Big Pharma's Lockdown On Legitimate Chronic Pain Patients (Page 7)


Is narcotic pain medicine becoming a thing of the past?

Why are doctors across America phasing out the practice of prescribing effective pain medication?

Will big pharmaceutical companies ever truly understand what it's like to face the other side of the coin?

Lately there's been a musty scent in the air surrounding the use of prescribed narcotic pain medication. Many doctors appear to be running scared as the DEA scours through fields of medical records, inspecting prescribing pads like a mouse scavenges for food in a dimly lit cellar.

Should the day come when doctors recommend Ibuprofen to a feeble man who's been involved in a terrible car accident (breaking several bones / requiring extensive surgery), is this doctor at risk of malpractice when there are more effective options available that they choose not to pick, out of fear? Fear of what? Doing the right thing? No, I don't think this is the reason... Somewhere along the line, in the not too distant past, doctors were loosely prescribing narcotic pain medication as if it would never go out of style. Nowadays, the harsh penalty of potentially losing their license for writing any unknown number of opiate prescriptions over so many calendar days or some other form of strict criteria, has been enough to prevent many physicians from taking even subtle "risks" with patients who are expressing obvious signs of pain and discomfort.

The unfortunately unique problem with pain is that it's not a physical object and in order for others to detect it, they'd have to rely solely on the backbone of our body language using their intuition - something that's gone missing in western practice. If more doctors took the time and really got to know their patients front to back, then they will be their own best judge of deciding what the right thing to do is, regardless of what the DEA thinks about their decision or what their drug representative wants out of the deal. Sadly, until patients are put before profits, the foundation of America's healthcare system remains in jeopardy like an iceberg affected by global warming.

While I believe that the vast majority of human beings in their right mind would choose to do the right thing, we must all work together to become the change we wish to see within every aspect of our lives; and knowing that by doing so, it will shine light on those crossing our path that need it most.

In the meantime, some patients may have to find another way to manage their pain without putting their life or health at risk. Others are turning to natural alternatives such as kratom, cannabis, turmeric and/or implementing various lifestyle changes into their daily regime... But the key is to never give up hope.

What will you do?

Warm regards to all who face life's challenges head on.

1547 Replies (78 Pages)

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Re: Bull (# 120) Expand Referenced Message

Do you think Trump has actually ppl have a non opioid pain medication? Trump will be lucky if he's not arrested Monday or ppl leading to his arrest or impeachment. He doesn't care about opioid addiction, he's just talking the talk ppl want to hear from him. What has he gotten done since he's been in office? I rest my case

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Re: BL (# 117) Expand Referenced Message

You sound like a doctor yourself. I am only 15 pounds overweight, not 50 or 60. Before my knees started hurting i was walking every day with my dog but since he hurt his back and I was hurting, we both stopped. The medicine i take makes it so I can get out of bed in the morning. So basically, I should stop taking meds that make my life better because of the "opioid addiction"? I never overdo my meds nor do I share them. My life is going to change for the worse soon and I know it but thanks for your opinion.

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It's definitely a big mess! I noticed all the overdoses are related to illicit drugs. Hunting WVA the lady interviewed clearly says so! I'm not understanding why the DEA can't tell the difference between pain patients who benefit from opioid therapy and the illicit drug addicts! She did mention on the interview the meds started were non-prescribed opioids but people have choices and the ones who need their meds shouldn't have to pay for this so called epidemic. I'm not certain their numbers are correct but there's no way any of this can be legal to Americans!!! I mean you don't do this and why taper people off when their in pain ! If you guys read more about addiction; it's proven it takes years and it's rare if you're truly in pain. Dependent... of course, just like caffeine or diabetic, high Bp, that's how they live! I'm still signing everything I see & calling my senators and congressman. Enough is enough ! I can only pray that all of you are getting enough relief until things get back to normal. This is unfair, it's cruel, and we are taxpayers and most of us work and do as we can. I hope a lawyer who's not afraid reads these forums and decides they want to help and put things back to Drs doing their jobs or else start a legal suit and everyone has one! Drs too! They need to stand up or give up their license because they're doing harm and going against everything they were taught! Stop being afraid and the ones who criticize will at some point be in our shoes. Diseases other than cancer does kill if not treated. Pain kills! Sorry I'm ranting but I feel so much anger for how the government is taking over every aspect of our lives.

