D-amphetamine Salt Combo 20mg Tab (Page 4) (Top voted first)


elliptical peach tablet
side 1: b/973
side 2: 20

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Ok didn't mean to yell lol but as far as my daughters Dr. She did advised me over the phone because we was in her trial period and she wanted to see what worked for her ........ And when I said my daughter is "ACTIVE" it was because I didn't want to go down the list of her behaviors which she was being disruptive in class , fighting ,showing no self control , she wasn't able to focus on her class work she would fail test even when she knew the work but since she started her pills she have gotten on the honor roll and the teacher loves her .

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My daughter have been taking adderall 2 pills a day because one only last about 4 to 5 hours but it works and I like that she don't have to take everyday so being that's its summer I only give it to her when we do study sessions or when I feel she need it and I like that but her doctor think for school she should have the XR and I'm concern that its something that she will have to take everyday to be affective and I like the fact with the adderall she don't have to take it everyday

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XR [extended release] is the same medication just in a sustained release tablets or capsules. Most likely a capsules. It's simply a time release style of taking the drug so that instead of giving your daughter two a day because as you pointed out one of whatever the dosage you have her now only last for four hours, the XR you will only have to give her once a day in the morning and the sustained release will allow the drug to release in her system at two different times so that the drug has a longer lasting effect (up to twelve hour) and should be a smoother, more enjoyable or at least less noticeable drop off for your daughter as it wears off going into evening. From personal experience, myself and friends of mine only had instant release growing up and when we were younger(grade school) it wasn't to big of deal taking the instant release two or three times a day as far as the drop off after the peaks of the drug. It doesn't matter as much in grade in school the crash after it wares off but when we got to high school and each year you get more homework and need to study for much longer I saw plenty of friends who started taking much more then they were suppose to because they couldn't afford to crash with the workload. I am guilty of it myself but it caught up to us at one point or another and lead to some bigger problems for some of them. So I would strongly recommend getting you daughter on the XR by 7th or 8th grade. Also would recommend not giving her any on sundays or whatever day of the weekend you think best for her.

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Taking one and a half of the d amphetamine combo 20 mg. I have a horrible taste in my mouth... Makes certain drinks that I love taste horrible. If I take a dose at 3 or 4 in the afternoon, I still have that horrible taste the next morning. This drug has not always done this. Would extended release possibly be better, or I wonder if I should just take 1 instead of 1 and a half... I plan to call my doctor but want feedback of others.

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Thank you db your response really was helpful

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I started taking D-Amphetamine Salt Combo 20mg Tab tomorrow will be a week! I am AMAZED at how different I've been. I immediately noticed a change. I'm so energized and able to actually focus on reading, a movie, a conversation and to accomplish my daily choirs which by the way I'VE been having a awful time for years doing. I'm so thankful for the OLD me to be back. I'm so thankful the Dr. put me on this. I'm not trying to fall asleep behind the wheel of a car!! That in itself is a miracle. I don't have any negative side effects yet. I can't believe how much better I feel. I really am impressed with this medicine and can't thank My Dr. enough. My family and friends can tell a big difference in me also their all happy for me! Just wanted to share!!!

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I take XR 30 mg and have that weird taste. It isn't as bad as it was the first few weeks I started on the drug. I do still notice it from time to time but it doesn't last as long. Also I started brushing my teeth an extra time a day and making a point to brush my tongue a little longer. Don't have an answer on if switching up your dose or if going to XR will help. My opinion is that the results of the drug are more important then that side effect. As you're already aware there's always gum, mints, etc. If it's irritating you to the point of being unbearable it's one thing. Interfering with the taste of drinks you love or waking up with that taste in your mouth isn't that bad compared to the other side effects some people deal with. Almost everyone has a trade off that goes along with taking this kind of drug between getting the results that improve their life or capabilities and having to cope with any given side effect to obtain those results. Nature of the beast. Hope your Doctor can find a solution for you and not a lecture I doubt you needed about the nature of beast like I just did.

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If you cant sleep then you are taking to high of a dosage for you and if you lower it you'll be able to sleep and the other symptoms will probably also stop but if not i would stop taking it.

