Doctors Willing To Prescribe Pain Medication (Page 4) (Top voted first)


Can you tell me about any doctors who can prescribe Vicodin

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I am truly sorry to read of your medical condition, the Dr. you asked about, said he wanted to prescribe what I needed, however he claimed he could only write for a low dose of Oxycontin & Valium 7 day supply. He referred me to a PM who got me in 6 days later, after 4 agonizing hrs.of going thru my stack of medical info & an examination, he stated he could prescribe Fentanyl if I would agree to "Trigger Point Inj's", & a drug panel, desperate for relief I agreed. Big Mistake, He was a Rotten Filthy Liar, after passing the drug panel & inj's, he said he would only prescribe Tramadol on a 1st visit!! Made an appt for 2 weeks, said then he would prescribe as promised, this was a few days ago, shortly after leaving his office a severe headache, dizziness, excruciating back pain & burning from lumbar to cervical set in. My wife called this Quack 3-4 times & I even did 2x. over 3 days., they told me he would call me back, but this Unbelievable Bastard would not even return our phone calls!! They finally told me if it's that bad just go to the ER, yea that's what I need 3 to 8 more hrs of agony in an ER!! I may need to sue this Dr. also, the only reason I have made it this far is due to Faith in Jesus Christ, my wife of 22 yrs & an awesome son. I pray that the Lord touches your Heart & gives you the strength to endure, gives you peace & comfort when needed most. My wife & I will be praying for you to get the help you need & that The LORD will sustain you upon your sickbed & restore you to health. Psalm 41.3

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kay, pain drs need a copy of your medical records for medical prood that you have a condition that indicates the need for pain meds. A new dr may or may not keep you on the same meds you have been on. If a patient is on a high dose of pain meds and/or takes certain other meds for anxiety or muscle spasms it is doubtful that a new dr will continue them.

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Any dr can write a rx for pain meds and manage a patient with chronic severe pain. But, the vast majority of drs have been referring their patients that need chronic pain management to pain management drs. That does not mean that they can't write pain meds for their chronic pain patients, only that they choose not to. Unfortunately some tell their patients that they can't prescribe pain meds because of the laws, which is not true.

A lot of the confusion seems to stem from states requiring that a M.D. own a Pain Clinic. That doesn't mean that only a dr at a pain clinic can write pain meds for chronic pain.

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geeyeff, a Refill is when you get a prescription and the dr writes how many times you can get that prescription filled again. Getting a new prescription is Not a refill, it is a New Prescription. Schedule II meds Cannot be refilled. But, your dr can write you a new prescription. Most pain meds presriptions are for 30 days so most drs won't give a patient a new prescription until 2-3 days Before the other prescription is to run out, some dr won't do it until the day before. Insurance compaines also have their rules about how soon they will do refills for Schedule II meds.

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BL, I believe that it what I said when I mentioned that she would have to go to Dr. to receive another hard copy. I am on a 28 day rotation w my Dr. & my insurance Co will fill 5 days early. However the pharmacy has a 2 day early policy. Thanks for the reply.

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janetmarie, Medicare Prescription Part D has controls for preventing the overutilization of opioids and certain other drugs. Each Part D plans also has its own restrictions and limitations. None of these are Laws and won't be found where state and federal laws are. For some reason, a lot of people, including drs, use the word "law" when things have nothing to do with laws.

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tracey, the info at the link below won't tell you which drs will prescribe pain meds, but it will tell you which pain drs as well as other drs accept Medicare in your area. You may just have to make some appointments for a consult and go and talk to the drs. You will also need a copy of your current medical records from your pain management dr.

Medicare Physician Compare-

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Just posted my comment to the CDC see below..


I am a professional nurse who was injured on duty in 1998. I have progressed to Central Pain Syndrome.

First, the overdoses being charted are DUE in WHOLE to those illegally abusing prescribed medications.

Second, true pain patients become opioid tolerant which a trained physician (even a GP) knows, and can adjust safely without negative outcomes. Attempting to dictate a morphine equivalent level is KILLING your legitimate pain patients.

Third, I will likely die in 4 days due to your CDC recommendations. I was injured at work and again have seen the top specialist in America after my PM of 10 years died. I am a P450 ultra rapid opioid metabolizer and labs show this. These CDC recommendations are causing such fear in physicians that those like me who are well deserving of medications are being dumped, discarded like used toilet paper. This is an injustice.

