Doctors Who Prescribe Oxycontin In Oklahoma (Page 6)


I have been in Pain management since 2004 in California and just Moved out there to muskogee Oklahoma... unfortunately there are NO doctors here willing to treat my pain i was on a regiment of 80mg Oxycontin 2X daily 10/325mg Norcos every 4 hours and 4mg IV dilaudid as needed for breakthrough pain... i am in search of a doctor out this way who is actualluy willing to perscribe these meds... thanks

220 Replies (11 Pages)

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The Spine & Orthopedic Institue


9709 E. 79th St South Tulsa, OK 74133

918-994-4000 phone
918-994-4090 fax
1-877-994-4044 toll free

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i want to find a doctor in tulsa oklahoma who will amputate my leg and stop the pain

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please help me find a doctor that perscribes meds in oklahoma

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Saw your post an defintly needing a good doc any info will help

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Can you or anyone else give me some good info on some doctors that will help me with pain killer in or anywhere around the Oklahoma City area?

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hi I live in Tulsa Oklahoma I am looking for a doctor who will prescribe narcos tens I have a collar bone fracture thanks so much

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I am 34 years old and have severe chronic pain. I had my first back surgery when I was 30. I have recently had an MRI that came back showing osteoarthritis, failed back syndrome, severe spinal stenosis, herniated disc, and damage to my sciatic nerve... And more. My dr has been treating me with the same dose of pain medication for over a year and I have built a tolerance and my back is getting much worse but he will not up my meds. It is getting to the point that I can not put surgery off much longer but until I can find and train a replacement at my work I need a dr that will help improve my quality of life.

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Terra can I get the name of that pain doctor in okc thanks in advance

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i can heip you with the 4 dilaudid

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Hey in response to the last post. Anything else? Redds...

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My grandmother is needing a pain management doctor in Muskogee or Oklahoma. Her previous pain management doctor left his practice for another job. She has had multilevel fusions back in the 50's, and is in constant pain. She has been trying to find another physician and no one will give her pain meds. They only want to give her pain injections which do not work. I flew her here to Texas and she received them a couple times and it didn't work for more than a day. Please help me find her a pain doctor that will write her some scripts.

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HI I am looking for a pain Dr to was gonna see if u found one &would share the name with me ty very much

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It's definitely hard to find a doctor in the Oklahoma City area that'll actually prescribe medications, for some reason Oklahoma has been named as one of the states to have a high prescription drug abuse, I saw on the news the other day that they busted a few guys that had computer equipment to make false drivers licenses and false prescriptions, which screws the rest of us that actually have pain and have medical conditions that need pain medications, and some of the few doctors that did prescribe medications are either in prison or had their practices closed. I did have a doctor in NW Oklahoma City in 2011 that retired, his name was Dr Michael Schwartz, there is a clinic off Memorial called Oklahoma Pain Center, I went there for over a year and a half, but I recently quit their clinic a few months ago cause they were complaining about my Xanax quantity that I was getting from another Doctor, the whole time I was there I had no issues, they kept my medication at the same for almost the entire time, but suddenly they wanted everyone to cut-back on their benzo intake out of the blue, so I started slowly taking my intake of Xanax down, but I had to do it slowly cause I have seizures, and one of my last seizures was trying to cut-back too quickly, so after a few months one of my last two visits, they cut my pain meds in half, then the next month they cut it in half AGAIN, because I didn't cut-back as quickly as they wanted me to, so it pissed me off so I quit and went to another PM Doctor to get me by until I can find another PM Doctor that'll keep my meds at the same that they've been at.

Unfortunately most doctors here want you on either almost no narcotic medications or just want to do inj's, which sucks.

All these people making fake scripts to get drugs are screwing the rest of us that actually need it, so they're making it harder on these PM Doctors. Makes me want to visit a Doctor out of state almost.

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I'm new in Tulsa and after a year of still seeing the same did the three he drive us too much. I have fybromyalgia seven ruptured discs and severe severe anxiety...... I've been taking my son's Narcos and can't bars for almost twenty years. Any way you could help me with the name if a Dr that will help me and not guinea pig me. I went thru four years if that and I'm terrified. I have two weeks any ideas or an answer to my prayer

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hello I am new to okc and I am in need of a Doc willing to take care of pain management and anxiety can you please help me out with this anyone?

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Did you find a dr? I moved here to okc from Missouri where i was in pain management but i need to find a dr here that i can continue my treatment.

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What Doctor are you talking about in your pain management post? I'm needing one really bad.

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I'm having the same problem so if you find one let me know I was going to run in Oklahoma City which and and they decided not to take my insurance anymore I am in search for a good pain management doctor that will help with my pain not just a back injection

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I had the same thing happen to me. I went to all kinds of doctors trying to find out what was wrong with me. I had horrendous pain in my lower abdomen on the right side and it would radiate to the middle lower abdomen. It would put me in bed for a week. Then it would subside some and i would become semi functional and then I would have another attack. The doctors just kept blowing me off. This went on for over a year. Finally I collapsed in the worst pain imaginable in my abdomen and went to the emergency room. The pain was so bad I was screaming loud but couldn't help it. They gave me morphine, etc. and it didn't even touch the pain! They took xray and said they didn't see anything? (Crazy)! About that time my temperature went up to about 108 degrees! It was horrible. The next morning they said they would operate on me to see if they could find anything. When I woke up after the operation they said that I had Colon cancer! Stage 3! Do you have constipation but then sometimes have horrible smelling diarrhea? Do you constantly eat mints or chew gum because you think you have bad breath? Has anyone ever said that your breath smells like poop? When you have a bowel movement does the poop look thin pieces shaped like a
pencil? My cancer was on the cecum. If you haven't already done it you might want to get your stool tested and there's a blood test thatyou can get tthat will show if you have cancer cells in your blood. The blood test is CA 919 for Colon Cancer.

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I live in northern Minnesota and have spinal bifida and lower lumbar disc diabetes and RA.every time i go to the Dr they make me feel like a criminal or drug there any way of getting an online Dr? Or is that all just bs when you see the ads on the internet?

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