False Positive For Suboxone While Taking Wellbutrin And Neurontin (Page 2)
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I had a surprise drug screening done by my probation officer. I had done little bit of cocaine, and tested positive for that and suboxone. I have never taken suboxone before. I am on buspar, wellbutrin, and nuerontin, and just recently started the nuerontin. Can either of these meds or all of them combined cause the reasoning for the positive result for the suboxone?

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Judgement tells more about the person & their judgements, than the person they're judging. I have gone to pain management for 12 years & have never failed a UA, however, I tested positive for Suboxone last week. I am not a liar, or an addict, however, I am a Nurse & I can verify, that False-Positives happen all the time. Ppl come here for help & answers, not for criticism.

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Bulls***, I never took it and it came up positive with my po. I take both neurontin and zyrtec.

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Not true ! I have never taken Suboxone! I took a. Drug test an came up positive for buprophen or whatever its called. I took neurotin an it caused a false positive.

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Did you ever get any answers? Ive been in pain management for ten years with no problems, and now suddenly they tell me I tested positive for suboxone, and they terminated my contract. Idk what I'm going to do, my pain is awful already and I know I'll g go thru withdrawals, I've been on stuff too long! I'm terrified and idk what to do next. They say this will be on my record if I go anywhere else. But I swear on my life I've never taken anything they didn't give me.

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Dude I believe something is wrong with drug test. Today I had a UA and I used synthetic urine to avoid testing for the but instead tested positive for suboxone lol

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Most of these cases are coming thru pain management and suboxin is not something that is looked for in a drug screen. Suboxin is given to people in order to stop taking opids and suboxin will prevent opids from taking affect. If I took a suboxin I would stand right up and say I did it and ask for forgiveness however this is not the case. I have spoken with technicians In 2 different labs and was told suboxin can show up in a drug screen due to various medications. So i feel that your statement is in fact false. It appears to me that people are simply trying to get to the bottom of the problem at hand. My friend just haf her medicine taken from her for testing positive for suboxim as well as strret meth. I can assure you that she did not have either in her system but rather something that gave a false reading. She has gone to pain management since her accident 15 years ago she attends service regularly and her body is made up like mine in which any form of speed would cause us to stroke out or have a heart attack. When you wake up every morning going a hundred miles per hour you don't need speed plus my body demands sleep and staying up for days is not a option. Please research this for yourself before making future comments basically calling people liars.

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If she is being taken off the MS cottin it is going to be rough on her. I'm on that same medicine and it is actually a extended release morphine and is not to be taken lightly. While on this medication I too have tested positive for oxycodon in which my doctor informed me it was due to the morphine. Your daughter is going to need you badly and she will feel as if she is knocking on the gates of heaven itself. My medicine was taken during a home invasion and I could not get them refilled. Coming off the percocet will seem like a walk thru the park compared to morphine withdrawals. They say it takes 3 days to leave your body and therfore 3 days to detox. I find that to be a accurate statement in regards to the percocet but not the morphine. I was bed ridden for a week and a half and felt like a big truck had ran me over. I had hallucinations also and my son's never left my side. Needless to say my medicine will not be taken from me again due to measures I took to ensure its safety. I will do anything I can to help you get your daughter thru this horrible ordeal. {edited for privacy}. Keeping you and yours in my prayers

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i also had a false positive for suboxin and never taken the drug.. 3 months ago i was put on wellbutrin and am seeing now that this med obviously caused the false testing and will confront my doctor asap i cant cope with out my pain meds do to cronic back pain etc......

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Please help me ..I'm testing positive for buprenorphine which is the active ingredient in suboxone and I'm not taking it...I'm am taking however the following medications. Welbutrin, celexa, busperone and visceral! Please help me and someone please let me kno why I am testing positive for buprenorphine? It is very worrying!!!

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I as a recovering addict and on suboxone..if you test positive for suboxone its because youve takin suboxone..Admit it and get help..It was a specific test for suboxone..Its not in standard 5 panel test..

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Suboxone can be transmitted from someone else, especially with intimate sex. If someone taking suboxone performs ordeal sex after taking suboxone it can transfer to your genial area possibly internally and if you do not scrub very good it can transfer to the test! Keep this in mind, it happened to someone else I know!

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Yes if you peed on your finger and had suboxone on it...it could test positive....i myself was once on parole and i took my freedom seriously and didnt handle drugs that could put me back in...just be honest with your PO and hopefully he gives you a break...take care

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I have taken lorazapam for yrs and it is not showing on the urine drug screen, What is coming up positive is suboxone and amphitymines, which I've never taken. Help? I just got kicked out of outpatient treatment!

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Please look up the generic name of suboxone and generic name of wellbutrin. They are similar though we would need a toxicologist to prove innocent.
On my previous post, I meant to say I had a false positive for suboxone while taking wellbutrin.

