Bendectin And Birth Defects (Top voted first)
UpdatedI took this drug in the 1970's while pregnant. Am looking for the side effects to the babies. Drug has been off the market for many years. Not sure on correct spelling. Used for nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. Thank you for any help you can send me. Sincerely, Dana.
I had 4 son's, all in the 70's. The 1st 3 I took Bendictine regular for nausa and vomiting. My 1st born has 2 children. The boy has ADHD at 9 yrs. The girl is 18 months and looks/acts healthy. My 2nd son has never married, is very good looking, but is extreamly slow. He finally graduated from high school when he was 20 yrs. Can't hold down a job because he moves too slow. His cognitive understanding is slow in some things and high in others. He's good at mechanics, has a low self esteem and can't sell himself to a boss for a job. The few jobs he's had, his brothers have gotten for him, but he couldn't hold them. He's the one I'm concerned about. Doesn't smoke, doesn't drink, lives with my mother and does odd chores for her and my self for money.
The 3rd son has 2 healthy girls with another on the way.
I too wonder if Bendictin has something to do with # 2 son's slowness. At age 3 he was not talking, and I had him in a special school that took children from birth to 4yrs. The 1 yr he was able to be in the program was marvelous. From there he went to preschool and on to reg. school. Was very hard for him in school, repeated grade 2, and never excelled.
Any comments out there??
I also took bendictine in 1978 -79 My daughter had an eye problem Duanes Syndrome the nerve from her eye to her brain was under developed.She has had problems with her hearing her whole life had tubes numerous times now at 29 years old she just had a tube again her Doctor told her that she has nerve damage from birth and she needs a hearing aid in her one ear. She suffers from learning disabilities but to top it all off she resently found out she has the beginnings of glacoma Now as a Mom I am really seriously wondering if these problems were due to the medicine i took so long ago.i always new that it was taken off the market for birth defects but always thought it was missing fingers and toes per say ... Now I wish I really knew what the birth defects were any info anyone can give me would certainly be appreciated. Thank you
I also took the medication Bendictine for nausea during my pregnancy with my daughter who was born in 1978. Her birth defects involved her heart and lungs. She was born with a hole between the lower chambers of the heart and with a rare congenital lung defect called lobar emphysema in which the bronchial tube collapsed when she tried to exhale. She was 6 weeks old when I discovered something was wrong with her. The lung condition was what triggered the suspicion she had a problem. She was breathing in, but not able to exhale all of the air from her lungs. This caused her upper right lung lobe to expand, collapsing the rest of the right lung and pushing her heart out of place. Her symptoms, projectile vomiting and abnormal breathing pattern, were my clues something was wrong. I was very young, but wise enough to take her to a physician. She had to have the upper lobe of her right lung removed at 6 1/2 weeks of age, and later when she was about 2 to 2 1/2 months old, she had to have the hole in her heart repaired. I contacted an attorney after all was well again, and he was very insensitive to my situation because he thought I was lucky it was something that could be corrected. He obviously never had to sit in a waiting room on 2 occasions wondering if his child would make it through the surgery. I am now a register nurse, and I firmly believe that the reason some children had limb defects while others had internal defects was dependent on what phase of development the fetus was in during the time the mother was taking the drug. I only took the drug for a few weeks, and apparently took it during development of the heart and lungs and stopped in time before the limbs were effected.
Jeni- I took Bendictine in 1978/79 and gave birth to a daughter. i took it in 1980 and gave birth to a son. I took it in 1982 and gave birth to another daughter.
Both daughters have abnormalities with their reproductive systems: the first born has a dual system: two cervix's, two uterus, but the proper ovaries and fallopian tubes. She may not be able to carry a fetus to birth.
The second daughter now, we just found out, also has a dual reproductive system...
My son so far we don't know.
Additionally, the oldest daughter suddenly developed Celiac disease (intolerance to gluten) the younger daughter tested possible...but not to the severity and totality of the older daughter.
I am an RN. I think we should talk if somehow possible?
Dorie from No. Calfiornia
I was born in in 79 to a mother who took Bendictin. I have a limb defect on my left hand, had multi surgeries, fertility issues, and suffered ridicule from the time I entered school til graduation. Often someone will ask me what happened, and occasionally the person asking used Bendictin, and of course their child was perfectly fine, to which then turns into a public service announcement for the benefits of Bendictin and that my mother must of done something wrong, my mother the registered nurse. As I thumb through these comments, my heart aches for the thousands of children that so coincidentally suffered defects after being exposed to Bendictin. And find it a dreadful fate to wonder what is in store for me, nerve damage? more fertility issues? That it's insulting to hear about the perfect child from the mother who took Bendictin.
Hi Saint Biscuit. You can't be a retard because you have not been backward in coming forward. You might like to have a read of the *Dunning-Kruger effect* at your leisure. When you were a kid you may've been a victim of the "Tall Poppy Syndrome", because your giftedness made other kids feel inferior. Some folk just don't recognize genius because they're bereft of even a modicum of nous. One thing I can tell you about genius is that it likes company, believe me! All the very best to you for 2017 & way beyond from Perth, Western Australia...the City of Light.
Yes, I did take it for my children born in 1980 and 1982. I heard after the birth of my second child that it had been removed from the market. I wonder why I was able to take it in the 80's?
