Doctors In Michigan That Prescribe Methadone (Page 7)


I'm interested in finding a private doctor's office (not a clinic) that will prescribe methadone. I can't afford these clinics! Does anyone know of a doctor???

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Bri, Good deal. He didn't ask me who my last Dr was but you do have to fill out the forms. You will get in and it's going to be just fine. I like it there only problem is that you have to wait longer than I like. I go in mornings which I think is the best. I am so excited for you. I hope everything works out. We deserve better treatment than we have been getting in the best. It will get better. I forgot Dr. I drees is closed today, I will find out more tomorrow just in case. I don't know if you have prescription coverage. When I had to Pay cash I went to Rite Aide. They offer a small discount. I think I had to fill out an app. it's been so long I'm not quite sure but meth is not expensive. In the past when Dr's asked if I wanted to try suboxen I told them no way, I tried it once too early, I went into acute withdrawals, I did not feel human. All I can say is once a month baby, once a month!!! Let me know how it goes.

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Yes, RLS as in Restless leg syndrome? If that's the case, & someone catches on, he can lose his license for that, Methadone is an EXTREMELY high control;led substance & is not FDA approved to treat that condition. That being said, If the Doctor was trying to ween your husband off & he wasn't complying, or if the doctor was suspicious of drug abuse or if your husband was non compliant, as in not following ALL the steps to the treatment plan, then the Dr can then, Yes terminate the Doctor/Patient relationship. What do you mean by "personal issues"?

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Actually, there are other ways to treat with Suboxone, he could be on too high of a dose, or maybe he can take 1/2 in morning & 1/2 in the afternoon, (as long as he's not on films) If he's on Films he could try switching to tabs, or visa versa, also he could maybe try another med called Subutex, it usually used for pregnant women, but it's a lower dose & might help. Has he talked to his doctor? ALL treatments for Opiate addiction are risky, but Methadone is for sure in the 10 ten of MANY risks! Including an addition to the med itself, which is far worse then just a "normal" opiate addiction. Not sure where you are located but, we're in Troy MI, "American Center of Addiction Medicine" The doctor would be more then happy to talk with you both & see if there is a solution best for you both. :) Good luck on your journey!

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No, but there's an office in Troy, off Maple, between Crooks & collidge, we treat with Suboxone, $300.00 per month, call if your interested, 248-822-6200

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I wanted to post this here. I did another site but I want everyone to know. Please keep your meds in current bottles. I was pulled over for a traffic violation and methadone was in my console. My name but old bottle. Once you're asked to step out of the vehicle and put your hand behind you back......I was taken in, went to court next morning pled not guilty. It's a felony and judge says drug addicts don't show up for next hearing so I had to stay. I did not get a hearing for another 2 weeks my lawyer told me I needed a notorized letter from clinic so I signed the form for her. My clinic wrote them how long I was there, dose, had taken homes and had been clean on their letterhead, great I wrong. It did not say methadone even though that is all they do. Lawyer said I could try with that before judge but she thought I should wait since it was a felony. Anyway it took me a month there before it was dismissed so be carefull. Oh and it was a Warren Cop and we all know how they work. This taught me a lesson. This was the first time that I did any time. Soooo please be careful

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I have been on Methadone for more than 7 years for pain. I've been on up to 160mg/day. The doctor I have now only gives me 30mg /day and I'm either always in pain or run out early. Does anyone know of a Dr near Muskegon MI? I was turned down at the clinic because I'm a pain patient not an addict they don't seem to care I either have to suffer or commit a crime to get meds to help me reduce pain and function

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Brian,look on Google for Dr.Eddie Odessa,he has a new no.,good luck...Dianna

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Brian,look on Google for Dr.Eddie Odessa,he has a new no.,good luck...Dianna

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Whoops,its Eddie idress ,sorry

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Dr. Idrees is 586-755-7200, hard to get ahold of lately. He's open mon., wed., fri., I don't know about Sat. Good luck but I think he doesn't want to go over 40-50 ml.

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5867556542 is the number to Dr idress's walk in clinic,I've called and got a ans.machineso good luck...dianna

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Dianna-Thanks for Idrees number. The number I always called was just ringing, 755-7200. Lauren made the recording but she actually works for the physcial therapy doctor which is a separate physcians office. Karen works for Idrees so I am not sure what is going on. I will give a call tomorrow.

