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When to take bioflu and how many per day? ## BioFlu contains the active ingredients 25mgs of Phenylephrine, 2mgs of Chlorpheniramine and 500mgs of Paraceamol/Acetaminophen, it is used to treat cold, allergy and flu symptoms. The standard dosing is one tablet, every six hours, however, this site is not medical professionals, so you should follow your doctor's recommendations. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, dry mouth and stomach irritation. Is there anything else I can help you with? ## I took bioflu just last night and after 20 mins i got rashes all over my whole body. ## Mom is taking montelukast and doxyfeline for her asthma and simvastatin and lasortan for her cholesterol and high blood pressure for her maintenace is it safe for her to take bioflu? ## Can I t...
The is in a clear bottle with a red screw on cap. The liquid is yellow in color It has oil in it that separates and goes to the top when bottle sits. To use run the bottle under warm water and shake to mix. Applythe warm liquid tothe child's chest and under nose to relieve symptoms of croupe. Instead of placing a drop under the nose you can also place it on a pillowcase or sheet. ## It was made by the Lee's company and yes, it is patent protected. The reason it is no longer available is that it contained Camphor, yes, even in the liquid that was taken internally and the FDA has recognized this as being unsafe. Camphor is now only approved to be used topically. As to the other ingredients, I am sorry, I have been unable to discover that. Does anyone else know anything about this?...
I have a sneezing problem from past 5 years. As of now as advised by my family doctory, I'm taking Cetzine tablet whenever i have sneezing problem. Is it ok?. I want to know that it will produce any side effects. If yes, please let me know in details. ## I have throat infection problem which is very senistive. If i drink or eat any cold stuff it leads to Tonsilitis and the initial stage it begins with irritation in the tonsils Should is go for Cetzine? Does it have any side effects? ## Cetirizine is an antihistamine, this used to help prevent allergies. That said, it can help with sneezing that is caused by allergies, however, it will not help with Tonsilitis or sore throats, since these are normally caused by infections and not allergies. Common side effects to this may include: na...
I recently had to stop my Cetirizine for an antibiotic challenge test at my allergists office a week ago. Now I'm reading about withdrawal. I had a little itching all over like insect bites, but mostly since being back on Cetirizine, my nasal passages close completely during the day. I've tried Guaifenesin and just 100 mg or even 50 mg will open me up for 4 hours. Problem is I have irregular heart beats and weird dreams while in bed. I live in the country and there is plenty of dust. I think staying on this drug is risky. What other antihistamine might I try and I need to wean off of the one I'm on? Any advice is appreciated.
Updated in CetirizineQuestion! Where can I find Chlor-Trimeton 12hr 12mg allergy pills? (near San Diego, CA) It seems that whenever a new allergy medicine comes on the market (Claritin, Zyrtec), CT disappears for a year or so. Available in Canada as Chlor-Tripolon but only for a short while as everyone in the US starts buying it on-line when CT disappears. This time, I haven't noticed any new product roll-out. Question 2- WHY does it disappear? I've been taking it regularly for over 50 years and only recently (last few years) has it been doing this disappearing act. ## I second Phils question. Chlor-Trimeton 12hr is very good for me. Why does it keep disappearing here in Michigan too! ## I just noticed Allegra became OTC(over the counter). Chlor-Trimeton always disappears when a new allergy product ...
I used to take these pills as a child in the 60s thru 70s for allergies. does it still exist? and what are the ingredients? its a round coated green small tablet. thank you for your help sylvia ## Pyrobenzamine was prescribed for the relief of respiratory ailment. ## I was given pyrobenzamine as a kid for rose fever - I think it was in the 40's. It worked like a charm - and I only had to take 1/2 tablet (green) 2 to 6 times and the incessant sneezing, swollen, closed shut eyes, cleared up! A prescription lasted forever. Recently when I went in to ask a pharmacist about pyrobenzamine, I was looked at like I was crazy! ## There are no proprietary guidelines in the pharmaceutical industry for colors or shapes of pills. Therefore, there are tons of pills on the market that are round and...
Are Ovaa shield tablets used for pregnancy? ## Yes, it is used to help when trying to conceive. Ovaa Shield contains 2 nutritional supplements, Acetylcysteine and Astaxanthin, but the actual important ingredient is Cloifene, which is used to help adjust the estrogen in your body and improve fertility by making sure that you ovulate. Has this been prescribed for you? ## i am 32 years, married for 9 years. having pcod and irregular periods. twice iui failed. 6 years back laproscopy done. now i used ovashield tablets. give me suggestion so that i may conceive quickly. ## Iam planning to have IUI done. So the doctor prescribed OVAA SHIELD.Pls let me know the reason for using OVAA SHIELD capsules. ## hai I am 25 years old I have pcod and thyroid problem my Dr. has suggest to take ovaa shield...