Recommendations should be felony incarceration for anyone abusing prescription medication on the street; that is where your overdoses are coming from. One disorder of 50 I have RSD is researched at 88 x worse than end stage cancer.

I can only thank you for killing me and making addicts get compensation for breaking the law. The government has no business telling physicians how to prescribe unless they too are criminals.

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Amanda and Coopa,

The government under Obama is controlling opioids. It would likely be to your best interest to search for major cities and pain specialists and be willing to travel.

It you have death pain as I face for I am very rare and an ultra rapid metabolizer you will be likely thrown away no one will touch your case. Today is the last day for anyone here to post to the CDC amendment which hurts us more.

I believe regardless of AGE including young teens there are too many people in intractable pain dying due to these FDA and CDC mandates which are not LAW but scaring physicians out of their own due diligence and 'do no harm.'

Losing one pain patient to suicide is CRIMINAL and it is now time for us to restore this government to the freedom and constitutional rights of her citizens. Government does not have the right to tell physicians how to prescribe.

Further in those who are opioid tolerant there is NO HIGH LEVEL of prescribing you can titrate upwards safely and even a GP can dictate this on their own without some loony's from the government yaking about deaths and overdose.

The overdose stats are of those who are ILLEGALLY obtaining prescription pain medication remember this and we are being put to death due to CRIMINALS. I say felon them all regardless of age and you will see a decrease in deaths and increase in jail cells...

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California has 2 laws on the books that some of you might find interesting.

"Pain Patients Bill of Rights" part 4.5 of the Health and Safety Code
"Intractable Pain Law" 2241.5 Business and Professions Code.

My personal favorite ...

"(d) A physician who uses opiate therapy to relieve severe chronic intractable pain may prescribe a dosage deemed medically necessary to relieve severe chronic intractable pain, as long as that prescribing is in conformance with the California Intractable Pain Treatment Act, Section 2241.5, of the Business & Professions Code."

And all you fellow pain sufferers be aware of this powerful beauty!!

"(c) No physician or surgeon shall be subject to disciplinary action by the board for prescribing or administering controlled substances in the course of treatment of a person for intractable pain."

So what is the freakin' problem? The alphabeteers are overriding the good doctor's oath as well as interfering with my legally god-given right to be treated for my pain because my pain is LIFE threatening! The alphabateers are killing me by not letting me access my MEDICALLY NECESSARY PAIN MEDS. By terrorizing doctors and pharmacists, not making what my body needs to live on and THRIVE, the alphateers are directly responsible for my death! Keep in mind, not life threatening due to suicide, but Proven to cause death in some; heart failure, stroke, and other nasties. It's MEDICALLY proven and documented! I think I'd like to sue someone or some-bodies. Isn't that murder by any other name? I'm talking to an attorney on mon. If you don't hear from me about the results, well, knowledge is dangerous isn't it? Now I'm madder than hell!!

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I found very few Warnings at the suggested website regarding warnings about opioids. Whatever the risks, I'll take them. Yeah, I self medicate with my Drs. help and direction. Better to be a semi functioning human being than a bed ridden vegetable. As a freedom-loving, right-to-my-own-decision-making, red-blooded american, I CHOOSE to take opioids rather live in pain. Side effects? The side effects of the opioids are far outweighed by the benefits. This has been proven time and again, millions cannot be wrong.

I want to know who, besides the alphabet agencies, are these naysayers, do-gooders, know-whats-best for me people that are trying (and succeeding) to ruin my life? Why have we given up our rights to 'heal thyself physician?" By telling me whats BEST for me? How do they know what's best for me? Another perfect example of big brother telling me what's good for me because they know better. Is this America or ? They can't walk in my shoes let alone put them on (it aint fun being me so don't try). What, how, when and who gave anyone the right to tell me what to ingest? How about alcohol? How many are dying from that? Liver failure, etc... You don't see them shutting down that big business do you? Why Not? Alcohol is by far the worst demon of all and it's legal. There has to be so much more than meets the eye here... it's up to us to figure it out, over come and get on with what lives we have left. Come on people, you want to die writhing in pain? Lights out for me before I do that. I Choose to. Big bucks, big brothers will tell us how to live, when and where and for how long. I'd rather cease to exist than barely exist. To me the saddest part of all this besides the suicides, pain and suffering: We are rolling over and letting them dictate to us How we live.

