Doctors Willing To Prescribe Pain Medication In Louisiana (Page 3) (Top voted first)
UpdatedI need to find a Dr. To write a Rx. For hydrocodin for chronic back pain, where can I find one in Southern Louisiana?
To get off of drugs you could ask your dc. For ultrafast 2 times a day plus flexirul 10 mg. Two times a day. Detox tgen goes on.Make sure don't drive on flexiril until you know how it affects you. Nighty notes come early. Enjoy you will have your success.
Guys this post is segregated to Louisiana. I see other posters from around America.
There is a general post for someone asking for Vicodin that is more oriented to different areas.
Hope to see you there.
BL....There are no pain clinics up there. There's a girl that comes to Kenner/Metairie from Alexandria.
I replied to this days ago for Dr. Troy does not write LA number 1. Neither does the other guy that ETECH mentioned. You cannot get fused from top to bottom Juanita maybe that is why you are seeing a psychiatrist. It cannot be done or you'd be standing up or laying down forever. WE DO NOT fuse from top to bottom geez.
Who even takes this seriously.
P450 ...It could be that the only alternative that the doctor could help her knowing that that is impossible but just for a reference of how bad it is. Also I didn't say that Boucadray writes but heard he does. I know for sure that Ehlenberger does because I see him.
I posted that wrong but it's just as bad when they want to fuse you in the middle of your back still can't move very well and you didn't have to act like you think i'm stupid because i'm not by a long shot I have had this problem for so long that is really has gotten the best of me.
JUANITA....I spoke up for you hon, I knew what you meant. Found anyone yet?
My husband is a diabetic he has neuropathy in his feet bad he has been on pain meds for 8 yes xanax for sleep and for his nerves and somas for his muscles spasms. Which gets bad we need help not sure we're to go
Catherina, you won't find a dr here that will prescribe him pain meds, xanax and Soma. Due to an increase in deaths, almost all drs have stopped prescribing opiates with Soma and drugs like Valium. There are other medications that he can take for sleep and anxiety.
Doctor willing to prescribe suboxone in Rochester ny who take cash?
The website explains all so I won't go into all the details except to say that treatmentmatch is a site bringing people seeking treatment for opioid addictions with Suboxone together with Drs who have openings in their schedule for a Suboxone patient. That said I want you to be as informed as possible in that once you're treated for addiction with Subs, you'll have a 1% chance of getting treated with traditional Pain management specialists in the future. Treatmentmatch has a good rep with folks looking specifically for Suboxone treatment. Please let us know how things work out for you, Yaj. Good luck!
Keikee, you bring up an excellent point about those that receive Suboxone or Subutex not being able to find a dr that will manage their pain. Even patients that their drs have told them they were prescribing Suboxone or Subutex to manage their pain are having problems finding a dr that will treat their pain because they have a history of being prescribed a drug for the treatment of drug addiction and drug maintenance.
Their is a new medication that the FDA has approved for the management of chronic pain, but it is Buprenorphine, the name of it is Belbuca.
Anyone that goes to a Methadone Clinic won't be able to find a dr that will treat their pain. It does not matter what the dr tells you they are prescribing the Methadone for. Methadone Clinics are for the treatments and maintenance of drug addicts..
P450Metabolizer, that is correct. Buprenorphine is not new, but it is being marketed under a new brand name of Belbuca and it is being marketed for chronic pain.
Unfortunately, the ACA won't be going anywhere. It does not matter who is elected President. If you don't believe me, wait and see. There are only a few things that the President Of The United States can do without the Congress and Senate.
I haven't posted in months. I was near death. I hope Juanita has received help. If not you are awesome for reaching out to her need. Bravo!
P450...I guess there are no more good pain managers because I don't see Soma's anymore.
Paul, few pain drs will prescribe an opiate and valium or Soma any longer due to the rise in deaths when a patient was prescribed both of them. The FDA has been asked to put Warning on all Opiate and Benzodiazepine Labels. Valium is a smooth muscle relaxer and due to that it works well on muscles. But, the fact remains that few pain drs or other drs will prescribe valium with an opiate.
A patient can be prescribe valium for anxiety by a pcp or psychiatrist and an opiate by their pain drs in some circumstances. But, sometimes insurance companies will deny the opaite or the valium and they may or may not reverse their decision if it is appealed.
