Does Anyone Taking Lyrica Have Memory Loss? (Page 5) (Top voted first)


I have been on Lyrica for about 8 months now and I am having fantastic results. My dr is trying to increase my dosage and I have been doing it in 50 mg increments. I am up 100 more now in a month, for a total dosage of 400mg. I find that I have very bad recall and loss of my vocabulary during conversation. It eventually goes away, but I was wondering if anyone else has this? If it keeps up, I just may have to drop back down 50mg until I get used to it? That seemed to work that last time I had to raise it.BTW, I have nerve pain in my ribcage. (not caused by shingles)

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My 18 year old son has not had Lyrica for ten months and his cognotive function , that is his memory , ability to calculate complex mathematical equasions has not returned to what it was before he started takeing Lyrica.

I would therefore conclude that Lyrica given to patients under the age of 18 in high doses that is 75mg x 2 + will cause irreversable changes to the way the brain functions . This drug has caused a profound dumbing down of what used to be a brilliant and gifted mind.

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Lyrica: After two and a half weeks on it (for neurogenic pain from spine injuries lumbar spine and cervical spine). Woke up, "buzzing electrical nerve symptoms better. Pain still there. Dizzy, stumbling, Gained 10 lbs, dry mouth, got tangled up in clothes and seat belts and purse straps all the time... constantly reversing words, couldn't hold train of thought, difficulty completing simple tasks in logical way, was way too "mellow" for my own good, swollen face, fluid retention (pitting edema), blurry vision, mouth burned inside, made orgasms almost non-existant. Last Straw: Add lips buzzing and tongue turned white and swelled to size of a giant bar of soap... Doc put me on massive Benadryl, and if swelling didn't go down in 2 hours, I was to get myself to an ER. Been off Lyrica for 3 weeks.

Extreme, prolonged dry mouth from Lyrica caused my right side parotid gland to clog up (saliva gland), now causing excruciating pain every time I take a sip or a bite. Gland could "die." Now I have to get an MRI tomorrow... may need surgery.

Lyrica works for some, but a lot of people I know who take it either: A. Are retired. B. Their children have grown up and left home. C. They don't have (or have never had) jobs. D. Their lifestyles are not demanding (do not demand that they function to a high degree). E. Live lives of leisure wherein "mellow" is fine. etc.

I wish Lyrica had been a "magic bullet" for me, because I need one or two, but, it was hellish. It still is.

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I am so concerned about this. It has been months since stopping. I couldn't remember how long I took Lyrica, and reread my previous posts just now. (I only took it 2 and 1/2 weeks). My short term memory is still wretched, too. I am not the same person I was before taking Lyrica, and fear I will never recover. THIS DRUG NEEDS TO BE BANNED!!!!!!! What can we do? Has anyone been able to get help? Recovered?

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Dear Ericka Calahan,
FYI, since you don't know, my problems stem from spine injuries, and not something like what you have (fibromyalgia or some ailment that compromises one's brain function). I'm just telling the truth. Like I've said before, I'm glad it has helped others... The "name" of this "Discussion Thread" is indeed, "Does Anyone Taking Lyrica Have Memory Loss ?" It is not, "Isn't Lryica a wonderful thing!" I am not trying to alarm anyone, just sharing with others (who are mostly already quite alarmed) my own personal story. I am glad your pain has subsided. I wish we could all just get our brains back. Best of luck to you.

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I will like to say am happy for all of you who are having good result from taking Lyrica, I would just like to share my experience with all of you, On Oct 2007 I started taking Lyrica it work well for about 2 months during that time my hair started falling when I complain to the doctor she ask if i would rather have my hair or the pain, in that case I contunied taking the Lyrica my hair contunied to fall and i began getting skin rash, and mersa on my head and all over my body, to include my pubic area, under my arm and along my bra line it was until six months later when i decided to seek the advice of another doctor that was then when I was told, off the record that it is the side effect of the Lyrica, I have been off the Lyrica since but my hair has never stop falling, I used to have long thick black hair today I am completely bald on the top of my head and will give anything to have my hair back to include the pain i still experience through out my body. if there is some one out there please HELP

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I take Lyrica for seizures. Though it's hard for me to tell which is my seizures and which are side affects at times ... I have noticed the loss of vocabulary that I used to have and a sudden clumsiness while talking. My speech will become slurred and everything will just go in slow motion and I'll just blank out. Then I'll get the word it everything goes back to normal.

