Best Generic Adderall Brands (Page 7) (Top voted first)


Is the round pink 30 mg Adderall generic name Sandoz/Eon with the markings of CDR 136 on one side more or less effective than the oval orange 30 mg Adderall generic name Barr/Teva with the markings of b974 on one side and 30 on the other side? What is the most effective/potent Adderall that is generic and 30 mg?

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I just refilled on 05/12/2017 with pink cor pharma 30mg, & on 06/11/2017 pickup again. I will see if they're pink, better be or there's gunna be an issue... I refuse teva brand, they can shove those footballs right where the sun don't shine an ill call them and tell them that (again). Total garbage that should be instantly boycotted.

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Update: So, I found the "COR 136" now sold under Impax, as I guess they now own Corepharm. If you try to go to the Corepharm website, it gives you a message and re-directs you to Impax. I found them at K-mart, but the psycho pharmacist wouldn't let me use my Rx Savings card AND dragged it out Thursday-Monday for me to get my script because of some bs with checking with my doctor because it was never filled there before. Then, as it is now in process of an appeal for a pre-authorization, she and her associates said they were waiting for the pre-authorization to go through (yeah right it's been MONTHS and I have been able to pay cash in the meantime with no problems at Osco). I was finally able to pick up the script but the price was OUTRAGEOUS! $160 for 90 Adderal IR 30's. I think I will just stick to Aurobindo AND I will be calling corporate on the kmart ignorant power hungry pharmacist! I already filed a complaint online with my state.

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Unfortunately if you ask for the Brand Adderall XR by Shire you will get exactly what is in the capsule from Prasco and Sandoz. These 2 companies now have agreements with Shire to distribute Shire's AG (Authorized Generic) Adderall XR. AG's are exactly the same but they are private labeled in a different capsule. If you look at Sandoz Adderall XR box its made at Shire's facility in Mass. The issue may be that Shire changed the formula from the original. If that's the case,Shire Brand, Sandoz and Prasco will all be the same new formula. BTW, I'm on the Sandoz Adderall XR 30 mg. I started it this week. They are MUCH different than the tweaky Corepharma IR/Teva. Perhaps because they have a gradual onset and not a "jolt" like the Core you think they are not working. I like them mostly due to lack of side effects and improvement in my anxiety. I have script for Xanax XR 1 mg a day and now only need 1/2. I can say though I am tempted to take more than prescribed because they are so "uneventful" with side effects...bottom line is my attention is good and I'm working like a dog..

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What do you think of Barr 30IR 30MG TABS OVAL ORANGE WITH b974 stamped on it? If you have taken them..For me there fine. Does not make me feel racy at all. Slight euphoria in the morning. But overall a smooth ride. I take 30mg in the morning then 15mgs in the afternoon. 45mg per day for the last 3 years. I break a 30mg tablet in half and that's how i get my 15mgs in the morning..

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Sandoz still continues to be the best generic for me, while Teva has become the worst. Corepharma used to make an acceptable generic, but they seem to be no longer manufacturing amphetamine salts.

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I tried Corepharma generic Adderall IR back in 2013. and I found it be --very-- weak.
That same year they received a FDA warning letter for poor quality control.

Some now say it is better

I have stayed with Teva generic Adderall IR. It is not as potent as it was, but it is more potent than the alternatives

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I just started taking Aurobodino and they are terrible! That is why I'm on the internet right now desperate to find some answers because I cant take this anymore!! A year ago in April I had a terrible experience with Mylan and was given a new prescription so I went back to Corepharma. I don't like Corepharma but they work best compared to Mylan and Auro, but I'm hearing mixed things - is Corepharma gone now? I'm really scared to keep trying these new manufacturers! They've been my go-to, so now what??

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Teva has progressively become weaker, now to the point of almost being a sugar pill to me

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I found the cor 136 to be the most effective but they are no longer being produced/manufactured, all the others seem to be substandard. Generics should have to be made exactly like the name brand!!
I would love for core pharma to start making them again, exactly like they did previously. I vote we start a petition!!

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Re: Jglow (# 532) Expand Referenced Message

I agree! The issue is ot the manufacturer of the best generic Adderall XR but the FDA not enforcing their guidelines and allowing these pharmacetutical companies to include the minimum amount required for the amphetamine/dextroamphetamine in the capsule and completing their formula with additives being nothing but garbage.. So, all we are paying for is garbage and still falling asleep. I spilled a full cup of coffee on my PC this am when I feel asleep after taking Shire Adderall XR 30 mg. So who and what is going to help me and the millions other people complaining and searching and researching like me. WAKE UP FDA and enforce your laws with these pharmaceutical companies about their formulas and their lack of effect and driving us broke, being lied to, becomming irate. Do something and listen to all these legitimate complaints for HELP!!!!!!!

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Re: Rebecca (# 568) Expand Referenced Message

How did it work for you? I just got a 20mg Teva right outside Pittsburgh and I feel like it has done absolutely nothing... The funny thing is that I am used to getting Teva however feel like last month's batch was MUCH better than the one I just got. Thoughts anyone?!

