Best Generic Adderall Brands (Page 4) (Top voted first)


Is the round pink 30 mg Adderall generic name Sandoz/Eon with the markings of CDR 136 on one side more or less effective than the oval orange 30 mg Adderall generic name Barr/Teva with the markings of b974 on one side and 30 on the other side? What is the most effective/potent Adderall that is generic and 30 mg?

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Re: chuck (# 705) Expand Referenced Message

I was taking Teva generic Adderall from Walgreens for about 7 years,

This last month they dispensed a brand called Camber.

The following is not a joke; after taking their 30 mg tablet, I fall asleep. Something needs to be done or reportedR

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Re: Addyboy (# 709) Expand Referenced Message

Ylkes. While my 12 years experience aligns with your experience of Teva.... If you are putting yourself out here as an knowledgeable resource, please, respectfully, make an effort to present accurate information...

So, folks, Santoz is Sandoz. (No experience).
The A is Aurobindo. (Horrible in my experience).

Other manufacturers out there are:

Rhodes - not the worst.
Lannett - I've been ok with them .
Camber made by Ascent - mixed reviews.
MALLINKRODT - mixed reviews.

FYI, ONLY TEVA generics are "authorized generics" which are EXACTLY the same as the non generic brand ... identical. More on that https:/­/­­

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UPDATE: I was given Adderall 30mg, 3 times a day, 2 on waking, then another 3 hours later. It is the orange ones, not XR. This stuff works. There must have been something to this Adderall XR being altered. I'm back on track, finally.

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There are two Orange versions, one is Oval made by Teva and comes in 20 & 30 mg. not very useful for me. The other is made by Sandoz is round and flat with a cross on it and it looks exactly the same as the one by Core Pharma which is Pink. Funny part is that the 20 mg versions of both are round with the cross on one side and not flat but bellowed or puffy, both exactly the same except for color in both cases and for me I find are the only ones that work above my neck a desireable result since the others work below my neck and I now am stuck with Congestive Heart Failure resulting from a stent closure and I'm finally being prescribed Adderall again, bad enough it took forever as a latent diagnosis to get the help I needed and I was so obviously characteristic, however everyone professionally found it easier to consider me a manic personality which just a bit fit the bill... What a waste of time and life, but I will say again, I prefer any of the pink or orange ones with the cross on it round and can work with 20 or 30 mg as I am Not into any form of heart palpitations but mobility and clarity of thought and really dislike the Oval Orange pills or the very soft crumble easily light yellow round versions (cheaply made crap!)

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I was on the Brand name adderall for many years until it got to expensive. I tried the salts and they just didn't work for me. Years later I tried the generic again. The Orange generic is totally useless to me. It is as if I am taking a sugar pill. The Pink Generic is the only one that will work and be effective. So Each month I have to scout round till I am able to find the pink generic. What a hassle. When I told my pharmacy about my predicament and asked if they could order the pink generic for me, I was told that they had no control over what generic they were sent. Is This total BS??

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yes I couldn't agree more. Sandoz IR generic 30 mg is nothing what brand IR adderall used to be. What frustrates me is not being able to get a consistent brand each month so the first week every month my body is adjusting. The pills vary in their effectiveness big time. So disappointing. I miss IR brand Shire Adderall. My house was clean, dishes in order, car clean, I never felt high or irritated, my heart never pounded in my chest or got weird muscle pains when it wore off. Shire made a top notch product that I miss dearly. These generic IR formulations just don't measure up.

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Report side effect to FDA!!!

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Leelo, you should contact a pharmacy that maybe isn't so crazy busy like Walgreens or CVS, ask them what brand they carry? If they don't carry the brand you like, ask them if they can order it for you.. Tell them your current pharmacy is having problems keeping it in stock. It really stinks that we have to bounce from pharmacy to pharmacy to stick with the brand that works best for us...

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There is a rather new company that makes Adderall IR besides Barr/TEVA and Corepharma, and it is called Mallinckodt. Malllinckodt is absolutely horrible.

