Difference Between Adderall And Amphetamine Salts (Page 30) (Top voted first)


I was recently diagnosed with Adult ADD and have been prescribed Amphetamine Salts (Generic for Adderall) for a few months now. The initial dosage was one 10mg tablet/ three times a day and recently my Doctor upped the dosage to one 30mg tablet/ twice a day. I know that overall this has been very beneficial for me but I cant help but wonder if the generic brand (IR Amphetamine Salts) has less of the active ingredient, and more unnecessary side effects(irritability, fatigue). I know that while the active ingredients are likely to be the same, the "fillers" usually are not and even the active ingredients can vary up to 10%. I also know that everybody reacts differently depending on their bodies' make-up as well as the drugs and I have always reacted sensitively to any kind of drug. The more I "google" the more I want to stay away from the generic form. Also- almost every pharmacy around has little to no Adderall Brand IR tablets in stock, they only have the generic brands and possibly Adderall brand but only the Extended-Release. My Doctor seems to firmly believe that there is no difference between Adderall XR and Adderall IR, and because she prescribed me the generic form (Amphetamine Salts), she probably doesn't see a difference there either. I don't have the time to ask 10 doctors what they think so if anyone has any information or experiences please share! Thank you!

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Any feedback on my post? I take adderall for narcolepsy and adhd. The generics and brands have made a HUGE difference in my quality of life. I just cant remember what generic worked the best as i took a break from the pills. When i got back on them i noticed the ones i was starting on did not work nearly as well as the ones i was on a couple years ago. I just never paid attention to the manufacturer b4, since i never had any problems with that specific generic. I guess i can look it up thru the pharmacy.

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These seem to be working fine! I have had a horrible time off Adderall. I feel like me again :)

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It doea not cause more problems than benefits for most patients. Vast majority of us do very well as long as the patient isnt trying to score drugs for recreational purposes. Learn your facts. Ignprant advice

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Please do not mention God and state such negative comments that are I can only expect the posting is meant to hurt or belittle others.
Usually when someone does such behavior they themselves are A.Acting out for attention, for hurting people like to hurt other's.
B. Out of ignorance, and/ or lack of self - esteem.
C. Some other form of personal issue, usually again the person needs Psych. help.
So my question is why are you posting such mean -spirited statements? Please know that I,only wish you complete happiness, regardless of what you think or state.I feel very sad that you must be so critical towards other's.

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I was diagnosed with ADD 21 years ago. Tje very first day I took Concerta and I actually washed a load of clothes then put them in the dryer and then avtually put them away. This was huge! those of you who live with it understand. Fast forward and here is what I learned - What doctors tend to do is perscribe one long lasting pill. Well if you lets say take it at 7am you are starting to crash around 4. So the rest of the day you are yawning, spacing its chaotic at home and you just want to go to bed. But what needs to be done is a second dose right around that crash time. I mean you wouldn't stop using your glasses just because its 4pm right? my daughter was struggling in school - I knew the signs -she takes 18mg of Concerta and its night and day! Currently I take a Adderall in the early morning so im doung great until until the Vyvanse kicks in then about 3:30 or so I take a second dose of Vyvanse and that carries me to bed time. If you feel jittery most likely your dose is too high. In my case I have severe ADD where it becomes dangerous while driving even. So, understand you may not have the same needs. But for myself and my 11 year old its a must! Best of luck everyone! be aware of your crash during the day and make sure to tell your doctor. xoxo

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If its affecting your appetite and sleep then your dose might be too high or possibly you do not have ADD to the extend that warrants medication. Just a thought! xoxo

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I am a narcoleptic and the med dr prescribed us the same I can't take any format of Adderall. It makes me very ill. What pharmaceutical lab are doing is criminal. It's all about profit. Unless you take a large amount of any generic drug it doesn't work. The cost is the same.the less of brand drug is cheaper than large amount of generic. So you don't know what your taking or what Adderall your taking from what pharmaceutical co. You can only tell drs. How you feel and everyone is different

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Re: visions (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Couldnt agree with you more, dont listen to the haters, you know what you need to do!

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Whatever you do, stay away from AUROBINDO. It gave me incredible crushing chest pains, anxiety, panic attacks, and depression from just one IR tablet of my regular dosage! Took it in the morning and suffered all day. I've been taking this medication as prescribed by my psych for college and work for over a year now. I've never felt this way before with any other generic. I started telling the story to one of my colleagues at work, and without even mentioning the brand name his eyes widened and he said, "did you get the Aurobindo generic this time around?". One quick search about Aurobindo will reveal thousands of horror stories. Why this Pharmacy in India hasn't been shut down is beyond me. If you've experienced something similar with Aurobindo, be sure to call/email the FDA and file a complaint.