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I've said everything I can about this pain medication debacle. I was trying to give ppl a heads up on things but we'll wait and see what happens. This is my last post on this subject. Good Luck

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I've never abused opioids in any way, yet, all of us who are careful with our pain management are being targeted. I have a feeling that those new non-addictive drugs are going to cost much more. I only pay $10 or less for my painkiller and insurance covers the rest. I like feeling less pain and being able to have a somewhat normal life. But, my doctor's office doesn't always make sure I get the meds before I run out of them. On five occasions I've gone to the pharmacy only to find that the prescription wasn't there. At times, I have cut the dose so I have meds to fall back on when this happens. I only do that when I can stay home and go to bed early. Now I have to call the pharmacy to make sure the meds are available before I pick them up. Extra trips to the store are difficult for someone in their 70's who has osteoarthritis, especially in the winter.

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Re: Isabella (# 125) Expand Referenced Message

Iam in same shoes arthritis is rough in the cooler days an I've had same problem about the doctors making sure I've got my scrept there when I need it they don't care about us

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Re: Isabella (# 125) Expand Referenced Message

Aww that's so sad! Is their anyone in your area who can help run errands for you? It seems everyone is on their own and it's a shame you must suffer. Big hugs to you!

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Re: Tommy (# 121) Expand Referenced Message

I said that was my last post but this will be. I take 4 Percocet 10mg a day for pain and I sure don't want them to stop making pain meds, I'm in the same situation you guys are. You might be right Trump he isn't thinking about opioids right now so maybe this will blow over. Most of the overdoses are from street drugs and we are getting punished for their actions but good luck to all.

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Re: Tommy (# 128) Expand Referenced Message

I so agree with you. They should go after the street dealers & leave the legitimate people alone that are trying to do right so they can have some quality of life.

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Re: Red (# 129) Expand Referenced Message

Street dealers shoot back, so they go after those less likely to do so.

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Re: Tommy (# 128) Expand Referenced Message

Tommy, it's definitely from street drugs! They won't talk about illicit drugs being in their systems. Whenever I worked in the lab and had to go to ER all night I rarely saw overdoses and the ones I did see were always due to mixing Alcohol with illicit drugs or drugs that were simply not even prescribed to them. The media isn't saying stop heroin and fentanyl, it's opiates, and even my friends in the medical field said it's overblown and stressing dr's out in fear of the DEA. That's where they need to stand with patients. They can't shut us all down and hopefully it will blow over. My friends that are nurses seem to think it will because they will lose their money! Oh and I never could take Percocet or anything but you're not on a high dose at all! 8 Tylenol would hurt you worse! But I'm sure you know that! Good luck to you and maybe they will keep doing their job so you can do yours!!!

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Re: Ktb (# 131) Expand Referenced Message

Good point K. It seems like the DEA would have enough on their plate with illicit drugs. Especially with these synthesized substances. I saw a special on TV where a popular drug in Russia that they said was more powerful than Morphine and continuous use of it will eat your flesh from the inside out. It is called Alligator or similar to Alligator because when it surfaces to the outside of the skin, it looks like the skin of one. The reason the addict buys it is because the cost is just a fraction of other opiates. This drug is starting to circulate in America and the results from it are devastating. Why hasn't this drug hit the media yet? They are coming after our legitimate prescribed drugs? People with pain who depend on them to be able to have a decent life? Seems like that drug would be on the top of priorities for government officials! I think that this drug will get mainstreamed in America because of it's price and we will have a new epidemic. These street drugs are the most dangerous because nobody knows what they are really getting. Why isn't the public being warned about this drug? That is the least they could do. Where is our media? That is one issue that SHOULD be blown up. So where is big brother? Well, he's out chasing legitimate doctors and patients. Anyone who is reading this post and want to try to make a difference, please google the US Pain Foundation and find out what you can do to help. They will send you brochures, T-shirts and other support paraphernalia.

