D-amphetamine Salt Combo 20mg Tab (Page 5) (Top voted first)


elliptical peach tablet
side 1: b/973
side 2: 20

130 Replies (7 Pages)

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@ Ellie Parker It's against the law to right a schedule II prescription for more than a 30 day supply, or to put a refill on it, or to call in a script. You have to have the brand new piece of paper(script) every month. A federal law under the controlled substance act of 1970.

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Hello, recently I was prescribed by my doctor Vyvanse OR Adderall. After picking up my prescription, I realized my pharmacy gave me D-Amphetamine Salt Combo.(15 MG, take one tablet twice a day). So far I have noticed that I do NOT want to EAT. Is this pill suppose to make people lose weight? Honestly I just want to know the difference between the generic, and the name brand. Because so far I have been searching the web and all I have read is negative comments about the generic. Should I try contacting my insurance company and seeing how much name brand is?
Hopefully someone will see this, sincerely I am new to this And just want to be put on the correct medicine & get some answers! Thanks.

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i feel the same way on it!!

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Vyvance and Adderall are brand names and there is no generic. Dextrostat is the Brand name for Dextro Amphemine, the original brand rights were sold by SKF, where the pink hearts came from with SKF one side and E19 on the other side for the dosage as they only come in 5 and 10 mg IR. One generic company sells them in the USA labeled as Barr, Barr is owned by Teva an Ireland Company. Dextro Amphetamine Sulfate is the strongest most addicting amphetamine type med other than Desoxyn (methamphetamine). Dexedrine aka Dexrostat aka Dextro-Amphetamine is referred to as Adderal even my physcian called it Adderall. Not close, Adderall has 4 substance in equal amounts. A 30mg gives 7.5 dextro amphetamine sulfate. 7.5 mg is dextro amphetamine saccharate 7.5 (d,l-)amphetamine aspartate monohydrate and 7.5mg of (d,l-)amphetamine sulfate. the 7.5 mg dextro amphetamine sulfate is superior to all other of the 3. Vyvance is all d,i-amphetamine as called Lisdexamfetamine as the prodrug, an active metabolite (not prodrug) of many in Dextoamphetamine. dl amphetamine has the equivalent to Adderall is roughly three-quarters dextroamphetamine, with it accounting for 72.7% of the amphetamine base in Adderall (the remaining percentage is levoamphetamine). dl amphetamine had more peripheral effects and less central effects than dextroamphetamine. Central effects good....peripheral effects bad. Central effects ex. energy, good feeling, peripheral effects ex. shaking hands, sweating, hard rate fast. Both have these effects. dl amphetamine has more peripheral effects than Dexies, and less central as Dexies. Dextro Amphetamine also comes in spansules (time release) 5mg, 10, and 15 mg. There is no better amphetamine on the legal market or else other than methamphetamine, as it has the same over Detro Amphetamine, ad Dextoamphetame has over dl amphetamine. I have only seen scripts of Desoyxn in the 70's, but because of meth's bad name, Dr's don't write, and Pharmacys don't always carry. BTW..all amphetamine an amphetamine like structured meds were originally prescribed for weight loss. The FDA took that claim away saying it was not permanent, and had to keep raising the dose to lethal amounts to keep the weight loss effect. There are no Schedule II meds approved now for weight loss, tho Dr's can write any drug for any symptom, it's called, in the field, off labelling, and done often. The FDA only approves drugs and say what they can be marketed for. the Dr can do as he pleases. BTW once more, Pro drug is the actual drug you are taking. Metabolites are drug or drugs the break down in your system.

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My son gets 3 months at a time. So u are correct. They do give refills...

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No he doesn't. He gets 3 prescriptions. Not one with 2 refills written on it. ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!

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Yup you are right. He gets 3 DIFFERENT rx's. I just get all three rx's at once. My bad, ur right..one rx on one each...not 1 rx with 2 refills....

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@Susan, I hate to always be right :) I know all about scripts, I have written them, I'd look pretty stupid back in the day with a script for Seconal with 4 refills, may be a clue there not legit.

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Lol at Carl...wen ur right, ur right. Lol. You know ur rx's :)

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@ Susan Thank You, and how old is your son?

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He's 12. Been on Ritalin for about a year. I was glad wen we started gettin the 3 months supply. They funny how they write that stuff too. Ur right. One rx for each month... He does good on his meds tho. We started with Ritalin and worked fine so I was glad we didn't hv to try different types...

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@ Susan, I'm glad the Ritalin is working, It is less toxic than the mainstream of Adderall and such. Be careful that there is a time most likely he won't need it, it will stifle who he is really. Just a word of advise, as I know you want the best for your child. Talk to you later, if you want the real facts you know who to go to, and happy to help. Take Care Lady.

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Thanks Carl...and yes for sure if I ever need any advice, you will be who I ask...thank you.

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i have taken amphetamines for over 2 years now for my adhd and the doctor just changed my medication to d-amphetamine salt combo 20 mg and now im feeling really tired and dizzy. not motivated and energized like i had before

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its just your tolerance getting high and used too the drug. if u cut down or stop for awhile u will gain that feeling again.

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is there a limit too how much amphetamine salts you can consume in one day?

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I got prescribed amph-salt combo (adderrall), 20mg. I'm a long sobered up opiate abuser and I told my psychiatrist this and he continued with the prescription. I just read online that is can be addictive, and/or have withdrawl symptoms when you stop taking it! I had thought my withdrawl days were over! I'm just wondering if anyone knows what those symptoms are and if they suck as bad as opiate withdrawls.

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That's actually not true. I get my suboxone with a refill everytime and it is a narcotic.

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Suboxone is a CLASS III drug, we are speaking of Class or Schedule II, big difference. III and IV have no difference in refill, six months, can call in refills , can call in scripts, the only exception no one has mentioned, and Doctors never do, with Schedule II drugs is they can call in one for an emergency, the Pharmacy must receive personally a hard copy of the script within 72 hours. A Pharmacist still does not have to fill it, and never have heard this happen. No reason for an emergency Schedule II, well I won't agree with that LOL

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#89 Yayah, they are under the most addicting classification CII. As you say, though you were done kickin, well thern you know about just getting well, and withdrawal, you are just staying well with your daily dose. When you quit, you will become depressed and lethargic for several days, and then be OK. Don't loose sleep over it and maybe slight paranoia.

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