Difference Between Adderall And Amphetamine Salts (Page 31) (Top voted first)


I was recently diagnosed with Adult ADD and have been prescribed Amphetamine Salts (Generic for Adderall) for a few months now. The initial dosage was one 10mg tablet/ three times a day and recently my Doctor upped the dosage to one 30mg tablet/ twice a day. I know that overall this has been very beneficial for me but I cant help but wonder if the generic brand (IR Amphetamine Salts) has less of the active ingredient, and more unnecessary side effects(irritability, fatigue). I know that while the active ingredients are likely to be the same, the "fillers" usually are not and even the active ingredients can vary up to 10%. I also know that everybody reacts differently depending on their bodies' make-up as well as the drugs and I have always reacted sensitively to any kind of drug. The more I "google" the more I want to stay away from the generic form. Also- almost every pharmacy around has little to no Adderall Brand IR tablets in stock, they only have the generic brands and possibly Adderall brand but only the Extended-Release. My Doctor seems to firmly believe that there is no difference between Adderall XR and Adderall IR, and because she prescribed me the generic form (Amphetamine Salts), she probably doesn't see a difference there either. I don't have the time to ask 10 doctors what they think so if anyone has any information or experiences please share! Thank you!

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Recently I started working with a new psychiatrist and she is awesome! I told her the exact thing you mentioned and how even just the slightest switch between two generic salt brands seems to effect me. Her solution was to pay attention to the brands the pharmacies carry. Some pharmacies may not even get their supplies from a pharma group that carries one I liked, so when I (or you) find one we react well to, write down the brand and even take a photo of the pill. Be sure to always request this brand. The pharmacy should take note and you can return or exchange if they don't give you right ones. The same thing happened with my birth control and it was literally 1% difference in a generic brand and I had some crazy side effects and told pharmacy never to give me that brand again and they never have.

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Re: Margarita (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I am a narcoleptic and my life is a nightmare. I am terrified even driving to work bc I can't keep myself awake. I can't get Adderall legally from a doctor even though it's the one thing that makes my life livable. (Even taking 100mg of Adderall, I still fall asleep at night; imagine that) but, every 17 yr old looking for a quick high who says they cant concentrate at school, gets it like it's candy. Great doctorate system of America.

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Re: Celeste (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Celeste: I've also experienced the "10X worse" problem with these types of medications. The reason has always been the same: The dosage (regardless of how "high" it was supposed to be) was too low for me.


Something else to consider: Some medications simply do not agree with some people.

In my own experience: Adderall (at ANY dose) is PURE POISON to me.

My experience with Adderall: It made my mind diamond-clear. But it made me extremely sick to my stomach, so dizzy I would fall to the floor if you pushed me with your pinky finger, and I would consistently fall into very dangerous hypnotic states while driving.

But then it would shock you that a person that looked so very ready for a visit to the ER could write or speak with the completeness, correction, and precision that I did.

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Re: Lissa (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Amen! I totally agree. A lot of people benefit from certain medication, but it's only those who abuse the medication, that you hear about. That's why it makes some people needlessly suffer, to afraid to seek help. It's a sad day when we only judge other's, instead of helping each other. No matter the situation you should not judge others, because chances are there are things you are doing or have done before that makes you no better than anyone else you are judging. But again that's just my opinion.
And I myself like the vyvanse better also, I do not have the side effects that I did with the adderall. And I don't feel the jitters or crash effect like I did with the adderall either. Just calm and more focused. Good luck everyone.

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Re: Celeste G. (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Gods real, oaks high. He loves it I love I saw an alligator on it

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i have been taking amphetamine salts 10 mg,twice a day as prescribed by my doctor,over 2 years ago as a generic for Adderall with great success. recently my pharmacist,for whatever reason, substituted Dextroamp - amphetamine,10 mg,twice a day as a generic for Adderall.my question is,simply,is there any difference between the two generics

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Re: I trust my doctor (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

Yes i am andim proud of it, plus it helps me last with women... so much morr awesom

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Has anyone tried brain mapping and bioneuro therapy for ADD/ADHD?

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Oh no there is a MAJOR difference in adderall IR and adderall XR. The instant only takes about 20 minutes to start working and the XR is a different period... you just don’t understand. You’ll see but the XR doesn’t do anything to me.

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Hi, I know it's been a long time since you wrote this. I don't know who to ask but I was on 10 mg for ADHD or ADD. I'm 58 years old and it's really not working. I think I need it to be stronger. Is that normal? I'm afraid he's going to think that I'm just wanting it for recreational use or something but I'm not, I want to get better. Do I tell him it's not working like it should?