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recently moved to Michigan and am in the process of transferring to a clinic there. I have been on methadone for the past four years, been treated at 'addiction' clinics though my need for it originated entirely out of several botched surgeries and procedures that left me in a state of unbearable constant pain (and thus, like you, needing methadone to treat the chronic/debilitating pain that was affecting me every hour of every day). My personal experience(s) is a bit of a long story so will try to discuss only those things i find perinent. when i was officially diagnosed with chronic pain, i felt utterly powerless and terrifed; for i knew not what to do to receive proper(ANY!) help without being called a drug seeker, dealer, or addict. I am sure everyone has 'that' story from a doc at the ER or elsewhere.
i was hospitalized a short time after my botched surgery and the subsequent chrnc pn diagnosis; i was in so much pain i was throwing up constantly and ended up ripping a whole in my stomach, causing me to vomit large amounts of blood. It was because of this hospitalization that my prayers were answered.
I was telling the doctor on my case about my situation, looking for an idea or two he might have. of course he left without any (telling me i was, 'just going to need to deal with it'). when he left the room, the patient sharing my room suddenly opened the divider curtain and told me she knew exactly what i needed. she too had suffered for years from unrelenting (un'fixable'/un'diagnosiable'/untreatable) nerve pain, methadone she discovered was the answer-the only answer that worked and continues to work and work. She herself was not addicted to the medication/opiates (nor was I) but she told me to i needed to tell them, as she had done, that I am/was addicted in order to get the help i SO desperately needed (sounds like help you too desperately need as well). Anyone that is using or has used pain medication regularily for an extended period of time, frankly they become an addicted--and by 'they' i mean ANYONE. It is a simply a matter of a human's physiological/neurological makeup. So though you might never have searched it out or obtained it in illegal ways, the addictive element i am nearly completely certain is there. So would you really be deceiving anyone? (not trying to sound like an ass, just food for thought-that all:)
The clinics can only administer the methadone as an opiate treatment for liscening reasons, but as far as your story with it-do what you need to to get the help. I am currently on month take homes and have generally had wonderful experiences at the two different clinics i have attended. As long as you are not doing any drugs that are not legally prescribed to you by a doc, you put the time in to prove your reliabilty, and just go through the motions (as painful as they might be-initial group addiction counseling); the clinics are *great* places because they cannot tell you how much you should be on nor hold the power to terminate dosing you without sufficient reason (if you are abusing drugs then they might turn you away---something that even is rarely done. instead they just keep ppl on daily doses if they cannot stop using).
sorry this message was so ridiculously long. I have never found a forum like this & am thrilled to be able to possibly help others with my experiences as well as learn from everyone. When being on-thus needing- methadone (regardless be it for chronic pain or addiction) one can find themselves feeling so ridiculously and wickedly powerless over their own ability to live comfortably each day, knowing what the future holds pertaining to controlling the most important thing any human needs-their health.
don't get me wrong. doctor's are great, but a clinic you can depend on as long as they learn they can depend on you (and most of the counselors are former addicts, so judging is the last thing that seems to ever take place)

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Responding in part to **LooSiNG mY mIND's post** a few mos back:

recently moved to Michigan and am in the process of transferring to a clinic there. I have been on methadone for the past four years, been treated at 'addiction' clinics though my need for it originated entirely out of several botched surgeries and procedures that left me in a state of unbearable constant pain (and thus, like you, needing methadone to treat the chronic/debilitating pain that was affecting me every hour of every day). My personal experience(s) is a bit of a long story so will try to discuss only those things i find perinent. when i was officially diagnosed with chronic pain, i felt utterly powerless and terrifed; for i knew not what to do to receive proper(ANY!) help without being called a drug seeker, dealer, or addict. I am sure everyone has 'that' story from a doc at the ER or elsewhere.
i was hospitalized a short time after my botched surgery and the subsequent chrnc pn diagnosis; i was in so much pain i was throwing up constantly and ended up ripping a whole in my stomach, causing me to vomit large amounts of blood. It was because of this hospitalization that my prayers were answered.
I was telling the doctor on my case about my situation, looking for an idea or two he might have. of course he left without any (telling me i was, 'just going to need to deal with it'). when he left the room, the patient sharing my room suddenly opened the divider curtain and told me she knew exactly what i needed. she too had suffered for years from unrelenting (un'fixable'/un'diagnosiable'/untreatable) nerve pain, methadone she discovered was the answer-the only answer that worked and continues to work and work. She herself was not addicted to the medication/opiates (nor was I) but she told me to i needed to tell them, as she had done, that I am/was addicted in order to get the help i SO desperately needed (sounds like help you too desperately need as well). Anyone that is using or has used pain medication regularily for an extended period of time, frankly they become an addicted--and by 'they' i mean ANYONE. It is a simply a matter of a human's physiological/neurological makeup. So though you might never have searched it out or obtained it in illegal ways, the addictive element i am nearly completely certain is there. So would you really be deceiving anyone? (not trying to sound like an ass, just food for thought-that all:)
The clinics can only administer the methadone as an opiate treatment for liscening reasons, but as far as your story with it-do what you need to to get the help. I am currently on month take homes and have generally had wonderful experiences at the two different clinics i have attended. As long as you are not doing any drugs that are not legally prescribed to you by a doc, you put the time in to prove your reliabilty, and just go through the motions (as painful as they might be-initial group addiction counseling); the clinics are *great* places because they cannot tell you how much you should be on nor hold the power to terminate dosing you without sufficient reason (if you are abusing drugs then they might turn you away---something that even is rarely done. instead they just keep ppl on daily doses if they cannot stop using).
sorry this message was so ridiculously long. I have never found a forum like this & am thrilled to be able to possibly help others with my experiences as well as learn from everyone. When being on-thus needing- methadone (regardless be it for chronic pain or addiction) one can find themselves feeling so ridiculously and wickedly powerless over their own ability to live comfortably each day, knowing what the future holds pertaining to controlling the most important thing any human needs-their health.
don't get me wrong. doctor's are great, but a clinic you can depend on as long as they learn they can depend on you (and most of the counselors are former addicts, so judging is the last thing that seems to ever take place)

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hey im looking for a doc that will prescribe strong opioids loosly in michigan. can you help? i have documented chronic pain and a history of narcotic prescriptions just need something stronger than percocets.

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Spencer, yes you are correct that methadone clinics only take in the "addicts". It's best to say you have been addicted for over a year because some of them say you are not addicted until then. It doesn't have to be heroin it can be pills. It's a shame we are always having to lie when we are just trying to better ourselves. You should find a doctor to treat you that way you could go in once a month which I do for pain.

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Yes Dr Idrees can still be reached at 755-7200 just called.

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Thanks Pam,Because at the clinic No 1 is calling me back I've left
several messages so I'll give a try monday

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Dianna, Dr.Idrees number does not accept messages, it will just ring after hours. The other number you can leave a message but I would specify Dr Idrees. It's so crazy. Good luck

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