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I know sandoz and they are not pink. I only get the sandoz 30mg IR (instant release) tablets and the back says 404. That's very interesting you should mention sandoz/eon labs with a completely different tablet. Are you sure that is 100% accurate? I know in the past one pharmacy gave me pink ones and the bottle said that Teva was the manufacturer. I thought they were awful. Whichever binders and fillers they use caused really bad headaches. I learned to look before I leap when picking up a script and leaving assuming I have the correct medication.

This list is only my opinion of what I think the rankings of each generic mfr are for me:

1. Sandoz - most potent works and least side effects
2. The oval football shaped ones made by Barr
3. Actavis
4. Teva and
5. Mallinckrodt (ew ew ew so fake and dissolves like aspirin)

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The Orange Oval.
Pink Round is horrible. Also, there are yellow round ones that seem to be just as good as the oval orange ones.
I'm speaking about the 30 mg.

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Mylan sucks and I shouldn't have made a glowing post endorsing them, as if they were how they used to be.

They're definitely way different than the other generics--all have different effects--and there's definitely a kind of clarity on Mylan. But there's also really bad depression and anxiety and it's like one 30mg Mylan IR is equivalent to one 15mg Teva IR...and that's back when it worked and didn't put me to sleep.

This is all so absurd, everything, ha. For years I had nothing like this happen, but the last year it is so clear that this is not being properly regulated (what a surprise) like they're made in India, we can barely keep track of s*** in our own country, how the hell we gonna check these little pink pills in India. As long as the money is going into their pockets...ugh.

So sick of complaining. I need the good Adderall so I can focus and launch an independent investigation, haha.

But anyway, good luck with Mylan. Who knows, everything affects everyone differently, but clearly the formulations are so unpredictable batch to batch that even within the same manufacturer it could be wildly different results. Even the pills in your one bottle. I've felt that before, that it was a total crapshoot which ones worked and which didn't even though they're all so beautifully round and pink.

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Re: Erica (# 616) Expand Referenced Message

Smooth but the therapeutic effects wear off after 2 hours. There is no "good" adderall anymore.

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Re: MauMaMa (# 628) Expand Referenced Message

Having the same issue this month with Teva!!! SOOO many things I “want” to do, but feel completely immobile, like entranced at times. I am SOOOO FREAKING SICK OF THIS “Lab Rat” BULLS***. WE JUST WANT TO FUNCTION!!!

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Re: Kelly (# 642) Expand Referenced Message

After Sandoz, Teva, Aurobindo, and Mallinckrodt, I finally settled on Mylan. It's the only one that has worked for me consistently.

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Addy (# 621) --

I have been taking 5mg dextrostat for over 25+ years. They where made by SK beechham. Recently they have stopped making 5mg and now only have 10mg. Desxtrostat has a similar effect to adderall instant release with two exceptions; the dextrostats are much smoother and where off in about 3 hours and there is no `kick' to the stats. They are hardly noticable.

I am 42 years old, 5'7" and 165lbs. I still have decent set of hair on my head. Dextrostats/adderall/lys-dex are _not_ like desoxyn! That stuff is for the air force pilots :)

An important thing to remeber is that amphetamine does not act like a direct agonist, it's more like a reuptake drug. If you take the amphetamine while tired you will still feel tired and act very clumsily. No different than drinking coffee while tired. Nothing can replace sleep but sleep.

The best time to take amphetamine is when you are well rested and with a belly full of food otherwise you're just wasting your water...

Also try not too take them when bored, they can make you a bit squirrelly if you aren't active enough.

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Re: steve (# 650) Expand Referenced Message

Taking Adderall for chronic fatigue and fibryomyalgia DOES seem counter productive, but it's the one thing that saved me from those, along with Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Not meaning the addy cured me, just enabled me to keep working and be functional in all areas of my life! If I had not met the brilliant physical medicine doctor, who happened to be aware of the small study confirming cfs/fibro treatment using Adderall, I really don't know where I would be today. Granted, this study was done when Adderall was actually good and there were far fewer side effects. (Not the crap they try to pawn off as Adderall today). But there have been many more studies proving the therapeutic value of add medications for cfs/fibro. I had muscle pain, joint pain, weight loss and unbelievable fatigue (mental and physical), fluctuating body temperature that mostly remained low and extremely low blood pressure. All these followed an illness that went untreated despite many trips to the doctor and even hospital. Finally, when I was diagnosed, the illness had taken hold of my body and immune system. I had a low white blood cell count, no appetite, pain, and many more side effects from the illness. When I started the Adderall (with much trepidation), it was like a lightbulb switched on. I was able to move more, my muscles felt warm and the pain dissipated. I actually became hungry and had an appetite, my blood pressure normalized, and my wbc count returned to normal. Yes, this was from taking the Adderall! That's one of the frustrating parts of the vast difference in the generic meds, it also vastly effects the therapeutic value for whatever it treats in me. It's like the illness whacked out something in my brain, but Adderall stabilizes it. Oddly, I read about research that claims many children with add/adhd go on to develop cfs/fibro as adults. Crazy, huh?

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Steve (# 599) --

I do not like Teva. It does not work well for me. I like the Pink round ones from Sandoz. Stronger, more focused. Anyone know who carries it near Charlotte NC?

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