Doctors In Pa That Prescribe Oxycodone (Page 33)


I need a doctor in the pgh area. I have had 11 back surgeries, chronic pain and anxiety. My pcp gave me a month to find one... Please help.

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Antman here - You guys are really boring things about your quest for doctors or your pain levels and if you're in my practice like nikki and's the staff? Do both of u like all the workers there? Does your pharmacy always have the narcotic in stock? Recently has cvs, walgreens or riteaid given u a problem filling??? Also, i can't tell u whats going to be changing but it's something good for the practice... Ask the girls up the Poconos out that way if the owner is changing anything about the practice... They'll tell u what the change is. Just please don't air it out online. Thanks, lol.

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Re: antman (# 641) Expand Referenced Message

Is this a good change for only existing patients haha? As a prospective patient, I hope that could possibly benefit me, whatever it is. As for me, I have an appointment with my current doc in a few days. Will be going over the results of my cervical spine MRI. I called and picked up a copy of the results for myself. Last time I had an MRI, the Dr. Office didn't even have it when I showed up, and had to call the place for them to fax it. Super unorganized. I'm currently being very under-treated, but I have my suspicions why. I think it has to do with my insurance honestly. I think at this point, I'm just going to have to level with him straight up about my pain. How it's ruining literally every aspect of my life, affects me not only physically, but mentally, emotionally, and even my libido. When you're in a lot of pain, it can be difficult to get "in the mood" even though you obviously want to. But it really has ruined my life. I have zero social life, because I'm either in pain, or fear being in pain. What I'm on now is glorified Tylenol basically. Worthless with helping my pain. I get very anxious with doctors and tend to not fully stand up for myself. I've been getting better with it, as this doc does make me feel comfortable. He's a great guy and does truly seem to care, but there is something preventing him from giving me a med that will help. From his convos, he makes it seem like it's because he doesn't think I should start using narcotics at a young age (I'm 30!!) and grow dependent.

I understand that, but I know for sure he prescribes them to people. Plus, he knows I've previously been on a bunch of different pain meds in the past. Way stronger meds and at a way younger age. Anyone have any advice? It also effects my wallet. I hate doing it, but when you're in pain, you get to a point where you just need relief. So admittedly, as I'm sure most here have, I have self medicated. Do I include this in the conversation somewhere, that I've taken things not prescribed before? Just for the point that its the only thing that gives me any relief and how I want to go that route. He did tell me at one of my first appointments that I can always speak up with a suggestion of trying something. I never have because I don't want to come off as a seeker, which I'm not. Now on top of my lumbar, I have issues with the cervical spine/neck. And I would guarantee there are problems in my thoracic as well, but haven't had testing on that yet. If I cant come to terms with him on Friday, I may be moving on to the "other place". If anyone has any advice on how/what I should say and go about this with my appointment coming up, Id truly appreciate it. Even your past experiences of how you went about speaking up to get the medication you need for relief. Thank all of you, I wish you all could be pain free. Hope to read some replies on this, some help/advice would be great.

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Re: swish3 (# 642) Expand Referenced Message

Be honest with your doctor tell him what works for you and what will take away your pain. Either he's going to listen to you or he's not at this point. You cannot live your life like this and I don't care what age you are honey. It is best to be honest with your doctor and see if he will help you since you like him. It is so much harder to find a doctor that will even be compassionate and listen to you so it's worth a try. Please come back and let us know what you've done and if your doctor listens to you. Be honest with him like you were with us just now in this post tell him everything pour your heart out and let him know what you have taken in the past that has helped you. Good luck to you sweetheart we all are in the same boat here and wish you nothing but the best of luck.

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Re: Lisa (# 643) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you so much Lisa. That meant a lot, you're such a sweetheart. I'm hoping this works. He knows that I'm in pain and that there are reasons for causing the pain, so it's not like he can write me off saying nothing is wrong with you. Also my last visit with his PA, I finally asked about my blood work results because they were never brought up from my first visit. She mentioned something about my liver enzymes, and asked if I take Tylenol. That's another factor in why I'd like to ask for a specific medicine. I've been taking over the counter nsaids a ton over the last 10 years ive dealing with the ailments. I would preferably like to be on something without an nsaid but we'll see how it works out. I hope it goes well, because I already feel so defeated over this. I think it's the main cause of my depression issues and everything I listed in my earlier post. Hope you are doing well Lisa!

