Best Generic Adderall Brands (Page 5) (Top voted first)


Is the round pink 30 mg Adderall generic name Sandoz/Eon with the markings of CDR 136 on one side more or less effective than the oval orange 30 mg Adderall generic name Barr/Teva with the markings of b974 on one side and 30 on the other side? What is the most effective/potent Adderall that is generic and 30 mg?

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FYI: I'm an old fart (60) single dad with ADHD inattentive and two "older" kids (16 and 21), both with ADHD and comorbids (other side issues) as well. I've been dealing with all aspects of this for myself and them for a long time; both when I was employed w/good insurance and the last few years, unemployed with basically worthless high deductible insurance (no adult Medicaid in TX). I'm still learning after all these years and things do differ for individuals, but here's my (overly long) 2 cents.

Rant: It's an absurd "system" we have to deal with and it will only get worse (how much will depend largely where you live, your state). Not getting the ACA (or any of the previous attempts back to Prez Truman's time) "right" will make it much worse for all health issues, not just ours in the coming years. There will "never" be a "good' national system, strong state's rights, general distrust, plus individual and special interests will always defeat it (I'd love to be wrong on this but....). The insurance companies basically control our ability to get the help we need and since none of them are non-profit's now and all are publicly traded, the only thing that matters is the next quarterly report. That is their fiduciary duty and our burden (unless you're a stockholder).

The big pharma companies of course are structured the same way but they aren't the ones that determine the price tiers (though they'll push the prices as much as possible). For "us" it's most likely that the "brand" would be the "best" for the vast majority. But the vast majority have no access due to cost so we're stuck with generics and a lack of regulations (or more importantly, enforcement) that would keep the formulation consistent in production. Locally, we're at the mercy of pharmacy chains that for the most part are also focused completely on lowest cost since ordering/purchasing is now largely centralized. Most local chain pharmacists have no choice (many are also pretty ignorant on our needs which isn't surprising with the thousands of different meds they deal with). The change that really limits "best" choice for an individual is the disappearance of many/most chain pharmacy locations ability to "special order". That is costly in a centralized system so if you still have it, use it. Here (north of Dallas), no CVS, Walgreens, Walmart, Kroger, Albertsons, Tom Thumb/Safeway, etc. can special order like they used to. Maybe it's different in your locale but if so, don't expect it to last.

Current situation: I found salvation at an independent, single location, "mom and pop" pharmacy a few months back that somehow I'd missed in my searching. Actually I assumed for a long time that they'd be just like the others. Boy was I wrong. They're the only ones within 10-15 miles (that I'm aware of) that will keep Sandoz (IR 30mg twice a day) in stock for me. I tried some other independents with no luck. Many are so hard-pressed to keep themselves in business competing with the chains, they "have to go with the cheapest (Mylan, Core Pharma, etc.).

As many have mentioned, something has changed with the generic TEVA (Walgreens main/only generic) and not for the better. I used to count on them as a workable backup to Sandoz but my last experience about 6 mos ago was not good (before discovering "Nirvana"). Each refill was "worse" over a 3 month period. Core Pharma (round pink) must have changed for the better in the last year or so. They used to be useless or worse (zombieland) but I haven't used them or Auro, etc. in over a year. I tried a number of them after my local Safeway/Tom Thumb stopped carrying Sandoz and lost the ability to special order. None of the chain pharms in my area carry Sandoz or will/can special order. You need to ask both questions (call or best is to go during "slow" time, many Pharm Techs won't know which generic IR is stocked and what the special order policy is and many Pharmacists can't take the time, especially with a call, during rush hours. If you find a good place, give them all your business and refer them to others. It makes a difference.

The strange part with TEVA is they're actually the owners/producers of the Adderall brand (got it when they bought Barr years back. If you go back further in the postings, someone gave some good history, etc. on all that. You would think they'd produce the "best" generic but I think it's "pharmed" out while they just produce the Brand time-release (gold standard which I've never been able to try). For me and my family, Sandoz has consistently worked best for a generic and though I don't have current data, they were always the "cleanest" as far as fillers. Of course I can't find any of my comparative data that I collected when needed.

