Depression And Viibryd (Page 2)
UpdatedAnyone had any experience with Viibryd yet? My doc just gave it to me today. Just wondering...
Just to let you doc said that the FDA was considering dropping the recommended doseage to 20mg. Seems that is what people are better on. I am going to keep my 40mg. It has totally changed my life!!
Lea, maybe upping to the 350mg Well would help. That is what I am on.
Good Luck to all of you!! Vii seems to be a hit and miss thing with everyone. Some love it and some hate it...
I have been on this medication for 4 months now and I am having crazy side effects. I have urinated at night while sleeping and didn't even know it. It gives me dreams about demons and the underworld. I am not crazy first of all. I am bipolar. I have problems talking. When I try to talking it causes me to have trouble getting my words out correctly. I think I have to high of a dosage. I take 40mg. I also have to take trazodone at night with it and zanax to come my nerves and irrations. Sex is a big problem with my husband and I. I am just not interested in looking at a naked man or participating. It has done a lot of good things too. My attention span is better. I can focus better. I enjoy my kids more being on this medicine then I use to. I enjoy life more. Good Luck!!
Well I finally got off the viibryd. I thought I was loosing my mind. I have never had that experience in my life and it was really scarry! Horrible dreams, paranoid thoughts, easily irritated and crying all the time. I started seeing things at work. We have carpet with a pattern I thought I saw out of the corner of my eye cockroaches or rats crawling on the carpet and it was just the pattern. Then one night my heart was pounding so fast in my chest I hadn't slept well in 2 weeks. My doc took me off of the viibryd and said I was having a bad reaction to the viibryd. It's been 4 days off the viibryd and feel back to normal. The doc switched me to zoloft. It's helping a lot. I feel 100% better!
I am sooo glad to be off Viibryd. I am pretty well sober of it now, but it took a while for the crazy dreams to dissappear. But within a day or two I noticed that the sexual side effects were gone. I agree that the 40mg Viibryd is messed up and has serious problems.
I'm off Viibryd. It did not work for me. Side effects persisted for over a month which the doctor said was unacceptable. It was a sex killer just like any other SSRI. I did not benefit from any of the advantages that are promoted. I had terrible fatigue coming off the drug. Now, its on to another drug. I would not discourage anyone from trying Viibryd. It didn't work for me but it may work great for you.. Good luck.
I have been on Viibryd for almost a month. It's day 5 of the 40 mg and I had the most intense dreams last night. It was like watching 10 episodes of Tales from the Crypt. And I still can't get some of the disturbing images out of my head. I can't get a full night's sleep; I must wake up at least 5 times. My dr. gave me Vistiril for anxiety and said it would help me sleep. Nope. I use to be on Klonopin and Xanax... Vistiril doesn't help at all. I also stopped wanting to have sex within the past week. However, my depression has improved tremendously and I have the energy to go through my day. I talk more than I use to, and I laugh again. I just don't sleep! I was on Paxil for years, and I was weened off and still had the most horrible withdrawal effects. I went w/o meds for almost 2 years after that, but I stopped leaving my house a few months ago. I wouldn't even get out of my pj's. I am grateful the Viibryd has given me motivation to go through my day. I just wish there were enough studies done before it became available to the public.
I have been taking Vibryd for about six weeks now and I have been on the 40 mg dose for about 3 weeks. I was put on this and titrated with a starter pack. I have tried everything and nothing seems to have worked. I am not sure if the side affects from the meds are from the Vibryd or from the other meds I take I take valium 4 times a day prn to help with the anxiety and buspar once a day. I also take trazadone and vailum to help me sleep at night so I do not know if the combination of meds are causing the side affects or not. I am used to the lack of sex drive as I have not had one in years and this could be due to lack of a good relationship in the marriage or my age. I have lost 15 pounds since taking this med, but I was also put on metformin for diabetes and started a job that is high demanding so I get a lot more exercise and eat a lot less. I have always had the nausea issues so not sure if its the new med or the other, but I can tell you I could sleep all the time given the opportunity. But I would not sleep without medication at all so I have been on a anti anxiety drug for over 4 years. I do not have night mare anymore than I did before starting this med. I hear so many bad things about this drug that it makes me wonder if there is any one out there who actually likes it. I am just doing the best I can with what I have. I have not had the diareah or anything else that is new to me other than the weight loss which I think is a plus if indeed its the vibryd helping with that as well. I am always tired have been for years so I can't really associate that with the med. I do feel better than I did. I have taken just about everything out there and its a hard call. Took klonopin for years and switched to valium because it wears off faster and doesn't leave me as stoned and I can take that as needed. If there is anyone out there with a good experience I would love to hear it.
