Difference Between Adderall And Amphetamine Salts (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I was recently diagnosed with Adult ADD and have been prescribed Amphetamine Salts (Generic for Adderall) for a few months now. The initial dosage was one 10mg tablet/ three times a day and recently my Doctor upped the dosage to one 30mg tablet/ twice a day. I know that overall this has been very beneficial for me but I cant help but wonder if the generic brand (IR Amphetamine Salts) has less of the active ingredient, and more unnecessary side effects(irritability, fatigue). I know that while the active ingredients are likely to be the same, the "fillers" usually are not and even the active ingredients can vary up to 10%. I also know that everybody reacts differently depending on their bodies' make-up as well as the drugs and I have always reacted sensitively to any kind of drug. The more I "google" the more I want to stay away from the generic form. Also- almost every pharmacy around has little to no Adderall Brand IR tablets in stock, they only have the generic brands and possibly Adderall brand but only the Extended-Release. My Doctor seems to firmly believe that there is no difference between Adderall XR and Adderall IR, and because she prescribed me the generic form (Amphetamine Salts), she probably doesn't see a difference there either. I don't have the time to ask 10 doctors what they think so if anyone has any information or experiences please share! Thank you!

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I was thinking the same. My scrip was for adderal, drug store gave me substitute amphetamine salts. It makes me very tired after taking. I just want to go to sleep, was told would make me be able to concentrate better but it's not !

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Let me preface by saying that I absolutely think ADHD is real and prevents many people from living satisfying lives and reaching their potential. Medication taken as directed (when prescribed by a specialist who listens CAREFULLY to your concerns and addresses them appropriately) can be an incredible gift, as attested to by many on this forum. When I finally figured out that I was hypothyroid and received treatment (after being previously diagnosed with depression & anxiety) it changed my life. Now that I have achieved some stability, I am also exploring symptoms of ADHD/inattentive and recently started an adderall-xr low dose Rx (generic form). I will have a lot more exploring to do to find out what might work best for me, but I really appreciate all the honesty people have shared in these comments! The internet (despite it's Trolls, cough*Margarita&Butler*cough) is such a great opportunity for a community of people to support each other and share experiences that help us all to greater success!

All that said, I do still have concerns about how children are treated for ADHD. I am not a doctor or licensed therapist, but I do have a Bachelor's in Psychology & Family Studies and am very interested in child development and behavior. Specifically, a comment by Logan (over a year ago) got me thinking about this. There is SO MUCH going on for children's development (from infancy through young adulthood) in the way the brain adapts and reacts to stimuli-- both internal (like food & drugs) and external stimuli (family, school, etc). Combined with the pressures and expectations from society about "appropriate & successful" behavior, we often label kids with "issues" that are perfectly normal and OK. (Also, sometimes a child's behavior is really just a stage, and when we treat it like a permanent character trait, we aggravate the problem!)

For example, I am just finishing up the book "Quiet: the power of introverts in a world that can't stop talking" and it has done a great job illustrating how American culture promotes an extroverted personality type as ideal, and even the only "normal" way to behave. In fact, people naturally have lots of temperamental varieties, and each has their pros and cons (and we need them both!). Some kids are highly sensitive, or energetic, or maybe anxious. I'm not saying medication is never needed, but there are so many helpful ways that intentional parents can help their kids learn who they are, and how to be successful on their own terms. (Sometimes it will take more work than a few trips to the doctor, and sometimes it will require parents to understand that their children are NOT miniature versions of themselves, but process the world differently.)

I used to Nanny for a family with 3 kids, all of whom were on medication of some sort, including at least one parent. I spent the most time with the 9 year old girl-- small, sweet and ultimately out of control. The medication she was on when I first met her made her irritable and depressed; one evening when her parents were still out and she didn't want to get ready for bed, she raged that she would kill herself and listed 3 different ways she would do it. She switched to a different med and, until it wore off in the evening, she was like a mask of herself-- foggy and super slow to respond. She struggled with focus in class, and had a hard time socializing, so school was miserable for her. Her after-school schedule was filled with activities she dreaded, but Mom wanted her to do. Her brothers teased her (not malicious, but the average proverbial "poking" that siblings are prone to) but she was sensitive and couldn't just brush it off. I think she probably had a legitimate development disorder, but the parents were unable to accept any sort of "special needs" label (which I empathize with, given the attached stigma).

