Doctors Willing To Prescribe Pain Medication In Las Vegas Nv (Page 14)
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I have mouth cancer that is very painfull and have been taking opioids/pain meds for many years. My tolerance is extremely high, so to have the meds actually work on the pain i'm needing a lot more than most. Just a guide of what i thank would help me and my history with pain meds: About 360 roxys 30mg, 180-240 lortabs 10mg, 90 morphine er mg, 150 xanax 2mgs, and 180 somas, which is not a lot to me. Is there any Dr. in las vegas, NV willing to write like this any more? #CANCER PAIN IN VEGAS

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having moved to Vegas recently I cannot find a doctor who is willing to keep me on the meds that I have been on for 5 years I'm a previous Dr I'm scared to death of withdrawals nevermind the pain of interstitial cystitis that I have. Is there any doctor out here that has the compassion and is willing to give out the right

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Have u found any good new dr??? Same prob desperate

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I've had two failed lumbar surgery's. Living with 6 bolts and screw in my back, and one has broken off and just floating around. I was going to same pain Doctor last 5 years, he quit seeing patients, due to him just doing epidurals and hired a Nurse Practitioner. She said I was an addict and starting cutting down on my meds. I was taking 6 Roxicodine 30 mg daily. The first month with her, she cut me down to 5 a day. I did pretty ok with the 5 daily. The next month, it was down to 4 daily, I didn't do so well, I called the office and told them, I was taking 5 some days, and she didn't really say much, but we changed my appointment for 10 days early this month. I go in and I was 4 days short, she lost it, told me it was not their fault, I was addicted to the drugs, I had signed a release form and they (Doctor) was not responsible. She fired me, told me to leave the office, gave me a script for 5 pills a day and said she would never see me again, to find another Doctor. I couldn't believe it, I left the office in tears freaking out. I had also said to her, what Doctor will take me after what your writing on my medical report, she replied "Too Bad." So, $450.00 dollars later, I have found a new Doctor. I don't know if I like him or not, I was so desperate. I was impressed, he spent 40 minutes with my Husband and myself. He gave me 4, 30 mg of Roxy's a day and 2 Morphine ER 30 mg a day. My next appointment is in 22 days. So far, I've done pretty OK, there has been 3 days, I took an extra Roxy. I'm actually keeping a journal of the times I take my meds, so new Doctor can see, I'm not taking to make myself feel high. After 5 years on these meds, well Roxy's anyway, I don't feel any thing except, pain relief. My reason for writing, does anyone have a suggestion of what maybe you take for chronic pain that actually works. I was forced into retirement, which I am still very MAD about. I miss working a lot. I've been a Hairdresser for 35 years, so I should have known from the first surgery, I wouldn't work again, SIGH ! The reason I had the first surgery I was told, I have spinal stenosis (spelling, sorry), I always thought it was because, I thought I looked cute wearing high heels cutting hair all those years. I now can't be on my feet longer than 20 minutes nor can I sit longer than 20 minutes. Since new Doctor, I have been having nerve pain straight down my legs, they feel like they are going to sleep, tingling, and numbing feeling. I refuse to have another surgery and I am upset, this Doctor isn't on my Insurance Network. I'm in Woodstock, Georgia, about 20 minutes from Atlanta. I appreciate any reply's I get, I want to know your thoughts, thank you very much for taking the time to read this !

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which doctor are u going to? so I can see if my insurance will take there.

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What doctor are you seeing. I'm seeing doc Sharma but I have a script for 4 micro 20/325 per day been on for 6 months. But not working anymore I have to take 2 at a time. How's your doc

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I know this post is from a long time ago, but I saw you finally has gotten a good doc. I have Crohns dz, Fibromyalgia, nerve damage, migraines and bulging disks. I cannot find anyone to treat me even though I have years of records, have never abused medication nor drugs of any kind. I am at my wits end and hopeless. I finally got Medicaid so I can see a pain Dr. No one on the posts have the name of a Dr so it didn't help because I can't call! If you get this and either still see the sane Dr or have any others that have treated you fairly and were caring and managed your pain and you don't want post public, my email is {edited for privacy}. My name is Leigh and I would really appreciate it so much. Hope you are doing alright. I know you deal with a lot of pain and from one to another, my heart goes out to you. Hope to hear from you. Thank you!