BL ..Been taking them for years until they cut out Soma's where I got most of my relief. But I don't abuse my meds so punish the people who do it right.
Hi BL,... I was a heavy alcohol drinker but always took my meds as prescribed without Alcohol and quit drinking. I haven't had a drink in over 3 years.. I was getting Norco with Soma and those two in combination really helped my pain and took them since 1995.. But of course there is always someone who has to abuse them and ruin things for people that really need their meds. Tell you the truth, I don't know why people want to take more Soma than prescribed. I've seen people that have overdone Soma and all they do is shake profusely, they can't speak, they can't walk properly. Basically cannot function at all. I just don't see how that can be pleasant. Also I know a girl that OD on opiates and Xanax but she took so many of them that it could be classified as a suicide. I just don't know why people want to get that blasted to where they are not coherent. I realize that tolerance plays a part but they should know their tolerance level. I also believe they don't want to prescribe Soma any more because it became a popular street drug just as quaaludes did back in the 70's and 80;s, I know many druggies and don't know anyone who has died from these. The combo of benzos and opiates...yes. But that was pure carelessness.
Hi BL...My doctor didn't know of my alcohol use or maybe abuse at the time. He is just plain against prescribing it. None of his patients are prescribed it. I't's funny because he will load me down with Morphine but Soma is out of the question. The Norco and Soma worked better when I had another doctor than the Morphine.. I have to resort to another relaxer called Norflex which is better than the rest I've tried but it's bad because it will make you real sleepy but still can't compare to Soma.. I've tried all of them, Skelaxin, Robaxin, Flexeril, Zanaflex, Parafon, Baclofen....AND THAT was the worst. I think I am allergic to that junk. I've heard of others having trouble with it too, then some swear to it. I actually brought a list into his office of the ones I have and have not tried and there were only 2 left so he prescribed Norflex. The Norflex is ok and I get a very little relief from it but it's far from Soma and I have to take it at night because of the drowsiness. He also tried gabapentin and was useless for spasms. I do get a small script for Ativan from my psych doctor which is not good for spasms, just for anxiety.. Nowt he wants me to stop taking that. If that happens I'll probably see another pain mngmt doc because I've been on it years while I was seeing him. Now all of a sudden he wants me to stop? He might as well take away all of my antidepressant meds. He says he is worried about the combination. I told him I am not taking enough for it to be dangerous or the psych doc wouldn't have prescribed them and he is the one that knows about my alcohol. I told doc pain, it's not like i can go to the store and buy Ativan but you can buy all the alcohol you want. Also Ativan is not a street drug. I've never heard of anyone selling Ativan. And he knows by my U/A's that I'm not abusing them and his evaluation can distinguish between benzos... Well, BL, I'm getting a knee replacement in a week...wish me luck...see ya...nice chatting with ya.
Juanita, yes good luck in finding a DR. I am trying to find one. mine is retiring and I was only on norco10mg 3xdaily. was on 10mg 6xdaily. till they got shut down. due to dumb people who didn't need it. i have just gotten on here. and am looking way back in dates. i saw ur name mentioned a few times. and I don't know if it was you, or not, to be truthful. i have some dementia. but if it is u. i hate that. and I understand what u mean about the DRS. sending u here..there.. and everywhere, and then give u nothing. i know that they have to cover their as... but when I was 14 yrs. old I tried to kill myself because of a lot of abuse (long story). nobody helped then. and I didn't get any help till I was 32 yrs old. when I told my dr. about crying spells etc. he put me on antidepression meds for the first time. now I am fine and have been. BUT when I went to pain mang DR. (I shouldn't have told him I tried to take my life YEARS ago) because he sent me to all of HIS little other social, psy etc drs. and even though they cleared me. i got nothing. this happened over the span of 7 days.and I spent over 500.00. (which I had to borrow from my aunt) which was demeaning even though she has the money. i do not like to ask for anything. so when people tell u. it MUST b because you had to HAVE something besides what ur telling the dr. or them. Ignore it. it is hard.and I get my feeling hurt a lot. but it will b ok,in the long run. i personally I think.the DRS take just enough patients to make it seem like they are helping. and use the rest of us spend that 500.00 plus money to deny make them look if u didn't get to b a pain mang patient.. dont worry.. they have to accept SOME. and DENY some. im not saying all drs, are like this. but for a lot..its just a scam.
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