False Positive For Benzodiazepines (Page 14) (Top voted first)


I have been testing positive for benzos and i cant figure out why. I have been taking suboxone & Ondansetron & promethazine. Thats it. If i fail another drug test, then my doctor is gonna kick me out. If anybody knows of any common substances, prescription or over the counter medications please inform me. Thanks

282 Replies (15 Pages)

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Take 100mg of zoloft 100mg wellbutrin trazadone all prescribed. Started to test positive for benzos. Why?

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I was kicked out of pain managment due to a positive 4 xanax now i am black flagged on there secret list 4 medical personel. the pisser is i hadent taken any benzoes. they didnt have a problem prescribing 2 me oxys, perks, flexeril, all at 1 time an wanted to give me methodone which i refused. this is all due to a industrial accident shoulder,neck,ribs,spinal injuries do to there genuis IQ an couldn't possible b wrong they took all meds away from me an i went cold turkey what a b**** that was they turned me into a synthetic heroin junkie. no matter what i said they was deaf. i hope your luck is better then mine. i now take nothing. some days are unbearable but hey those dirty so an so arent bleeding the BWC dry plus they dont get 425 bucks a mth 4 peein a cup. Just legal drug dealers.

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I tested positive for benzos with my parole officer during my weekly UA.. I was shocked, he said if I told him what I took I would get a free pass, if I denied it and sent it to the lab and it came back positive, I was going back to prison. I knew I have taken any, but it was still in my mind, did someone spike my drink?? A lot of what ifs, it was along week waiting for the lab results, but it came back negative, the only meds I take are aleve, hydrochlorathiazide for blood pressure, and statin for cholesterol, I was also using sinex nasal spray, I think it was the sinex, I had passed UA's every week for 6 months prior to this s***. Weird

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yes, because Clonidine is a benzo otherwise known as Clonazepam, or Rivotril.

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I have had 2 false positives for benzos. I thought it was Naproxen sodium but skipped it for several weeks and still tested positive. 2 out of last 5 tests showed a positive.

I take Nuvigil, Lyrica, Oxycodone, Vivarin (caffeine) and Marijuana. I take methocarbamol every other month or so. No other under or over the counter anything other than antifungal cream on my feet on occasion.

My Dr refuses to allow a blood test or anything that might be more accurate and has instead decided I don't get anything if I get another false positive.

A. Do I have possible interaction issues knowing I went 3 weeks without the Naproxen which I know does cause some false positives?
B. Do I have any recourse or options to force a more accurate test?

It seems I either need to cheat or hire an attorney unless I want to go back to spending my entire life in bed.

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Clonidine and clonazepam r two different drugs clonidine is used for some one who has a very very high blood pressure and clonazepam is q benzodiazepines as well as VAIUM , ATIVAN, LORAZEPAM. Usually any word that ends with a ( pan,pam,am) with the exception of valum r a benzodiazepines. My question is what about ZANAFLEX.

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Sorry John, You aren't trying to help. You're just showing your ignorance and hate as you accuse everyone of lying and act like your "education" makes you an expert on drug test accuracy and apparently now psychology.

Just because you were repeatedly told something and had your memory tested to make sure you remembered what you were told doesn't mean ANY of it is actually true. You have to be able to think and put together facts to have any clue if what you were told was correct.

If you were to even trouble yourself (as much as you have here) to read actual analysis of test result accuracy you would know that it isn't very accurate. If you had any field knowledge you would know that getting another test isn't always easy or automatic and that even if it comes back negative your records still show a positive test and, given the stigma against some medication, can compromise the quality of your care forever.

No studies or analysis of any kind says the tests are 100% accurate. If you take enough tests you will eventually test positive. If you are on lifetime medication you'll end up with several positive tests. These are facts based on math instead of what you call facts which in several cases is basically just heresay.

The wake up call is for you. Stop pretending you can help the liars and assume you're talking to honest people with honest questions. The liars know they are lying but their existence doesn't change anything for the honest people. Everyone in your profession is so fixated on the cheaters you jump at any chance to put honest people into the cheater category. Amazing medications that can change lives and eliminate incredible suffering aren't being given to people who really need it because you and people like you are so concerned you might get tricked or because your entire industry is more concerned with drug addicts than sick people.

None of you are nearly as smart as you think and your myopic education makes you qualified to do nothing more than you were specifically trained to do. You're in fact less qualified to speak outside of your very specific area of expertise than most people with more rounded educations and or experience.

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What other medications prescribed and over the counter do you take

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I'm in a methadone clinic in Brattleboro Vermont. They took a urine drug test. My sister died six years ago because of the mixture of benzos and methadone. I am very adamant about not taking any kind of benzos but I'm coming up positive for them. I don't like benzos and am scared s***less of taking them because of what happened to my sister. Although I take Tylenol pm and sleep aids cause I have had a really hard time sleeping. What can I do about this positive benzos bs. Please help.