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Re: Swish3 (# 644) Expand Referenced Message

Of course honey anytime. If you have a problem with your liver enzymes then please don't ask for Percocet. Ask for Roxicodone which is the Percocet without the Tylenol as seen you definitely don't need any more Tylenol in your system honey. You probably already know that and that is for breakthrough pain and make sure you also ask for something for long-term pain you know like morphine or something like that. Please let me know how you're doing okay? Good luck sweetheart

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Re: Lisa (# 645) Expand Referenced Message

That's exactly what I would prefer to take and want to ask for. At this point, I think he knows I'm not a drug seeker. I never even mentioned going on any type of medication, just that what he was giving me wasn't helping. He's even said he knows I'm not just trying to get a script. So I think I just need to express that I like him as my doctor and I feel there's trust brteeen us, and this is what I would like to try as it's one thing that's helped the most for me...while also bringing up the anti Tylenol reasoning as well. I don't know if he's ever even looked at the bloodwork yet, I had to ask the PA about it. But I really hope it works out. I will even tell him that this is the route I'd like to take until we find something that's more of a solution. Whether that's surgery or what, tho I'm in no rush for a surgery, I assume I well need multiple in my lifetime. It will be the first step in really getting my life back. I am not who I really am these last few years. The pain has stripped me of so much. I just want to be happy and live my life on a lower pain scale and feel like ME again. If anyone else has any advice on how I should handle the conversation I would love the input. I appreciate you all

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Swish3 -- antman here. Keep it simple and be polite as u always are anyways....and say to your doctor, doctor i've been shy in the past so i haven't brought it u know im in extreme pain and this has been documented. In the past we have tried tylenol with codeine, regular tylenol, ibuprofen and many others. Theses medications are taking a toll on my liver enzymes and i didn't know upon doing research i typed in what pain medications are non toxic to the organs....doc, oxycodone without tylenol came up. May i please try that out for my pain because i really need relief and im truly in pain. In the future, maybe 3 to 6 months from now maybe u can help me find a pain specialist... could u please start me on a regimen of something that works doc? Please, u know im not a liar and im honest with u he'll at least give u the 5s or 10s with a pain contract where u can only get it from him....just my opinion. Use big words like what can my regimen be like doc, 4 times a day? Prn 4 hours or prn 6 hours? I need help with pain doc.

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Re: antman (# 647) Expand Referenced Message

Thanks Antman. I'm very polite. I look presentable. I've been being patient, trying everything he has asked of me. Haven't came out and asked for anything yet. I was upped on the "med" I am now on a month or 2 ago. Think it's a bottom of the barrel "pain med". Doesn't help with the pain needless to say. My only shot is to just talk to him and let him know how I feel and that I want to try the pain medicine route, as it's the only way to really treat it. At least until something more permanent comes along, but I don't see surgery anytime super soon. At some point during the next few years I might, but until then, I need to be treated for the pain. I just feel completely defeated at this point as far as my chronic pain and trying to get treatment. If he can't take what I'm saying to heart and understand it, there's not much more I can do at that point but to find someone who will. I need everyone's luck going into tomorrow. I'm anxious just thinking about it. I hope he will be willing to talk this out and take what I'm saying as genuine. It's been so many years now. It's only gotten worse. I can't keep going this way. I really can't. It's depressing. I need someone there who cares and wants to help me and trust me. My life needs to improve, and this pain is a roadblock.

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Re: antman (# 647) Expand Referenced Message

So antman. I was all ready to have the discussion. Got there a mere 15 min late. I tried calling and it was either a busy signal or on hold. Then when it would ring, nobody would answer. I get there and they say they have to reschedule. Which is such bulls***. I'm disappointed I didn't get to go over my test results and options for pain relief.

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Re: Swish3 (# 649) Expand Referenced Message

So sorry to hear this. Most offices do give you a 15 minute window for being late. When is your next appointment hon?