However, the rare opportunities we had together when she was off meds, not tasked with mandatory activities, and in a relaxed environment? She was sweet, kind, and fun. Possibly a little slow to respond, sometimes difficult to calm down, and often nervous or self-conscious that she was "different", but a happy little girl.

It broke my heart that she spent most of her time so frustrated, scared, and not knowing how to express herself. I wish there was more I could have done to help her, and her whole family, find better solutions for her "behavior problems". I felt like medication confused the problems, not improved them (plus the kids had no input on whether they took the meds).

I just wanted to offer some perspective that there isn't usually an easy, black or white sort of answer (and it's even harder with kids because of their continuing brain/body development), but the struggle to find the RIGHT solutions will be worth it! Anyone who read all this-- wow, thanks! :)

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Having ADHD, does not make you STUPID, this might be hard for you grasp- since you display traits of stupidity. I went through IQ testing for my ADD diagnosis. In parts of the test I scored into genius levels, and other parts were average with one on the border of average to below average. They do this testing along with focus and attention test- to avoid misdiagnosis and rule out and developmental or cognitive delays that can cause similar symptoms. ADHD/ADD does not reduce your IQ, but your ability to focus and organize your thoughts. For myself, there are many behavioral side effects- that cause extreme issues in relationships and careers. Going on adderall has significantly increased my control over the issues caused by my ADD. I agree that there are risks, and it can be abused- but when used in the advised and appropriate form the benefits far out weigh the risks. I was very apprehensive to take any medication, so the amphetamine caused me extreme alarm. I looked into a non-stimulant medication, but it was not covered by my insurance and the cost was extremely above my means. I did research on the medication and disorder before starting adderall. I have tried organic diets, behavioral therapy, and other tools before turning to medication- and the only thing I regret is waiting so long. I requested the time release, because it has proven to be less habit forming since the peaks and valley's of the stimulated are reduced with the time release. For you to compare taking a medication prescribed by a physician to treat a certain ailment, dispensed in a controlled manner by a pharmacist to doing coke or methamphetamine- is like comparing using mouth-wash to drinking a bottle of vodka- sure they both contain alcohol- but one provides a benefit and the other is detrimental. I am aware that people do abuse the drug- by taking too many and in forms other than directed. I have read about people insufflating it, and worse to get a high. That is not okay- but there is a risk of abuse with any medication- not just ones containing amphetamines. Anything from technology, retail, food, attention..... can all become addictive and destructive to someone when abused.

On a side note, people that actually need the drug- do not experience the "high" that can caused addiction experienced by those who do not have the issues it is used to treat. I know this from observation. I can sleep after taking it, function better, and am generally a more pleasant person. This is not the case for someone who abuses the drug.

In reference to the innitial post- there is a difference between the generic and name brand- I have done a lot of searching and cannot tell you exactly why. My doctor did not think there would be. But I started with the name brand, and switched to generic when my insurance switched. My benefits were reduced, and side effects increased- I actually discontinued taking it for a couple weeks- because I was not sure the benefits were worth depending on a medication, (I have always been apprehensive on medicating and prefer to handle as much as I can in other ways). After my lapse- I was reminded what drove me to turn to medication in the first place and spoke with my Dr. She had suggested possibly increasing my dose- but I wanted to avoid that if possible since I was already taking a 30mg XR- I simply paid a little more and went back to the name brand- and have been happy since.

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Margarita..I'm in med school. No, it is not speed. Please don't act like you know what you're talking about. Your statements are absurd.

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I agree with you. I have ADD as well. I started taking Adderall XR and see a big difference in how I am able to do my work. I am able to sit at my desk and concentrate on my work. Prior to Adderrall I was all over trying to complete my work and just leaving it. I can tell when the medication kicks in my body I get a funny feeling. But as the day goes on I get my job done. So it works for me

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Hamza.....That was funny, still laughing and I'm completely on the band wagon with the rest of these adult adhd help seekers!
Point being, accept what you are, take action for your weaknesses(according to what society needs for production), if plan A,B or C don't work....Then go to plan D! Take notice of the fact that having a condition such as add or adhd does not make you a outcast. On the contrary, I think it's one of my best qualities! And it is also the part about me that makes others either LOVE the s*** out of me or demise me. But one thing is for sure, I always know the difference right from the beginning and that's one more minute I get to use daydreaming instead of wasting it on them ;-)

Life is full of it's own challenges, use the disability as your Ability. Like the ability to have many thoughts at once and be able to solve them all leaving only the one or two you cannot to try and while trying, being able to stop in the midst of the process because you realize that if you reached a certain point and it was not correct that it would not work as well....which leaves you to the only probability left which is probably the very first one your brain thought but you forgot because of all the other probabilities that flooded your mind as well right after!

