Epclusa Ruined My Life (Page 8)


Has anyone experienced severe anxiety, constant crawling feeling in body after epclusa treatment. Its like my brain and body aren't working right anymore? I had terrible side effects. Finished in January, now it's June and feels like I'm still taking the poison.

304 Replies (16 Pages)

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Re: Lou (# 140) Expand Referenced Message

Lou. Hello. Things here pretty crazy. Yes we are are a greater risk due to cirrohis and taking the poison Epclusa. Had to shop to self quarantine for a few weeks. Store was packed. Empty shelves. 55 min waiting in line. First time Americans feel like a third world country. They have closed all schools in my town. Many restaurants closed too. I have no desire to be around anyone outside my family. .my son delivers to rite aid pharmicies 5 days a week. I now have him shower as soon as he gets home. The world is in crisis. Ever watch a movie called The Stand? Eerily like movie. I hope you have supplies and can stay away from people. I think of you all of the time. Your true friend.....

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Re: Kathleen (# 141) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Kathleen ,sounds much the same here went to supermarket this morning ,very crowded for a Sunday,I saw my son last Friday he also does deliveries , He lives in Brisbane a couple of hunded miles away,but does coffee drops to shops down this way, IV heard of The Stand but haven't seen , it's really hard to believe this thing is happening ,it's one thing you or I don't need ,I think we've had our share ,it's 1am Monday morning having trouble sleeping as usual , anyway glad you are ok stay safe your friend down under,,

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Re: Kathleen (# 141) Expand Referenced Message

Same thing happening over here ,I'm not feeling any virus signs so far,hope you and family going ok ,I went to Woolworths this morning a lot of items gone already ,seems the masses are in panick mode ,no eggs rice hand cleaner toilet paper is rationed I pack per person ,I don't know how long or how serious it will get ,I think be hard to even get drs app,,I feel like IV already got symptoms since tx short of breath cough ect.,if I went to drs probley put me in quarantine ,that's something I don't need,I'm the same as you in a lot of ways I think,. I only have time for family ,which isn't very often but is worthwhile , anyway stay out of crowds if possible try keep your strength strong ,I feel for my granddaughter's they are still young ,strange world there growing up in.one has rumetoid arthritis great kid but not very strong when it comes to viruses .stay safe.

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Re: Lou (# 143) Expand Referenced Message

Hi. I am supposed to have endoscopy wed morning at hospital. Im 72. Told everyone over 65 should shelter in place.
I'm afraid to go to the hospital to have it because there might be people at the hospital that have coronavirus and I might get coronavirus while I'm at the hospital having an endoscopy. It's like a catch-22 my family wants me to have it done but at the same time we don't want to have me exposed. I don't even leave the house anymore I've been out twice in the last two weeks and both of those were to see doctors. I'm freaking out because I'm pretty sure that I'll be in one of the ones that gets it and I'm going to try to avoid it but I don't think it's not going to be avoidable. Anyway Lou take care of yourself make sure you have all the supplies you need and even if they're your friends when your neighbors don't be around them. We need to take our leaders advice and stay in place for 14 or 15 days and let this thing blow out of town. Take care I'm thinking of you often

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Re: Kathleen (# 144) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Kathleen, hope by the time you read this you would have your trip to hospital Al finished and back at home ,once again we seem to be experiencing similar things ,my dr wants me to think about same thing ,as Bowell problems seem to be in my family, yes this coronaviris is a bit scary for me as well, hopefully we will be ok ,I think we've had more then our share of medical problems ,IV been trying to find out if doing the tx and having the virus for years ,might complicate things for us ,I v had have anti biotics for chest throat infections plus a couple of skin infections I seem to get more complications since treatment ,makes me worry about thiscoronavirus ! What do you think ? IV almost given up trying to talk to my dr , I really don't know how he got to be a dr ,probley comes from a family of drs,lol.anyway my friend please take care try and relax ,I know it's hard IV gotta try as well! There's nothing we can really do ,best wishes.

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Re: Kathleen (# 144) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Kathleen, hope by the time you read this you would have your trip to hospital Al finished and back at home ,once again we seem to be experiencing similar things ,my dr wants me to think about same thing ,as Bowell problems seem to be in my family, yes this coronaviris is a bit scary for me as well, hopefully we will be ok ,I think we've had more then our share of medical problems ,IV been trying to find out if doing the tx and having the virus for years ,might complicate things for us ,I v had have anti biotics for chest throat infections plus a couple of skin infections I seem to get more complications since treatment ,makes me worry about thiscoronavirus ! What do you think ? IV almost given up trying to talk to my dr , I really don't know how he got to be a dr ,probley comes from a family of drs,lol.anyway my friend please take care try and relax ,I know it's hard IV gotta try as well! There's nothing we can really do ,best wishes.Kathleen ,sorry about my spelling key board can't spell lol just realised I'm repeating myself a lot ,sorry take care ,hope you have better tv then us.

