Big Pharma's Lockdown On Legitimate Chronic Pain Patients (Page 37)


Is narcotic pain medicine becoming a thing of the past?

Why are doctors across America phasing out the practice of prescribing effective pain medication?

Will big pharmaceutical companies ever truly understand what it's like to face the other side of the coin?

Lately there's been a musty scent in the air surrounding the use of prescribed narcotic pain medication. Many doctors appear to be running scared as the DEA scours through fields of medical records, inspecting prescribing pads like a mouse scavenges for food in a dimly lit cellar.

Should the day come when doctors recommend Ibuprofen to a feeble man who's been involved in a terrible car accident (breaking several bones / requiring extensive surgery), is this doctor at risk of malpractice when there are more effective options available that they choose not to pick, out of fear? Fear of what? Doing the right thing? No, I don't think this is the reason... Somewhere along the line, in the not too distant past, doctors were loosely prescribing narcotic pain medication as if it would never go out of style. Nowadays, the harsh penalty of potentially losing their license for writing any unknown number of opiate prescriptions over so many calendar days or some other form of strict criteria, has been enough to prevent many physicians from taking even subtle "risks" with patients who are expressing obvious signs of pain and discomfort.

The unfortunately unique problem with pain is that it's not a physical object and in order for others to detect it, they'd have to rely solely on the backbone of our body language using their intuition - something that's gone missing in western practice. If more doctors took the time and really got to know their patients front to back, then they will be their own best judge of deciding what the right thing to do is, regardless of what the DEA thinks about their decision or what their drug representative wants out of the deal. Sadly, until patients are put before profits, the foundation of America's healthcare system remains in jeopardy like an iceberg affected by global warming.

While I believe that the vast majority of human beings in their right mind would choose to do the right thing, we must all work together to become the change we wish to see within every aspect of our lives; and knowing that by doing so, it will shine light on those crossing our path that need it most.

In the meantime, some patients may have to find another way to manage their pain without putting their life or health at risk. Others are turning to natural alternatives such as kratom, cannabis, turmeric and/or implementing various lifestyle changes into their daily regime... But the key is to never give up hope.

What will you do?

Warm regards to all who face life's challenges head on.

1547 Replies (78 Pages)

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Re: Roro (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

My girlfriend couldn’t live with the decreased limits so just oft herself. There will be more suicides due to pain. I promise.

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It is not big pharma, it is the federal govt cdc mandate stating that chronic pain meds are not to exceed 90mg of morphine or equivalent.... Hydrocodone is a 1-1 rating & oxycodone is a 1 1/2-1 rating. The max is 9 10/325 hydrocodone or 6-10/325 oxycodone per day without a patch. A 12mcg patch equals 4, 10mg hydrocodone thus lowering the max to 1-12 patches & 5 - 10/325 hydrocodone or 3 - 10/325 oxycodone.... Do a search on cdc opioid prescribing mandates....Kinda weird how the govt had no opioid "Epidemic" till control of nearly (if not all) afghan poppy fields where they said nearly all heroin came from... You would think heroin would start being hard to get (but it isn't). The govt officials get on the radio talking about opioid issues and how meds need to be reduced but in basically the same breath state that heroin gives the same effects as pain meds.... Is the govt supplying the heroin? If you have amazon prime video do a search for cia & drugs....North & clinton (gov) used mensa ark airport to bring cocaine into the states & north used his share to fund contras (per the show) is the same thing happening with heroin and is that why the govt is forcing cuts in pain meds so many move to black market to buy unsafe heroin? Also do a search on wild lettuce, a widely growing plant that has pain relieving properties.

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Reading many of these comments, I'll keep mine brief. I have the combination of spinal arthritis (have had this for years), and more recently, recurring severe headaches that could be best described as migraines.
Interestingly, perhaps, the one medication that was truly helpful was tramadol. I was even able to restrict my taking the tramadol to only on days when the pain (especially the back pain) was truly horrendous. There were days when even trying to get up out of bed and make it to work was nearly impossible, and the tramadol was remarkably effective. Let me make this point extremely clear... this was NEVER for "recreational" use. I have absolutely no interest, none, in any sort of recreational drug use of any kind. I'm not looking for recreational anything, nor do I want to be drawn into the crazy world of "illegal" drugs. I just want keep having access to the one medication that seemed to be working. Why is this so difficult to understand???

