Doctors Willing To Prescribe Pain Medication In Las Vegas Nv (Page 13)
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I have mouth cancer that is very painfull and have been taking opioids/pain meds for many years. My tolerance is extremely high, so to have the meds actually work on the pain i'm needing a lot more than most. Just a guide of what i thank would help me and my history with pain meds: About 360 roxys 30mg, 180-240 lortabs 10mg, 90 morphine er mg, 150 xanax 2mgs, and 180 somas, which is not a lot to me. Is there any Dr. in las vegas, NV willing to write like this any more? #CANCER PAIN IN VEGAS

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Hey Cindy, heres my info. If you want too provide me with yours, I'll be glad to pass along any info &/or referral with you as well.

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Hi Cindy. I am also a disabled chronic pain patient with a long list of diagnosis' from a high speed auto accid. I've tried every treatment out there & drs say they won't touch me for surgery since I'm a very poor risk so, pain medication has been what gives me some sort of life & allows me to do at least simple things. We are relocating to Las Vegas & Im so worried about finding a good, compassionate pain management Dr. especially with the DEA going around & scaring the hell out of any caring physicians that are left!! I'll be locating in Clark County Vegas area. If you have found our do find a good physician & would be willing to share his name with me I'll be happy to do the same with you. I have a family member who resides there & is looking into some referrals. Let me know & best of luck to anyone who's in need of finding a new pain mgnt.dr!!

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Put TIRF in your search bar. That should show you a page that explains the TIRF REMS Access program. It is still up to your dr to decide if he thinks this is best for you. Be sure your new dr has copies of your medical records from your previous drs.

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I am so discouraged in this town(Las Vegas) I've got Stage IV metastatic small cell Lung & Liver cancer. Without treatment they give me 2-4 months & with treatment about 6-8months. I'm in severe pain(not to mention my crohn, celiac or diabetes on the side) I don't know how to find a pain mgmt. dr. certified to prescribe TIRF meds that I desperately need. You'd think they would have a list of qualified doctors in your area that are qualified to prescribe Immediate release Fentanyl. My pain mgmt. Doctor is Robert Biem & I saw him for the first time this last week. But I don't know if he qualifies for the Program. HELP PLEASE!