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Did it take a while before feeling the affects of the XR? Recently I was prescribed 10mg Adderall IR twice daily. After a couple weeks the focus was gone and all I was left with was a racing heart and a sore jaw from clenching. I started 20mg d-amphetamine xr salt combo today @ 8am. It is now 12pm and I have yet to feel a thing. Dr. said she wants me to give it a month. :(

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I get 3 months every time.

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d-amphetamine is dexadrine, dextro amphetamine, adderall is d and l amphetamine in equal mgs. the l is amphetamine. Dextro amphetamine sulfate is more potent mg to mg. It only comes in a 5 and 10mg IR and 10-15mg time release spansules.

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I have been on this drug for approx. 1yr. and a few extra months. I have Narcolepsy which is why I take it. NOT just to pass a test. I am a little shocked at the amount of people taking this or any drug to function higher than their norm. No one is a super hero, I am just ecstatic to function at normal, so I can keep a job and care for my family. It only last for aprox. 6 hours depending on how much I exert my self. I have had a second job this past month and have had to take two occacionally just to make it through the evening. It can curb your appatite and create a small amount of weight loss over a long period of time. However, as of today it has been extremely hard for me to get from the pharmacy as it seems TOO many people are on this drug and the manufactor of it isn't making enough to keep up. So people like myself who really need it aren't able to get it. I have no insurance, and have to pay cash, so I have limited access to get it. If anyone knows of sleep studies going on for 30yrs + age with Narcolepsy please tell me, I need a non-narcotic drug to help with this. I can tell you the down side of any Narcotic is coming down. My whole body is acheing and headache are mild, however the need to sleep is so great I can't drive or work. Paying the bills are hard this way.

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I just started this medication after combing off a non-stimulate this helps much better but wares off an hour be4 im out of school which can mess me up since I get a head ace and get tired. I have noticed a change in my school work but when it comes to hanging out im the same

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I just got prescribed d amphetamine salt combo 15 mg tabs , I used to take the 30 mg extended release ones and found those to be a lot more effective without the crash , now I have to take two of these a day and the crash sucks ! I don't take this medication daily because let's be real here . This is speed!!! Lol I normally have ADHD and feel like an airhead at work , so if I really need to get in gear , I take it ... I can't imagine what taking this stuff daily would do !!! I already suffer from anxiety (all my life) and take zoloft for it !! Anyway, adderall is pretty awesome if u have to focus. !!

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You clearly don't know the first thing about ADHD. If you are just taking this drug to help you with school, sounds like you are the one with the drug problem. If this medicine is given to a child, it's because the parents and doctor both see a real problem, and not just because a kid is "hyper." There's a big difference in a hyper kid and an ADHD kid. I have both. And just a question, if you can't even make it through school without needing prescription help, what do you think is going to happen when you get a real job? I only wish I could be back in college when things were easy, and I certainly didn't need medication to get me through it then! Shoot, I could use medication more now than ever!

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I took vyvance for a year and loved it. I took a break from school so I stopped taking it to save money, I since returned to school and got prescribed to generic adderall to save money again it is not as good as the time released vyvance. But my problem is my neck gets super tight and tense.. any suggestions?

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Why not?

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I have CFS... and I take Provigil. However, it's EXTREMELY expensive. I take 2 200mg a day and it's $4,000k a month. Thank god I have insurance and I pay $0. I actually switched to Adderal today ... I'd stopped takig Adderal because I'd gotten addicted severly to it and went into rehab which then led to other addictions. Anyhow, after 5 years clean I broke down and got script today. I got 90 20mg per month - and to be honest - it's not at all like I remember it being. I remember being a "super hero" on it... mad energy and could accomplish anything. Sure not like that anymore. Which is prob a good thing I'm not going to feel that again.

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if u needed to take 2 extra pills to get thru the day then its more than just your Narcolepsy !
u r getting addicted to this drug and to keep up with the same effect as u have in the beginning u need more ! so be careful!

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@Meg.. I'm glad you don't get that high of amphetamines any more. A lot of times it can go either way, it been awhile and wow..I've been missing this or, gee, this is nothing so great. I'm just glad for you coming out on the right side. More power to ya. Carl

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