Doctor In Pittsburgh Pa That Prescribes Xanax Or Klonopin (Page 5)
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Every doc I've met with here in Pittsburgh Pa will only take cash if they prescribe you xanax.. Very unethical but since I have insurance I would like to find a doctor to prescribe me the meds I need. I would take either although I like the Klonopin better, xanax cause my depression to worsen after I take them... Anyone know of any Psychiatrists that will take my insurance and prescribe me meds?
Re: jim (# 60)
it was dr cerul as far as i know he was in shadyside but has since stopped writing.
Re: Tricia (# 51)
what's the dr's contact information? Add'l detail
Re: jim (# 60)
Dr. Ceral got closed down 3 years ago, by the DEA. Sorry.
Do you have any dr's names you can share? please need one
I'm trying to find out what pharmacy in Pittsburgh, PA (zipcode 15224) carries the E64 blue Klonopin tablets?
Have you found any answer to your question? I hope you can fill me in
Re: Tricia (# 51)
That would be super helpful. I would love to get this doctor's information from you.
My doctor up and closed his practice. I have no refills left (for Adderall and Xanax) and it's been almost impossible to find a doctor. Anyone know of a doctor in or around Berks County, Pennsylvania that will spare me the red tape and just view my medical records before writing me a script?
Re: James (# 17)
Haha, primary health network is where I go and NO they are a crock of s*** when it actually comes to prescribing meds that ACTUALLY help.
Re: Desperate (# 61)
Part of what stressed me out was having to chase Xanax every month or two, sometimes longer. Why not try your Primary doctor, get to know them well and come in often. A Specialist is just too expensive
Hello, I've went from psychiatrist to psychiatrist trying to seek for either Xanax or Valium. I have been taking them on the street and now I am unable to get any inpess they are fake pill pressed crap. My life was much better and I was able to leave my home daily and live a normal life as a 23 year old woman would. Now I'm running very low and I don't take enough daily to keep me from feeling any withdrawal but I'm so scared of running out completely. When I don't have any for 24 hours I start to have extreme panic attacks and I feel like I can't breathe.
Re: Grateful Patient (# 3)
i'm trying to locate dr. ceral do you know where he is?
Re: Jean (# 56)
If you can tell me an M.D. who'll work with me please let me know... These doctors around me will give you psych drugs you never heard of and then claim it's anxiety medication.
{edited for privacy}
Re: Chris (# 11)
For the past 10 years I was seeing a Suboxone doctor in Pittsburgh. During that time I was taking 16 mg of Suboxone and as much as 24 MGs. During seven of those years I was prescribed 4 mg of Klonopin or Ativan back and forth to whatever seemed to work the best. Within the last week I was cut off of 16 mg of Suboxone and the psychiatrist weaned me all the way down to .5mg of Ativan. Whenever I saw her last she told me she was weaning me down and over a couple years I went from 4 mg of Ativan with 3 refills to one 30 day supply of .5 mg. I was still having panic attacks and went to see my Suboxone doctor and he cut me off because I had alcohol in my system. I wasn't a drinker until I didn't feel that my anxiety was under control. I lost two jobs because of that in the last 3 years. I just want to find a doctor who is willing to give me a minimal dose of both so I can keep both under control because in my opinion Suboxone doesn't help my anxiety. And anxiety meds whether it be Lorazepam or even Xanax can substitute and become just one drug that could be taken without Suboxone. Right now I'm suffering and I'm drinking and I'm finding myself getting in a lot of trouble and for 10 years I had everything under control and I never failed a U/A. I don't know what to do.
Re: Muffin (# 8)
Is he a PCP or a psychiatrist?
Do you know if they take gateway insurance???
What doctors do you use? I have terrible anxiety and am willing to pay cash if necessary.
Re: apes (# 6)
I would report her to the Board of Health in your state and have her investigated. That is called "profiling" is what she did to you. Totally unethical and very risky of your life depends on those medications!!!
Re: Verwon (# 1)
Yes I've been prescribed them. I am unable to leave my house because of anxiety and need help ASAP
Re: apes (# 5)
I'm in the same situation. I need a Dr that is methadone friendly. I heard there are psychiatrists that will write Xanax if u pay cash. I'm trying to get in to see a psychiatrist now. I called and left a message today on his voicemail. He said he'd get back to me within 48 hours, so if I get in & he puts me back on Xanax or Klonopin I'll let u know. He's in Bloomfield Pgh, Pa.
Try Etizolam. It's legal to buy and own but it's not approved by the fda. It's used in Italy and Japan. It's wonderful. It's not a benzo but it's one molecule away. Look it up.
I am from the mercer county area.. I go to butler pa.. Have no problem at all getting my xanax. I have been on them 10yrs now and would not know what i would do to survive if he took me off. He is a wonderful dr... If anyone wants to know his name and number i would freely give it out. Not sure if i can here.
Editor's note: Per our privacy policy we do not allow individuals to post their own personal contact information on our discussion threads. Please note however that there is nothing wrong with sharing doctor information as long as it can be verified.
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