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My name is Derek and our health system here in the U.S.A has gone to s***. A lot of good people have been screwed over because others who want to abuse or feel high at our expense, not to mention a lot of the slim ball doctors who have bought their homes or houses and paid for their kid's college fund and lived comfortably, all the while getting us addicted to a drug, and you better believe they knew exactly what they were doing at the time they did it, but in case you don't know these doctors and pharmaceutical companies all put cash in each others pocket and circle jerk each other. It is time that We The People need to stand up for our right and I don't mean a stupid little rally, I mean take our county back. In doing so we will restore it to how it used to be when we didn't have to worry. We must stop fighting amongst each other, come on people get it together. If we do not do anything now, I am afraid we never will and the cancer that is eating away at us will consume all hope, faith and we will have no country left. This is so sad! There is a natural ability in all of us to do right. It is woven into the very souls of who we are. It is a gift from God. We at once must stop what we are doing for the meantime and focus on a solution. Not about Trump, Hillary or anyone else... I mean really who cares, these people that we elect into office couldn't give two ****s about us. It does not matter what your name is or what color you are, or where you came from or how you speak or look.

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The petition sites ask for your name, address & whatnot? Yeah, right. Who's going to use that info, to either sell off my info to marketers or whoever else for whatever else? I really hate having to share any info with "anybody" I don't know. Even saying anything on this site is hard. Seems to me that we need to get some cash together & pay off the right people to represent us, huh? Taxes we pay. My veteran status. One old, to me anyway, quote goes something like this... It's not who you know, but who you _______. Not looking to insult anybody on this site, please excuse me. That's the least vulgar of all that I'd like to say about our shared misery. It's always about the money.

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In response to the question, what will you do as narcotic pain medication is being phased, sometimes yanked, out of our lives, I really don't know. My regimen varies depending on the pain level. Tumeric and ginger have been part of my diet for years, along with specific enzymes and other herbal supplements. Marijuana is illegal in our State. I've used Kratom with varying results. Accupuncture is my go to for muscle, nerve and joint pain. Bone pain from a recent fracture and cervical spine pain aren't relieved by anything I've tried. Specific exercises on land and in water as well as heat and ice offer short term relief. There is just some debilitating pain that unless you walk in the shoes of the afflicted you won't understand. It feels like the honest to goodness people in pain are being punished. Some who were able to productively work are going to be unable to continue. Other's who were phasing back into the workplace will be unable to feel useful. Sadly I see depression setting in for some. Other's, always law abiding citizens may turn to illegal means to get their relief. The abuse of alcohol will likely go up.This is sad and bad for all. It's my opinion that there are many other perscriptions that are worse for patients then properly utilized narcotic pain medication. The government couldn't win the war on illegal drugs. It appears that they're going to fight a war that they have more control of. My hope is that my doctor will read my records and actually listen when I speak. There have got to be doctors who have backbone and compassion still available.

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Re: Barbara (# 135) Expand Referenced Message

I totally agree! It's so sad! I know there's some drs standing up and you just got to keep signing every petition you see & tell all family and friends to help because it will affect them at some point. I don't think they can get by too much longer because they will loose money. What's scary is how we are sounding like a communist country with no freedom. We stand up for animal rights, trees, etc but it's time we say human lives matter! Pain and diseases doesn't discriminate! I hope your therapies continue to help! Have a great Day!

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Re: Madmax (# 133) Expand Referenced Message

I agree with you 95% and I won't argue over the 5%. That 5% is the part that believes a real bureaucrat cleaning would take place if the FBI was made to release their accumulated files from the Clinton email investigation which would show that majority of our lawmakers and those who pay them off are involved in illegal Clinton foundation activities.