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I can relate to so much of what I'm reading here. My husband & I are both on Social Secirity Disability due to back problems. He's had 3 surgeries & has degenerative disc disease as do I, exascerbated by multiple car wrecks. Fortunately, my loving husband has been able to care for me almost entirely for the last 6-7 yrs. We're both 60'ish now and his last surgery really knocked his legs out --literally. Thank God he is getting use back of both legs. His hands aare slower coming back. We also have a 40 yr. old son who's back is so degenerated that if he tries to stand, he will fall ! So over the course of the last 30 years or so, I've been progressively more heavily medicated. I've also had 3 heart attacks, a stroke & minor seizures as well as a variety of other maladies such as COPD and Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea, GERD, Spastic Colon, Chiari Malformation and others. When I last saw my PMD he had me on 5 oxycodone 30 mgs. daily + 100 mgs. morphine sulfate daily + 1 hydromorphone 4 mgs. daily + 4 soma 350 mgs. daily + 2 valium 10 mgs daily. Oh, I forgot to mention that IF also had breast cancer & had to have a mastectomy. Anyway, my PMD promised that since I had the cancer I didn't have to worry about this awful oxycodone bureaucratic garbage that's going on. Of course I'm paraphrasing. What he actually said was since I had the cancer diagnosis, he would be able to keep me on my oxy's. Unfortunately, as we now know, even even cancer patients are being made to die without adequate pain relief so he was unable to keep his promise. Sadly he wasn't man enough to own up to that fact so he chose to dismiss me without cause, notice or referral to another PMD knowing full well how impossible it would be for me to find a replacement within the limits of my insurance and definitely within the 30 days before my prescription ran out ! I saw another PMD just a couple days ago who has informed me that in his infinite wisdom, after knowing me for all of 4 minutes, has decided that I have Opioid Hyperanalgesia. Watch out for this one folks !! Look it up! KNOW WHAT IT MEANS BEFOREHAND OR YOU WILL REGRET IT !!! This new PMD is recommending I come off ALL pain meds inside of 6 weeks! After 30 years! What is it they say??...First do no HARM!!! I'm NOT some junkie off the street but even if I were, they bring H addicts off drugs more humanely than that. Their minimum is usually at least 90 days because any less is DANGEROUS !! And I'm no addict. In fact, before my previous PMD took the cowards way out, we were already working on cutting down on my oxy's. I went in to see this new dr. Fully expecting to have my meds cut back and really quite willing to work aggressively on that but never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that he would decide to pull me off everything, virtually cold turkey. Especially when I'm the only caregiver right now of 2 completely disabled grown men. His response, "I can't medicate you based on your social life." SOCIAL LIFE !!! I haven't had a social life in 30 years. I'm just trying desparately to make sure my family gets feds because neither of them can stand in order to cook or drive to shop or get to their doctor on their own. Sure, cut my meds in half if that's what it takes to make you feel safe but what he's doing is worse than irresponsible, it's sadistic and cowardly and the bureaucrats have no right to this kind of power. The kind of power that makes our doctors mistreat us out of fear of losing their licences! And don't fool yourselves, your doctors would prescribe as they did a couple years back if they weren't constantly looking over their shoulders. So the moral of this story children is this: If you have a PMD that's prescribing anything above oxy 10's you're going to need to do WHATEVER it takes to keep him/her happy including kissing their tailfeathers if necessary...if it's even hinted at being needed because, baby, there are people out there DYING OF CANCER who are not being given the proper pain care got it... it might get them addicted or ..guess what.. kill REALLY !!! So boys &girls before the painful screaming starts, try to find somebody (I do mean a doctor, of course) to prescribe whatever you can get even if you have to pay for it with food money because believe if you don't, you'll be hurting so bad you won't be able to eat anyway. And one last recommendation or rather two-#1) Take each word of advice the lady before w/all the surgeries & endometriosis, I believe, anyway everything she said was right on the button and we'd ALL be well advised to take heed to each word. It was well written & extremely well put. It was quite clear she knew of what she spoke ! And finally last but by no means least, PRAY, because it's gonna get a whole lot worse before it gets ANY better. God bless you all and good luck ! If you're able, help someone else every chance you get. May the circle be unbroken by and by.

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This is to "Buddy" , hey, YOU DONT HAVE "MOUTH CANCER" & it's because of users like YOU, that people that ACTUALLY have PAIN problems, CANT get pain meds. There is not a REAL DOCTOR on this PLANET that would prescribe what YOU are claiming is "acceptable". I hope YOU & EVERYBODY like YOU get the hell out of MY STATE. YOU HAVE DESTROYED THINGS FOR THOSE OF US WHO ARE ACTUALLY SEEKING "PAIN MANAGEMENT".

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I am trying to understand something here.about not able to get your medicines from the pharmacy?i wish someone could tell me, what medicines are they talking about? plus,they are saying that they cut out all of the hydrocodone 10/500 that had opiades.i am kind of confused.WHAT exactly these poor people are suppose to take for chronic pain,for their previous injuries,either car accidents,or got hurt at work,and had surgeries.and still suffering from pain.i don't understand,how US the patients ,are suppose to go by our day,suffering with pain, and go and work.i wish someone could lead me the way, i am a culinary member.

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lunablue, Nevada Medicaid does pay for MS Contin which is Morphine Sulfate Extended Release.

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I also have ssme issues except they are leaning more towards MS. I am also on medicaid. I go to Las Vegas Pain Institute. They have primary care, urgent care, pain clinic that takes walk ins. I'm on fentynol 25mcgs patch, percocet 10, and zanaflex 4 mgs. I have had multiple procedures for migraines, bulging disk, and pain in my arms and legs from eithier fybro or ms pain. They are all wonderful people in their offices. They have radiology, physical therapy, & surgical centers all in same building. You will have to give them an UA. on the first visit.
Good luck to you!

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I am from Michigan. Now traveling in mexico. I have severe back problems. I am running low on my methadone for pain and xanax for anxiety. They do not have methadone here or anything close. I have to go back to u.s. and find pain clinic near border. I currently prescribed 300 10mg. Methadone per month and 90 xanax. And 60 loritabs for breackthru pain. Can anyone tell me a dr. I can see.

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Could you give me name of drs and # please?

