Doctors Who Will Prescribe Pain Medication In Rhode Island (Page 6)


I am looking for an MD or Pain clinic that will prescribe pain medication in Rhode Island. I have 4 herniated discs, nerve damage in my leg, severe migraines. My former Md said that he could not longer prescribe due to the regulations, I dont want to have to move, that would be crazy to have to go through that, but I also do not want to continue living night and day in Agony, with not one Md that has any compassion, it seems all they care about is to look out for themselves, I only take 2 pain medications that I believe are both in class 1, but when you talk to a doctor about pain, they tell you to take tylenol. I am tired of theses doctors just caring about themselves, if you have a patient like myself, that has the MRI's and Catscans to show what my pain level is, they should be a little more compassionate. I am not able to have surgery at this time, not until my daughter is driving and able to get out on her own, grocery store, ect. I would really appreciate any advise, I sleep with a heat pad every night on my back, but when I go to get up, the pain is unbearable.

259 Replies (13 Pages)

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I have been dealing with searching for and seeing pain doctors for over 10 years now. I am in bad shape due to doctors screwing up. Or nurses opinions that doctors listen to. Anyways im in RI. New regulations are making pain management nearly impossible. I would like to chat with anyone at some point. Ive done lots of research. But still suffer so much i barely live. Barely survive. We can help each other. Ive been to st marys in Swansea. Perry in Smithfield. Barakat in woonsocket. Baltimore medical in north Smithfield. Which are not managing pain any longer. Looking for a new pain management center. I am applying for warwick and memoriaL pain centers. {edited for privacy}. also if us back pain sufferers can find a doc who can do radio frequency on the facet joints and knows how to do it right, it will help soooo very much. Which will help us need less pain meds. Or meds would work better on the other pains. Hope everyone has found doctors. I need a new one now too. And a new primary. I am so sick and tired of being treated like a junkie because im in agonizing debilitating pain every second of my life.

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For a pcp..go to Rachael borders...she's a nurse practitioner but she's awesome. 245 Chapman st, prov & for pain (u might have to get an out of network referral for this, but there's a dr pollan in attleboro) ur first visit is just a consultation and then u go back in about 2 wks (or so im told) nc i just went to my first appointment last week... I hope this helps you and anyone who sees this and is suffering!!! This s*** is seriously RIDICULOUS and we shall get a petition going to change these new ****ing laws!!!!

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Hi I don't know how to send a message to someone but the person that mentioned the doc in ri prescribes methadone an others could I have the name of the doc PLEASE thankyou

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Hey Bobby I'm in Rhode island also an can't find help or know where to begin

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Biltmore pain clinic sucks... I had 2 U/A's and one said no oxycodone but fentanyl; no clue what that is. 2wks later no oxy again but vicodin .....I took my meds as prescribed and the a**holes threw me out.

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Hey Bob I saw a post dated January. Hoping you're still here. I have a question to ask you.

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Hi my husband has really bad pain, shots dont work, he cant have surgery, and cannot work any more, i would also like a name of dr. If you can let me know ty

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Having the same problem in mass,might have to go to Rhode island, any suggestion on pain mgt docs in Rhode island

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its 100x better then oxy for around the clock pain patch

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Please help me i need to be on that med again i was on methadone 10 years and shut off cold im not the same im in pain and hot and cold

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I just found out I need a new pain Dr., because everyone quit working at the one I go to. I was giving a prescription and 30 days notice. So there are not enough pain drs. In RI and we were giving a choice of 3 or 4 places. Three of them are nowhere near my house, and I'm hoping the one I contacted will take me. If they don't, I have to live in pain, because the State of RI says so! Not my health ins. or a Dr., it's the State that says I have to live in pain!

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Please help me if u know of any doctors that will write. I live in mass and need a doc bad. My back is killing me.