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Hi I am originally from Tx where pain mgmt is compassionate but since moving to Hawaii (on Oahu) for my job I have had the worst time finding a Dr who is not afraid to prescribe. I have 6 herniated disks from a car accident in the neck and lower back and live in constant pain and sleepless nights without meds. Does anyone know Of a Dr. I can try here? I'm only on 4 -10mg hydrocodone a day.

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I REALLY NEED a doctor that will give me Ms Contin 60mg and Roxi's 30mg!! Can't find doctor that takes horrible insurance, Medicaid Health Plan of NV. But I'd appreciate ANY names! I'm in so much pain I wanna give up! I can't take this anymore! I have Endometriosis so bad, need hysterectomy...constant stabbing in ovaries,whole lower area feels badly bruised to the touch..degenerative disc disease..too much crap. Ex friend stole my meds, even with police report pain doctor was heartless..said it's my fault. I'm suffering in so many ways. Please help me!!! Las Vegas or Henderson. Thank you straight from my heart! I really don't think I can live with all this pain!

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i was injuried in iraq by an ied explosion ive been seeing dr grover at nevada spine clinic for 2 years my insurance cancelled now im waiting 2 weeks to pay and see a PM dr . im screwed until then i still have my 10mg valiums in great need of pain medecine please email me honest guy here {edited for privacy}

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Need help in Vegas. I have and an extremely rare brain tumor had surgery and gamma knife radiation with no shrinkage of tumor besides that 8 knee surgeries the pain is so bad sometimes I just wish I was dead. Have a pain doc know who said he would work with me had him for about 5 months now and still prescribing 15mg oxycodone and 25 mcg fentynol but not even close to any kind of reasonable pain took me four pain docs to even get this one and it's not helping. I am desperate I have no quality its all I can do to get out of bed or get any quality sleep...if anyone out there knows of a doctor who would actually help me please please let me know it would be soooo appreciated.

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I am in sever pain all the time and ive been looking for a doctor who will help me for years now, one doctor really wrote some bad things on the doctor notes and i found out that was the reason why i could get help, i'm in so much pain im about to go out to the street to get some kind of help for my pain, i have a recall called the metabloic bone graft and it cause sever pain and cancer and even death and all these doctors suck ...please anyone who lives in st. louis mo.

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Hey I am visiting and in serious pain from bone spurs and my sciatica. Do the ER doctors prescribe anything good here? Thanks in advance for any advice you guys could give me.

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Any way you can tell me the doc? I live in vegas

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To Buddy, saw your post. My levels of meds are like yours. Have you found doctor? my dr. Left her pain management and would not even refer me out! I'm in so much pain and now over whelming anixity. Whol be forever grateful.

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Saw your post, my doctor stopped pain management, leaving me in agony and without telling where I could get help. I'm very desperate to find dr.who will perscribe. Please!!! I'm so very much in pain!

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I am seaching for an affordable doctor or pain management doctor. I don't have insurance and there isn't a prospect of it in the future. I have neuropathy (peripheral and trigenimal). I was in 2 car accidents in the last 15 years and the pain in my legs, feet, neck and back is crazy. Also I am diabetic. I have been searching for an affordable doctor that will help me with the horrible pain. Thanks for any help!!!

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Not sure if you still need help I take oxy 30 mg and xanax 2 mg I use a pscard go to my oxy cost about 75 dollars I get 180 of them and xanax about 22 bucks those I take 120 of my docs a fool who asked me to find a new pain doc without refering me to any I helped so maybe you can help me thanks I promise the pscard is very legit its worked wonders for me anyway help if you can

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Does Anyone Have A PMD Referral In Las Vegas?

I had two back-to-back surgeries and have been on pain meds ever since. I have since then been treated by at least 4 or 5 pain management doctors in Las Vegas and Reno most of which I fired for one reason or another. I am now looking to switch doctors again. My current PMD is okay, but his location and hours are largely inconvenient. When looking for a new PMD, I always conduct a Google search for bad/good reviews before making my decision. If anyone has a strong PMD referral in Las Vegas, please contact me on my secure email at {edited for privacy}. Thank you. Cindy

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hi, i get yve had 20 plus surgries hep c and a bunch
of other things i was on 240 30 s a day 120 60m morphine zantact now i li ve in maine
cant even get 30s if u can help please do i justt want to die sometimes i cant handel the pain
xxxxx@xxx {edited for privacy}

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I am trying to find a Dr in Vegas before I move there can you tell me who a good one is or your own. As far as discount perscripftions I use wize card you can find it on the Internet. It is a very goood alt to insurance.

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