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I have been going to the same pain management doctor for 6 years. Receiving a script for Norco (5 a day). I started on Naproxen, then muscle relaxers, eventually working up to Hydrocodone within the first 6 months or so and once I got to Norco 5x a day, it was perfect. And I've never needed to step it up.

Well, now the pain management clinic is no longer prescribing meds to anyone, period. They are only doing procedures. They informed all of their patients to return to their primary physician and get a referral to another PM clinic.

I met with the new PM doctor and he disagrees with my former PM doctor's diagnosis and treatment plan. He is strongly against opiates, and I know it is the only thing that has worked for me.

Can anyone recommend a Las Vegas/Henderson area PM doctor that would likely just continue with the Hydrocodone? Please let me know if you have a suggested PM doctor that isn't dead set against opiate treatment.

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I too have had chronic pain for over ten years, perm disabled and retired from disability, and i am only 40. Had multiple back surgeries and knee surgeries all from athletics. I had been on ungodly amounts of opiates and many types. The pain caused me to get worse both physically and mentally. Every doc I would see just prescribed more meds and said I should be dead from the amount I was taking. But, they continue to prescribe them. My best advice came from Dr. Mel Pohl when I went to a place called Las Vegas Recovery Center. They specialize in pain management with many modalities and getting you off the meds. The biggest breakthrough came after I was off the meds for about a month and began taking Effexor. I am on a high dose, but the way the drug works, it has balanced my brain out so even though I still have pain everyday, I don't focus on it. My brain isn't hardwired to my pain any longer. I am still required to take something every couple of months when I have a really bad flare up, but find if I take it more than three days my pain becomes much worse because my body begins to crave the opiates again. May not work for everyone, but I am somebody that tried EVERYTHING and found this by chance. Give it a shot, you never know. The freedom of not having to wake up feeling sick and having to take a med just to get outta bed is amazing and life altering.

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What Dr were you seeing in Texas? I'm moving there and I need a good dr. Please!

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Quick follow up.. I can't say this strongly enough. Do not take more meds than you are prescribed and expect your doctor to understand that you were having a bad day. You could end up without a doctor. Remain in close partnership with your pain doctor. The objective is to keep you out of pain. The entire system is broken right now and without extreme caution you will make your situation worse. It isn't a car repair business where you can just take your business elsewhere. These doctors are under so much scrutiny now that they often don't care if you go elsewhere. Until we get some leadership who will fight FOR pain patients things will likely get worse before they get better.Best of luck!

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I'm hoping that this will help many of you. First, I know severe pain. I have had over 30 surgeries for kidney stones, have had a total hysterectomy for severe endometriosis, suffered a tubal pregnancy and had a leaking appendix for 9 months. I was in a bad car accident in 2003 and saw a pain doctor for 11 months. Even 40mg of morphine, 40mg of straight Percocet, and several different types of anti-anxiety medications did not help. I weigh just over 100lbs. I went through monthly spinal injections and weekly B vitamin infusions that did help some. My doctor would not see me if I did not keep my physical therapy 3 to 5 times a week. Where I got my best pain relief was by trying non-traditional medications such as anti-depressants and anti-seizure medications. There are several options when dealing with severe pain. Opiate medications work best for a short period of time; however, to get the same level of pain relief you will require higher doses until it stops working altogether and doses can't go up because of risk for liver damage and overdose.

I have read a lot of you have doctors who have decided to retire, refused higher dosages, or have sent you on your way with no referral. You have options!

First, see a neurologist. This doctor knows how the brain works and understands how the nerves work. This doctor can prescribe anti-seizure amongst other classes of medications that help with pain.

Second, keep seeing your primary care doctor and make sure that this doctor has all records of the other specialists you are seeing...I know for most this is true already because you had to have referrals; however, those on MEDICAID are sometimes not required to get a referral prior to seeing a specialist. This is the most important doctor to keep on your side!

Third, see a psychologist who can prescribe your anti-anxiety, anti-depressant, and even anti-seizure meds that help with pain disorders.

Fourth is only obtain opiate medications from (1) ONE AND ONLY (1) doctor. This is critical. Inform this doctor of the other things you are doing to try to get yourself out of pain.

Fifth, alternative therapies: massage, physical therapy, Chinese medicine, creams, guided imagery, distraction....make a journal and keep receipts and records of what you are doing IN ADDITION to the opiate medication.