Good God....who else can think that way? Yes exhausting, but recognizing your limit from brain over exhaustion to body fatigue is the key. And then the discipline to do what you know rather than do what your feeling.....Like equations. Medication was not a need until my second child was born. Then suddenly I felt like the little robot, Wally. Out of control and never-ending to solving anything or being satisfied with resolve. I would have too just give up and pour another glass of wine for my brain to stop. Countless doctors from primary to obgyn trying many antidepressants, hahsha! Do you know what a antidepressant will do to a person with adhd??? We will WANT to commit suicide and anything in between. Then last but not least, suddenly I am bi-polar, LOL

At this point I would of believed then, except I have adhd....So I couldn't because the pure genetics of it all forced me into my natural state of over analyzing myself and every doctor so much that I wouldn't stop until someone figured out what the hell was wrong with ME! My God, let me pour myself wide open to another one of these folks and see what he comes up with this time. I am super resilient, another great quality of adhd if brought up with direct order, which my parents gave me. This doc handed me a clipboard with a multiple choice test, I thought, GREAT! I get to border on the line of bipolar again. Nope, not this time. After he went through it he looked at me, 7 years ago next month, and said "you scored a 99.9%".

I said, ok on what and how do you get to be bipolar? He was confused and said, who told you you were bipolar? You have every single aspect of adhd and most likey have created a slight anxiety disorder along with it while on medication that should be able to hold the ones liable that have it to you for massive misdiagnosis. My life changed that day. And I will never let a drug control me. But adderall and vyvanse have a purpose. And there are bad combos from manufactures that you should be able to tell immediately after taking them if you are in tune with your spirit and body! But being able to STOP something that you are is not possible. Embarrassing it and not being ashamed to seek out what it's right for yourself is power!

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A common misconception about stimulants, I think, arises from quick Google searches of brand name drugs, such as adderall. The word "amphetamine" shows up and the first thought is "methamphetamine". Its an understandable response. I'd just like to explain, in a straight forward way, why this should not concern anyone considering to take adderall. First of all, the word "adderall" is the same as "amphetamine" in the same way that the word "aspirin" Is the same as "acetylsalicyclic acid". When acetylsalicyclic acid was found to general relief capabilities, it was used as the active ingredient in a new medicine called aspirin. The name of the active ingredient and medicine are now interchangeable. While aspirin as a medication contains multiple compounds, in chemistry aspirin would typically refer acetylsalicyclic acid specifically. Essentially adderall is the same as amphetamine in that amphetamine is the active ingredient in adderall, and adderall has shown positive affects of regular doses of amphetamine. To put things in perspective, eating "pure" aspirin causes stomach bleeding. Looking at the active ingredient without its binders tells you nothing about the drug.

Even if we ignored everything said up to this point, amphetamine has a undeserved bad reputation. METHamphetamine, on the other hand, probably will do all those things "Margarita from post 2" said adderall causes. Just like CO2 and carbon monoxide are only one atom away from each other, we are aware of how different they are. Methamphetamine is amphetamine but ends with NH instead of a very stable NH2 that amphetamine has. By definition, chemical names ending with "mine" are supposed to contain NH2. Usually that works well, but methamphetamine is an unnatural and unstable chemical. In fact, methamphetamine will be converted to amphetamine inside the body before anything else. This is the process that is so harmful because it releases an incredibly high amount of energy. If meth were burning wood and amphetamine were the left over ash, theres chance you could get some embers going with enough of it, but you would need A LOT. Amphetamine is the relatively stable compound that is illegally altered into hard drugs we associate with it.