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I took a drug screen test and benzos showed up but I take advil pm every night could that be why

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I take lisinopril 20 mg for blood pressure and trazodone. Plus I've been taking Advil pm, ibuprofen, and came up positive for benzo's. I don't take xanax . Can what I have listed cause a positive for benzodiazepenes?

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Nasal spray decogngestant with oxymetalone will. Afrin etc...

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Molipaxin is a brand name (please use generics—names of actual chemicals in the designer drug for clarification and simple answers!!) for trazodone. Trazodone is considered an alternative, less hazardous drug than a benzodiazepine for treating a host of virtually identical diagnoses.

Drug makers knew (and know—trust me) how effective benzodiazepines were (are) at relieving stress and anxiety. Quite frankly, benzodiazepines are still among the best at doing so; they have the added advantage of causing less respiratory depression than did the once, very often prescribed class of drugs known as BARBITURATES. Yet, benzodiazepines are still AT LEAST as effective in relieving anxiety, aborting panic attacks, mitigating depression, treating psychoses, in addition to treating sleep disorders, if not MORE so, than the once ubiquitous, all-powerful, class of drugs we call barbiturates and which many once thought of as a panacea (as Freud did of cocaine, and as others did of opium, and as still others did of LSD, and as still Others did…ad nauseum)..

However, drug makers are also VERY AWARE of the inherent risks, abuse potential (rapid onset of dependence and, frequently, addiction especially when used with other high-risk, CNS-depressant drugs such as opiates/opioids—which I probably don’t need to explicate, to illuminate, or to delineate for some of you). The fact that many governments worldwide, including our own, have designated this class of drugs as a controlled substance (schedule IV in the U.S., also known as C-IV in said country) provides all the more reason to avoid expanding this class of drug and find something…with similar effects but without the legal…hurdles.

So, naturally, a profitable plan is to produce a drug—in this case, a class of drugs known as PHENYLPIPERAZINES—that has a virtually identical effect on patients without falling into the same class (benzodiazepine) of drug so as to avoid the legal, moral, and medical stigma, "unnecessary" hesitation by the healthcare community to prescribe and to approve said drugs, and other, profit-margin reducing…â€inconveniences.â€

Congratulations to a corporate pharmaceutical organization in Italy (Angelini something) in producing a new drug that not only helps with anxiety and sleep, but also aids in relieving depression without having the disadvantage of belonging to the benzodiazepine class (and thereby avoiding the “distinction†of joining a class of controlled and scheduled drugs).

Again, trazodone is considered by many—and MISTAKENLY so—to be a benzodiazepine. Why? Yes, because its chemical structure (as one would tend to expect) is very similar in nature to the benzodiazepine class of drugs. Ergo, this "virtual" benzodiazepine copycat, ipso facto, is metabolized by the liver to produce an analogous, if not identical (ask a real doctor FFS), harmony of metabolic byproducts (chemicals) that are identical to those produced by that of a collection of benzodiazepines, or *a* benzodiazepine.

Congratulations! You have just failed (tested positive, that is) a drug test that includes analyzing urine, or some other post-hepatic body fluid, excretion, and so on, for the presence of a benzodiazepine DESPITE that you never consumed one.

Another victory for corporate pharmaceutical America; God, I love capitalism!!!

Oh, that was your answer!

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How much ibrufen do you have to take before you reach a false positive for diazepam

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I've been clean for 13 mos. And every now and then I'll take Ibuprofen PM to help me sleep because I'm supposed to take trazadone and don't want to cause I'm still drowsy the next day, so last night I got a different brand than I usually do, and I tested positive for three times today for my po, now I'm bugging out cause I don't know if I'm going to go back or not

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Clonidine is given to some one with extrem high blood pressure. I c no one Mentioned ZANAFLEX

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Benadryl can cause a fals positive. It's the diphenhydramine that will cause this

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Most pharmacist since they have a college education can spell correctly and write a clear and concise sentence. You can't do either. Your obviously not a pharmacist as a matter of fact I don't think you're even a high school graduate....

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I just tested positive for benzos today & take nothing but suboxone! I just got over strep throat& was taking a z pak antibiotic & advil for fever then drank nyquil pm for sleep! It had to be the Nyquil!!

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This morning i tested positive for benzos and thier is absolutely no way I have taken them..the only thing i have done different is i been taking energy shots due to long hours at work and last night i took advil for a headache does anyone have any ideas please. .i amnon probation and have done nothing wrong. .i dont understand

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