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Re: MacTurk (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

So Sorry your going threw the! I also have many problems that requires me to take pain meds. I think if you have followed all the rules and the Dr has proof of your pain problems they shouldn't be able to just take away!! Yes people have abuse these drugs but they can't take there situation and act like everyone is going to abuse the medications. There are instructions on every bottle. So if they follow the directions and over dose Why do the people in pain and doing what our contract says have to suffer because other's are most likely not taking it for pain or not following dosage instructions!!!

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Re: Lizzy (# 721) Expand Referenced Message

Omg, I am SO very sorry. You are correct in saying there will be more. There have already been many suicides because of compliant pain patients having their pain meds taken away so that their life became of such low quality and so unbearable that they couldn't bear the thought of living another day like that. And just how bad does that have to get before they stop hurting us?

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Re: char (# 723) Expand Referenced Message

Well said Char. I think everyone here understands your short but true statement.

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Re: Lizzy (# 721) Expand Referenced Message

I am so sorry to read this. I agree many will be unable to handle severe chronic pain and no quality of life. They will choose to end their own suffering. Who is responsible? I think it’s the withholding of meds that have kept many of us functioning for a decade or more.

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Re: zelliebean (# 719) Expand Referenced Message

I have considered and tried to follow your plan to get off the meds before they are taken away. I cannot live with the pain and depression that follows. I am hanging on praying for a change in our favor. I know that sounds like I am wearing rose colored glasses but I fear life without pain medications. My attempts to get off of them have been so awful that I cannot follow through. Good luck to you.

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Re: Diane (# 711) Expand Referenced Message

My words cannot express how sorry I am for what has happened to you and your husband. It’s not fair. It seems that they are looking for any reason NOT to give pain meds to people that have used them cautiously for years. I pray for both of you.

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There is hope due to the fact Canada was following suit right behind the United States. And because Canada was woken up by patients and doctors they reversed the laws they had recently changed limiting opiates due to the facts they were hurting Chronic Pain Patients. Canada saw the need that Pain Patients needed their meds!

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Re: Hop63 (# 727) Expand Referenced Message

If you think things are awful now if you are FORCED to wean off of these pain medications or worse yet just refused a refill after you have taken all of your medication you will need to go check yourself in and dry out or die. That is your choice but dying is only a choice for the weak. I know people that have been on street heroin for over 15 years and got clean because they were determined to. Please try and make a mature choice before the choice is forced on you.

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As chronic patients suffer daily, is there anyone on our side. We need medications that will let us at least have a somewhat normal life, but I don't want to have to deal with opiates to live & without all the side effects. There surely have to be some one out there with a P.H.d. that's smart enough to do this for us. I guarantee all the doctors out there are giving to their families that have a little ache here & there as well as for themselves. I'm telling anyone who will listen that we need help!!! I would've killed myself years ago but for the grace of God, I wouldn't be here, because He has brought me thus far & right now as I sit here hurting, I have a Powerful God who gets me through each step of the day. I will continue to pray for each one of you please don't give up, be strong & call out to God, because in the end, I won't have to worry about hurting. I pray this will bless you. God bless.

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Katbird (# 730) --

Thereare TWO stories circulating around the internet today about the “opioid epidemic”. One article is on the manufacturers trying to develop a pain reliever that has all the properties of an opioid but without any of the “addictive” side effects. Good luck on that. Some are already out there and, unfortunately, when you remove the qualities that create the “high”effect you also (IN MY OPINION and IN MY EXPERIENCE) remove the pain killing qualities of the pills. The second article is on the effectiveness of using marijuana in place of opioids. As expected, if the so-called “spokesperson” is pro pot they say it works fine. If you are not pro marijuana, like the black current medical attorney general, then he says that much more needs to be done to study the side effects of using marijuana. I guess if YOU say it works for you then that is fine but there is no medical proof that it actually is effective. Please don’t post back that there are “studies” that say it works. ALL of these so called “studies” start with an opinion and work backwards to get to a position that they support. There are NO independent studies that support pot use to ease pain. That is the two stories that are circulating out there today. The bottom line is it appears that MOST people being prescribed opioid medicine today will one day soon have to start taking other things. Get ready because this is the direction we are headed. And quickly.