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Lisa hi! I myself have adult ADHD Innatenative, and was prescribed the amphetamine salts 10mg IR tablets. My normal GO TO BRAND is the LANNETT manufacturer. These tablets are NOT the same as TEVA/Barr/ BUT they look quite identicle with the same FOOTBALL shape and scored 10 on one side and 3 numbers on the other, I forget which three, ANYHOW. My regular pharmacy has notified me that they were OUT! So they gave me a brand called ALVOGEN... A BIG MISTAKE ON MY PART! I took them, because I HATE HAVING TO GO TO ANOTHER PHARMACY, DUE TO THINKING THAT I may be making it an inconvenience to my DR. plus they have to cover their tracks to make sure I REALLY DIDNT PICK UP THE PRESCRIPTION, Although thats not the main reason.. mostly being an inconvenience. YOU ARE NOT WRONG, as SURE ENOUGH, THIS ALVOGEN brand is very ODD, making me feel bloated, a bit more "speedy" with no cognitive benefit! - To be scientific "My muscles and joints do not have the same GREASE, pepping them up, which I need, because of a spinal chord injury "Transverse Myelitis" (My Body attacked itself thinking there was a virus it had to fight off within my spinal chord) Thus I am REALLY sensitive to meds as well! So, the LANNETT brand I HAVE FOUND TO BE THE BEST to help me focus and retain information, while WAKING UP MY WHOLE BODY As movement becomes much easier which is great for when I go running at the gym.. I WILL NOT TAKE ANY MORE OR OTHER BRANDS, SINCE THIS ALVOGEN IS A CHEAP JOKE ON ME!!! I wish you the best on what you decide to go with.. I have tried TEVA and that brand is supposed to be THE NAME BRAND IR TABS. There's alot of BS going on in the medicine world now... frankly TEVA WAS NOT BETTER THAN LANNETT FOR MYSELF! & Myself only. I cannot speak on anyone elses behalf obviously. Be well!

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Re: Sarah (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

Exactly what You said. Actually it had helped Me in My addiction. I didn’t know what was wrong . I have a WONDERFUL DR.

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Re: Celeste G. (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

YES, There IS a God. His name is Jesus the One True God. Who came to earth became God made flesh. He loves YOU! You must not deny Him. You have nothing to lose to believe in Him and be wrong when you die, but you have everything to gain when you did, because He does exist. Jesus loves you, His Mother loves you, the angels love you, and the time is upon us where food will be scarce. Pray and Jesus will get it for you

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Re: Margarita (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Find somewhere else to talk out of your ass.

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Re: Jan (# 680) Expand Referenced Message

I was diagnosed with ADHD years ago. My comments in a previous comment reflect what I've experienced in our Adderall and generics for many years now. These medications can work very well for most of us with this condition. My insurance no longer covers Brand, I use what generic I'm dispensed. During this shortage your pharmacist can no longer order a specific manufacturer with any hopes of receiving it. These Amphetamine Salts should be manufactured with consistent quality. This can be accomplished with stricter standards on all ingredients. Active also binding buffers used.

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Re: David (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I’m taking D-Amphetamine and this past year has been terrible and recently I believe that I was in withdrawal !!! This country has really turned a blind eye to this problem and I don’t see anyone coming to rescue us !!!

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the new generic is so awful it isnt worth getting. It is made by teva. They really do make a difference, yes.
I am so frustrated that I am going to switch to dexedrine as adderall is a major clusterf***.

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I have a 13year old stepdaughter that has been on amphetamine salts for a few years. She takes this 20mg each day, 1 70 mg capsule of vyvanse , 900mg of oxcarbazepine a day, and .2mg of clonidine at night. She just came back to live with us and refuses to take any medications. I need to know the dangers of her just stopping these medications.

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I went to rehab last year for this drug. Amphetamines. It's ineffable this chemical's potential ability to COMPLETELY rule your life. It completely blows my mind how easily a GP will write a script for "Adderall" (3 amphetamines mixed together, one of them being METHamphetamine) and there be almost zero dialogue concerning the abuse potential, the SERIOUS abuse potential, and how some people can take it their whole lives in a tiny 20mg dose, like its a multi-vitamin, while others can take it once and feel so "happy" about feeling "normal" like I did, that it is worth the sacrificing of every value, resepct of self, loved ones and family, to make sure you will never go without having that pill.
Long story short: started with mixed amps 20mg, Dr. upped it to 40mg, then another pyschiatrist upped it to 60 and saying even 75mg would be worth a try, then I was self-dosing at 90 and staying up for a whole day, then 120mgs, then two days, then 250mgs, with 100mg being the lowest I could intake daily without everything physically and mentally crumbling. Started making a tea out of certain "household" items because I knew the mixture was equivalent to L-Methamphetamine. Started constantly being in a state of hallucinations (even sober or dry) and psychosis, creatures and demons would follow me around my house. I broke everything in my life for it. Obsession/addiction started Jan. 2011. I went and got clean June 2012. Still fighting it.

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There is always going to be the positive and negative that comes along with adderal. And I feel as long as it's not abused, it is absolutely helpful. I'm a 28 year old who is back in college, have never been prescribed it, but given some by friends, and it's been an amazing help.

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