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I too am a veteran, they had prescribed me 3 Oxycodone 5 mg which did help very little in a 24 hour period! the pain doctor was going to increase my dosage and put me on a stronger med it would have to be mailed to me because the VA does not carry it! when my mental health doctor found out they cut me off all my medicine! And now can't even get any meds! Even took all my anxiety medicine! Can't get any pain consult any more! can't even get appointments even see the pain doctors! my physician appointed to me was in tears my labs have always been what they were supposed to be in and nothing else! I have a ruptured and herniated L4 and L5! I believe my man pain is from ripped nerves and torn root nerve endings that turn to hard scar tissue in my lower back now! I hurt like hell all the time and as a grown man I sometimes cry! there are times I cannot even get to the bathroom cause my back feels like its broke! Even tho i can get around pretty good most of the time, my back hurts constantly! Pain runs up my back burning and into my shoulders, my right leg hurts the same kinda of pain like it's poke most nights, there is no moving my leg slowly or quick, it hurts like hell, an can take anywhere from about 20 min to several hours before I can safely walk good enough just to get to the bath room. The VA really ruined my life, with taking me off my pain medication, cause my psychologist said it was better to suffer than to be on medication! and the pain doctor dr. Friedman Charleston South Carolina VA dr. Stroud mental health doctor at the same VA he's the one that started it all, i went along with it he told me if this other treatment didn't work out that he would help me! Now he just says they did a study on a brain of someone on heavy pain meds and the brain who screwed up the same the pain meds I was on was only on 5 milligrams, the weakest they make! Now they refuse to see me and I can't find a local doctor to see me!

I can work but limited when i have medication! I'm nauseous all the time I can't do anything hardly at all cause I'm so impaired and hurt so bad without medication! I've lost everything I've slept in my car over a year an a half, I lost my home my truck my car my family! I'm renting a room right now, im late on my rent every month because I can't work enough to make enough money just to pay rent because I'm limited due to the pain and suffering. My new roommate did let me have a month free for Christmas! Other places I have lived I've had to move out and sleep in my car because I could not make enough money to pay the rent. im on the edge of being homeless again, the difference this time is I don't have a car to sleep in anymore.

A couple of years ago I went to a walk-in clinic that my sister took me to and they gave me a month supply up some 15 milligram pain medicine that lasted Me 2 months 1 month supply lasted Me 2 months! And I was able to work and get caught up on some bills but because of not being able to get a doctor that would see me on a regular basis I ended up losing everything again! I do not drink! I've never abused drugs! and alcohol! As bad as I hurt and feel like I'm dying because suffering so bad! I still will not stoop down to doing any other drugs unless prescribed to me by dr. This is the right thing God would want us to do! I just don't know how much longer we'll be able to hold on! I have had someone tell me that I could buy medications through other means just enough to where I can work and get by that way I can have some kinda of life. but I'm just not going to do that!

I have my MRI an labs with med records that show I've been clean and doing the right things all this time! I never even knew I was even being given a drug panel till my doctor was in tears when she found out they cut me off my medicine for no reason! If anyone knows of a compassionate caring good doctor in the Charleston or Summerville South Carolina area who will see somebody in need who does not have insurance that could come up with money from family if I can get the help! Please send me an email and let me know. Please. Thank you and God bless you all whether anyone can help or not. {edited for privacy}

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In my experience with back pain (cervical and lumbar stenosis, DDD, facet arthritis and likely a systematic arthritis and an osteophyte complex mid thoracic spine impinging on the spinal cord) I found the short acting opiods (Percoset et al) more constipation and had memory loss and the "high" that made me feel not lucid.

I have been on the same dose of oxycontin for a long time, and, after initial drowsiness, feel no "high" (Perdue removed the fast acting front end that both made it work faster and produced the high). I fairly often (even with med alarms) forget to take a dose (one tends to kill the alarm and then forget after ten years of use) and it is pain, growing more and more acute, which alerts me that I've missed a dose.

