Best Generic Adderall Brands (Page 6) (Top voted first)


Is the round pink 30 mg Adderall generic name Sandoz/Eon with the markings of CDR 136 on one side more or less effective than the oval orange 30 mg Adderall generic name Barr/Teva with the markings of b974 on one side and 30 on the other side? What is the most effective/potent Adderall that is generic and 30 mg?

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Thank you soooo much for this. I'd like to print out your post but I can't figure out how to do it! The reason is: so that I may begin the process of preauthorization for the real medication (1) after my next meds appt for script (my psychopharm agrees 100%) w/ script "no substitutions" checked (2) Go to Insurance co to ask about pre-authorization (3) before I take it to the pharmacy. I am in complete agreement with you: I started with "real" Adderall in 2009 w/tremendous success. In 2011 or so I had to drop to generic and have not had much success, not even increasing dosages have helped (I don't need more, I need authentic). All of my doctors state that the generics do not hold up to the original product, Adderall (T/M) but thanks to big money insurance comapnies, we are forced to take a compromised medication. Oddly, one pharmacy stated "the generics must be the same combination of medications, it's the law". Right, but fillers can take up 90% of the capsules.

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Let me say that first off I've been seeing my Psychiatrist for almost 20 years and he has been prescribing me the 30mg Adderal and the only generic one that works is the Sandoz brand which is round and orange! All of the other ones are horrible and do NOT work!!

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Also, I forgot to mention, I read a comment suggesting you do a test trial for a week...I don't think that's possible, at least not through the pharmacies, they always tell me, once its filled, I'm stuck with it... Unless your doctor can help you with that, then there's also insurances to deal with, my insurance ALWAYS needs a PA (Pre-Approval) before they'll pay for my Adderall prescriptions...But every person's situation is different but good Luck!!

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barr teva adderall causes me water retention. i have no idea why so if your gaining weight on them thats the answer! teva barr is made in the US so that should answer your question on quality! To me there just sugar pills and make you feel good but its real short lived! Core pharma is strong but leaves you with tons of side effects and you just stop feeling it working! Its a rush of energy then boom its gone! Core is a pink pill and made in the US. Sandoz is made in europe they have higher standards there so your getting more active ingredient. It will give you a headache if one your tolerance is low and you take a huge dosage or your not hydrated enough with water and electrolytes and last reason is if you don't replenish your dopamine levels in your brain! once you use adderall your brain will never and i repeat never restore your dopamine levels back to normal like it once did you need to increase your protein by a lot it doesn't matter what brand your on! The best adderall is sandoz they just struck a deal with shire and will be producing adderall xr generic in 2016-2017! people think its a binder in the adderall that makes the difference. its not once you use sandoz adderall for a month and go back to bar or corepharma you will be regretting it big time. they are in two different leagues!

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CVS generic Adderall 10 xr made by Actavis is garbage.. I never thought I could feel so awful. Do not refill with Actavis I am home falling asleep all over the place.. went from being in complete control from Adderall brand to Absolutely no control even of my sleep :-/ I am near narcoleptic now.. i am going to have to wait 20 days..without it to get fill, but i rather do that then put this poison in my body.... wasted $175 and 2 days at home miserable and unable to function.. CVS says theres nothing they can do about it.. :-/ now I know the difference I must warn you!! fellow ADDers I never anyone to feel like i have felt in the last 2 days.. :'( I am even afraid to drive I don't feel safe at all..because I get this groggy spurts out of nowhere.. and body gets really heavy.... have fallen asleep couple of time on my desk... its just awful :-/

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In addition to my first post, I might have gotten the brands mixed. But orange oval\ football and pink round work may have gotten brands switched. Actvias horrible

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The problem with that is I just seen a post where a girl had sandloc and hated it, she said the corp worked much better for her, so my point is you can't truly say there is no comparison this ones better, because everybody is differant.

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Only word of advice is to stay far far away from Aurobindo pharma. Whatever they think their putting out there is Adderall, it is actually TOXIC! I've not read but 1 or 2 posts where someone commented that they had no side effects or issues when taking Aurobindo Adderall. Everyone else under the sun has had terrible experiences with this particular manufacturer. I would never advise anyone to take any drug if it's made by Aurobindo.

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Yes that is very true. The orange is not very effective. Pink works better with my system.

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I personally prefer Teva Barr for 30mg tablet IR. Now for some reason, however, my insurance will not cover generic Adderall extended release BUT they cover the brand name which is Shire...the pharmacist said it would be like $100 for generic XR and $10 for Shire XR. Anyway, whatever you do stay away from Aurobindo pharma!! I've never had such bad side effects (mentally and physically) in my life...i thought i was going to die!

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I agree. It's been more and more difficult "here" (north of DFW in TX) finding a pharmacy that stocks Sandoz or will special order. All of the chain pharmacies around here (including grocery stores, etc.) stopped doing special orders over a year ago and all have centralized their purchasing to focus on the cheapest for them including Core, Mallinckrodt and now, Mylan. I've had to use Teva at Walgreens as a very distant 2nd until I "discovered" (forgot it was there) a local, "family" pharmacy under my nose, only a few miles away. They had my Sandoz 30mg IR in stock and promised to keep it that way. Yay "Community Pharmacy" (real name) on Justin Rd. in Lewisville, TX. A small independent pharmacy (if you can find one!) may be your best bet. It was so wonderful to feel the brain sludge lift, feel clear and focused and motivated again. Your mileage may vary.

