Compassionate Doctor Needed To Continue Benzo/barbiturate Prescription Regimen (Top voted first)



I am writing because I am in a relatively desperate situation. A tragedy has happened in my family and for the past 3 months I have needed to take sedative medications in order to cope and function. I was living in Eastern Europe, and the doctors prescribed me a combination of Rivotril (clonazepam) (I believe it is called Klonopin in the US) and Amobarbital. The treatment regimen they recommended was to take 3 mg of Rivotril split into 3 1mg doses per day (1mg in the morning, 1mg in the afternoon, and 1mg in the evening). They told me that if I had an especially bad anxiety attack, particularly one where I could not sleep and was severely agitated, I should take an additional tablet of amobarbital (100mg). Although this has worked very well for the past 3 months and I never seemed to develop the tolerance that many people speak of, upon my return to the US I went to see a doctor to continue this treatment regimen. He said that amobarbital is no longer available in the US, and that the closest substitute is butabarbital. However, he refused to continue my treatment plan as the doctors in Eastern Europe had; under no circumstances would he prescribed the butabarbital, and he said he would only give a max of 1 mg/day of Klonopin. My anxiety has returned with a vengeance, and I find it hard to function on a daily basis. I do not understand and am upset at why he could not just let me continue a treatment regimen that worked for me.

I am just writing to see if there are any compassionate, understanding doctors in the New Jersey/New York areas who would consider having a consultation with me and giving me the medications that I need. If you are a doctor, I would appreciate it if you could also tell me if you take Aetna Insurance.

Thank you

16 Replies

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"Momz0r"-Die-SWEET:) We all live.We all die.Do whatever in between.I have Nooo prob. with "The End",dearest. And there's no point for me in conversing with ya.I digressI do me.As do you.Everyone's life to live.None other. You are powerless over what you can not control.Continue typing nothing that will change anything,if your brain forces you to do such.Now, moving on....

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Re: Momz0r (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

Let me say that I have unbelievable panic attacks and have my whole life since I was four years old. I am now fifty three. I take valium 1mg three times per day and have for almost twenty years. I have never taken this medication to feel high. Yes I am addicted to it and become seriously ill if I don’t have it to take. My doctor recently took me off of it after a very fast taper that I told her would not work. I’m now looking for a specialist. Without this medication my quality of life is the very worst you can imagine. Panic attacks are the worst feeling in the world, a constant state of fear. Why would any doctor take someone off of medication that gives them a good quality of life? I am not a drug addict by any sense of the word. Compassion seems to be slowly slipping away from people today. I sure hope it turns around for more folks or we are all in trouble.

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I'll keep this one short-You can get it on the net. Trust me.

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Maybe talk to your doctor about Esgic-Plus. It's a combo med butalbital/caffeine/Tylenol. Doctors tend to prescribe that because it's less abusable I guess than straight butalbital.

Clonazepam/Klonopin/Rivotril is really common in the US. You shouldn't have an issue getting your 3mg/day as long as you have your records from Europe that you were on these meds. Many many people are on klonopin, I'm even personally on 1.5mg/day.

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Hello, James! How are you doing? I am very sorry about what you're going through.

If you just went to a general practitioner here in the U.S. to look for these medications, then that is most likely why this happened.

Due to new regulations that were put in place this year, general practitioners are severely restricted in what they can prescribe, how much they can prescribe and how long they can prescribe it.

If you require such drugs on a long-term basis for ongoing treatment of anxiety, then you'll need to see a specialist.

The reason for this, is because such medications are addictive in nature, so the U.S. DEA insists that their usage be closely monitored. For instance, if you do find a doctor to prescribe them, you'll need to see that doctor each month, they won't be able to provide refills on them, either.

Learn more Clonazepam details here.

Learn more Butalbital details here.

Does anyone in your family perhaps have a good, understanding doctor that may help you out, until you can be referred to a specialist?

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My therapist retired.I had 'scrip.Turned out for the best-person's retirement for me.Thud,the net. YOU know not my story.Besides "illegal" drugs ought to be legal to me.S***.. Why not make pizza illegal. Obesity kills. Pharmacies are just profit pushers. To YOU-person NEEDing your Meds - search the net, call/contact a site that offers. My life,no other.As is all others.