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Im currently on opana 10mg, while also taking ambien, generic seroquel, (quetiapine fumarate), sumaval dose pro, bactrim and amitriptyline and ibuprofen, I recently took drug test and it came up negative for opana and poistive for benzos and suboxone, which I never took, it was then sent to lab where the opanas showed up the benzodiazepines did not show but again the suboxone showed up positive, I dont know what to do, they dont believe me, what can cause a false positive for suboxone. I have no problem confessing if I took a medication I wasnt suppose to, but im not going to confess to something I didnt take. Please can someone help me

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Sorry people but we need a toxicologist to answer many of these questions. I'm a RN in New Mexico and in 2011, I had a false negative for Suboxone when I was a new patient at a MD office in Las Vegas, NM, which they did test all new patients as it is a heroin problematic area. All I was taking was Wellbutrin and if looking up the generic name for both drugs, there is a similarity in the names. I did not even know what Suboxone was. When I asked them, she said "You're a nurse. You should know". Uhh, I don't work in that area. I stick to hearts and lungs. I cried and cried! Though it wasn't a drug test I had to pass for a job but just the fact that if I had even tried it, I would say it! I had no reason to lie. Thinking back on it, in July 2011, while on Wellbutrin, when self employed and went to a simple, cost effective drug center called anylabtest. I tested positive for that generic name of Suboxone but it barely showed. I hurried and took that generic name to a pharmacist next door and he told me what it was and that if I did not take that, I had better let her know and submit to more urine drug screens. Since it was so light on the drug screen she did end up passing me on the UDS. Thank God! I want to get back on the Wellbutrin but I am really scared to now though it makes me perky in the mornings when waking thinking "ahh, a new day"...more positive.

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Have you ever taken neurontin? I dont know 100% but ive heard a few people say that has caused a false positive. Again, I dont know how much truth is behind that but its worth looking into

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I just went for a drug test for my PAROLE OFFICER and i had handled suboxone strip that morning, i had never seen it and my cousin showed one to me. well i took my test and well to be blunt i peed a little on my finger. when my p.o. looked at test it showed i failed it for suboxone!!! Unlike other ex-cons i take my freedom very serious so i stay away from illegal drugs. believe me or not. but could that had been the reason i failed for that?? Some one please help me out on this. i need answers. there's no way possible i should have failed that test

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HELP! I have NEVER taken Suboxone in my life. I've never even seen it in real life. After 5 years of clean urine screens for pain management, I suddenly tested positive for it in June. I swore to my doctor I hadn't taken Suboxone or anything else not prescribed to me (because it was and is true) he said he had never seen a false positive but that he was inclined to believe me and would run more specific tests. I went back in a few days ago and he said that I had tested positive a second time, that Suboxone contains a very specific molecule that cannot be misidentified and that he would chalk it up to adulterants in my medications if other patients had tested positive, but no one else had. I'm pretty sure he doesn't believe me anymore. He was willing to send one more sample to another lab, but if it comes back positive he has to discontinue my pain meds. I am taking Zoloft, Xanax, Perphenazine (generic Trilifon), Trazodone, Oxymorphone, Oxycodone, Zyrtec, Excedrin, Sudafed, multivitamins, calcium and magnesium. I stand to lose the Oxycodone and Oxymorphone and, given the severity of the pain I'm facing, that literally puts my life on the line. I feel completely powerless because I never put Suboxone in or on my body in the first place, meaning there is nothing I can do to fix this. I'm scared to death and I don't know where to turn. Please DO NOT give me advice on getting away with taking Suboxone because I can't use it and I don't want it. PLEASE DO respond with ANY information or advice you may have for someone who really is not taking Suboxone and is testing positive for it.

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HELP!!! My daughter has been on pain management since 2006 and never failed a drug screen. Today she goes to a regular visit at pain management clinic where she sees the nurse practitioner there. Well my daughter was informed that her drug screen done last month and two more before that have been showing positive for high levels of Percocet. What my daughter has been on was MS Contin 100 mg and MSIR 30 mg and nothing else through them. Now about 3 or 4 months ago her psychiatrist started her on a new drug called Fetzima 80 mg and last week added a drug called Depacote 250 mg. other than that she takes Tylenol Sinus for headaches she's been having. Beside the fact that this pain management facility does not follow the proper drug screen collection protocol which leaves so many opportunities for errors I can't help but wonder if the medication called Fatzima is what is causing a false positive for Percocet because these "positive" tests started occurring right after her psychiatrist started her on the Fatzima. Now they cut her meds down to barely anything at all and are in fact weaning her off the MS Contin completely in this one month! My poor child will be sick and in pain soon. Can someone PLEASE PLEASE help me help her? Is there any documentation out there to back up my theory about the medication, Fetzima? If so please direct me to it so I can print copies and bring with us to meet with the "nurse practitioner". If you prefer to email it to me I will happily provide my address if I'm allowed to. I'm not going to include it right now for fear my request will be removed because I provided it without permission.

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