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Re: w john (# 731) Expand Referenced Message

John i am sure you wont take this at face value ...... i worked construction for over 20 years if not for pot i would have missed at least 30% of the days i actually worked do to excessive pain from injury playing football in high school ...... when i left construction i drove big truck with regular (unconstitutional {breaks 4th & 5th amendment multiple times}) but i had no problem quiting and most of time all i had to do is inspect truck do paper work & drive but when i had to help unload i was down for at least 2 days so after a couple times they quit giving me those loads ..... so yes pot is effective pain deterant whether it relieves pain or makes you not care that you hurt the out come is the same you become productive

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Roro (# 732) --

As I stated in my earlier post if you say it works fo you fine but there are no INDEPENDENT studies that back up your statement. Btw, no Constitutional amendments are or have been violated.

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Re: W john (# 733) Expand Referenced Message

You are to be secure in you body forced to give body fluids or breath without warrent ...... shall not be compelled to be witness against yourself .... your stolen body fluids are used as evidence against you thus compelling you to be a witness against you self ...... and no searches or seizeires with out a warrent .... all this is done without a warrent ....... so yes amendments were infringed upon along with your rights

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Re: Roro (# 734) Expand Referenced Message

If you are such a bright attorney, why are you not practicing law? The things you mention has been argued all the way to the SCOTUS and were DEFEATED. You sound like one of those people who believe that you can drive anywhere in the United States without a driver’s license and excuse it by saying you are just “traveling”. These so-called sovereign citizens have been arrested over and over again because of just such a stupid argument. Get caught smoking marijuana in areas where it is not allowed and see what happens to you. Get caught smoking when you are drug tested at work and see how long you have a job if your employer has a policy of zero tolerance for ALL drugs—marijuana included. In the City of Venice, Fl. they will not hire anyone that smokes cigarettes—even if it is off your work time and off their property. You smoke cigarettes you will NOT be hired. Don’t post back and say this is illegal because they have been sued in Court previously and their rule has been upheld in a Court of law.

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Katbird (# 730) --

Awesome Katbird. All the drugs are going to the addicts NOT chronic pain patients. HELP is exactly what we need. Drs are to do no harm and they should care about their patients more than this. Where is the compassion? Where is the concern of others who are in pain 24/7?? I have bipolar and spinal stenosis, degenerative disc disease, 2 bulging discs, sciatica and the list goes on. I totally agree with you. God bless you and I pray that God would put some love and compassion in the hearts of healthcare providers. Because if things don't change then more suicides are on the rise. I mean who wants to live with pain for 24 hours a day with no way to stop the pain. After 28 yrs of dealing with all of this(even with proof MRI) and on disability..500.00 a month to live on. Can't say suicide hasn't crossed my mind a time or 2. If not for my faith and son I would've killed myself already but honestly I'm so tired of this fight. I will give up this fight if no changes happen. Bless all those who hurt.

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Re: Roro (# 734) Expand Referenced Message

Well, here they are taking away our rights to manage our pain, effectively using the word "epidemic."

Aren't they using the word 'epidemic' while referring to obesity in this country? What will they control next? How much food will be produced? Will there be limits as to how much each household can purchase for the week or month?

Are we awake yet, Americans?

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Re: W john (# 733) Expand Referenced Message

Here are prime examples of how the drug war policies violate the Constitution:

(1) Facts Behind How DEA Designated Marijuana as a Schedule 1 Drug: Long ago the federal government defined marijuana as a schedule 1 drug with no scientific accepted medical use. Apparently the feds intentionally ignored how marijuana is beneficial for people to treat serious ailments like arthritis, diabetes, glaucoma, Crohn's disease, and Parkinson’s disease and marijuana is also used to relieve joint pain as well as relieve nausea that cancer patients feel after undergoing chemotherapy. Further, marijuana has been used to treat depression and other mood disorders.

Plus we must not forget how the DEA and conservative lawmakers have tried to block legislation for states to pass medical marijuana laws. Thousands of chronically ill patients have suffered unnecessarily due to this opposition. In states where medical marijuana is legal the DEA along with city and county law enforcement officers continue to raid marijuana businesses, and arrest patients and legal marijuana growers.

Warning: Anyone living in a state without medical marijuana laws can be arrested for purchasing it to treat a medical condition. Under federal law marijuana is illegal even if a particular state legalizes it for medical or recreational purposes.

(2) Millions of Americans are Drug-Tested Each Year: Remember the job you applied for where the hiring requirements included submitting to a drug test? Well approximately 84 percent of U.S employers drug-test current employees including anyone considered for hiring.

