100mcg wasn't very bad. I did have a little bit of a grumpy period, but I was able to take a valium and go to bed. I do hope that I am able to come off of Fentanyl. I hate that my body is addicted to this stuff, and I pray that being pain free is something I will be blessed with some day! God is with me, and I know with His hand I will get there! Thank you for everyone's words of encouragement. Hugs~

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I called my doctor and have an appt. on Friday...I have 4 more patches left so we'll see what he thinks.
I found a website that sells an all-natural supplement called Withdrawal-Ease. It contains many herbs and vitamins so I figured, what the heck? I'll have it by Friday and will take it with to my appt. I am a firm believer in vitamins etc. as well as metaphysical solutions. One of the very great benefits of purchasing the supplement was the access to a PDF about withdrawal and all the possible symptoms as well as natural things to try. The author of the webpage says: This guide does not include information on the use or substitution of other opiates or narcotics in order to alleviate your withdrawal symptoms as we feel that can promote cross-addiction and will only transfer your dependence from one drug to another. I thought that was a great statement! If anyone HAS tried it, could you let me know? I will certainly keep you all informed after I start taking it...if it works, I will be one happy camper!

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Erin: Two things...1) I had no difficulty whatsoever titrating from 75 to 63, 63 to 50, 50 to 38 and 38 to 25 because I have been taking clonidine and hydroxyzine but this last one, from 25 to 12 has been unbelievable. The first patch wasn't too bad. Then three days later, I was having agitation, muscle cramps and some anxiety but within 45 minutes of the 2nd patch, I was pretty stable. Three more days, patch #3 and I had the previous symptoms as well as insomnia and loss of appetite. It took nearly 3 hours to feel moderately better. This last change was the worst, adding nausea, diarrhea, confusion and a craving like I've never experienced!!! NOW, all that being said, I have been on these $#())@ things for over 6 years. 2) The clonidine was very helpful and at first, it did make me quite drowsy but that was temporary and going off of fentanyl CAN raise blood pressure; clondine helps with that as well as taking the HARD edge off the process. Good luck to you!

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Hi all, just wanted to remind you that if you are taking valium or any from that class of drug PLEASE DO NOT TAKE St. John's Wart!! Check the herbals and naturals for this ingredient!!! It reacts very badly and could kill you!!!
So very happy you all are doing well in your struggles, we will have a much better year without that damn patch!! Hugs & an Angel of comfort & strength to you all!!
I was lucky with my pipe leak, it was underneath my home & did no damage inside!! Sorry to hear about the damage, have you contacted your insurance yet?

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YOU GUYS ARE ALL SO AWESOME, I was SOOOO desperate, discouraged and not really LIVING, only EXISTING while I was on these horrible (I call them evil) patches. The encouragement and support I have found from this sight is so awesome. I feel SO much better now at 60 days out and counting. It's WILL be a better year without those patches and for me without certain medications I have relied on to relive both PHYSICAL PAIN but I believe also EMOTIONAL pain as well. DON'T get me wrong, I believe we have been blessed with the science and medications to help with certain medical conditions, and it sucks to be in pain and hurting all the time. Erin my doc and the rehab doc I was blessed to talk to said the same thing about pain medications but even the antidepressant medications and anti anxiety meds do the same thing to your body, especially with long term use, they block the transmitters that send the pain signals to your brain and then the brain can't send signals to the body to help with the pain, stress, etc. I don't understand it all, I just know I feel better the less and less prescription meds I take, THAT BEING SAID, I still am on a low dose of anti depressant as well as an OCCASIONAL XANAX. My father holds the record for the most amount of EST Electric Shock Treatments given in a hospital in Utah...NOT A RECORD OR GENE POOL to brag about but out of four children only the two of us REALLY struggle with depression. Anyway I have contacted insurance agent Squwishy, I WAS BLESSED there too because pipe went to sprinkler box outside I could have been in trouble but it broke INSIDE wall in house and was properly insulated, just sucks throwing away soggy, ruined sentimental stuff and the stress of dealing with body pain, getting patches out of system, looking at my life and what I've missed out on while I've been on these patches...like I said its like I've just been EXISTING the last few years, life just happened to me, I haven't lived it and I just thank God I realized it now instead of even another year later. Thanks for the info on Savella Meg. Erin, good to hear you're hanging in there. You will be able to do anything you want because I KNOW if one has God's help one can accomplish anything. Good luck to all and EVERYONE IS REALLY AMAZING and supportive!! It's so awesome!! You will feel better soon!!! I am ALOT better mentally and physically, I'M NOT by any means pain free, I have good, bad, terrible and great days but at LEAST I KNOW I'M ALIVE without this horrible patch. Hang in everyone!! Thanks for the info and support. love to all!!!