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Re: Mimi (# 636) Expand Referenced Message

I totally agree I also am a narcoleptic. These generic drugs don't work.I keep telling my doctor and increase dose. The cost would be the same but it does no good to tell them.the ins.won't cover brand name that's stupid. In the mean time I'm suffering

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Re: Sarah (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

They have changed all the meds that made us feel better and active to us less junk

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Here are some facts:

1- Almost any legal or illegal drug damages your liver and brings side effects.

2- The drugs companies exclusively in the United States bring great revenues.

3- Adderall is not a permitted drug in most Europeans countries, Mexico and Canada. The drug legislations are more strict in those countries; they do not consider Adderall a safe drug for their people.

4- Western medicine is the best when it comes to emergency care.

5- The United States is very behind in preventive medicine. The human body has a healing system, but it is not in medical schools yet.

6- New discoveries in biology and neurology have proven that the genetic makeup from most humans is not fixed. Therefore people can literally reprogram their bodies and brain cells.

7- Meditation, diet, physical activity and your environment can influence your well-being.

8- Cognitive behavioral approaches and mindfulness practices have shown significant improvement in patients with anxiety, borderline and bipolar personality, ADHD, clinical depression and anger issues.

9- The health care system in United States is one of the most lucrative in the world and doctors have an incentive to prescribe medications because they get a percentage of money.

By the way Europe and many other countries in the world do not let pharmaceuticals companies give or offer a percentage of money from medications they prescribe to their patients.

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Re: K (# 631) Expand Referenced Message

What "medicine" feels like it is working fine?
I didn't want to have to sift through 644 replies looking for "what" medication you are referring to. Thanks. I appreciate your time.

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God loves you even the ignorant... And if you want to believe there is no God or mock him you better hope your right when the time comes to matter... No meds heal the ignorance of athisest. I don't mean for this to turn Into a religion battle but I won't deny my creator the respect that should be given!

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Re: Margarita (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Everything was going well, I was seeing inteilligent, obvious "first hand" discussions, then...Not to brow beat Margarita for what appeared to me, to be the OPINION she's entitled. What I read appeared to me to be the words of the after math, the fears and albeit ill informed, heart felt opinion coming from a "care taker", a "Born again, "reformed individual who has seen the effects of and/or experienced all of negative side effects that some people, (not everyone can handle it) has brought into her life as. Let's all take a back seat, relax a bit and learn a little from those that do post This is NOT medical site. (Oh, yea I forgot who I'm addressing) Why do you think I'm here? Try being add, ocd, type "A" since birth. Just trying to learn and cope. It's really sad to see some people write bs, stand on their soap box, berate others, simply to bolster their self esteem.



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One thing I can tell you that may or may not help amphetamine is an old-school Pharmacy name for Speed

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I would go to a different doctor if they refuse to acknowledge the difference between instant release adderall and extended release adderall....If you're looking for only non-generic then I'd suggest making sure your insurance covers non-generic and fax your paper copy of your RX and have your RX's mailed to you, if that is even legal anymore.

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Whoever told you amphetamine salts are not the same is an *****. Amphetamine salts is the generic name for the acting ingredients. If you've taken basic chemistry you may understand what salts are. Any drug's salt is the acting ingredient. Adderall has three different types of amphetamine. If you're unclear let the pharmacist explain it to you. The law is, generic drugs have to be the same.

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Re: Sarah (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

My name is Brian. I was diagnosed in elementary school with adhd. Im not sure if my parents chose not to medicate me, or if I chose. I did struggle in school.

I tested high IQ and have always tested well with no study. I have seen drug therapy turn to addiction.

Big pharmaceutical giants may as well print money. I dont like the idea of them pushing drugs legally. While marijuana for example is still illegal for most. It used to help me sleep.

Due to legalities, I quit using almost 20 years ago. I still struggle being still long enough to fall asleep.

My opinion is to avoid ALL corporately made drugs. God gave us nature to use. And brains to balance ourselves with diet and healthy practice.

I have complete respect for all good people. Be careful to stay in control. Dont allow doctors to give you a GOOD EXCUSE.

I am not stupid. But I DO regret trusting doctors, dentist, mechanics, etc. They lie to improve their profits. God gave me brains to discern on my own. Thanks for reading

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Re: Logan (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

I was 100% against medicating my 5 year old, but the school phone calls have stopped as well as the manic behavior. He also has better social skills and has finally gathered a few new friends in Kindergarten. Life has changed for the better for both my 5 year old son and I thanks to his ADHD medication. Ritalin worked best for my son! Vyvanse just elevated his anger for some reason. Hope this helped. :)

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