The key is to build a scrap book that shows you are not simply trying to medicate yourself with opiates! Your doctor will see that you are trying everything you can to cure your pain. This will discredit any doctor who tried to call you a simple drug addict!

Lastly, if you have no other choice or you are addicted to opiates: go to a methadone clinic. Start their program. They typically prescribe by giving you a dose every 20 minutes until you nod off and that is where your dose is determined. It is based off of your physical tolerance and will prevent you from going into withdrawals. This type if program is often free or low fee and anonymous. They see patients whose pain doctors have simply dumped them as drug addicts even when the real problem is pain.

My 11 months at the pain clinic were the WORST of my life. I stopped all of medications cold turkey to prove that I wasn't simply a drug addict. I have had many surgeries since then and have never had a problem coming off of opiates since. I also often request TRAMADOL/ULTRAM, for pain because it is less physically addictive and works well for me.

For those of you who are dying, seek care through hospice programs. These doctors are not as scrutinized as bad as pain clinic doctors are for prescribing high dosages of pain medications for the palliative treatment for end of life care.

Good luck to all of you! May you find what you need and live happy and full lives.

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Please refer me to good dr just moved to Vegas and have chron's lots of pain

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Does anyone know a low cost pain management dr here in Vegas?

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I also was in so much pain that oral opiates weren't the answer. Doctors in Arizona told my family that I wasn't going to survive. I layed in bed in a darkened room waiting to die. I was then referred to the pain management center at UCLA. After confirming my eligibility they implanted an intrathecal pain pump. Because the morphine and other drugs go directly to the nerves in my spine. I am again lucid and have my life back. I still see pain management doctors and must fight this insane battle to get prescriptions for oral opiates filled, but it's all less desperate now since it isn't life and death anymore, rather quality of life. My assist dog helps me walk, get up stairs, and on airplanes. Life is so much better. Our lawmakers need to stop playing doctor and realize that not everyone taking pain medication is a junkie! I've had pain specialists in two states tell me that some patients have turned to buying H off the street because it was easier to get. I hope this excessive legislative involvement in our personal lives is fixed soon! I agree with some changes, like requiring the involvement of a pain specialist when prescription levels reach a certain level. It makes sense to have state databases to catch the doctor and pharmacy shoppers. Checks and balances are a good idea, just keep it all balanced. We just moved from Washington state and left an excellent doctor because the pharmacies weren't able fill my prescriptions reliably. Now we're encountering the same problems in Nevada. We moved to both States hoping to buy a house, but don't dare until this mess is resolved. By the way, I was a police officer for 30 years, injured on the job. I retired as a Police Chief and hoped to teach when I retired. Now I just want to live. CA Workers Compensation has been given way too much control of my life, but that's an entire story of its own.

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Please help, any one? I have been taking the exact same dose of Kadian, which is 100mg, twice daily for about 7 yrs. now, so no wonder it no longer helps me?!!! I also cannot find a breakthrough medication that will help at all. I am on SSI, I have straight medicaid and live in Las Vegas. I go see my pain management Dr. tomorrow, but he seems so unwilling to change anything & I have never been so depressed in my life. I have no quality of life any more, I'm only 45, female. I feel like I'm in a convalescent home and about 90 yrs. old. I can't do anything w/my 20 yr. old daughter any more, whom happens to be my is there anybody in Las Vegas that can email me before 7:00 am Pacific time to give me any ideas as to what else is out there for breakthrough pain & how do I (or can I even, in Las vegas) ask to up the mgs. of my kadian? Does any one know if it's true that straight medicaid in Las Vegas won't pay for MSContin, or Avinza? Someone told me that; don't believe them. Please help me if you can, Dr. asks what I want for breakthrough pain & he's the one w/knowledge of the drugs!! These are what we've tried: 4mg dilaudid five times a day. I can take all 5 at once, no help whatsoever. Also, msir 30 mg. five a day. Neither of these work for me. I definitely need to know if straight medicaid will pay for stronger mgs. of my main medication. If not, something similar? I would appreciate any help that anyone can give me...also, I will be up all night since I can never sleep, especially before going to see this doctor. I feel all of your pain; every one here, I hope I have finally found a place where people understand me. I did not know this existed before tonight. Thank you so much, just for being here. I love all of yas.. =o)

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