Although I have an extra 10 MG for breakthrough pain, I rarely need it. I would be surprised if took it more than once a month in the Winter. However, with the onset of cold, wet weather, I find that I am more acutely painful.

I like to remain slightly underdosed, as I feel that it is important to know if I become painful (anywhere). Pain is the body's warning system.

What I don't get is why doctors believe that Oxycontin is so problematic. However, Vicodin, Percocet and the other fast acting iterations do seem like they could be both dangerous and more addictive, as there IS a high one can feel. As well, I would truly worry about kidney and liver function with any daily NSAID.

I wish that the public would get more educated. My own neurologist/pain management specialist is also boars certifiable in pharmacology, which is how I came to understand which drug was doing what to me.

Because of Oxycontin, I can work out (only get cardio on a recumbent bicycle) which hasn't been possible for over fifteen years.

I would not touch the fast acting (non-extended release) versions of these drugs. Just the increased constipation (which put me in hospital once with a frozen gut) is enough to support my choice.

I hope that this is helpful.


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Sunshine, You do not have to prove or disprove the party stole your medication. Filing a police report in short means, you call the police department, they send an officer out to capture any information involved including the medication, amount, pharmacy it was filled, and physician who wrote it for you, and where it was when you found it missing. Proving who stole it or seeing them steal it is not necessary. I will tell you that this is becoming one of those excuses used, and I will say it again, 'keep your medication on you at all times do not leave it where someone can steal it, or worse yet can obtain it and potentially die from it.' I carry medication with me even when leaving the house to go to the grocery store it is on my person at all times where I can see it for example in a bag, or purse for ladies--a book bag would be appropriate for a male patient. If I must travel it goes through security like I do, and the airlines are familiar with me having to carry medication. Inexperienced physicians may need help with lab chemistries. Several drugs can come up positive as other drugs, and also older drug panels still used by some labs may not come up with some of the newer medications on the market--Opana caused quite a furor with some pain patients on this topic. Be willing to take a new drug panel immediately if for some reason there is a question. A nurse who is a professional which I am (4 year degree and license) must be held accountable for malpractice. I have been a high documentation person for years and could be sued for medical malpractice for calling a patient an addict which is a psychiatric diagnosis if they were tolerant for example. If you feel or some other poster who mentioned a nurse had written something inaccurate in their chart you must address this immediately not wait. Waiting puts you on the defensive when any other issues come up. Often physicians will have nursing assessments when the are trying to cut down on high level opioid users that they cannot get to accept lower dosages on. Physicians are currently being held by the short hairs; they are damned if they cut patients back due to these CDC and FDA recommendations but then if there is an overdose or death they are now LIABLE due to the CDC and FDA recommendations. Remember any physician who writes pain medications in today's current political environment is a saint for even attempting to help any of us. We must agree to principles of pain management that are NOT current and up to date because the government has gotten involved in the practice of medicine. For now save your life. It is true if you suddenly lose a physician and taper drastically you are not only in pain but weak and distraught physically and mentally for periods of time. You feel attacked and you are for the most current scientific knowledge means nothing to these politicians running your physicians nationwide! I can tell you in America this cannot and will not persist. The problem is waiting it out, and accepting less than favorable medication amounts for the time being. I encourage you as I would anyone including myself for I too have walked over a year long journey and am grateful to God for allowing me to live and maintain pain management in particular because I am far too complex to treat under normal standards. What you do when it comes down to the last opportunity and none exists. You must to save your life go to a Methadone clinic. For whatever reason the politicians are NOT PENALIZING ADDICTS but they are criminalizing pain patients. If they tell you that you are not an ADDICT you tell them you will be unless your pain is treated, and you are physically tolerant to your medications and need help now. You will once accepted have to report daily for a dosage of Methadone, and they will work with you on the amount and this can be uncomfortable for some time. Methadone has a very slow liver pass. It builds up in the liver, and what might have felt inadequate on day one or week one may be more then adequate after a week has gone by. That is why this DRUG unless prescribed by very specialized pain specialists who are trained to understand the chemistry behind this drug can cause OVERDOSE and DEATH when obtained illegally, or administered by a physician who has not properly been trained. I have heard a frightening story here in Texas that the current Governor hearing the CDC and FDA recommendations immediately made all pain specialists cut patients who were pain patients by 90% immediately with no taper! This is a death sentence. This drug is very powerful and for the same reason must be reduced by a humane doctor in small increments over long time periods. As well we know that Methadone was created under Hitler's reign by high level scientists. The story was back then there was a poppy shortage so Laudanum which was made in a syrup for pain many years ago was not available. Methadone was so powerful however, that when the patent came up for renewal Germany let it go due to the HIGH and IMMEDIATE TOLERANCE for the drug. An American drug manufacturer picked it up and it was marketed as Dolophine. The reason it will remain CHEAP is due to opiate addicts in American society. Methadone clinics allow addicts who need a fix every few hours and who break the law attaining fixes repeatedly a LONG ACTING REMEDY when dope sick; further for addicts of this level they can report at 6 to 8 a.m. for their DAILY DOSE and the go to work and become productive members of society. I do not advocate this or deny this is a fact in America today. Drugs like Suboxone and Subutex do not TREAT PAIN and also for any legitimate pain patient will cause you DENIAL of pain management in the future. Further the reason the AMA does not allow ADDICTION medicine as a specialty is that physicians prescribing this drug are 'selling it out the back door' for a 40% profit by the manufacturer. Detoxification centers report that detox from Suboxone can take up to 21 days for FULL detoxification whereas opioids such as Oxycontin take only 10 to 11. In this light full medical detoxification is pure biology and torture. Most places that do this use Suboxone on some level which speaks for itself. If you have legitimate pain please do not harm your medical records by such a drug although in many states now you might not have a choice of a Methadone clinic. The government is to me in many cases FAVORING an addict over a pain patient. For that is what the CDC and FDA speak of people--the overdoses are coming from those not prescribed pain medications, attaining these medications and not being tolerant or LEGAL taking too much. For whatever reason we currently as pain patients are second class citizens and taking what help you can for now is the BEST you can attain; keep your physician and tolerate until we have new leadership with less emphasis on ACA proactive changes that will occur. Do as asked and appear for first appointment in proper clothing, not tearful, and not the victim. As hard as it sounds this is your first step in the door. Even if unwilling BE WILLING to work with the physician on what they can offer you no matter what. Do not nag in between appointments or make persistent calls crying 'this does not work like what I used to get' for it will not help your case or the millions who are struggling during this difficult time. Do not have strangers in your home, safeguard your medication, and KNOW that you will be blamed FIRST regardless of your honesty or good faith because the government has undermined those with viable pain and illness as if lepers with the plague. Peace to all here.