Memory has always been an issue for me. Though I noticed this while I was at my old job; I would be doing menial tasks, like putting up the candy on shelves, and I would just stop and forget what I was doing. I thought it strange and a bit unnerving until I read some of these answers.

(( I also have occasional muscle twitching and this wretched drowsiness))

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I have been having some really bad short term memory loss, for a lot, dealing with it is worth it to be pain free, but at 28 years old (taking for FM) and throwing away a $200 Rx for my 7 year old daughter's ADHD with no memory whatsoever of doing so, walking around a parking lot aimlessly for 30+ minutes with my 3 year old because I can't remember even the AREA I parked in, not remembering to fix my daughter's hair or help her get dressed or make sure her homework is done, forgetting to feed my kids because I can't remember if I've fed them already, being TERRIFIED that I'll get my meds, for FM and a tear in my spine, confused with my daughter's ADHD meds... I can't do it anymore! I haven't been the wife, mother or human being that I want to be in a long time because of the pain and now it's even worse because I can't seem to remember ANYTHING! It sucks and I'm so sick of it!

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Absolutely true.This medicine has made drug companies richer by Billion $ at the cost of Mental health of patients. US doctors and FDA need to show some concern.
Unfortunately US patients seeem to have no or limited access to Alternate system of medicines eg Homoeopathy, Ayurvedic & naturopathy.I am going to stop this medicine soon and continue my Meditation, prayers and Ayurvedic medicines. Temporary relief may not come but I will not become mad. I urge All to change the Lifestyle, Meditate , Exercise , Try to be Vegeterian and Pray. Thanks.

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There is no drug or alcohol abuse involved and my sons case , was on Lyrica for chronic whiplash disorder / chronic pain but could still perform well academicaly untill given Lyrica 75 mg up to 4 times a day for 6 months . Has not had a dose for 20 months and all i here from him is " i want my brain back " as he can not concentrate of remeber information .

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I am a licenses Nurse and after taking Lyrica I began to notice my spelling got worst. I could not recall some of the medical terminology or spell simple words. My feet both began to swell. I mentioned this to my doctor and he said that it was one of the effects. He also stated that weight gain was expected. I continued to take the medication in spite it makes me sleepy, he advise me to drink coffee for that particular side effect. I found myself drinking 4-5 cups of coffee every day. I had been on Lyrica for about 10 months when I had gone to visit my daughter, and she said " mom you feet are swollen real bad" she and I discussed me stopping the medication. So I weened off the 150mg daily dose. Well I have fibromyalgia and it was pretty hard not having anything for pain, so I decided to take some more Lyrica, because it does help my pain. A few days later both my lower legs and feet were swollen., so I stopped taking it again. The problem is this I am not taking Lyrica but my feet and legs continue to swell. I believe Lyrica caused this condition. I am so afraid to go back to the pain clinic, due they experimented with all of these tiers of medication first they put me on Cymbalta an antidepressant which caused horrorable side effect. I began to take Lyrica my medical insurance did not want to cover it. I was out of pocket for about $1000.00 my doctor the prescribed Gabapentin which was another horrorable experience. I do not want to put down medical providers, but they are using people as props to experiment with all these medication, before I had been taking Hydrocodone and it worked find, then the Nurse were treating me like I was med seeking. I dare not mention Hydrocodone to them as a Nurse I know they will say I am med seeking, but I am in pain even as I sit here writing this comment. Anyone who is having bad side effect please report to your medical provider, especially if those side effects after you have stopped taking the medication.

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Correction: if after you stop taking medication the side effects you complained about continue. please contact your medical provider.

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Hi Belle , dont know which country or state you live in but if you are in Melbourne Victoria there is a very good Myotherapy clinic on Johnston Street in Collingwood , thats where i sent my son and they gaurentee a dramatic improvement which he found was correct , the telephone number is (03)94192928. This is the best treatment in Melbourne i believe and a lot of there patients travel great distances for there treatment .

