Doctors Willing To Prescribe Pain Medication In Louisiana (Page 6) (Top voted first)


I need to find a Dr. To write a Rx. For hydrocodin for chronic back pain, where can I find one in Southern Louisiana?

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no I haven't gotten any where yet for help

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Juanita...What city are you located?

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I live in Ruston,la.

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That is not a new medication it has been around for many years; the marketing or brand you mention might be but this drug also is an antagonist which would cause withdrawal in an opioid tolerant.

The result of what the CDC and FDA witch hunts are causing is just noise. The DEA has not changed regulations. Until this ACA is removed along with Odumma we as a group in pain will suffer.

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A good pain specialist will utilize muscle relaxers and or benzos with opioids for they enhance pain control and are utilized frequently.

I hope this helps.

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Valium is the best smooth muscle relaxer known in the medical industry. Please do not listen to negative posts such as those stating such nonsense.

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I'd discuss it with your pain specialist if necessary. Valium is the best smooth muscle relaxer ever created and can be incorporated properly with an opioid to relax muscles contracting around ruptures and areas of DDD and stenosis. Sometimes it helps just to mention, 'Hey Doc I've had more difficulty ambulating or getting to sleep with all this muscle tightness in addition to the pain.'

I'd try it for you are a confident and self assured patient I can tell. Smile.

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Love I've posted several times in this regard. You should be able to obtain this medication.

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Catherina, I'm sorry to hear your hubs suffers neuropathy stemming from diabetes. Ouch! I don't think I read what part of the country y'all are in. You're searching a new Dr for him, right? Maybe we can put our heads together & find an old school Dr willing to take your husband's history of good pain relief, restful sleep & comfort PLUS the major cool fact he LIVED thru that combination of medications ALL those years! Please, tell us your area of the county.

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Valium is used to boost the opioid pain medication for those with muscle contractions. Any other muscle relaxer has liver pass issues and should not be used for more than 3 months without liver enzyme evaluations. Some expert pain specialists will utilize instead of Valium other benzo's. This is acceptable.

Amphetamine and or Ritalin can also be prescribed for alertness with opioids. The only opioid that has a mood enhancing action is Oxycodone; all others marketed in America are straight depressant. Physicians for years have learned for example that adverse effects of drugs like Duragesic with anxiety attacks and impending doom could be offset with a prn of Oxycodone at patch change for example.

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Paul, tolerance and high doses also play a part in the problems with opiates and drugs like Soma and Valium. Personally, if a patient isn't on a high dose of meds and has medical records to show that they have taken Soma, Valium, etc as prescribed with not problems in the past, I think a dr should try them on it again to see how they do. But, as I said earlier, there are very few drs that will prescribe that combination of med. A patient having a history of drinking, even if they have stopped, could also be a reason for a dr not prescribing that combination. Was your current dr aware of your history of drinking when he prescribed the Soma before ? If he was, it may be that he is listening to the warnings or it could be that he had a patient that had stopped drinking and started again and he was prescribing that combination and they ended up in the er or worse. Drs have countless patients and one patient can affect how a dr prescribes for others.

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As you know some years back it was known out here in Texas as the cocktail and certain pain doctors now out of business and with our current new Medical Board in Texas no one is prescribing liberally BUT these doctors would have pre printed prescriptions with the cocktail; NORCO, SOMA and either Xanax or Valium. I believe in your case a light dose of Valium (5 mg.) would give you superb muscle relaxation and not have the effects on the liver the muscle relaxers do within 3 months.

Awesome that you have not had a drink in 3 years it is truly great. As you know alcohol creates further pain for those with muscle disorders such as FM and neurologic disorders such as RSD combined with ruptures and stenosis booze can make you a train wreck. Most of us realize that drinking with opioids is not the way to go.

A good physician does not base his or her decisions on a group of people; they are to evaluate us one on one my friend.

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Paul, Praying for a Speedy Recovery from the knee surgery.

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hey.i hope you can help me.i was on 10mg of Norco 6xdaily.they also gave soma.and tried to give me Xanax.i always refused the Xanax.because my pysch dr was giving me klonopin for panic etc.i I went to another dr.(not pain mang) and for 8 yrs was on Norco 10mg3x daily for the past 8 yrs.was better than nothing.he I have had nothing since feb.i guess I can do without the soma.but not the pain meds.i read something u said about methadone.i am not a addict.but I hurt.does methadone help pain?? will it help my back? had surg 1993.and who and where would I get it?? I hate to bother you.i am just hurting like I guess everyone is on here.i at least could be out of some pain for a few play with my grandchildren I am just so lost.i suffer from depression also.bit it was under control.but with the pain? I just want a small part of life.if u read any of my messagrs.i have there a way to talk private to anyone?or give u like my book name etc.thank u alot

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Thanks BL...You sound like a cool guy. I also enjoy your correspondence because you make a lot of sense. Still got a little ways to go. But I will be anticipating being sore on the 18th. I'm just going to do what they say and then more if they say I can. I'm really looking forward to getting rid of this cane. So...I'll let you know how it goes if you are still monitoring here. Take care.

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paul.i m texing bl the same. because I see u both talkin g a bit.i don't have any friends.and just wonder if anyone could help me.i wish both of u the best.and if neither one of u or anyone hard feelings. GOD speed to all. pam

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I have been looking over these posts. even from 2015. cant sleep. i don't know when etech..went to him. but that ehlenberger guy. what a joke. had to go back and up front..have no insurance.. had to borrow from my aunt. in SEVEN days. spent over 500.00. just for them to tell me at the end. no. and IF I got anything it maybe suboxone at the most. and I would have to stop my klonopin (that I have been on since 1988, NEVER abused at all. and I was taking norco 10mg 3xdaily. went to him to help my pain more. not take everything away. go to him if u want. but u will pay first.and read closely. all of the many many many many papers they give u. that u just want to sign. because u are sitting their in pain. i didn't give a first name of him. or where he is located. just beware. i do know that DRs have to cover their a.... But then some people just in general, are greedy. Not pointing out who. you are all smart on here (.i.e). and I hate when some people call the other people stupid just because they don't always know everything about their condition. some of the DRS (no offense to them) do not know or haven't figured it out yet.

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keikee.i just got on here a few days ago.i haven't seen anyone but etech say anything either.and I want to make it clear.i don't blame her/him for even trying to get credit for a referral.i blame the DR. for that he charges enough already.i hope nobody is mad.esp her/him.i have been up all night is pain.but I would not try and be mean to anyone.

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Pam, one more thing & that is; you don't really know when someone responds to your post unless they address you by name. It's one of the things I've always found frustrating on this forum. Most everyone here is aware & you'll see that 9 out of 10 times the replies or posts are directed at someone by name. Obviously, you're pretty sharp since I see you caught on to that as fast as anyone of us! It can be frustrating though, I totally agree. Now that we have cleared that up, let me go back and see if I can assist you with what ultimately brought you here in the first place! Maybe P450 or BL will turn up in the meantime....

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keikee do not worry.i am soo stupid on 63 and getting older by the minute.i just hop I did not hurt anyones feelings.thank u so for the replypam

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