So here's the kicker: what if a potential employee confides to a prospective employer that he takes prescribed legal opiates like oxycodone for pain, or a legal amphetamine like Adderall for ADHD, or even medical marijuana? The potential employee has just set himself up for rejection; even though he takes legally prescribed medication, this testing mandate actually gives employers unlimited power to discriminate against millions of workers based on private health decisions.

(3) Drug Testing at High Schools: The U.S. Supreme Court upheld a Vernonia, Oregon public school policy to randomly drug-test students and athletes if school faculty merely suspect a student may be using drugs. A 6-3 majority opinion held that the Fourth Amendment only protects against "unreasonable search and seizures, but when ‘special needs’ outside of ordinary law enforcement makes obtaining a warrant impractical, the school can test students for drugs."

In a dissenting opinion, Justice 'O Connor said the policy “was too broad and too imprecise to be const(4) Violation of Free Speech Under the First Amendment: Senators Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) and Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif) co-authored the Methamphetamine Anti-Proliferation Act, a law designed to prohibit certain speech advocating drug use or production. This law further prohibited websites or blogs that sold drug paraphernalia or pages linked to similar sites, which violates the First Amendment that in part, says: "Congress shall make no law prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press!”

(5) Unemployed Workers Receiving Benefits: Have you ever been fired or laid off from your job because your employer suspected drug use and you desperately needed unemployment benefits to help make ends meet? Well hopefully you don't live in one of the 20 states which will deny unemployment benefits if an employee either admitted or was suspected of drug use.

To add injury to insult, conservatives are in the process of passing legislation to drug-test innocent people seeking unemployment benefits. Lest we forget, just recently, states like Georgia and Florida unsuccessfully tried to pass laws to deny welfare assistance to the poor applying for food stamps. Constitutional under the Fourth Amendment.”

(6) Pharmacies: Pharmacies across the nation like CVS, Walgreens, and others, previously sold non-prescribed over-the-counter cold medicine like Theraflu and Sudafed. Both products contain pseudoephedrine. Claiming these cold medicines were used to cook up dangerous drugs the government passed the Combat Methamphetamine Epidemic Act of 2005, a law added into the Patriot Act. Now the medication is only available from a pharmacy and the purchaser must provide identification so that the pharmacist can enter the person's name, address, and product description into a specialized database. Purchasers of cold medicine now have their purchasing activities tracked.

(7) DEA Registration Number: Every dentist, physician, pharmacist and nurse practitioner has a DEA number that allows the DEA to monitor written prescriptions for controlled substances. Controlled substance prescriptions are sent to a DEA database. If doctors or pharmacists overprescribe medications they can expect a visit from law enforcement.

(8) Doctors Refusing to Prescribe Large Quantities: News media sources have reported how some doctors refuse to make multiple refills of pain medication due to fear they may be targeted by the DEA. Many doctors now limit the amount of prescribed pain pills to patients—no matter how bad they are suffering. Patients who need medication like oxycodone just to function properly are being denied refills to treat excruciating pain.

As if denial of refills is not enough to disturb you, this should sicken you: some chronic patients had to submit to drug-panels to show they have actually used their prescribed medication and haven't sold the pills to street dealers. If they are clean, they come under suspicion.

(9) Fedex and UPS: Our government has forced UPS (United Parcel Service) and Fedex to spy on customers' packages. Within the last 3-5 years the DEA investigated the companies for shipping alleged illegal drugs for web-based pharmacies. When the heat came down, a Fedex spokesman said, "At the heart of the investigation are sealed packages being sent by licensed pharmacies…These are medicines with legal prescriptions written by licensed physicians. So it's difficult for us to understand why we have some role in this. We deliver close to 10 million packages every day and we have no way of knowing specifically what's inside, and we have no interest in violating the privacy rights of our customers."

But ask yourself: How can we trust Fedex to protect customers’ privacy rights when both Fedex and UPS permit DEA and U.S. Custom Officials to access their national and international databases. Fedex also created a system to send reports of suspicious activity to Homeland Security using a discreet computer link.

Seized properties and other assets are cash cows for the Feds. For example, according to, between 1989 and 2010, an estimated $12.6 billion dollars was seized by U.S. Attorneys in Asset Forfeiture cases. Meanwhile, the U.S. Treasury Department maintained a similar fund that held more than $400 million in assets in 2008.

Drug war policy is the worst assault ever upon the Constitution. The tragic irony is that one success the drug war can claim is curtailing the liberty and privacy of the American people.

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