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I invite you to look back to my former posts please. I am a professional nurse, published researcher and can also DIE from intractable pain. I am an ultra rapid opioid metabolizer and went through almost a year even with Court Orders to continue my treatment near death.

This is and has been political hype due to the ACA which is the Affordable Care Act and a president who allowed America to become a mini wannabe socialist edict where primitive medicine and allowing those with chronic illness to DIE rather then be medically cared for are priorities.

This will reverse. Insurers have used loop holes in the ACA to functionally now put our physicians at liability if they do the right thing which scientific research shows is use opioids for chronic pain they are safe period. Yes there is tolerance.

THE OD's are ALL yes 100% of individuals or ADDICTS and FELONS abusing prescription medication.

We must not push our physicians until government can reverse back to what Constitutional law allows freedom of the people by and FOR the people-let physicians treat pain clients and allow what is needed to stop their pain!

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That's discouraging! Also, I agree with so many things said here. It's absolutely ridiculous that pain isn't treated effectively. On top of hurting all the time, chronic pain patients are made to feel like criminals or addicts out both. It's important to understand that addiction and dependence are NOT the same thing!! Why should I have to have cancer to have quality of life?

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BL- curious as to what makes you an authority?? idk what or who you are nor why you 24/7 monitor this website giving your usual degrading to-the-patient recommendations??!

For what reason do you have authority or qualifications to assume the role of a trustworthy source?? And why are your pearls of wisdom always delivered as though you feel patients are wrong (we are all drug addicts) eerily similar to DEA ,FDA, & gov. agencies ruining & even killing perfectly legit pain patients lives??