Finally, for people who have adhd, amphetamine activates parts of the brain typically unused by people with adhd. Over time, this part of the brain will continue to operate even if the drug has not been used for several months or years. Brain scans have been done proving the increase in brain function. These same people on average gain 4 IQ points, as well as show an increased ability to recognize when cooperation is preferable in situations that instinctually the first response is to show dominance. Basically, other than the drug having a high risk of dependency, responsible use has positive side effects. Yes you could eat a whole prescription of it at one time and bad things would happen. Probably seizures. Still, I could that with aspirin and begin bleeding internally. As for kids, if they learn to use it responsibility studies show they will show more academic success. Also, learning when cooperation is more importance than dominance sounds a lot like being 10. I would honestly welcome any research showing a correlation between prescription stimulants and any long term negative impact. Things like sleeplessness don't count, that's as easy as adjusting dosage.

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Welcome to the club! The insurance controls what ever is cheaper!

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Well have to disagree and somewhat agree. As a 30 yr chronic pain sufferer I've heard all the political crap, going back and forth while real ppl, with real pain issues are being led to their deathbed, whether suicide, resorting to Street drugs for relief, or just plain giving up as they can't deal with or function anymore.

The premise on your post is just not correct. For folks that suffer from chronic pain or add, these medications are not only lifesavers, but unharmful.

There are also the unfortunate and suffering addict that has been using for so long, controlled, judicious narcotics, (methadone and others, are life savers) as their brain chemistry has been altered for life, and yet they are made to feel like crap.

In agreement, providing strong and real education to the dangers of abuse are the best $$$$ spent for the younger and older population.



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I suggest you talk to your pharmacist.He is way more educated on medication than any Dr.

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I've been taking adderall for years before I went to the Dr. To get a prescription n yes there is a huge difference in extended, salts, or which company makes them. Research the fillers used n each one some affect different chemicals n your brain n choose what works best w u. You know yourself better than anyone be your on healer

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Danette, YOU'RE absolutely right. Doctors have little to no clue on many of these meds and they rely on the Sales Rep for info. Honestly the pharmaceutical companies shouldn't be allowed to advertise (my opinion). The more scripts are filled, the more money made.

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The only difference in my opinion and let me repeat that..opinion... Is how YOU (the person taking the medicine) feels. You can't really go by others opinions because they all affect you differently. Most substance abusers have ADHD or ADD. They don't seek help and they self medicate themselves because they believe drugs help them cope in life but in reality it's all mental. Your brain is a muscle and I believe whatever you want to build in your life, whether it be jobs, friendships, focus, etc you must work your brain to reach it and like every other muscle that area will grow and become stronger. Many people need this medicine and don't even realize it but need is only temporary. You must want to change and remind yourself that it's only temporary.

That being said... Now for my opinion: I like the non time release version of adderall. As far as there being a difference, I'm sure there might be but I was put on the salts and so far I've been amazing. I used to be on the XR and couldn't STAND it. Mainly because it remained in my system way too long for me to enjoy life. I always had to be up doing something and it didn't let me sleep or eat. The salts allows me to still focus when I absolutely need to and once it wears off, allows my brain to take the focus that I've been given and train my mind without it to continue with my day. Not to mention I eat, sleep, and most importantly, I do NOT abuse the drug. That's the key. Once you start abusing it, you take away the actual purpose for it.

Hope this helped.

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If u truly have add u wouldn't have to come off adderrall. As a diabetic doesn't stop taking insulin or whatever they have to have. U have a social disability that affects ur quality of life. Taking one every other day will do more harm than good. If u take adderrall that foggy unsure feeling u have when u start to do or say something no longer exists. You will be certain of ur goals and now have the ability to focus on solutions. Basically u won't be a scatterbrained nut. lol that's what my mom was until she took adderol. If u come off adderol u will get extremely tired and in ur case will feel 50x dumber. Give it a chance ur fear will likely vanish upon day 1. Write notes on how u feel what u like don't like etc and communicate those notes with ur doctor. Give it a chance u could be a diamond in the rough. I had no idea what potential I had all along. Thank u adderol

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You obviously have some addiction issues. How dare you speak to people you do not know about what they should or shouldn't do.
I have NEVER posted a response before today on any site. I have MS and need to continue to work. I have a job that is very detailed and also physically demanding at times. I often drive a couple hundred miles in a day.
Adderal is a lifesaver for me and for all the people on the road with me. My fatigue is severe and I will not go on disability unless I cannot possibly go on. I want my children to believe they can push through in life, work hard and not need anyone else to support them. Your insinuation that anyone takes Adderal is a drug addict is offensive, inaccurate and insulting.