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Re: Kathleen (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Kathleen ,hope you are ok ,I'm not sure if you were put on cortasteroids for your breathing, IV been on 3 mths cortasteroids ,I just finished reading a warning on line about coronaviris and cortasteroid s have you heard anything ? My dr said keep taking them ,I just don't know what to do,hope you are ok after your hospital trip.take care please.

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Re: Lou (# 147) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Lou, have not been on that med. Currently not taking any meds for my cirrhosis. Just for new high blood pressure. Coronavirus so severe here. In California we have been in order to stay inside for a few weeks. Personally I have bed in home mostly since Epclusa so I dont mind. Mostly went out to shop. Now I save money. Hahaha

How are you feeling? I hope you have a support system? You are going in to winter now? Be safe. Thinking of you.

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Re: Kathleen (# 148) Expand Referenced Message

Same here ,kind of use to not going out mixing ect, hard to think to far ahead !just take care of yourself, hopefully won't get any worse,yes not looking forward to winter ,we don't have a very long winter but it can be harsh ,just hope it's not a flood year, stay safe.

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Re: Katherine (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Kathleen,IV been thinking of you ,I really hope you are ok ,i haven't heard from you for a while ,I'm hoping your like me and have to be in right mood to type,this coronaviris is so scary ,I really hope you are ok ,my nerves are not good seems more stressed I get ,the more I cough ,I think I'm worse since starting cortasteroid puffer flixotide ,think I will try stopping it doest seem to help me ,plus IV started having odd cigarette .take care

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Re: Kathi (# 19) Expand Referenced Message

Hi hope you are ok.we really don't need this coronavirus ,I don't think I cud put up with any more pain ,lately my knees and joints are terrible it's been over 2 yrs since Epclusa ,it's not going to get any better,felt better pre treatment ,numb feet exhaustion anxiety ,why couldn't they tell the truth what DAAs do us,or maybe that was the plan.

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Hello Version, I was wondering if you have had any feedback from Elisabeth regarding Epclusa liver problems, used to enjoy reading her messages,last I heard she was going into hospital for treatment.hopefully she is ok ,thank you.

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Re: Lou (# 151) Expand Referenced Message

Hello Lou. Great to hear from you.
Yes covid19 trying to end the world.
Ive been out of house 3 times in 69 plus days.
I don't need I don't need anything. I have all the food and supplies I need. I just am just tired of not being able to see pretty things like trees and flowers and the likes. Are being able to go for a ride and get a root beer or an ice cream cone or something. My epclusa effects are still the same my elbows now hurt all of the time and so does my right wrist. I had my knees I replace six and seven years ago so I really don't have any problems with my knees. I'm sorry that you know we're going through this but it's nice to go through this with somebody that understands what I'm feeling and knowing. I hope things are good with you I hope that the winter is not going to be totally harsh on you. We've had rain the last couple of days you know California it always changes is usually hot or we get a little bit of rain but not much in between. Take care of you and I hope to hear from you soon

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Re: Kathleen (# 153) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Kathleen. This dam phone, ive been trying to make contact with you! Been worried especially with this bloody virus, on top of everything else that's going down. Ive been watching the news, certainly strange days we are living in. Just hope your safe. My elbows hurt as well. Sometimes I use a mirror to see if I can see anything wrong but think they look ok, just ache. My feet are hurting lately. I read somewhere that a lot of people who get side effects from epclusa may be getting troubles because the hep c does damage that we don't notice until years later, ends up our immune system suffers and makes it easier for us to get infections. It's just what I read. I don't know if true or not. Coronavirus is still affecting people here, not as bad as u.S., just coming into winter now so it could get worse I guess. I worry about grandkids. They're young, yet hasn't worried me not going out. I don't miss seeing people that much. Shopping isn't much fun. Anyway, so glad to hear you are ok! Stay safe.

