Doctors In Pa That Prescribe Oxycodone (Page 32)


I need a doctor in the pgh area. I have had 11 back surgeries, chronic pain and anxiety. My pcp gave me a month to find one... Please help.

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We need more doctors like him!!! He is not a coward! He is a modern day saint to patients who truly are in pain and he follows the law!!! Us 3 are truly privileged to have found the saint.....We chant that when he comes in the doors between 9:30-10:00 on fridays and he always smiles!!!

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Nikki, Antman, Carmine,

I've been contemplating going to your doc. I got an MRI of my lumbar spine done a few months back, and I just got my neck MRI done recently. Still no word on the results yet. I have an appointment next week. I'm hoping something bad comes up, maybe it will nudge my doc in the direction of medication. I plan on laying it all out on the table at this appointment. How I need to be back on medication, and that I'm choosing to go that route. I have bad anxiety, which just worsens when seeing doctors. I too often dont speak up for myself and just go along, knowing whatever it is wont help with what Im going through. If things dont change, I plan on finding a new doctor, and I this is probably the route Im going to try. I asked before, but what would be the best days to try going? Id rather go when he is there with hopes of seeing him and not an assistant doc. Again, you dont have to worry about me spilling the beans. Not to sound selfish, but Im only interested in getting help for myself. Im not a selfish person by any means, but when youve been dealing with chronic pain for 10+ years and have been untreated the last few years, you get to a point where your only concern is not being in pain every day of your life. If you guys can just help me out in the right direction that'd be awesome. Only asking for little help. I've done my research on my own and ended up at this conclusion. Just dont want to try without him being there. Thanks guys.

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Im so glad to hear it worked out for u.... you remember when i told you he said i failed for opiates when i knew there was no way i could possibly fail for that cause i dont do it. So it seems like the drunk doc is full of s***. What did u get raised to? And also i remeber u tried getting a long lasting med and they didnt give it to u... have u finally got a long lasting version? I FELT SO BAD FOR U WHEN HE SAID THAT ABOUT YOU. IM GLAD U PROVED HIM WRONG...

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Nikki, im so happy to see everything was cool at your dr appointment this week! I was appalled by what happened to you at your last appointment! For those of us who live in mortal pain every day of our lives this medication is like insulin to a diabetic. Im so sick of hearing how we are all drug addicts who just want to feel high and we are the reason for the opioid epidemic. I need my meds. I dont sell them. I don't abuse them. Even at my highest dosages 2 years ago i never felt high from them as my pain level was outrageous. After 4 failed back surgeries including a spinal fusion and having a piece of my own hip bone removed and soddered into my spine along with several titanium screws if anyone thinks that needing pain meds is not ok and along with 6 diseases in my back and legs that will never get better only degenerate every single day i say you try to live like this. I get so sick of people telling me to leave it in God's hands he will heal you. I start to cry when people tell me that because I tell them I've left it in God's hands for over 30 years and he must be ignoring me because for 30 years it has only gotten worse ever since I was 17 and someone drunk got into an accident with me and smashed my entire car along with my spine... Now I've been taken off of 85% of my pain medication and can barely get out of bed to go to the bathroom. I'm just sick of this whole opioid epidemic thing being blamed on the people who actually take their medication. I just wish I could find a doctor in the Philadelphia area that would actually have the balls and the guts to give me the medication that I need. My doctor is so strict and told me in Philadelphia actually in Pennsylvania you're only allowed 90 mg of morphine and that includes the Percocet or the Roxicodone you take being counted as one and a half times the amount of morphine it's considered. So I'm on such a low dose of medication it's like taking nothing at all. I'm glad you guys have a doctor who will continue to write the medication that you need. I'm happy that you didn't get any crap from your doctor's this time Nikki and I hope it stays that way. God bless you to all my fellow peeps out there who are in pain...

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swish 3 if u believe u know where u can find the saint and his practice in your area go for it........a clue just passed by for the day to go hes always on the same days....u cant go up my way im too far u up they way right? so go to the one up there and bring your info its simple....