You have NEVER answered my posts, which to me indicates you hide something--- so fair warning to all new posters to beware of course you. Your be-littling attitude towards innocent patients trying to hold onto what is left of their daily agonizing lives is cruel even criminal. Your right to advise has never been verified, thus seems to me your right to be in this forum is extremely questionable due to the detriments you have placed upon hurting patients in our time of need.

I have personally been effected by snide comments you portray as info but when one is clinging to life, struggling to hold on, barely able to cope then is attacked for reaching out for help this is a recipe for losing hope & suicide even. Your attitude is completely opposite of what is needed here.

Good to riddance to you!!

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I live in N.C. I was hit by a drunk driver in 1991 and had whiplash and nerve damage all the way down my spine from neck to tailbone. This was a result due to the position I was in when he hit me. Then I developed Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. I was told for many years all the pain I was feeling was all in my head. Then in 1994 an Oncologist diagnosed the Fibro. and CFS. I received disability in 1996. Long story short I also have D.D.D. L4-L7, arthritis in right side pelvic, hip and knee, just recently I found out I have Vulvar vestibulitis. Have been on pain meds so that I can live a halfway productive life, instead of just lying in bed and existing! I have been on oxycodone and opana most recently. I went to my scheduled appt. last week and was taken off of everything! No other reason than being told it's due to New Laws from C.D.C. 2016. He put me on something called Suboxone films, I have been bed bound and a lot of pain. I can't believe I'm not in a nightmare and I keep praying I'll wake up!!! This is a Pain Management Dr. My question is: Does anyone that lives in my State have any advice as to what I can do to get meds back so that I can get relief from the pain I am in?! At this point if this is true and our government is doing this to people with Chronic Pain due to Opioid Deaths, then "WE" are being Systemically Profiled. My personal opinion, "They" (C.D.C, D.E.A, Pharm. Government) will be seeing a much greater rise in the Deaths = Suicides, increase of over dose on street drugs...Pain is Pain!!! No one can deal with Pain on a Day to Day Basis when severe and not consider doing anything possible to alleviate the pain... Why not just stamp a "SWASTIKA" ON THE AMERICAN FLAG... Same Thing. "Again My Opinion"!!

U.S. Citizen

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Momo, I am taking morphine, now that you bring these symptoms up got me thinking. As a matter of fact I developed a cyst on my right breast. I'm going for an evaluation later today. Never had it, also at my last exam I have cysts on my ovaries, getting an ultra sound again tomorrow to see if they have gotten bigger. No doctor ever told me side effects to this drug or any other drug for that matter. I also can verify right out of one of my doctor's mouth that if there is no incentive for a doctor to prescribe a drug and the more paperwork they have to do, they won't prescribe that drug. In particular I was asking him about medical marijuana, he said there would be no financial incentive and too many logs to fill out so he did not see any doctors prescribing it other than maybe for cancer patients. I have been in contact with someone from the government because she answered an email, she basically told me that doctors need to be held accountable for their peers overprescribing drugs. Now I may not be the most intellectual person on earth but I will tell you if I was a doctor and another doctor told me how to manage my practice I would be pretty upset. To me that is the most ridiculous things I have ever heard. The more I hear from the different doctors that I do see, the more hopeless I become. In a realty these doctors think they are making the world a better place by cutting us off, they will never go back to the way it used to be. There are no doctors that are going to be willing to put their licenses on the line for some poor "drug seeker" like they treat us. I remember 10 yrs ago how easy it was to get meds, I cannot believe how hard it is now. it is actually terrifying to think we all have to exist for the rest of our lives like this. I cannot say I am living, plus I am sure most of us in this type of situation are on disability. well I no myself, I can't live on disability, then you walk around feeling ashamed because ppl make ignorant comments about "ENTITLEMENT". I wouldn't wish my life on my worst enemy. I wish one day one of these government a**holes need pain meds and they have no access to it, maybe just maybe they will understand how we all feel.

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This is a response for post number 168 who called themselves ''Common sense''. I call bulls*** to you!! Evidently you have never experienced pain that makes you wish you could have a completely new body!!! I cannot believe you said people looking for pain relief are evidently drug addicts!! No, we are just tired of sleepless nights writhing in pain in bed and long days unable to fricken walk without excruciating pain!! You and the doctors need lessons in humanity!!

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