Doctors Who Will Prescribe Pain Medication In Rhode Island (Page 7)


I am looking for an MD or Pain clinic that will prescribe pain medication in Rhode Island. I have 4 herniated discs, nerve damage in my leg, severe migraines. My former Md said that he could not longer prescribe due to the regulations, I dont want to have to move, that would be crazy to have to go through that, but I also do not want to continue living night and day in Agony, with not one Md that has any compassion, it seems all they care about is to look out for themselves, I only take 2 pain medications that I believe are both in class 1, but when you talk to a doctor about pain, they tell you to take tylenol. I am tired of theses doctors just caring about themselves, if you have a patient like myself, that has the MRI's and Catscans to show what my pain level is, they should be a little more compassionate. I am not able to have surgery at this time, not until my daughter is driving and able to get out on her own, grocery store, ect. I would really appreciate any advise, I sleep with a heat pad every night on my back, but when I go to get up, the pain is unbearable.

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I see your a long time poster on here and feel your pain.. indeed your correct fiorinal w/ cod. 30 mg is technically weaker than hydrocodone or oxycodone. However it contains the barbiturate (butabarbital) and the opiate (codeine) along with other non controlled additives but the theory behind removing patients is it causes double the addiction potential and increases the
possibility for multiple complex cocktailing with other substances. Most states won't even allow there prescribers to write for them even though it's an excellent migraine modality used for decades safely by compliant patients. There in is the rub, uncompliant patients drug abusers and doctor shoppers have caused the restriction of its use in most areas. Even in places where still prescribed very few pharmacy's stock them and must be ordered by special request. Hope that helps explain some of the confusion regarding this medication. This was a popular Rx in NJ for decades until the early 2000's when most docs discontinued it's use recommending torodal, tramadol or worse some lame OTC preparations......

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Hi Kitty Kat, love the name! I was also under the understanding that they could only have 100 Patient's, but if he has other doctors working with him, that she be allowed, becuase they could each be seeing 100 People. Would you mind if I ask where you go, I was with one Group Biltmore Pain, but they hired new people that don't listen and want to give strong narcotic's. I would really appreciate it

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I have not been able to find the help here in Rhode Island and I've been unable to find a doctor anywhere else because I'm handicapped.

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I am goings-on thru the same thing. I fractured my back 2times, did not heal correct. I have to sleep and sit on recliner all the time, cannot lye straight, alot of pain. Can not have surgery, due to end stage liver disease, no doctors will perform the surgery! They say I will bleed out on table , at this point I don't care!!!! Plus my knee is shot, I have had mri's and x-rays, bone density tests, all of it#!! All shows that things are very painful! !!! But the knew laws make it to where the Dr.s are to scared to write a script#!## There is no compassion anymore! !!# they would treat there dog better! ##! Ready to give up the fight! !!## I do not wanting to live the time I have left in this kind of pain!!! Just a little release please! !!!!!

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I also am looking for a pain management doctor after having a spinal fusion of L4 L5 S1 gone wrong in horrible pain more than before the surgery which was 4 months ago

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I am also looking for a PCP to fill my pain meds that I've been on for a long time. Just moved here from phoenix az and never had a problem there. So if you have any advice or help please respond ty

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Biltmore has change they sent me to Warwick Pain Mgt at the building in the Warwick Mall parking lot. They have been the best!

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Hey i seen your post can you help? Im actually looking for the same prescription myself, please let me know thankyou.

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I am looking for a pain doc. in RI. I have had two back surgeries. I was taking OxyContin 30mg and oxycodone so I tried to cut it down to 20mg which I found out painfully. I tried to get put back up but the next thing I knew I was cut down to 10mg. All that does is make me suffer. I need someone to do shots and take care of meds. Please help.

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Don't think the druggies ruined it I believe it was the doctors. The ones that were writing scripts like crazy to everyone Including the druggies that's where this began.

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I wish I could help all of us that are in real pain, not the druggies. There is a Dr, his name is Dr. Chopra on Smithfield Avenue in Pawtucket pain management. If you're in pain and you have the documents he may help you. That's all I can try to help you with.

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Tori, is there any way that you can give me your doctor's name? I myself have no hip. I have no pelvic socket. I have a rod in my back. They try to push me on Gabapentin and a 10 milligram oxycodone every 6 hours. I can't sleep, I'm in so much pain. This doctor here wants to give me something like Nestor or Seroquel for sleep. I haven't got a good night's sleep in probably 5 months. Is your doctor still available? If you can post back I would appreciate it. Thank you.

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I am desperately trying to find a doctor in the West Warwick Coventry area that will prescribe opiates. I have multiple pain issues from a failed back fusion surgery and a host of other failed surgeries.

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Hi Stacy, could you please give me the four names of doctors that can help me with pain? I have had two back surgeries and have very bad nerve and back pain. Thanks. Hope to hear from you.

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I went to them and they where no help!!! I have end stage liver disease! !! And a back that was previously fractured twice, and my knees are bone on bone. I can't have surgery due to the liver disease. Someone please help! !!!

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HELP Kathy! Also looking in RI as I've had no luck in MA! On oxycodone x 7 yrs and doctor stopped because of new laws and risks. He stopped me before I got to a pain specialist so I'm screwed!!!!! Any help appreciated! I've had no incidents of non- compliance!! Thx!

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Hello I'm looking for the same thing I have severe acidosis I love in Massachusetts but I will travel at this point. Just wondering if you could help me at all as well:/

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Pawtucket Valley walk in Coventry ri wi do it dr anderson

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There is a pain clinic in Attleboro, MA near Sturdy Hospital. I can't think of her name, Susan something, but she is in the same Plaza as Dr. Burtt, the Cardiologist (You can see the hospital from the parking lot). If you are a drug seeker or slightly abuse she will kick you to the curb. If you in fact need pain meds, she writes them. My husband continued on his Morphine, and she upped it, while he was deciding on a 4th hip surgery, but this time a hip replacement in his late 30's, and already had a cervical fusion. If this b**** likes you, she won't flip if you don't come in every month for an appointment if you have to work, but you must quit smoking, monthly drug panels, and no notice pill counts.

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No the doctors are covering their asses. My doctor discharged me because my U/A was clean, and proceeded to tell me if I smoke a cigarette before my appointment she won't see me. It's getting just a wee bit absurd.

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