{edited for privacy}

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My name is Bobby too. I got an infection at a hospital that shattered my hip and a year later came back and ate up 14 inches of my backbone and I have severe nerve damage to my back, my buttocks and my legs. I noticed you said you can help or lead me in that way. {edited for privacy}. I've been having problems locating a doctor that will help me because I had a legal suit against another doctor about this whole situation that has ruined my life. So if you could help me, thank you.

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Hello I feel your pain and suffering, I was going to Biltmore Pain Management for a little over a year, the NP that I was seeing was a young girl, maybe in her 30's, she was great, compasionate and would listen. I was on fioriona lwCodeine Capsules that she prescribed monthly, than all of a sudden, I was told that she was no longer with them. The NP that I have been seeing 2 of them so far, act as though they are army seargeant's excuse my spelling please, and they will no longer give me the Fiorinal w Codeine Caps, which work for all my pain, migraines and Back and Nerve pain. Instead they offered Percocett, which I did not want and Vicodine, which I tried and could not tollerate, why would they offer something stronger than I was taking, which did not inpaire me and kept my pain level at a comfortable 3-4 most days. I noticed you had them listed, and that they are no longer doing pain-management, perhaps they just like to write for Strong Narcotic's as opposed to managing someones pain.

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Hello I have been going to them for over a year, and lately they have changed a lot of people, that were there and replaced them with people that just don't care it is their way or the highway, yet I don't understand why they want to prescribe meds that are stronger than what I was taking, which I cannot tollerate, yet they will not give me the only thing that does work, which I had been getting for over a year Fiorinal w Codeine, I finally though I had one less thing to worry about, until about 3-4 month's ago, when everything and everyone their changed for the worse.

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If you ever found a new pain doctor please let me know. I was just referred to Biltmore and haven't heard anything good about them.

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Hello Wood I will let you know, I had no problems at all with them, until the person that I was seeing either quit or was let go, since then, I have seen 2 older ladies that are horrible. I understand they may have their way of treating pain, but when you tell someone what works for you and they will offer you anything but, it is frustating, becuase I cannot take anything stronger than Fiorinal w Codeine, I was offered Percocett, I did try a 1 week supply for vicodon, but I cannot use it, it totally impares me and it has horrible side effects. I called today to see if I could get in, maybe Monday after the holiday, but they told me no, because I cancelled twice, bull, my daughter had to cancel once for me, I had a bad case of pnemonia than I got a call a week later confirming my appointment, which I never make. I need to find out who the director is and see if perhaps I can e-mail him or send him a letter. I wanted to transfer to the North Smithfield location, even though it is further for me to drive, but the Pawtucket office told me that I was not a patient there? That is where I originaly filled out my paperwork, please excuse my spelling, it is late and I am in so much pain. I will let you know how things go. Take care of your self

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During the day at armistace urgent care in pawtucket call to See if Dr. Karl Fieber is there he works with pain meds.. He is really nice but they do it during day ASK for him or what day he is in

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Thank you Stacy, I will give them a call. I really really appreciate your help, I just cannot go back to Biltmore and have them give me Vicodin, it is one of the worse that I have taken. I spoke to my pharamcist and was told that it is a much stronger med than the fiorinal w/ codeine and it is much more addictive. This is one cycle that I don't want to end up in. Thank you again. I will contact the Urgent care and see if I can get into see the md you refered, anything to leave Biltmore. The lady provider that works their now treats people horribly. She says she has 20 years of experience in this. I should have asked her if it was at the ACI. Thank you again Stacy. I will let you know how I make out.

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Hi Linny would you be able to give the names of the 4 pain management places that you were referred to, I am looking for a new one and I see a lot of people in this thread that also are looking for one. Thank you It would be very helpful I suffer from 3 herniated disks, migraines and nerve pain in my left leg and right foot, I do not want a strong pain medication,, like Vicodin, which anyone will give these days. I hope that you are willing to share your information to me and others by posting the names of the 4 places you were referred to. I have been going to Biltmore, but since my provider suddenly left, they are pushing narcotics that are too strong for me. Thank you Diane

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