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Meg, one quick thing one of the rehab docs told me, Niacin helps flush the narcotics out of your body faster, I didn't use it because by the time I was blessed enough to talk to him I was through the worst and it is supposed to be a little hard on your stomach (in my condition where I had just had surgery for a GI BLEED in June) but I could find out amount, etc if you're interested, also I don't know what the withdrawal ease has in it...maybe Niacin?? You could check with doc when you go. Also I really did find a lot of just simple things helped like happy girl and maui girl said in very early posts, meditation, ben gay, heating pads, heating blankets, DON'T USE HEAT WHILE STILL ON PATCH THO, I'M SURE YOU KNOW THIS...In case you don't it releases the medication into your system faster and you CAN DIE, I lost a brother a year ago September due to these patches and other drug use combined. AGAIN, good luck to all and THANKS ALL OF YOU!!!

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While I agree that opiate pain medication and anti anxiety medication can mess up signals to the brain and body, although, remember these doctors are in the business to get people off of all medication and I feel it was irresponsible for a doctor to say that about anti depressents. Anti depressents save peoples lives, they don't even come close to destroying anything if given for the right reasons. I take anti anxiety meds AS NEEDED, but I was diagnoised as being clinically depressed by a specialist and I will need to take them for the rest of my life or until there is a cure for depression..On a worse note, Last week when I went to dose at my clinic, the person gave me a dose that was way too low, and since methadone is long acting, I had no symptems for 3 days. Well, I am in full blown WD's not the kind where I would be if I were going CT, but I believe instead of 160mg, I received 60mg and I started with the legs jumping, I am hot one second and freezing the next, I have the runs, and my stomach is turning like crazy. I haven't slept over 3 hours since Saturday, and I know this isn't the flu, I know the difference. Well, I called today and there is going to be an investigation and if I was shorted and not told, someone has to answer for it, and I am talking to the doctor and see how fast he can get me back on track again..Even if I get my full dose tomorrow (which I will) it will take 3-4 days for me to feel normal again..My pain is intolerable right now, and I am going nuts..For anyone who doesn't know me, I don't plan on tapering, I am a pro medication for people like me who need and take their medications as prescribed. I am one who chooses not to live with pain, and for me this is He**...I do admire and respect you all that choose to not take medication, and I guess that is why that I am here, to help those like me..Have a nice day everyone

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PAT, I am so sorry you are going through that!!! 2 yrs ago I moved and was denied my patch at 150mcg for 9 days and I know what you are going through!! You want to run away from yourself, tear your hair out, can't eat & the chills & sweating are awful!! The jumping legs & other muscles are intolerable!! PLEASE HOLD ON!!! I almost did the unthinkable, but my daughter intervened!! I hope you get resolution fast!!!!! Can't your doc give you something to calm things until they can get enough back in your system for relief??? I wish I could be there to help!!! I found a vibrating mat and handheld massager helped a bit by masking some of the jumping, not much, but some!!
TESSIE< GREAT NEWS!!!!! All I can suggest is Hold on to the positives and go one minute at a time!!!
For some reason, maybe my Angels? , I am doing fantastic!! I take my zoloft and always will, but, I don't seem to be needing the other stuff anymore!! I hurt alot but right now, I choose a clear head & mind over being painless. However, I know when I get my knee replaced there is going to be a big challenge because of my allergies!!
Thanks for being here and sharing!! Angels of strength & comfort to you all!!

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I discovered a way to get off fentanyl without withdrawals!

I was taking about 40mg of oxycodone a day and was switched to fentanyl. I was on, at my highest dose, 50mcg of fentanyl with the patch changed every 72 hours.

Well, I went down to 32.5 and was on that dose for 2 weeks.

Then I was on the 25mcg for 2 weeks (not noticing any withdrawal symptoms at all)

Then I've been on 12mcg for about a month. With my last patch, I put it on, and just left it there for about 10 days.

I took it off and never had any withdrawal symptoms!

Slow and steady really wins the withdrawal race!

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Glad to hear your withdrawal was so great, Release! First, this is my 3rd day of NO NARCOTICS! WAHOO!!!!