OMG...I am so glad I stumbled onto this page! Thank you all for sharing your stories! Please allow me to share mine. I am 43, born in 1964. I have a crazy life story but I'll try to keep it short. I have Sensorineural Hearing Loss they say I was born with and didn't notice until it progressed by age 29. I now have had optic neuritis with damage to optic nerve and had already been named a glaucoma suspect because of large optic nerves. I can no longer read with my right eye. I have fibromyalgia, Mitral valve prolapse, PSVT I could go appears to be affecting my entire CNS. I have had blood work, MRI and a spinal tap but even though it sounds like MS, it is not supported by test results. With that being said, I had been searching for answers, reviewed what medical records I could find and even went to the courthouse and made copies of my parents divorce papers. Attached to the documents where my father filed for divorce were copies of my mother’s medical records. There before me was, I felt could be answers. When my mom was expecting me she attempted suicide by ingesting 75mg. of Elavil and 1 gr. of Butisol Sodium. Also the medical records show she took the prescription bendictine in am and pm. Strange how life Dad has since passed away and I don't think I can speak to my mother again. Other things have happened with her and I don't like to communicate with her. Does anyone think these medications could be the source of my health crisis? I appreciate any information you can provide.
I took benedectine with my first pregnancy in 1972. I had nausea for the first three months, and then pain for the remainder of the time in my sides and stomach. I delivered her at 7 1/2 months - preemie breach - after 5 days of labor. She developed slowly and was 15 months old before she walked as her legs were bent like a frog's when she was born and her foot was turned up. It took quite a bit of exercising them to get them to be normal.
My daughter gave birth to her first child in 2002. It was a daughter and the baby was premature at 8 months. My daughter had preclempsia and ran a high fever and the baby would not come. Eventually she did (the doctor insisted this could be a regular birth, when in fact it probably shouldn't have been.) give birth, sunny-side up - The baby's face was very smushed, but she recovered from the trauma of birth and a temperature that would not go down after several days in the hospital.
In 2004, my daughter was pregnant with her son He also came at 8 months - this time, the doctor recognized the difficuty of the birth and did a c-section.
That is when they discovered my daughter had a sheath of membrane down the middle of her uterus and the babies, therefore, were only developing in half of the space! When they got too big for the space, they were pushing out. The doctor told her to be checked to see if she had her kidneys and that they were in the right place(which she did).
I immediately remembered the benedectine and difficult pregnancy I had and told her about it. Her doctor said if she didn't know better she would have thought my daughter was born back inthe 50's when all the birth defects occurred. They told her not to have any more pregnancies unless she had surgery to repair the uterus.
She is noiw 36 and going through all kinds of tests as she is having menstration issues. She went through ultrasounds and blood work today and hopefully the doctor can help her. She has had a rough time with menstration since she was a teen and I wonder now if the benedectine affected anything else.
The more research I do into this subject the more I am convinced that we have to bring forth a lawsuit, to at least have our cases in writing and documented against this company.
I am in Alberta, Canada and anyone else interested in this, here is a link
I took this drug in 1981. My daughter was born with CP and many other disablitities. The company finally removed the med off the market and a case action lawsuit was filed against them.
I was born in Chicago in 1978, and my mother had taken Bendectin. Like many other pregnant women during that time, she was handed two prescriptions at her first Obstetrician appointment: Prenatal Vitamins and Bendectin. She had severe morning sickness, so she filled the Bendectin and took it throughout her pregnancy. I was born with a a cleft lip, cleft palate, and now I'm facing knee replacement surgery on both legs (Rightie is going first in two weeks!). Have any other "Bendectin Babies" been plagued with knee and/or joint issues?
Unfortunately, it's nearly impossible to find any legal help with this matter. There were a few high profile court cases in the late 70's-early 80's, but due to some fraudulent testimony and false studies all other cases since have been dismissed. In fact, Australia won't even touch these cases. I suffer from knee deformities that require immediate surgery, a seizure disorder, chronic headaches, OCD, clinical depression, panic attacks, a cleft lip and a partial cleft palate. I WISH someone out there could help us. The facts are there. They actually consider Bendectin the "Biggest Cover-Up of 1980" because the FDA failed to recognize the evidence, the media wouldn't report it, and cases against Merrell Dow were starting to be thrown out.
I am so glad I found this forum. I was born in 1981 with a mild case of hemifacial microsomia, where one side of my face is underdeveloped. I also have chronic migraines and experience bouts of depression & anxiety. I always wondered what caused the problems with my face. I did some research and discovered that "something" must have happened within the first 3 months of pregnancy (when facial development occurs). My mom recently admitted to me that she took Bendectin during that time. I have two sisters who have no health problems where no Bendectin was used. There is no doubt in my mind that Bendectin has caused these problems. I would like to take action against the makers of this drug!- just don't know where to begin.
I took this drug during my first pregnancy which was in 1982. By the time I had my next baby in '88 it was off the market. Now my adult daughter is having difficulties getting pregnant. Just curious if others have noticed this issue.
I was given Benedictine during pregnancy starting in September 1973, for severe vomiting relating to morning (ALL day) sickness. My daughter was born with "floating ribs" and now she is suffering from the SAME medical symptoms as I have been struggling with since 1974. I was diagnosed with Lupus/connective tissue disease around 1994-5 after many years of just unknown body pain, weakness,fatigue and many connective tissues (ligaments, cartilage, muscles, etc) injured through just movement! My daughter started same complaints in her 30's. I tried to get information on Bendictine for both of us with no success. Now I KNOW! Yes......Bendictine was/is a body destroyer.
I took this drug mentioned for nausea in 1979 during the pregnancy of my daughter.
It has affected her life greatly. She has a learning disability and mental health issues. She always has had a tough time in her life and has a hard time holding a job. I feel very sad how she has been affected.
I took it in1982 as well. I lived in Oklahoma City. My son has irregularly shaped hip bones and extra bones protruding from his feet. No family history of this either.
We have a son. And we were wondering if there would be reproductive birth defects in male babies. Is there any other resources to check this out any further? Thanks
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