With Mylan, remember they're the monsters (IMHO) producing the Epi-Pen with the higher and higher costs and so much more. There's very good material out there on their marketing and state/national lobbying wins. They now see the generic Adderall (and other meds) as ones they can exploit. They appear to be low-balling the pharmas out of India (Core and 2 or 3 others) who were the low-cost leaders, to gain market share, e.g. a systemwide deal with CVS. Their only interest is self-interest and that's what we, as a society allow them to do. From a purely business point-of-view, it makes sense, the amount CVS charges you for 30, 30mg IR generics will be basically the same (set by insurance), no matter the brand, so if they're looking at stocking Sandoz vs Mylan or Core or....that costs them 20, 30, 40, 50% or whatever % less, what decision is going to get the chain buyer a bonus and promotion? For the buyer, the buyer's boss and her boss, there is no decision. If you're against what Mylan has done and will continue to do (Congress will do nothing), vote with your feet and don't buy it (even if it worked) and pull any other prescriptions out of CVS and let them know it's in protest of Mylan's way of doing business.

If you're lucky to be in a fairly urban/suburban area with a good number of pharmacies, do like others have said and go shopping, just don't forget to be nice and help them help you. Also, don't forget to vote, especially in local elections :-).

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Omg definitely not happy with the Kroger switch. Even tho my script said no substitute allowed this time I received the new round light orange 30mg ir (I didn't know they were another generic). I was excited to try a new kind finally but after 2 days and upping the dose, they are a total placebo! My dose is high due to tolerance and these are total bs. I've had them 2 days and I've slept walked all my day away both days with BABIES. I didn't even know I could fall asleep around screaming kids, like wtf!!!! I've been on this stuff on and off for nearly 20 years and when I finally request name brand I received this BS with NO info!!! I have to know if I can take this s*** back? This isn't going to workout!

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Just filled my monthly Corepharma 30 mg and after 5 day break, great results. Increased concentration, focus, mood enhancement, no side effects. This is my 4 refill of Corepharma after "trying" the Teva 30 mg which I found to be slightly more potent than a sugar pill...strange how these generics are all over the place.

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I have taken generic Adderall for approximately 10 years. The list below consist of all the generic brands I have tried


I have found that although it has weakened in potency and efficacy within the last three years, Teva ( The Orange football style pill) is still more potent and efficacious. This simply represents my opinion

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Re: RN bound Nancy9704 (# 533) Expand Referenced Message

Hi. Sandoz and Core are gone in Adderall IR...

Options now:
1. Teva Generic Oval - Very poor quality of late.
2. Mylan - only had a few but generally poor review. Need more input on this one.
3. Aurobindo- Well, just read the reviews. Some believe they are essentially fake. A few here like them. I tried them and they were tolerable for a few days. Never again though.
4. Adderall Brand by Teva- This is the oval peach pill with dp on them. Not original formula but I take them as they are a bit better than the generics. Very expensive. Worth It? Not sure.

Regarding XR version, I take the Shire. It's original Brand but they have jacked with formulation. Shire has deal with Sandoz and Prasco. They are exactly the same. Called Authorized Generic. They WILL NOT HAVE THE ADDERALL XR on the pill. They are OK. Seem speedy but focus is suspect. Do not buy Adderall XR or you will pay an exhorbarnt price when Sandoz and Prasco are same.

Heard ok things about Impax new XR. Heard horror stories of Teva new XR (they use to supply the Shire but make their own).

It's a crap shoot! Good luck.

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Re: Dawn (# 566) Expand Referenced Message

Corepharma was bought by an investor group that included an original/past Aurobindo executive and one of the original Corepharma principals. Epic Pharma was not involved.

Press release said that they hope to have the Corepharma facility up and running by end of March. They mention past products re-started but do not specifically indicate Adderall generic but clearly the "pink" Adderall generic will be on product list for sure...

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Re: Kirk (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

I absolutely feel it’s like I would give half my life to NOT feel tired & worthless all the time. I hope you find a way to fight your monster.

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I'm about to ask my doctor if I can switch from Adderall to Desoxyn... has anyone had any experience with this? While Adderall is amphetamine salts, Desoxyn is Methamphetamine which is a bit stronger so I'm curious to see what he says. I'll be seeing him tomorrow. I'll let you guys know about my experience

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the pink 30 mg ones used to be horrible in 2005-2006 but I have been getting them recently and they aren't bad. The only ones I dread are the Mallinckrodt based on what I hear about them. Their ritalin is horrible and the only dexedrine I can take are the 10 mg pills. The 5 mg Mallinckrodt Dexedrine tablets are horrible. I like the Barr ones and the Eon or whatever they are. I haven't tried the new Brand at all but I take 30 mg 3 times a day and find the 3 main generics I receive aren't bad at all. I had that feeling of dread when I recently got the pink ones but they are different looking these days. Darker and smaller.

