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White round pill marked RIVOTRIL 2 on one side and has four sections on the other side of the pill. ## This pill which you are describing is Rivotril 2 mg, containing the active ingredient Clonazepam. You can view a picture of this medication here. Do you have any other questions or information to add? Please post back if you do... ## white round pill, one side has a number '2', the other side is scored in half and has an 'n' on each side of the score. So it's n score n. ## Hi Vancouvermatt - What you have is a Clonazepam 2 mg, manufactured by Novopharm in Canada. So it's basically equivalent to Rivotril 2 mg. Color: white shape: round Side One: N/N (N over score over N) Side Two: 2 Source: ## Thank you Roy. ## White round pill with riv and the #2 underneath on ...
Has anybody tried the very recently circulating Galenika rivotril with the new packaging design? It has a ton of writing on it. Is this just rebranding or are they useless? I used to really feel them when the strips had less writing on them, so now I'm unsure if its rebranding packaging or bunk boxes. I'm nervous to try so i bought just one box. So if they're bad I'm not losing a ton. My pharmacy has always gotten top quality everything. Boxed. Metallic seals, paperwork, etc. I've never had a bad prescription filled. Even the bensedin I'm getting are still top notch but now he has these new strips in stock. Anyone tried them? NO BS. ONLY GENUINE SIMPLE REPLIES on if they taste minty, take effect slowly as meant to, how they dissolve etc. And again, is the extra w...
Bitter taste round thin kinda med size no markings no lines nothing ## Hello, Kia! How are you? If there are no markings, we can rule it out as being a prescription medication, because they are all required to have markings to enable their identification. Unfortunately, that leaves it open to many possible over the counter products. I'll do some searching and post back, when I have some information for you. Does anyone else have an idea of what this might contain? ## Well best way to find out is chew it up and sit back to experience the outcome. We will see how it makes me feel. Let you know tomorrow, if I'm still here among y'all living. ## I received blister packs but they're 2mg Rivotril Martin Dow pills that have no markings and are white and not flat on either side....
Is Rivotril available in Saudi Arabia? I'm hoping someone can help point me in the right direction as I am running out of medicine. ## You want Revotril? This medicine is banned in ksa. You go to a government hospital and check your treatment plan with a physiatrist. Maybe the Dr will provide Revotril for you. ## You could get 30 years in a nefieval prison for this. Never do any pills in SA.
Is it iddictive? For what is it given for? Taking 1mg 2xpd. Is it the same as Xanor? ## I AM TAKING CLONAZEPAM FOR 7 WEEKS FOR SLEEPLESNESS AND ANXIETY. WHEN I DONT TAKE 1MG OF IT I AM GETTING WEAK. WHY DOES IT HAPPEN? IS IT ADDICTIVE TAKING 1MG EVERYDAY? IS IT GOOD TO TAKE IT AS MAINTENANCE? ## IS CLONAZEPAM GOOD AS MAINTENANCE FOR ANXIETY? IS IIT ADDICTIVE TAKING I MG? ## Rivotril contains the active ingredient Clonazepam, and yes, the FDA warns that it carries the risk of being habit forming, it is in the same medication family as Xanor (Alprazolam). Ref: Clonazepam Information Other typical side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache, irritability, and other mood changes. Yes, you may also experience withdrawal effects, like what you've described, if you suddenly miss a...
guys ## Round white pill. One side is scored like a cross. The other side imprints Rivotril (not Roche) with a 2 under it. I have seen similar Clonazepam with Roche 2 on the back, but not Rivotril 2 on back. Is this a generic, fake or real? ## This is listed as being a foreign brand of Clonazepam, it contains 2mgs. The FDA warns that it carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, and irritability. Are there any other questions? ## Do you know where is comes from. Uk?? The mfg i see is starting with gal i cant read thes rest.