Hi Snowbird,
Viibryd has totally changed my life! I didn't have all the gi side effects, but still have crazy Have been on it going on it since July. I have many comments in this thread and the one with 149 comments.
I feel like I am living almost a normal life!! Hope things go well for you!!
Did u feel worse before u felt better, my dr said that's normal?
I myself have just stopped Pristiq and picked up Viibryd while staying on Wellbutrin. Only third day but impressed already. Pristiq gave me suicidal ideation like nothing ever has before( Prozac, Zoloft, Lexapro) and that has already stopped. Absolutely no side effects so far. I just take it with coffee in the morning. Have not been able to find something that works for severe depression in a couple of years now. Prozac was a life saver for about a decade but stopped working and same with Lexapro. Others I tried did nothing. Three days without wanting to die so far. I'll take it!!!!!!
Just the crazy dreams and feeling like I was walking on a I did try to go off my Wellbutrin and that didn't work, as soon as I resumed I was a totally different person! I love this medication. My doc said that everyone that she has put on it was doing great! Many people that are doing good don't get ont he forums, so hang in there!!
Yay!!! Glad you are feeling better!! I noticed immediately too!!
After being on cymbalta for about a year, Dr. switched me to Vii, it was the worst of idea of my life. The anxiety and panic attacks were unbearable! Please listen, if you have thoughts of wanting to hurt yourself, see the dr ASAP, never had I had these thoughts but I did while on this medication for about 2 months. Hope this helps. Good luck to everyine with their lives and finding inner peace.
That is exactly how I felt. I first had brain zaps, then went into major depression. I had never had thoughts of suicide, then after 2 months of viibryd I wanted to die. The brain zaps landed me in the ER. I am glad to see most people like it, my body just couldn't tolerate it. Now I am on trileptal and LOVE IT.
I have generlized anxiety disorder am i just started taking vibryd instead of buspar and ativan, i have tried lexapro, zoloft and pristiq (bad experience) my main side effect was sexual, so this is my 3rd week with vibryd and i love it so far, i had a few gi side effects but it is better now, my problem is my INSURANCE company not wanting to pay for it since i have anxiety with only mild depression, i will have to appeal the case to see if they will pay or pay 115 dollars a month for 10mg daily.
Wanted to put my 2 cents in about Viibryd. I started taking it 2 months ago along with Concerta 36mg. Started on 10mg x 2weeks then 20mg x2weeks and yesterday I started on 40mg. I must say in the beginning I felt better. Than one night I woke up around midnight and had a serious panic attack, I thought I was going to die. Lasted a few hours and I was at the point I wanted to call 911 but I have a baby and I was freaking out about who I would call to come watch her. Nothing seemed to get rid of it and I finally popped some Phenergen to knock myself out. After that I felt like I had severe anxiety all the time. I've been depressed and crying, last Saturday I thought I wanted to kill myself. My husband and I recently separated after I found out about an affair he is having at work, but I have never felt that low in all my life. Today I went back to my MD and he is having me switch to zoloft. My anxiety level is thru the roof to where I constantly feel nausceated. I have never really been one to take meds but Viibryd has really scared the living crap out of me. Hope zoloft works.
Does anyone else have a strange sensation while falling to sleep . Its a mixture of a brain zap and something I can't explain. very unpleasant.I'm on Forty mg. I think its too high for me. I want to stop taking it, but the withdrawal scares me, uuuuuuuugh
I know exactly what you are talking about. I was placed on Viibryd for 4 weeks(gradual climb to 40mg),and during that time it absolutely did nothing for me. I was at the end of my rope, and had to be hospitalized. They cut me off of Viibryd cold turkey, and they started Seroquel for bi-polar disorder. The first couple of nights I experienced what you are talking about "Brain Zap" whenever I laid down to go to sleep. Once I fell asleep I didn't experience it again till the next night. But, after a few days of taking Seroquel the Brain Zap dissapeared. Hopefully it does for you to. Very odd sensation.
Check this article out:
After several weeks of starting I had the brain zaps. My brain zaps were very scary. Every time I shut my eyes I had them. I had to call my doctor in the middle of the night one night, they would not stop. I even started having them during the day. Viibryd put me into a severe depression also. My husband called my psychiatrist and they had me stop the med. Two weeks after stopping viibryd they put me on trileptal for my anxiety and bi-polar. I feel great now!! I had no withdrawal from viibryd. Good luck!
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