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swish 3.....thats weird. they shouldve took u

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Re: Lisa (# 650) Expand Referenced Message

I know, and it was only 15 min. They are a very unorganized office. I tried to call 5 times on my way there to let them know I was coming. She didn't even like ask the doc she just said no. This lady has always been extremely rude since my first appointment. Now the next appointment I had to make that would work with my schedule isn't until the 27th. Sucks so much!!

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Re: antman (# 651) Expand Referenced Message

I know man. It was such bulls***. I tried calling the office a bunch of times on the way. Even when it rang they wouldn't answer. The main lady at the front is also extremely unprofessional. She's super rude, always has been. I'm just so mad as I was looking forward to FINALLY having this convo with my doc and it's the 4th time something has gotten in the way. So irritating.

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After 3 spinal fusions, a colectomy, and most recent, a pelvic bone 2013 - 2017, I saw a new pain management doctor & had a cortisone injection. It has NOT relieved my pain. With no local doc willing to prescribe oxycodone, I am left in moderate - severe pain. I am unable to function in so much pain. Please help. Thanks!

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Re: Buff (# 654) Expand Referenced Message

We don't and aren't allowed to give out doctors names on this forum but try googling doctors in your area that prescribe and do some research like we all did. Good luck bud.

Editor's note: Per our privacy policy we do not allow individuals to post their own personal contact information on our discussion threads. Please note however, that there is nothing wrong with sharing doctor information as long as it can be verified.

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Re: Dea (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Yes I don't like that medical insurance can tell Doctors what they can and can't prescribe for their patient

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Re: antman (# 651) Expand Referenced Message

Antman and Carmine, hello again. Since you both know the Saint as well as I do I need some advice in how to ask go about asking him for a higher strength. I am on oxycodone 15 mg , about 4 months back I asked if he could give me a higher strength and he upped me to the 20 mg, since then I found that they only make the 20 mg in about 3 different brands since they aren't as popular, and all the pharmacies that are up my way seem to all carry the same brand which makes me very sick . When I was seeing the drunk doc whom I will never see again I hope after my encounter I told him about my about this problem and he then put me back on the 15 mg. My pain is getting worse as the weather is getting colder and especially because it has been raining a lot. How do I go about explaining to the saint that the 15 mg are not cutting it and I want to be put on 30 mg? Do I stand a chance? I seem to have a problem putting me on the 20 mg but I am wondering if he will have a problem skipping the 20s and putting me right on the 30s please help me out !

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Re: Nikki (# 657) Expand Referenced Message
antman here. Lately our saviour the SAINT.... hasn't been at any of his practices in over 3 ive been with him 3 years and he has never been gone longer than a week....I hope everything is ok and he's not trying to sell his practices although changing a few things up is the rumors going on right now. Ask the girls at the front desk about upcoming changes to the practice.....your only shot is with the saint for the doctor under him or who works for him will do it...IF the saint does it for u which he may, he lately has been telling people they will not get 4, only 3, and that will be final for a while. He's gotten strict lately in regards to milligrams and amounts of tablets. Hope this info helps you Nikki. I'm going friday. the saint as i said wont be there. we'll have the old man with the walker...he's nice though.. the saint sure knows how to pick compassionate docs, but the druck doc...he's gotta go.

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Re: Nikki (# 657) Expand Referenced Message

Hey nikki, sorry to hear about ur issue. Im a little confused, did the drunk doc raise u to the 20s n then after u complained about the other, put u back down to the 15s???

I don't know why it seems people have an issue with the drunk doc.. I personally have never went to the other doc... I dont think they're gonna put u up to the 30s without some time on the 20s... Which 20s r u saying make u sick? What's the imprint? Did I tell u how to go about getting an extended release? And I thought I told u how to get raised...?

So reply to this n tell me everything ur on, not just the narcotics... And then I will have a better idea of how to help, but like I said I never saw that doc so im thinking about asking for a consultation with him like the one I was supposed to have n never did...

Antman n nikki - have either of u heard about either of these two docs doing it where u pay 180 n can get a month script?

Hope to get a reply soon from u two... And I hope all is well or I can help make it better.

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Re: Carmine (# 659) Expand Referenced Message
theres 2 weeks 3 weeks and 4 week scripts....what it costs depends on the one your going to and the girls behind the counter and how honest they are....the price u mentioned was very high if i were you id ask the much it would be.

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