Avoid this brand at all costs....Right now, Wal-Mart seems to have them


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Yes, 30 mg ir Sandoz round e 401 or 410.. Lol. I was diagnosed ADD about 8 months ago.. It's really been a lifesaver, I can concentrate, stay on task etc... I was diagnosed in high school my parents really didn't want me taking it.. Anyway... Always took Barr, didn't have really any side effects other than suppressed appetite.. I'm a pretty healthy eater for the most part.. Started sandoz 3 4 months ago. Since then horrible side effects... Obviously hair loss being the worst!!! I read something about adderall being linked to fungus susceptibility .. Still trying to figure out what's exactly causing my hair loss.. I'm pretty sure it's because of Sandoz.. I switched back to Barr, since then my hair loss has slowed down.. Only time will tell... If it doesn't stop, I'll have to stop taking it... Sucks either keep taking this med that truly helps me in so many ways, or continue to loose hair... Obviously I want my hair back!!! Good luck! Please report side effects to FDA!!!

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Yes,Itotally agree! I get the same brand/dose from the same pharmacy, and every month they affect me differently! (20mg IR Barr/Teva-oval football shape, orange from CVS). Three months ago I got a batch that did nothing! It was like taking a sugar pill- no effect what so ever. I told the pharmacist and she did not believe me. They would not take the pills back or refund my money. The pharmacist told me that it was impossible, they could not be different. She basically treated me like I was a crazy drug seeker. Thank God I have a great doctor, and he believed me, and wrote me a new script, which I had filled with Brand name. But it costed me $400.00 for 75 pills ( I take 21/2 pills per day) , so not an option ever again! This month they feel 10 times too strong, and I'm totally wired, cant sleep, and have a lot of muscle tension. This is crazy. But the saddest part of the whole thing is that most pharmacists are totally unaware of this situation, or don't believe this can happen, they are totally ignorant. I would like to try desoxyn (methamphetamine), as I have read great things about it on these forums, but my doc is afraid to prescribe it, as he thinks it will be a red flag, and get the attention of the DEA. Whats a person suppose to do?

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I have ADHD and have used several preparations of amphetamine salts over the last 15 years. The brand name 'Adderall' manufactured by Shire is very good followed by the orange Barr generic, then the pink Core Pharma. The later seems marginally less affective than Barr and considerably less affective then the name brand (by Shire).

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My psychiatrists, across the board over a 10 yr period up to today, have agreed with this. I noticed a negative change in efficacy immediately when generic ADD was introduced. that said, 99% of insurance companies will not, not even with No Substitution nor w/pre-authorization (which could take months *if* approved) will pay for Adderall UNLESS the pharm is completely out of generic Adderall in which case it must be filled at pharmacy and ins co must pay for it. I'm in MA where state regs are impossibly strict, on Medicaid w/ NHP Ins who used Behavior Strategies for psychiatric issues: Please, advise, please- which off-label/generic manufacturers produce the cleanest/most reliable generic Adderal XR 30 & Adderall 10 mg. Depending upon the pharmacy: CVS, Walgreens or HVMA (local) I've been given 30 XR in either the solid orange caps or the 1/2 clear 1/2 orange caps w/blue&white balls. The 10mg salts are either round and dark blue or oval and light blue. I've been out of medication on and off, since November 2014 - a horrible, extended withdrawal bc an all-new team of young female whipper snappers are "uncomfortable" prescribing my medication. The reasons change and vary: "You're using too much", "not using enough", elevated b/p, happy sad alive HELLO! In October my car died requiring $4000 in repairs. W/ no car for months, in chronic pain using cane to navigate 4' snow mounds in a dreadful Boston Winter I was also forced to go cold turkey after 10 years of Adderall treatment @ 40mgs/daily. Of course my b/p was pre-hypertensive: financial worries, significant weight gain in less than 2 years, chronic, untreated spine pain in neck & shoulder causing daily deterioration of once-functioning hands, herniated disks in lower back, bursitis in hip - all exacerbated by unending frustration w/uncaring Dr.s. I detest this new-day-medicine dominated by young, passive aggressive, females more concerned w/ their own comfort than in my discomfort. Although I've been a feminist my entire life, I have changed: give me an older, male doctor who *trusts* me, who listens to me, who trusts people over 40 and who won't fight me at every turn. At 61 y/o I"m fed up w/being treated like a criminal bc I have ADHD. In pain, I don't ask for pain meds, I don't lose scripts, I don't run out of meds "early", and I *never* ask for increased dosages even when I know a dose increase would improve medication efficacy. So there :-)