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I agree. Actavis is complete trash. I had the worst reaction, all my ADD symptoms and chronic fatigue was greatly increased to the point where I was unable to move out of bed. I sent a complaint to the manufacturer.

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Adderall - so much confusion

where does one find generic IR adderall in Salt Lake by Sandoz labs? most pharmacies rely upon suppliers or distributors other than going direct. its the effect of globalization--not so good for generic adderall usage.

there are distinct and distinguishable differences in generics. first, the FDA allows knock off generics to vary their primary ingredient by as much as 20%! on a milli-molar scale, that's HUGE! second, binders and fillers can be and ARE different from manufacturer to manufacturer. one company may have 11 ingredients as binders and fillers--a competing company 17.

those who bemoan generic users as complaining about psychosomatic illusions--are illiterate and ignorant. its like a russian roulette cocktail out there with little accountability.

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Pink tabs are literally placebo in my experience. Ive been on orange tablets sandoze for a few yrs but teva pink n orange suck in my opinion

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I take 30mg IR twice daily. I have tried generic Adderall from Actavis, Teva/Barr, Aurobindo, Sandoz and this month Corepharma/Impax.

Purposely, I changed every month, so I would know for myself and not have to rely on the opinions of others as my generic Adderall guidance. It worked very well for me. Actavis, Corepharma, Sandoz, Aurobindo, then Teva/Barr were top to bottom for me. All for different reasons, but this thought is extremely important to take with you as change from month to month.

Do not give up on a particular manufacturer's Adderall if it does not give you your desired effect. Why? I learned through trial & error and dosage tweaking ( as little as 2.5mg lower with Core and a full 10 mg more with Sandoz to achieve my desired Adderall effect.

Another tip: Make some calls, stop by some pharmacies and find out which generic they currently have on hand. YOU are in charge of this transaction. You are NOT at the mercy of whatever the pharmacist hands you in the bag.
There are certain ways to ask this question and in person is always better than over the phone. Don't come across as demanding or argumentative when that pharmacist tells you "look...they're all the same" or "they all have the same active ingredient." I won't bore you with talk of "bioavailability", but that claim, in my experience, is absolutely false.

Look in your bag and count the pills before you leave the store. Mistakes are made more often than you would think.

Conclusion: try as many different generic Adderalls as you possibly can.
Pay attention to your dosage and don't be afraid to up it or down it a few mgs. Even if it's different than the prescribed dose by your doctor.

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I too use CVS to fill my scrips, when they first switched to Mylan I noticed right away it wasn't working right. They won't order a special brand for me, so I was stuck using the Mylan version for a few months until one month when I picked up my script and brought it home and the pills were bright pink. I had previously read bad things about the corepharma brand so I was a little apprehensive about trying them but I can tell you now that it is far superior to the Mylan version. I actually seek out the corepharma version now when I'm trying to fill my script, it's very annoying driving around to so many CVSs just to find out if they have adderall in stock and what manufacturer they are carrying if they do but it's worth it. If you have the option I'd recommend trying the corepharma version.

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Wow! I can't believe what i just's as if i wrote it myself! No one i know understands this freakin' feeling that i can't shake and always say "Just work out and eat better" bulls***. I just started vyvanse a couple months ago and my insurance ended so i had to switch to Adderall. First RX was corepharma i definitely kept me up and aware as long as i took them accordingly. But now i just refilled somewhere else and got another brand...don't have the bottle on me to see, but they're the same shape just different's like a pale pink/orange. And they are not doing ANYTHING! So I guess i have to switch. But i just loved your story! Someone i can RELATE to!! I'm falling asleep as i type this.....

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I've taken every brand out there, over the last 17 yrs. The inactive ingredients need to be available, to us, so we can see what we are taking!! Finally, the pink, round pills from Core Pharmaceutical was the best that I've taken. For two years, Rite Aid had this. Now, last month they switched to some bigger round peach pill by another company. Pharmacist says within 20 miles around here, they probably don't have any Rite Aid that carries it now. I have narcolepsy & can't stay awake, to call every Pharmacy around town & around Seattle, to get the right brand. Prices are ridiculously inflated as well. A barcode changed on the meds & nothing else... But the company jacked the cost from $6.00 for a bottle of 30 mg IR, 90 tablets to $500!!!! This was at a non profit pharmacy within my doctor's office. I'm falling asleep right now. 60mg should last longer than 7 am to 9:30 am! Then my second dose of 30mg at 1pm doesn't do the job, bc I'm so tired from the morning pills not working. The Adderall manufacturers are yanking our chains.

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I think 100% positive, that a pharmacy will NEVER take back a Class 2 medication once it has left their hands & you walk away from the register with it. That's why I've been stuck with crappy versions of Adderall many times over the years & just had to stick it out for the month, until I found another pharmacy with a better brand.

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Melody, you have been prescribed Adderall for as almost as long as me. Many times I think; "How the heck did I function before this?". But honestly, when I do think back to my pre-adderall days, I clearly remember not having to struggle like I do now ON adderall.
However, I do know what the problem is TODAY vs 18 years ago; The ONLY generic available was Barr, which was one in the same as Shire. It was the exact formula, the exact original. Today, 2017, we are dealing with greed from the pharmaceutical companies, and we are just not being protected. I don't know what the answer is for me and the rest of my life. I seems like I'm in a hamster wheel, a catch 22, can't live with- but I can't live without them.

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