The one thing I am learning in this withdrawal process is that each and every one of us is DIFFERENT! We can share experience, strength and hope but none of us have another's answers! I did it slower than slow, going down 12mcg a month, starting at 75 and then only 2 weeks on 12 and have had insomnia, restless legs from he**, a headache for the last 5 days. I am getting through it, I am doing whatever it takes: sleeping alot, reading nonsense, not answering the phone and acknowledging I am a drug addict, that I can't put drugs or alcohol into my body without going into the insanity of addiction. So happy to be clean and sober today!

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Meg, First of all CONGRATS!!! It feels good, doesn't it, well not all of it yet but it gets better I promise. Second, you're right about everyone being different and I have appreciated all the advice and support from everyone. I was really glad to find this forum and the support of such neat people!! Hope you keep doing well, it gets better and better with the legs and sleep and headaches and stuff....it did for me anyway. I saw a saying the other day can't remember exactly where but it said something to the fact of If life was supposed to be easy it wouldn't be so hard! Sounds kinda funny but I've learned a lot from the hard times, NOT THAT ID want em back but I'll keep the experience and knowledge and go on trying to be better every day. Love and support to all!!

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Hi Squiwshy..I am sorry it took so long to get back to you, but I haven't spent too much time on my computer lately..I am getting what they call a P+T blood workup which they use to see what is going on with my dose...It screens me to see how fast I am metabilizing the methadone and will know if I need a higher dose..I was raised so I am feeling a bit better, but I want to know what is happenning with my body..I may have a flare up of my Hep B and that can cause it, but I don't want to guess I want to know,,Luckily they do the test free for the patients so I can get it done on Wednesday..I have to be there at 7am, they give me 1/2 of my dose, then I wait for 4 long hours and then I get the second blood test and they guve me the rest of my dose, then they will know what is going on,,I will keep you informed on how it goes,,I hope you are feeling much better !! Thanks for being so kind to me,,,,


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My husband was on Fenanyl 75 mg patch every 2 days. Last Sunday (a week ago) he put on his last patch and then decided to quit. So it wore off, and gradually the withdrawal symptoms started. Friday he started vomiting and cramping and that lasted until some time yesterday. But then the most disturbing symptom started. He is talking in his sleep....or maybe hallunicating. It's like he's awake...sometimes his eyes are open, but he is talking nonsense. Talking to people who are not there. It's normal stuff, like about his old job and hobbies, so it's not like he is having vivid dreams or anything. But this goes on all night and off and on during the day. Neither of us are getting any sleep. He won't go to the doctor. How long will this last? It's scary.

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Hi Cindy, I'm no expert..I came here looking for help as well, and got lots of it from these wonderful people. Going cold turkey the way he did is really really hard! How long was he on this?? I was only on for about 6 weeks, and it took 8-10 days WITH some help from my doctor to get free of withdrawal. I found that taking some other type of opoiod when it got really bad (I used Hydromorphone but really anything will do in the opium class)helped, also taking some Valium really helped with the nervousness. He sounds stubborn (like I am) and probably won't want to do the recommended gradual easing off that most people prefer, so all I can do is wish you luck! I have not heard of hallucinations... but I am guessing this too will pass...hopefully sooner than later. Sorry that's all I can tell you....wait for Tessie & Meg..they are the real experts!!

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Hi Cindy..This is the classic case where people say opiate WD can't kill a person..I don't want to scare you, but your husband has to get to a doctor NOW..The symtems you are describing ARE NOT NORMAL..He needs his doctor to decide if he needs medication or possibly a few days in the hospital. Although I have never taken fentanyl I am a chronic pain sufferer who has become addicted to opiates..I have gone through WD's B4 as well as most of my friends and this isn't normal..Please make him see his doctor if not for him, then ask him to do it for you..Let us know how he is doing

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Hi Cindy. Can I please tell you that I am currently tapering from 100mcg Fentanyl patch. I have only been on the Fentanyl patch for 6 months. I tried to be strong and rip it off and say no more. It was a huge mistake. I never in a million years expected the WD's to be how they were. I haven't ever abused any substance in my life. So I just thought that I could get rid of it. Well, I was so wrong. My body is physically addicted to it, even if my brain is not. So I ran to my doctor and told him how I wanted off of the drug, and we could find something else for my pain. Well, the only thing is the taper takes awhile. My doctor told me to not ever just throw my body into withdrawls either. I mean he did say, the wd's won't kill you, but you would be causing yourself such unnecessary pain. So please have him speak to his okay? Hope all goes well. Hugs~

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