My niece is taking rivoril to help her sleep but is becoming anxious and fearful. Now a friend psychologist said, mosegor vitamins is better to induce sleep without side effects. Is this true? ## Rivotril contains the active ingredient Clonazepam, it is a Benzodiazepine, commonly used to treat nerve, anxiety disorders and some cases of insomnia. As such, it does carry with it the possibility of a lot of side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness and addiction. Mosegor Vita is a mutlivitamin supplement, so while touted to help with many conditions, they only thing they are actually proven to help with is a deficiency in the particular vital nutrients it contains, which are B1, B2, Nicotinamide, Pizotifen and Pyridoxone. What has her doctor recommended? ## For God's sake if y...
Hello, I am writing because I am in a relatively desperate situation. A tragedy has happened in my family and for the past 3 months I have needed to take sedative medications in order to cope and function. I was living in Eastern Europe, and the doctors prescribed me a combination of Rivotril (clonazepam) (I believe it is called Klonopin in the US) and Amobarbital. The treatment regimen they recommended was to take 3 mg of Rivotril split into 3 1mg doses per day (1mg in the morning, 1mg in the afternoon, and 1mg in the evening). They told me that if I had an especially bad anxiety attack, particularly one where I could not sleep and was severely agitated, I should take an additional tablet of amobarbital (100mg). Although this has worked very well for the past 3 months and I never seeme...
I have intense bruning of the tip of the tongue on the surface and under which increases about ten minutes after any food is taken. The doctor prescribed Rinifol and Zytee for application. Please let me know probable causes and medicines advisable ## Im still suffering from this very bad and frustrating Burning Mouth Syndrome. So many foods I had to leave out of my diet. Even taking vit especially vit B s and vit C burns tongue terrible. Burning starts few hours after certain foods have been taken and burns terrible days later still. I m taking tegritol and rivotril for situation. Some days its seems to help and some times it seems as if nothing help. Its been my 7 th year now with this terrible syndome. This aint no connection with dental procedure for me. And the worst is that its not...
I am using Dulane 30 mg since 3 years for depression and panic attacks. Can it be used for this much long period? I am now feeling very fine but the only problem is from last 3 months i am feeling severe muscles pain, stretchness, especially in back neck muscles, shoulders, in both of arms, and back some times. I am also using rivotril 0.5 mg with dulan 30 mg since 3 years. Should i stop or reduce the doses? Because now i have severe muscles pain sometimes it goes worst. Plz Reply me what should i do.
UpdatedI have a medical coming up for a work visa application to New Zealand. I have been taking the following meds from March 2017 to date: Lexamil 20mg daily Rivotril (Clonazepam) - 0.5mg - 1mg per day Epitec 100mg - 1 per day Will these be picked up in the blood and urine tests? How long do I need to be off these meds to not show in the blood and urine tests? Thank you very much!
Updatedwhat are the uses and side effects of roche 2? ## These are 2mg Rivotril tablets, they are unavailable in the U.S. and contain the active ingredient Clonazepam, a Benzodiazepine used to treat anxiety and nervous disorders. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, headache and irritability. Read more: Are there any questions or comments? ## ehere cam i get those roches 2 rivotril a friend from work gave me one a was feeli.g anxious and starting to gave panic attacks she gave one and a started ti feel less anxois im wondering were can a get those? ## My son was put on epilizine cr 300 and epilizine500 and zylena5mg. Plus wellbutrinXL 300 and welbutrin 150mgplus 2mgRivotroland2 dormonoct he is not himself. So they told him he is not bipolar.he have post muticstres.
Is bagapentin gabix 100 mg for my damaged nerve safe to take if i am taking rivotril as well ## Has your doctor instructed you to take them? The NIH lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, mood swings, and weight gain. Rivotril also carries the risk of being habit forming. What dose of it do you take and how often do you take it?
