Bendectin And Birth Defects (Page 34)


I took this drug in the 1970's while pregnant. Am looking for the side effects to the babies. Drug has been off the market for many years. Not sure on correct spelling. Used for nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. Thank you for any help you can send me. Sincerely, Dana.

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I took bendectin while pregnant in 1975.
My sweet daughter always had sleep problems, behavioral problems. ? Aspergers, autistic spec or other? Could not get definitive diagnosis as she deny's anything is wrong. Struggled her entire life. Me right along with her. I'm a nurse and trusted my doctor. Left wondering. Would never take this drug today.

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Sounds just like what my daughter experiences. A rough road for all of us. Plus she had 4 children of her own. Mood swings have been hard on them. Always wondered if bendectin was the cause. My close friends son has cerebral palsy. Wished I had never taken it

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I took bendectin in 1976 and have birth to a healthy 8lb7oz girl. Her health has been pretty good. Took it again in late 1977, gave birth to another healthy girl in 1978. Again no problems. Didnt take it obviously during my last pregnancy in 1990. My sister-in-law took it in the 70's also no problems. Two healthy boys. I'm sorry for all those that had problems.

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My daughter born in 1975 had multiple congenital abnormalies belonging to no particular syndrome. He main medical problem was the diaphragmatic hernia and she was operated within 4hours of being born. She was 9weeks premature so only one of her lungs was squashed. She had extra toes, deformed thumbs and facial asymmetry with photes and hypertilia. Very small for her age even now and we've just found out she only has one kidney. She is deaf, has no speech and is profoundle disabled mentally and physically. My records state quite clearly that I was prescribed Debendox and I have never been questioned about this link. I don't even know if she is registered on a births defect there any way to find out.?

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FYI, Bendectin continued to be available in the U.S. after it was discontinued. It was the combo of two prescription meds. still in use, so doctors would write a prescription for each for patients to take in combination, at the same time, to achieve the anti nausea effect of Bendectin. I can't think of the name of the two drugs.

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In February 1974 found out i was pregnant. I was 17yrs. old was happy to be expecting.Made appt.with gynecology and was prescribed benedetin.I started taking it and i started feeling nauseous every time i took my pills. I eat and throw it all up this is how i was every single day thru out my pregnancy. I would not gain weight and was still wearing my regular clothes.Doctor never said anything was wrong so i thought it was normal for me to feel this way. He never paid much attention to me about how i was feeling. When i went into labor i was not able to have my baby normal delivery, after hours of labor i was told my cervix would not open up and had to have emergency C section due to the umbelico cord being wrapped around babys neck three times. After my surgery my baby was born with 2 holes in his heart. He weighed 5lbs. 3oz. He was so tiny.Doctor said he had to have open heart surgery, i said no he is too tiny. I took my baby home with me everything was fine two months later baby had diarrhea and he was admitted in hospital for a couple weeksa few weeks and again he was admitted. same thing a couple weeks went home and again vomitting diarrhea so i just felt like it was his formula getting him sick, so i stopped it gave him a different one and it worked plus i gave him cereal and bananas . He was a slow learner crawled on one knee was hard to potty train he started taking his first steps on Febuary 13, 1976 on my wedding day. By the way he was born Sept. 16, 1974 my son has learning disabilities allergies. Speech problems he is totally dependent on me although he is an adult.The disabilities are endless he has had to live with much suffering and wonders why him, why could he not be normal like his brother and sister.Now he has to live with schizophrenia .It just goes on and on.Its so unfair. I get mad at myself for trusting my Doctor to know what was best for me.After my son was born i changed Doctors because i did not trust that doctor anymore. I had 2 other children and both healthy thank God. I still cry when i remember my first pregnancy and the Doctor that never paid attention to me and my unborn at the time.

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@666 and others with children with disabilities. This medication continued to be used under another name and in other forms, even today. When our children are born imperfect, we look for cause, to lay blame. Many conditions have genetic basis, in the dna, like schizophrenia, holes in heart. Please stop blaming yourself. Stuff happens.

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I have several of the side effects from my mom taking Bendectin while being pregnant with me. Are there any lawyers or legal avenues people are going through currently from having issues from Bendectin?

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i took it in 1968 - my son sounds a lot like your daughter, problems got worse as he gets older - hard time learning to read - and talks not smooth but a bit bumpy - has depression and won't admit anything is wrong - can't handle any confrontations - hard time getting jobs because of the interview, it just doesn't happen - i have thought a touch of aspbergers or something like that - my 2nd son is ok, i didn't take that drug then, thank god !

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I was never informed that there was any side effects to the benedectin i was taking for nausea.And i know that even at 17 yrs. of age i would have not taken the pills had i been informed. Why didnt anyone do something about it then? Its so cruel that so many lives had to be affected and no one brought to justice for it. What is the point now to be discussing how our children were affected by benedectin and the other brands. Personally it opens up wounds for me and i dont like feeling the pain anymore than each one out there that is going through it. It angers me .

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I am a product of this medicine. I've had all kinds of surgery and can't have kids. I'd like to know the same thing but the lawyers I've spoke to seems to think the statue of limitations have expired. I don't see how considering it's being marketed under another name

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I also took this medication when I was pregnant with my daughter who was born in 1981. She has had thyroid problems but also problem with her jaw and teeth... does anyone else have anything about this?

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The company Marion Merrell dow was sold to a German company in the 2000's with an insurance policy to cover for claims for 275,000,000.

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my son has a front tooth with a spot of no enamel on it - plus other problems mentally.

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Hard to prove this. Need actual, scientific proof. Not anecdotal evidence or "I took it, it happened, so it must be from the drug.". A very long, impossible road.

I took drugs during pregnancy. I knew the risks. Azithromycin for sinus infection, Zofran for hyperemisis, Sertraline for depression. My kid has ADHD, heart murmur, asthma, flat feet and more. Caused by? Who knows? I focus on getting him help: medication for ADHD, asthma, group therapy for social skills etc.

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My mother took bendectin with me during her pregnancy. Yes, Bendectin is dangerous and the long term effects need to be addressed due to the many deformities contributed from this belly of the beast medication for morning sickness. i forewarn do not take, especially if pregnant. This drug cause birth defects. Marra, victim of this class action Melvin Belli was the attorney {edited for privacy}

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I clearly recall a conversation I had with my OB when I was pregnant in 1974. I had only experienced slight nausea...nothing bad enough to complain about...but my OB asked me during my first prenatal visit about nausea and pushed a prescription for Bendectin in my hand. I told him I didn't want to take any medications during pregnancy because I did not wish to take any risks with my child's health. He scoffed at me. I tossed the prescription in the trash. I later learned the reason the doctor was so hellbent on my taking the prescription. He was in a contest for a free vacation from the pharmaceutical company. He enjoyed many free pharmaceutical sponsored vacations during his years of practice. I often wonder how much harm he did pushing prescriptions on pregnant women for his personal gain. Unethical but should be illegal.

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My daughter was born September 14, 1983. She is growth hormone deficient and now Bipolar. I took Bendectin while pregnant with her. Is there anything I can still do about this for her sake?

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I was born with only one breast; they called it polands syndrome. I went through a lot in my life (surgeries) because I was born with no left breast. My mom took the bendectin pill.

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Re: Jeni (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

I took Bendectin with my second child in 82’ and he was born deaf. I have met three other women who all have a child the same age, had taken the drug during their pregnancy and their child was born deaf.

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