False Positive For Benzodiazepines (Page 13) (Top voted first)


I have been testing positive for benzos and i cant figure out why. I have been taking suboxone & Ondansetron & promethazine. Thats it. If i fail another drug test, then my doctor is gonna kick me out. If anybody knows of any common substances, prescription or over the counter medications please inform me. Thanks

282 Replies (15 Pages)

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Re: DSS (# 261) Expand Referenced Message

Thankyou for your information. However, I went over this problem with two separate doctors and a pharmacist, Not One of them were aware or had even heard of this happening. Even they did a thorough web search and could find nothing to substantiate my clams. my sole purpose for informing the FDA was in the hopes of helping anyone that ran into this problem/situation, Because I was not aware that the FDA already knew of this. And if its so widely known, It stuns me that no doctor or pharmacist knew that this could happen. Btw. After having many urine test done and failing every one for Benzos, And insisting that I had not taken any type of Benzos, They suggested a blood test SPECIFICALLY for Benzos, And I failed that also. But I hope this becomes more widely known and that doctors become more aware, So that others do not have to face the same frustrations that I did. Again Thankyou for your comment and interest.It was helpful and informative.

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Re: Chip (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

I'm also coming up positive for benzo and only been taking Benadryl and unison for sleep which I was told by the same doc that's seeing benzo in my urine . I don't take anything else but that . But no one will believe me ??

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Re: Emmymom (# 142) Expand Referenced Message

Not even close. Clonidine is used for the treatment of blood pressure as well as for the diagnosis of “ODD” in young children and adolescents. Clonazepam is the real name for klonopin, which is a benzodiazepine. It is also an anti-convulsant used for the treatment of seizures. Little one sentence statements such as yours is false and could affect someone’s job life with legal issues monumentally. I strongly suggest doing your homework prior to writing posts that are simply false. Not looking to make you feel bad, just thinking it would be of great help to this site if our replies were factual in nature.

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Re: bigmike26 (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

You should not be taking traz and remeron that is too much. These medications are excessive. The 12 steps will help replace some of those drugs.

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Re: DSS (# 261) Expand Referenced Message

Regarding your reply on Feb. 5th, to my post. First, I want to thank you again for taking your time to respond. As you could probably tell I was extremely excited to read your reply and pass the message along to my Dr. However, the excitement didn't last long. My doctor informed me on my second visit after telling her this that she has spoken with another Dr (that she considers) very knowledgeable on this subject and he assured her there is absolutely no way, under any condition a false positive could occur with Celexa, or another drug in that class. Now I'm devastated because Celexa is the only antidepressant that has ever helped my depression to date. The Dr saw that I passed my udt when I went off it, once back on it benzos showed up again. I can't understand why she refuses to believe me, unless she's lied to so often she doesn't trust anyone. So I am reaching out to you for help. I want more than anything to show her, and her Dr friend that this is possible. I need that medication. I have a young son that needs his mother whole. You do seem to have the information I need. I'm wondering if you know of a site with FDA letterhead on it stating this fact? The doctor wants nothing to do with the "common persons" conversations. If you don't know a site, do you think if I requested it the FDA would send me that info? I'm sure you are far more educated on this topic than I, and I hope my questions don't seem too silly to you. I'm just a mom wanting to get better. Thank you in advance for reading this, and for any help you can offer.

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I just tested false positive for benzodiazepines. I take seroquel, celexa, promethazine, benadryl and clonidine. Will any of these meds make that happen?

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Re: arrow (# 89) Expand Referenced Message

I guess you weren't b****ing when you were getting prescribed meds. Take it like a man and don't f*** it up for the rest of us.

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I was administered Twilight Sleep IV sedation during an injection of steroids for carpel tunnel syndrome. Can these drugs cause a false positive for Klonopin?

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I tested positive for benzos two times and have not even seen any. I took some Chlorpheniramine and some AGO Urinary Pain Relief. Could either of these cause a false positive?