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I have been on Lyrica for 2 years now. Originally, it was prescribed for a horrific case of shingles I developed on my face (blisters actually covered one of my eyes. What a lifesaver! Unfortuately, my systems lasted a long time even after the blisters went away. After 2 years, I can barely think straight. My memory loss is so extreme that I thought it might be early-onset Alzheimer's. My neurologist told me it was definately from the Lyrica. I am trying to get off of it now, slowly. I'd rather have some pain than no brain!!!

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Hi Clair , I am in Australia , my son has not taken lyrica for nearly 3 years and is still distressed over losing his brilliant memory to Lyrica , this has been distressing as i have watched his very promising academic career fade into the past as he still finds it very difficult to retain new knowledge ., this has been a long journey of loss and suffering for him and is only 20 years of age , if awareness can be made over the terrible effects of this vile drug then i am all for it .

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mrbrainfreeze,if you have nerve pain because of pressure from a disc then get the pressure taken off the nerve by treating the disc by surgery or manipulation , Lyrica just destroys the brain that registers the pain in the first place , this is a bit like destroying the warning light on your dash board instead of finding the cause of the problem that is causing the light to come on in the first place , this is medical science gone stupid .Lyrica will cause permanent damage .

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Yes causes severe memory loss. Go to business week link case suit Pfizer and Fda.

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Hi Debbie , as a health care provider you are probably in a better position for the experts to start listening to you , my son was put on up to 300 mg per day for 5 months for whiplash pain and has never been the same since , Lyrica has destroyed his life , he used to be a brilliant student but now has significant memory problems and Anxiety that were non existent before Lyrica , the experts say the Lyrica should have worn off in a short time like most drugs do but i was there to witness the transition from before and after , there is NO doubt in my mind that Lyrica causes permanent neurological damage and must be withdrawn from the market or limited to very late term, terminal ill patients in a lot of pain.

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Good evening Karel: Get off the Lyrica right away. Please look at Business Week 2013. Case Suits are now happening in the USA. Your memory loss might be permanent. There are a lot more complications from this drug than is published to the general public. Canadian FDA(not their name in Canada) are now looking into the same type of action in Canada.

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Before being on LYRICA I had a mind like a steel trap. I could remember almost everything I saw, read, heard, of any meaning to me at all. If I read it, I remembered it. If I saw it, I remembered it. Of course I mean that these things had to be of meaning to me. NOW, I have great difficulty remembering things that happened yesterday. It feels as if my brain is "cloudy". I have to read things over, and over, and over just to understand what I am reading. I struggle just to keep up with things yet I keep pushing forward because I absolutely refuse to give up and just let this get the best of me. Now I understand how difficult it was for some students to learn when I didn't even have to study to get great grades. Well now I am one of those who struggle with just basic understanding of the written word, comprehending concepts, making sense of conversations, finding everyday words while talking. All of this as well as the added effect of sudden anxiety for no reason whatsoever. Thank heavens I'm a nurse and have enough sense to stop and think about why something is happening to me. I assess my situation and calm myself down after realizing that the anxiety I'm feeling at the time has no real basis in reality. After being on LYRICA I noticed that my vision was a mess. Suddenly I had blurred vision after a lifetime of near perfect vision. Oh, and of course I can't forget the additional 60 lb. weight gain in just 6 months of taking LYRICA. After a lifetime of being a size 8 to a size 18 in just 6 months. And then after being in perfect cardiac health there's the admission to the Heart Failure Unit of the hospital after going into CHF while on LYRICA. My cardiologist tells me to consider myself ALLERGIC to LYRICA. Well heart failure is not an allergic reaction to a drug but it is a serious side effect caused by a drug. LYRICA is dangerous. Look into it before you start taking it.

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I've been on lirica for four years,I was a mechanic and injured my back. Three months later I had surgery. I ended up with permanent nerve damage. This drug was the only thing that did any good. I take 600 mg per day,and I'm a walking zombie ,but without it I'm stuck with severe burning in my left leg. I'm loosing my eyesight . I went to retrain to become an engineer. I made it through my acidemic grade twelve the first year. The next year I couldn't remember anything I learned and had to drop out. My memeory is only getting worse,So bad I can't remember when I took my pill or if I did. My anxiety is soo bad I rarely go out in public because I'm scared I may snap. I found this site today because I got up this morning with loud ringing in my right ear snd discovered at least 50% hearing loss. I'm very worried.

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