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I agree swish. You're asking way to many questions that we aren't even allowed to answer on this site. I don't doubt that you are a trustworthy reliable human being, but I still will never give my doctor's information out, not will I give out any info about the practice. Please don't take any offense to that. Just that practice is so overrun with patients already. I'm not doubting that you need to be there but since what happened to me happened to me, even with the situation being rectified my lips are sealed! Antman is right, can you believe that you have the doctor and practice figured out. All you have to do is call there for the info, ask what day you can get an appt. on and ask what info you need to be part of their practice, the same way I did. Sadly you don't have a choice on which day you could go and which doc you see being a new patient. They will tell you if they are taking new patients and what info you need whether it be copies of MRIs, x-rays, pharmacy records etc... and if they get you in they will make you an appointment you go to every few weeks on that same day. Once you have a relationship built up with the practice and the doctor you may be able to change your day, but in the beginning you don't have an option to pick a day to go. You go when and if they can fit you in. Just call down there. Good luck.

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And Lisa Carmine and Antman, thank you for all your kind words and help and advice we are all here for each other and I love that about this forum/extended family. I did pray Lisa, I believe in the power of prayer and honestly I prayed that things would go my way and The doc would be patient and listen to me but I also prayed that if things didn't go my way that I would accept whatever decision was made!

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nikki carmine i need u both to go to the post doctors who perscribe pain killers in philly pa theres over 1200 comments read the last 50 comments or so and please flag and report it........its really messed up what that person said

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Re: antman (# 628) Expand Referenced Message

How do i find those posts antman, and why do you want me to flag them?

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Re: Carmine (# 629) Expand Referenced Message

Nicky posted the name of your Pain Management Group!!!

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This is not me I don't spell my name that way nor am i even in that group!

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Re: Nikki (# 631) Expand Referenced Message

No honey... Not you. That is why it is spelled differently!!!

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just type in doctors who perscribe pain killers in philly pa....and theres about 1200 or more comments posted somebody is throwing several pain managment companys under the bus i responded by telling the truth none of those places are taking new patients it wasnt our nikky it was a diffrerent person spelled nicky....we all should try to get that removed that is real bad....ive flagged it ive marked it as spam.....its still there it made me furious.

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Re: bridgepanter (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I need to get in contact with that doctor my PCP was riding my pain meds for 12 years and now they have shifted it to where I had to go to a pain management doctor he took all my meds away from me I have been suffering in such pain until I'm crying daily I need can you give me the number to reach your doctor doctor thank you my name is Janae Hill

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Re: Carmine (# 629) Expand Referenced Message

Antman i read a few of the post i didnt see what u were talking bout copy the post or something n post here so i can go n flag what ur talking bout

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Re: Carmine (# 635) Expand Referenced Message
i dont even want to copy and paste something like that......its very bad carmine and direct whoever did that must be a disgruntled former patient u have to type in doctors who perscribe oxycodone in philly pa ....make sure its the one with over 1200 comments then scroll down to the last 60 most recent and youll find something unless they deleted it

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Re: antman (# 636) Expand Referenced Message

Yeah i went thru like 4 pages n didnt see what u are talking bout ill look alottle fadther

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Re: Carmine (# 637) Expand Referenced Message

Carmine its message 1221 from Nicky! It gives the name of your doctors office in Willow Groove...Maybe you are in the wrong post????

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Re: Carmine (# 637) Expand Referenced Message
u must sort by newest posts first u gave a commment on 64 the doctor who needed help or whatever but thats real old posts you gotta switch settings to newest posts k?

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carmine and nikki this friday is my bieekly apointment with the saint...... I absolutely love my pain doctor and his staff nikki learned herself why he is nicknamed the saint hes a pain managment saint and my pains under control......and nikki went from being discharged by a lying drunk being rescued by the saint and treated like a human and getting her pain meds back!!! he wasnt having that thats why hes a saint hes a good guy!!!!

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