Now the 95% I agree with is everything else you said. Americans need to realize that most of us don't care about anyone's color nor we want to fight about the way other's exercise their God-given Rights. Those who are working hard to make us believe that we're intolerant are the same one's who are trying to control every aspect of our lives. It's going to take an organized effort to force Congress and the President along with the pharmaceutical companies and purchased media to back off on their torture of Americans who live in pain.
I've signed 4 petitions when I couldn't sleep due to pain this morning. They were found on pain medication. I'm sure there are other's elsewhere, but after signing I shared. It's unrealistic for the government to believe that we're not going to respond. I truly believe that if any of them was in pain their new rules would be forgotten as they were kept comfortable.

Rallies can be effective if they are organized and coordinated. Face to face conversations with Representatives and visits to their offices consistently and by a variety of people requires them to acknowledge their constituents. For those who can't make the excursion weekly telephone calls, letters and emails important. We're doing nothing wrong so I personally don't have a problem sharing my name. This has to be a multiple State, nonpartisan effort. As you said, we're in this together and it's not each other that we have a problem with. We have God-given Rights. He gave us our Freedoms when God gave us Free Will. Anyone who has started a group effort please share so that it can grow. Thanks to this site we have a safe informative place to ask and answer questions.

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This "War on opioids" is bunk!!! It is a very transparent manipulation of the stock market!!! Look up purdue and collegian pharm. Companies with their new "abuse deterrent" new drugs....Sure, children/kids/teenagers are dying...As they did during woodstock re: "Brown acid"/heroin".....Never have I touched such drugs....Nor do I know anyone who has....But I will say this: anyone my age which is over 60, who has lived through woodstock, and does these demonic drugs...Well, it is like a fool playing with matches, and pouring gas on themselves, then crying with surprise that they get burnt!!!! Now, I know about the emotional, mental, social... Factors surrounding said drug users, but that... Is a failure of this system which no doubt has again, lack of integral mental health care and contributed to this situation for the ole adults...Like me...Re: the kids, if you will, where are their parents? Why don't they know who they are hanging with and on and on? My folks taught me back in the early 70's...The dangers of drugs, and why, according to the bible...That it is not acceptable. The true victims of the "Opioid crisis" are the old folks, this dying generation, with multiple injuries...Overuse, overworked..Like the roofers, bartenders, oh I could go on and on. They (the they is up to the reader to discern) want us to die! Getting medicare recipients "Off the rolls" by letting us suffer...And...Over radiating us...Is a true situation. I have seen it soooo many times. For us "Older generation" to have to suffer from this lack of integral services is absolutely immoral!!!! Think I am wrong??? Do your research. I have!!!! God bless to all those suffering...I wish you well. Write your letters, let your voices be heard!

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I work in a pharmacy and we have been seeing a lot of doctors only writing C2 pain meds for their patients for a weeks worth of meds at a time. These are people that have been on them for a long time not just people new to these meds. We are also seeing insurance companies that will only pay for a 7 day supply even if it’s written for a 30 day supply and then after they get the 7 days of meds, the insurance will make them have to get a prior authorization before they will pay for anymore of the meds. The pharmacist’s keep saying that they will end up phasing out these meds. I keep saying that pretty soon if someone has a limb amputated, the doctors will say sorry but all we can give you is Tramadol or Tylenol. I have been living with chronic pain and have been taking C2 pain meds for 15 years and if I can’t get them anymore, I will have to quit my job cuz I just can’t function w/o them. If the government does make it so people can’t get their meds anymore then instead of overdoses on pain meds, there will be more overdoses from illicit drugs and more deaths from suicides since a lot of people that rely on their pain meds just to get out of bed every day will suffer so much that they may just end their lives. My dad is one of them, living in severe pain and he said if they stop letting people get them that at least he has his gun!

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Re: Claude (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

Not sure I agree with this petition cuz what if you have something that they don’t feel is a condition that warrants C2 pain meds. I have fibromyalgia and have been on C2 pain meds for 15 years and they don’t recommend these meds for fibromyalgia. Instead, they recommend Lyrica, Cymbalta, and Gabapentin. Well, Lyrica is about $500 per month and Gabapentin is now abused since people can get an opiate-like euphoria from them. These pain meds help my pain and make it so I can function from day to day. The government will always find loopholes and it would be scary to have them make up the list of what conditions can be on this list.

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