My mother is suffering from dry cough which gets increased at night. Many medicines are tried but their is no improvement. Searches repeatedly show that it may be the side effects of some ACE inhibitors. Can this be present in Restyl 0.5mg which my mother consumes daily before dinner? It is very urgent to me, so please try to reply me soon. ## If she takes 7tabs .5mg what is the effect. My wife took 7tabs .5mg ## I have taken 10 restyl 2 clonax md and rivotril .. do u think I ll die now
Morning - can Dormanoct or Rivotril cause weight gain? I recently changed from Stilnox to Dormonoct 2mg and originally was on Rivotril 0 .5mg once per day - now on 0.5mg twice a day and have noticed weight gain? ## Hello, Sue! How are you? Most medications can cause some weight gain as a side effect, though it is usually minimal and averages about 10 pounds, or so. Other typical side effects, as listed by the FDA, may possibly include nausea, dizziness, and headache. How much have you gained, so far?
Hi, I am 53 yo and taking revotril since past 20 Years for the treatment of my panic attacks. Soon i also developed in hypertension. Now I have reduced revotrol to half of .5mg daily, besides my hypertensives(I take losartan potassium). I want to get rid of revotril but each time I try, it bounce back with very high blood pressure and panic attacks again. Can some one guide how i can withdraw Revotril. This is specially important cause I work in Saudi and this medicians is unavailable here.
UpdatedI am N Raychaudhuri and 55 yrs old. Recently I am suffering for one month from severe knee pain all the day and cannot sleep..X ray report on knee does not show any abnormality. Pl. suggest me a good pain killer Pl. note that I am having epilepsy but seizure happens once in an a month and regularly taking eptoin 100 mg and Rivotril 0.5 mg four times a day.for seizure control and for knee sever pain I have taken pain killers Ibrufen 400 mg or etrobax(etoricoxib 90) or acemiz (acceclofenac100mg+paracetamol 325mg) does not help Also as per advise of the Doctor I have already taken 16 tablets Gemsoline DS (calcium carbonate 1500+calcitriol 0.25 mcg+vitaminK-7-- 46mcg) and 16 capsules of Zebicom OD (mecobalamin 1500 mcg+Alpha lipoic acid 100 mg+vitamine B6 3mg +folic acid 1.5 mg) Nothing do ...
Hi, I am from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. My daughter (10 years) is abnormal (Cerebral Pulsy) and in the bed. She can not move or talk except listening. Most of the time, she used to cry. We consulted the Doctor who prescribed Revotril Drop and asked to give her 3 drops in the night. It worked well as she slept peacefully during the night whenever she took this drops. However, now the medicine is out of stock in Jeddah and could not get it. I tried other countries like Egypt, Dubai..etc. but they need prescription from the same country to get it. So need your help on how to get Revotril Drop medicine. Thank you. ## Please let me know if you've made any progress, as I have a child with a similar problem.
My father is 75 and was diagnosed with Dementia last year, he has Myoclonus Jerks due to the Dementia and has been put on Rivotril .25mg per night. In the mornings he can hardly talk and has trouble walking is this normal? Can he be put onto something that would not affect him like that, or can I give him supplements that would stop the jerking? ## Hello, Nadine! How are you? That's a very high dosage, are you sure it's 25mgs? There are alternative medications he can take, or a lowering of the dosage may also prevent him from feeling like that in the morning. This is a benzodiazepines, so it carries the risk of being habit forming and could cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache and irritability..
I was diagnosed with certain type of depression 2 yrs back (symptoms: dizziness, light headed ness, memory loss etc) for which itook rivotril 0.5 mg, nexito 5 mg and naxdom SOS. Nowadays, I feel "anger, mood swings, loneliness" which i fear is also a type of depression.this time I want to know homeopathy treatment if possible. ## I think homeopathic remedy is more helpfull for you.. Symptoms like dizziness, light handedness,memory loss. These all are sgins of well developed depression.Many homeo drugs are having similar actions. But for that i have to choose simillimum ( correctly matched) for you.. I can send you sm question regarding the case.. Do reply me via e mail.. ## Hi there my father has been a very unwell man for many years, and I feel it is due to the amount of medica...