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cvs has the orange ovals which actually work!

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Hi Kirk!
I just finished reading your post about Adderall.
How are you feeling? Have you tried brand Sandoz>
Im back on teva and have no energy at all. Im feeling tired all the time.
I would like to know how you are doing.
Im sorry Im from Brazil , my English is not good.

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I have found that sandoz is the best generic for me in the IR 20 mg.
what has anyone experienced ion Vyvanse?

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I use to take the pink aderall pill but was told by a different doctor that the orange generic pill by Barr/Teva works better. I tried and he was 100% right. Now the problem is that they are not making enough to get a prescription filled when I need them for myself and my son

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Please help!!! Experiencing hair thinning!!! I've been talking adderall for 6 months, the first 4 months the only side effect I experienced was weight loss, I've lost 10lbs.. I have healthy eating habits, veggie, fruit protein shakes everyday along with 3 meals a day.. The past 2 months I've been taking the round 30mg tablets that's when I noticed my hair shedding, within 1 week I've experienced massive hair thinning.. I'm hoping this is only because I went from taking the oval 30mg. Has anyone experienced this? If so what generic were/are taking? My dr can't get me in for 4 days!!! I'm freaking out. Im not taking my meds till I get some answers... Are generics all created equal? I'm thinking not!! Please help!!!

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Emily Demi: I'm guessing that efficacy depends on malady, as there are so many different responses. In my case, I experience fairly profound fatigue from MS, and have found the Sandoz generic to be the best. My adult son who has ADD agrees.
Sid:there are at least 3 round up pills so provide a better description or better yet, lok at the label for the manufacturer. If it's not there, make the pharmacy put it there so you know. I wish everybody on the forum would refer to their meds by the drug co. so readers could be sure.
What's shame: I used to take the real thing. I have to say that for me, Sandoz came closest. It must be an individual physiological thing, although on this forum, Cora is widely hated. That includes me.

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IvI've got the opposite problem my Sandoz that I started last month dodon't work as well as the Teva/Barr...

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I have been taking 45mg of Adderall a day for a while now. I get 45 of the 30mg per month, and take 1.5 a day (I hope I haven't lost my fellow ADHDers yet!!) Anyways, my script was working great until one month my CVS started only caring the round pink ones and they did nothing. I was crying because I felt so helpless. If I wanted them to order me another generic, I had to wait until the day my script could even be filled, and then it would take anywhere from 2-5 days for the new kind. If you are like me, I can't function at work for a few days with no medication.

After talking to my doc, she recommended filling my script at Costco (you don't have to be a member to use their pharmacy) and it had been life changing. No more judgemental pharmacists, and they always have the good orange oval ones, or the round orange Sandoz. Never the pink crappy ones.

Go to Costco people I'm telling you it will be the best decision you make! At least it is for me in Southern California!!

Cheers :)

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Adderall 20 mg IR (by Sandoz, containing e401) gave me killer migraines. Years ago I took Adderall 30 mg IR (also by Sandoz, containing e404) and it worked...that is until my old doc switched me to Concerta (which caused severe depression, most notable on the third day). Long story short, now that I'll be gratefully prescribed 30 mg IR again and am wondering if ANYONE has experienced ANY negative side effects from e404. I am praying that despite them both being made by the same manufacturer, that the 20's (marked e401) contain fillers not found in the 30's (marked e404). Has anyone RECENTLY made that switch from Adderall 20 mg IR (e401) to 30 mg IR (e404) and if so PLEASE describe any noticeable changes in side effects, or lack thereof. This info would help me avoid sooooooo much disappointment, not to mention depression. THANK YOU!

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Brent?! Seriously! Hair loss? Fungus? What do you take? Mg, dose, and maker?!! I've reported side effects.. Please report to fda!!! Please elaborate.. Please!

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Does anyone know the binders in Sandoz generic 30mg ir? I'm wondering if I'm experiencing these nasty side effects from the binders? Verses generic 30 mg teva binders? Any info would be greatly appreciated..

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