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Re: Lou (# 154) Expand Referenced Message

Hello lou.
Great to hear from you too.
Things I have noticed are my wrists and certain fingers hurt.
Very srtange.
The unrest over George Floyds death have reached afar.
We live about 8 miles from the state capital and all of capital and downtown sacramento are being looted by mobs every nught.
They dint care of his passing. Just an excuse to loot and be violent. There are people marchung for right reason but the bad ines ruining every march.
We are on a curfew.it almost takes away frim covid19 because of constant news coverage.
I just had lots of lab work done wednesday. Waiting for resulst.
I agree about hepc side effects. We will probably never know how much damage Epclusa and hep c have done to us. Shopping a nightmare. Only about a quarter of people wear masks. Feel it is their right to not wear them. I only shop when necessary.
Be safe. Stay warm and know my thoughts and well wishes are with you.

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Re: Kathleen (# 155) Expand Referenced Message

Hi great to hear you are going ok ,it's just coming onto winter now over here ,so tends to make aches worse as I'm sure you know about ,I find putting a hot water bottle on aches helps a bit ,the house where I live gets so dusty all year round the humidity is usually above 85% at night tends to make me cough, my step sister thinks I should get a small air con system,but IV been told they can be good by some people others say opposite ,IV gotta look into it,even know winter can be very harsh summer if like last couple of years is a nightmare very exhausting I won't ever get used to it.anyway take care ok,I was just watching news your president seemed to think George Floyed would be smiling becourse your economy going good,,,,mmm bit strange I thought ,I think we get politics on tv not only from here but everywhere gets bit tiring sometimes,we've got compulsory voting here so have to vote or we cop a fine,I think it's all corrupt ,don't think ever tried root beer ,IV heard it mentioned on tv might try it.anyway take it easy try an stay well ok ,do you have air con/maybe it won't get so dusty here if I was to get air con,I don't know always something to worry about lol.

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Re: Lou (# 156) Expand Referenced Message

Omg. Root beer is wonderful. The president us not my president.
Very corrupt government here too.
Out president is truly insane.
I doubt if George Floyd is looking down and smiling.
Who says things like that?
He hates women and any people of color.
He is a short terrified man.
Anyway i have noticed that since having Epclusa that there were others that I knew through bingo that also had similar side effects.
I think you should get an air conditioner.
If its a money thing I would like to help you.
In California everyone has a/c.
Mine is central air and heat meaning
a large unit outside and vents in every room.
Would absolutely perish without a/c.
How cold is winter there. ? Lots of rain?
Im going to the state capital to march with thousands of others to speak up for racial equality.
Dont know how long I will last as at 72 my mind is more willing than my body. Take care. Enjoy our communications.

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Re: Skpp930 (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

I agree I'm 2yr Poste treatment ,IV never felt as bad Edema numb feet aching legs knees swollen nausea , definitely felt better pre treatment ,when I try to get help from the liver people who signed me up for treatment no help at all.i feel ripped off big time ,

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Re: Kathleen (# 157) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Kathleen, wow I am so glad he is not your favourite president, I didn't want to say anything about him just in case you supported him!! oh what a relief then again I'm pretty sure I would have able to notice by now, and you seem far too intelligent and worldly, Sounds like racial conference be great for you to go to,I m sure you will enjoy,IV got a new rule I'm trying to do that's take my time when I'm trying to do anything try an relax otherwise I end up stressed with anxiety ( sounds like me ) I'm going to try anyway,I was at supermarket the other day accidentally dropped my wallet all my change fell on ground,that very nearly gave me anxiety attack ,I was happy to get out of there lol,yes I'm sure there must be a lot of people with similar med experience like at your bingo!, Really kind of you to offer me help with air con ,but the last few yrs managed to save a bit in case of car break downs ,air con maybe ,not going out has helped a bit ,but thank you , appreciated ,yes it does get wet here in fact floods use to happen every few yrs apparently ,these last few yrs seem a lot hotter drier,or maybe that's just me I don't know, IV been reading about humidity if high isn't real good for lung problems ,almost every night it's high about 80 or 90%then goes down in day ,my dr has made appointment for me to have stress test done ,(I'm stressed about doing it )lol apparently go on treadmill to see how effects my heart, anyway take care ok really enjoy our correspondence .

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Re: Kathleen (# 157) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Kathleen, hope I'm not being a nuisance. Pouring rain here today really nice for a change, except gets bit muddy if rain lasts to long. Anyway I've been looking at a map of Sacramento, looks like a nice place. Did you say Carmichael is where you're from? I could see names of places I've heard in movies and songs ect. Folsam I've heard of, plus a few old cowboy movies lol. This rain tends to make my feet ache a bit. How are your elbows? Not too bad I hope. Anyway take care. Sounds like coronavirus seems to be slowing a bit I hope.

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