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I keep showing up positive for benzos. I take a Wellbutrin, Lexapro and a blood pressure medication. My doctor is going to discontinue giving me my Vicodin due to the U/A showing benzos!! Please help!! Can Lexapro test positive for a benzo in urine drug tests?

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Re: Verwon (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

Regardless of metabolism, levels should never go UP unless more of the medication is being ingested. If she last took it 6 weeks ago, levels should be comparable within the first few days but then should start to decrease. Unless, of course, she's still using, which clearly is the case.

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Re: 8E77Y800P (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

I failed a UA the other day for Benzos and kept telling doc I take Trazodone and read that may cause a false positive for Benzos. He said its not on any list for causing that to come back positive. Do you know of anyway to prove what you said about some people metabolize Trazodone to show as Benzos? Any help would be great,im sick of being looked at like a liar. I'd love to stick it in his face!

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I've taken naproxen and chantix out from my normal medications and took a home urine test and 2 of them showed up positive for benzodiazepines. Is this possible? What can cause this false positive?

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I was just in a work-related accident and standard procedure is to take a urine test. This test came back positive for benzos but the only thing that I have ever taken is an albuterol inhaler, a ventolin inhaler and Flonase for sinuses. What can cause a false positive for benzos?

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I have taken 2 drug (UA) tests for the conditions of my bond / release from jail. My last 2 tests have came back positive for Benzo's and I haven't used any street drugs, narcotics, or medications not prescribed to me. I currently take Clonidine, Cymbalta, Gabapentin, & Hydroxychloroquine. Is it possible for any of these to give me a false positive? My freedom is at stake.

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You’re exactly right I’ve had that happen with myself with one of the drugs you listed I can give a false positive but if she’s so worried about being dropped for it or the doctor has to do is I forget exactly what it’s called but the gastronomy micrograph telescope thing and it look for the metabolites of the benzo’s and if they’re there You’re exactly right I have heard that have them myself with one of the drugs you listed I can give a false positive but if she so worried about being dropped for it all the doctor has to do is I forget exactly what it’s called but the gastronomy micrograph telescope thing and I look for the metabolites of the benzo‘s and if they’re there, That means unfortunately this person really did take benzo’s and the doctor will know.

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Can zofran yield a false positive result as a benzo?

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Took a urinalysis for my ADHD med appointment today. I failed one drug test at the beginning of this year and only get one more 'fail' before I lose my meds for good.

My doctor so gently informed me that the cheap cup test was positive for benzodiazepines, though it could be caused by any number of other meds I take. They're sending it to the lab for GC/MS but my anxiety is going WILD. Here's the list of drugs and supplements I take:

Doxylamine succinate
Valerian root
Butalbital (Fioricet)
N-acetyl cysteine

If you've ever tested positive or known anyone to test positive for benzos because of any of these, please let me know. I'm only seeing that sertraline, oxaprozin & ketoprofen commonly cause false positive tests for benzos along with some anti-retroviral AIDS meds. I don't take any of those. Starting to wonder if maybe some of my OTC supplements could be adulterated? Ugh.

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Re: Susan (# 271) Expand Referenced Message

Twilight sedation is usually Versed (midazolam) or another benzo, so yes. Unfortunately so. But tell your doctor that because that means it was legally prescribed for a medical procedure & you didn't take it from the black market or similar.

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Xanax is one of the shortest acting benzo's because it's metabolized and excreted from your body so quickly. It's highly unlikely that your long-term Xanax consumption is to blame if you haven't taken it since--as you stated--October even though your daily dosage was so high. Trazodone is very likely the culprit. Your best bet is to ask for what's called a, "GC/MS" test to confirm that you're not on any drugs you shouldn't be. GC stands for gas chromatography. MS stands for mass spectrometry. Both are very precise methods of identifying chemical compounds with a very low percentage of error.

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