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At least I have my brain back. Yours is still somewhere in outer space. Please read this again when you are not in a cloud on drugs. Trust me, you are not are existing from one pill to the next. Sad, very sad. And no, I will not try to change you or anybody else. I am merely trying to help people who do not understand the dangers. Sometimes we learn from others mistakes, and sometimes we ARE the others. You obviously want to be a drug addict.

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I have never seen any 1mg clonazepam tablets - they simply are not made except in the USA. All generics and the branded Roche Rivotril are made in 500mcg and 2mg strengths only, so I imagine you were either provided with a pill splitter for 2mg tabs or prescribed 2x 500mcg per dose. Who uses 1mg anyway? There is no indication for that dosage in the formulary. Also it is not licenced for use in anxiety in Europe, only in epilepsy. No doctor would ever prescribe clonazepam for any stress or anxiety issues, rather, if needing a long half life benzodiazepine you will be given either diazepam, prazepam or medazepam, the first being a little too sedating to allow a normal life at effective dosages. If my benzos were converted into diazepam, they would have to prescribe 260mg daily, according to the equivalence tables. It is weak and far too over sedating to be of any use in severe anxiety. Alprazolam (2mg) and lorazepam (2.5mg strength) would be more appropriate in your case, methinks.

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James (9-30-2013),

I am surprised that Amytal Sodium National Drug Code 42998-0303-01 made by this high roller pharmaceutical firm in USA is no longer manufacturing this barb? If so, it was available for sure in 2012, it is quite a shock to me that after 50 years it is "no longer made" especially by Marathon Pharmaceutical Inc because if you saw their Dun & Bradstreet Financial Business Information Report you will see how this "tiny company" compared to huge Pfizer, well... are making a fortune as the exclusive only manufacturer of old school immediate release barbs, such as their very high demand Secobarbital. (Seconal 100 mg capsules) The Amytal was relatively inexpensive in the year 2012 as the AWP was only $122.44... the problem in 2012 was it was only available in ampules for IV or IM use as listed in REDBOOK 116th edition for 2012. It is listed as coming in a powder, (good) as that means you might have a long shot in the following way..... a bottle of 0.5 gram a USA C-II. If it is still made it would not be as inexpensive but a compounding pharmacy in medium to large urban US city could order the power and place it in capsules for your request, this would be most easily done by only going to a USA Psychiatrist, and, look for one like mine who is at least 60+ years old My shrink is 73 years old. he has been around to not be brain-washed like so many USA MD's who are from the new age that were not around when many sedatives were given out as candy, in the 1970's.

This particular pharmaceutical company remember that name it is Marathon and it might be a challenge for you to find a pharmacy that has this med in stock. It is used for target specific reasons I am not comfortable digressing on this medschat forum. The company has very deep pockets, and, they have a struggle just keeping up to the demand of the goose that lays their golden egg Seconal, it is so popular in Oregon, and Southern Nevada, and the Arizona California border cities inside the state of Arizona, and Texas gets 50% of their entire USA business alone!! The bad news is Seconal is about $500.00 per 100 one hundred mg capsules. AWP. Also, there is another softer DEA scheduled barb C-III) much stronger than that weak "butabarbital" is is called, "Butisol" it is a 50 mg tablet, that also has been around for about 50 yrs in the USA NDC 00037-0144-60 for one bottle AWP (average wholesale price) by mfg MEDA, @ US $245.71. I would not even think of trying any MD that is not a Psychiatrist, unless, you, can find an ethnic MD of foreign extraction such as one from India or from Indonesia, or from the Far East as I have had historically better success obtaining HTF meds in the USA from especially foreign medical school MD's with ancestry not from the USA as they are much more compassionate, as a general rule, including the Psychiatry field for you to get these type of meds.