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Dunno why you're getting upset with us, we're all in the same predicament experiencing the same frustrations, we're not the pharmaceutical companies nor are we the doctors denying you information or scripts. We are sharing the info we have. The only other medication I am aware of (I know them all) is almost never prescribed anymore - it has almost no side effects , creates a smooth, non- jittery, non- agitating treatment for add & adhd , especially for narcolepsy, also was used as a diet pill in the 60's and 70's. It's a very old drug called Desoxyn- look it up. Iit's nearly impossible to find a prescribing MD because it's so closely monitored byt the FDA thus it'snot carried in many pharmacies . I think yoiu'd be hard pressed to find an insurance co tha twould cover it for anything other than narcolepsy. It's in a a Class II category because it became too popular and is extremely addictive. My psycho pharm, an older MD who will prescribe just about anything within reason (old school, easy going but very caring and no fool, a good listener) said he'd "never heard of it" when I *casually* mentioned it as an alternative to generic Adderall. Interesting....cuz he's well into his 70's and if he knows what Ritalin, Adderall, Vyvance, phentermine or dextroamphatimine is , he certainly knows what Desoxyn is.. I probably mumbled it ;-) trying to be too casual. IIt's quite pleasant, very effective , devoide the typical CNS side effects as compared to all the newer ones (I can't take Ritilin, it makes me manic) but because of it's Class II the DEA/feds maki it extremely difficult to prescribe and equally as difficult to fill. Thus, rather than fight the good fight for it's customers, the drug companies gave up and began formulating variations of it by creating "new and improved" drugs which they can market as a better choice, patent it, create a generic equivalent ("cut" with fillers) which make you sick and/or have such limited efficacy it forces your doctors to prescribe it @ higher and higher dosages. $$$$$ Trust me, the drug companies are *not* in it for your well being, they're in it for their own well bein$. Good luck. I do caution you , friend, to check your motives. If you are mostly searching for a recreational high or mother's helpers, you need to find other resources in the Deep Dark Web, not here. .

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Only shire adderall! Only brand name shire, all the pharmacies are putting out a scam product, generic, and it sucks and does not work!

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I was just prescribed Adderall 30mg. Went to Von's pharmacy just because that's where I always get my other stuff and I got the COR 136 round pink ones. I took 1 this morning, after an hour I didn't feel anything. So I took another, still, didn't feel anything. Idk what the hell is in these pills but they SUCK. I actually have a mild headache and feel sleepy. Absolute trash.

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30mg twice a day is what I take as well and have for a number of years. I'm 60 and if TX had adult Medicaid, I'd be on it. Research the generic brand you're currently taking. Your prescription bottle should list the manufacturer on the label. Pink and round sounds like CorePharma, better known as Core or in my personal opinion, Crap (for patients but $$$ for pharmacies). For me it does nothing or worse, no focus, no motivation, just a bump on the log. I have not had good experience w/any of the companies based in India like CORE. Quality control ranges a lot from batch to batch. TEVA makes the brand ADDERALL so you'd think their generic version would be the best and at one point I think it was. My experience lately has not been as positive but it is still my number 2 choice. Number one for ME (everyone is different where brain chemistry is concerned) is SANDOZ. Consistent quality, no side effects, good focus, concentration, etc. Very hard to find in my area now because it costs the pharmacy more and most won't do special orders any longer.

You have to shop around and check every single place and ask specifically "What generic brand or brands of Adderall do you carry? Do you special order?". Most carry CORE since it is the lowest cost. AUROBINDO (aka "AURO") is another low cost loser in my personal experience that many sell. Not effective at all for me. MALLINCKRODT (lousy name) out of Ireland varies. Sometimes good, sometimes not. Your mileage may vary. Walgreens in my area all carry TEVA/Barr. I was able to get SANDOZ at Tom Thumb/Safeway last month but they're back to CORE this month.

If you've been on it a long time you also need to take "breaks" when you can (2-3 days or more) every month to keep your tolerance/resistance down.

Until the FDA tightens the standards a lot for generics of neurological meds like Adderall or forces the insurance companies to discount brand Adderall (there is a huge difference in effectiveness and 95% of us will never experience the benefits, patients are screwed. Drs. don't always realize or understand the diffs either but you need to let them know when a particular brand isn't working. Complaints have been going on for years but more people need to join in. Good luck.

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Why do certain brands of adderal work and some dont

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