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Thankyou Nathaniel
I'm looking for some/ any advice on Adderall and reading one angry post after another, I was fast approaching the point of feeling my heartbeat in my head! Your post was like coming into a calm inlet afyer an angry sea.
For everyone else, this is not only the internet, but a site where most people suffer from one health problem or another or MORE than one. So remembering this should help you either to ignore words you KNOW are coming from someone with problems, OR to avoid placing judgment of any kind. Unless, of course, you're a physician.
Bless all of you.

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I feel this post is strictly opinionated. Theses medications are used daily to help others experience a natural thought process and way of living, not to get a high or energy boost off of. I have struggled with ADHD most of my childhood into my adulthood without knowing and trying to cope with my ways of thinking and living on my own. I strongly encourage anyone who struggles daily to accomplish tasks, struggles with high anxiety or being completely overwelmed by some of life's smallest challenges to be evaluated for this medication. If this medication is used properly then nothing should ever come of it in terms of abuse. Therefor using this daily and not getting off of it would not ever strike and addition problem. All inputs are appreciated, but unless you struggle with ADD or ADHD, keep your thoughts quiet.

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Have you tried the BraMD? Or is this just from what has been posted? Most people will talk when they dislike something. It's human nature to Gabb a complaint. For every complaintime it takes 10-20 positives to counter it. Restaurant reviews, relationship arguments and so on. NOT saying this isn't a valid fact for many. My question is have you tried the brand..also have you tried the xr brand or generic?. KEEP A log ( daily diary) of the same activities while on both and see what works best. Diet and water intake play a part as well. Remember everyday will be different as it's always been.a pill doesn't give us a steady consistent life. All of us have good days,blah days,productive days and unproductive.ADHD mess are a tool in our tool box .Sometimes we need a different tool. ;)

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For those of you that say this ruined your life need to stop blaming and look in the mirror. Would you tell a child needing glasses not to wear them, would you tell a person going into surgery not to have a local, would you tell a person with pain not to take a pain pill. These are tools. For many they have changed lives. A small few it didn't work well or the person didn't dosage properly and the addict within came out sooner rather than later. If you trust these drug companies, you gotta ask yourself why we have a problem. THEY LIED THEY BLOODY LIED GOING THROUGH THE TRIALS TO GET THIS oxy on the market. It was sold as a drug for pain that only needed dosing every 12 hours and it's NOT ADDICTIVE. NON ADDICTIVE. SHOULD I STUTTER. THAT'S RIGHT. SO NOW 12+ YEARS LATER THESE COMPANIES ARE SCRATCHING THEIR HEADS WONDERING WHAT HAPPENED. THE ILLICIT DRUGS ARE CHEAPER FOR THOSE WANTING to chase that feeling, only to end up dead. Pharmaceutical companies are our biggest drug dealers/pushers. It's all about the dollar. Don't trust the doctors writing the scripts (they push what the reps toss their way with the free lunch) do your own research and talk to the pharmacy. Pharmacists are pretty talkative and they know far more than you may think. Every drug has pros and cons. Everyone. As for dosing adderall, well 60MG may be the "limit" but off script many go as high as 120mg to 140mg a day. It's not a matter of how much, it's how the body breaks it down and the years on it. Many can work with 5mg a day. Keep a log. Remember in real life we have good days and not so good. No pill will give you good everyday.

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What i have noticed for myself and my daughter actually with any and every medical issue i have i journal the day.from diet to the meds times taken my emotion and productivity. Not a book, but it allows me to get an idea what seems to help. Adhd meds are different for everyone.
Dosing has nothing to do with good or bad positive or negative its the away your body absorbeds .we are all different. I may need glasses to read , but you may need glasses for driving. If i wore your glasses i wouldnt be able to read anything. Tinkering with the meds is a norm most people dont get the right dosing or even the best med fro. The start. Maybe a cup of tea may help for a boost n the afternoon maybe an extra hour of sleep maybe you're eating more carbs. There will not be a continuous perfect day because you t ake meds. You are going to have some days better than others just like e all do.these meds are tools in our tool box. A hammer won't won't work well painting my wall. Google is a great place to get info. Pharmacists are a wealth of information. Good luck

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