Most USA medical doctors under age 55 male or female IMHO have been brainwashed, it is not their fault, they came from a different generation, the prescribing practices were very different in the USA at least 35 years ago! They also have good reason to fear the DEA as losing their medical license by one mistake, scares them to death, or by a visit from the DEA as those under at least 55 yrs old never prescribed barbs and the many powerful sedatives formerly on the USA market in the 1970's/80's to the late 1990's when the majority of those sedatives were demonized by the USA media due to a recreational abuse by college kids many years ago + some Hollywood or famous people from now a long time ago. Also focus developing a relationship with a independant pharmacy especially a owner pharmacist if you can. You may have to pay a lot more but you will only get most likely the brush off from the USA chain pharmacies from the robot I call type of again younger generation pharmacist, as there is a huge shift in the attitude of patients of doctors who seek a Schedule II in the USA, often called the pharmacy police. I call the intelligent ignorant, as they also have been brainwashed and/or have huge school, loans to pay off and are afraid of their jobs! their are other reasons for patient profiling but it is unprofessional for me to say any more on this topic, I have been associated with many MD's and pharmacists and chemists all over the modern industrial world in the past 40 years, due to my prior occupation as I am now retired.

I can't stress how important those geographic areas "important" it is to get to a MD in those areas as there are many retirement communities, and, also a very big reason Coastal Oregon is so popular for Seconal I cannot publish this on this medschat forum, as, it might not get past the moderators, that is all I can say. If Seconal is so heavily prescribed in those areas mentioned (source DEA diversion that it is reasonable to assume a similar barb might be prescribed that you are desiring! Also these meds that are alleged to no longer being made might be on the USA orphan list.......almost always a pharmaceutical that has to be special ordered. which may be a daunting task in a major USA chain pharmacy!

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Re: Momz0r (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

Your post is from knowledge and experience and from the heart. My belief is like yours, I have a similar situation. I'm on suboxone from years of pain meds... got hooked on klonopin, found a tapering program (point of return), got down to .5 ml twice a day from 2 ml 3 times daily. My Dr died and I'm going through withdrawals because i don't have enough to finish. I don't know what to do? I need a script that is .5 ml liquid compound. I'm desperate. I'm so close to finishing but the withdrawals have stopped me from working and exercising. It's ruining me. I WANT OFF THIS MISERABLE LIFE DESTROYING DRUG. It helped in the beginning then causes issues. Bless all having trouble.

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Re: Momz0r (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

Mom I've had both attitudes I'm stuck on a tapering program right now my Dr died and can't continue the taper so I found a kind doctor that wouldn't leave me hanging but u are correct on the he'll these cause

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Hi, your anxiety is due to withdrawal symptoms from the severe cut in your meds. You can never stop taking a Benzo CT (cold turkey) or cut a dose so drastically, without having really bad withdrawal symptoms. My advice is to find a herbal supplement like L-Thianine, but get off the Benzo ASAP! The longer you stay on it the worse your battle will become to get off that stuff. And trust me, its pure hell!

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Its absolutely sad that you would give this advice. Stricter measures should be put in place to stop internet drug orders w/ out a prescription. If YOU wish to stay addicted to a drug that causes a multitude of medical problems (yes, I now have liver failure), being fat and bloated, diabetes and heart condition, then do so. But please dont encourage other people to do the same.

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Ok.Here:Reliable-Generic Klonopin by my experience,& to me is- made in Europe.•Company-Roche.•Generic Name- Rivotril 2mg pills. I personally get the 2mg's.Amount I take,etc.,matters not.Anyhow.Good quality,hands down for me.I will add that I let them dissolve in my mouth.I find no taste at all.Yet,that is me.
I do have & have taken Onapil 2mg.(as sometimes European RIVOTRIL not available,ONLY reason I have) Regardless of the fact that whom I get them from swears they would only offer good quality.For me,No good.Yet-Far better than nothing.Yet, I always go with the European made.My personal situation matters not.However,I was getting 'scrips.Person retired.Along w/ the fact that I turned out better off not "seeing" someone.This,order on the Internet.It's simple,really.Perhaps,maybe I was of help.If not,I tried.Months seem to gave passed since your post.Yet perhaps this will help if still in a pickle,so to speak.I hope ok.

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You are still feeding the pharmaceutical companies by using their products, whether its obtained illegally on the net or via a script from a doctor. If I had it in my power, these dangerous and addictive drugs would be STOPPED form ever being made. I went through absolute HELL coming off Benzos and then Stillnox. There is a reason these drugs should NOT be used for more than a couple of days. But nobody, including your doctor or pharmacist will tell you this when they dish out the script and hand over, month after month, these meds to you over the counter. Eventually your mind, body and soul are addicted and the ever increasing need for more pills gets you to the point where you are going to die. Trust me.....DIE!

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