Hi all, I wanted to find out why Actifed (as a brand) got banned by the United and states and JNJ stopped producing it and came up with Sudafed. Is there a reason why? Is there a link to the legal suit that was filed against a JnJ. Any information about why JnJ stopped producing it would help. Thanks. ## Irebel is on the right track. One of the ingredients in Actifed was Pseudoephedrine [1], and due to regularly increasing rates of abuse, and large purchases used to manufacture illicit substances, its status was changed, and to gain better control of the supply, it was moved behind the pharmacy counter, so someone could only purchase a certain amount, plus they had to sign for it, and show identification when buying it. Once this happened, it severely cut down on sales, and some manufac...
I had colds and a cough about a week ago. Then I took symdex 3x a day. I should've had a menstruation period last March 26 but until now it was delayed. I suffer from stomachache and difficult bowel movements. Is this an effect of the medicine I had taken? Is this normal? And it can be a cause of my menstruation period??? ## Ganyan din ako. Nagkasakit ako nung march 23 kaya nag take ako ng symdex 3x a day. Until now wala pa din period ko, march 27 ako dapat magkaron pero hanggang ngayon wala pa din. 10 days late na. Pong nangyari sayo? Nagkaron ka ba? ## Nagkaroon k ba princess? ## I also had symdex but i only took 3 tabs. My period hasnt come too. I took pt but show negative. Im more than 2 weeks delay now. ## Symdex D is listed as containing Pehnylpropanolamine, Chlorpheniramine, ...
I would like to find out about the availability of Drixoral Cold and Allergy pills. They are round little green pills. ## It is no longer available in the U.S., but I understand that it's said to still be available in Canada. Learn more Drixoral details here. Have you tried seeing if you can order it somewhere? ## I NEED TO FIND DRIXORAL COLD AND ALLERGY TABLETS. CAN YOU HELP ME LOCATE THEM IN THE U S A . THANKS AL ## another company is going to begin selling Daxophed-D tablets in the last quarter of 2014. It has the same ingredients as Drixoral. The company is KVK-Tech, inc. They are planning on having it available in October 2014 ## Where? ## Yes, Where please. I am looking as well. Without having to go to Canada. ## Reading this thread... Yes! Where? This is the only product that...
My husband is sensitive to medications. When we find one he can tolerate, it has to always be by that manufacturer, otherwise he has abdominal pain, bloating, gas, etc. when he starts a new medication, sometimes have to try several manufacturers before we can find one he tolerates. Manufacturers are changing all the time. Most likely he has a sensitivity or allergy to a filler. Is there any way to find a way or is there a way to find out what causes these problems? I live in fear every 3 months when I have to refill any of his 7 meds. I need help. Any suggestions? ## Has your husband ever been tested for allergies, and sensitivities? Have you tried checking the inactive ingredients of his medications to see if you can pinpoint what might be causing the problem when he tries a new one? R...
Can I take this with a blood thinner ## Hello, Tracey! How are you? Which blood thinner? I need to know the specific one, in order to check for any problems or possible interactions for you. Can you please post back and specify? Thank you! Benzonatate is a non-narcotic cough suppressant and the FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, headache and nasal congestion. ## with xarelto? can it be taken with blood thinner?
Dark spots on face and one on kneck. My doctor said it looks like spots from a allergic reaction to something. Every once in a while if I eat something, my bottom lip starts to swell then hours later, the dark spots start to itch and if I scratch, form redness around the spot. ## The best suggestion I can make is that you consult an allergist/immunologist, or a dermatologist to get a proper diagnosis, and discover possible treatment options. You can learn more about allergies here. How long has this been going? How many spots are there?
Hi I have taken allergex many times before as I am extremely allergic with no major side effects. I am in the middle of exams so I decided to take one allergex at night to help me sleep and to prevent allergies but I am feeling really paranoid and I get nightmares that keep me up all night. Can it be because of the allergex or is this just due to exam stress? ## Hello, Suzi! How are you doing? It is rather difficult to say what might be causing it, it could be do to either one. Medications can definitely do that, but so can stress and worrying. If it continues, you should consult your doctor for assistance. Is there anything else I can help with? ## All is good I have decided rather not to use the allergex and have not had any problems since.. I think it was just stress related though, ...
Medicine for cough and cold; it was last known to be out on the market in 1980 ## I'm a newly expecting grandmother. Do you know where I can order/buy Save the Baby. By the way its been on the market since the mid-1930's in upstate NY.. ## I have found it listed for sale on a website, here's the link: KY General Store Click Here [Editor's note: Feb 2010 - the KY General store web site appears to have been taken down. There should be a more current link available further into this discussion thread.] ## We used Save the Baby for many years for ourselves and our children. It worked great. We are now out of it. Were you able to find a source for the product? ## Its available on They always have it and its free shipping. "Since 1874 Lee's Save the Baby ...
I've been on Dexona and Practin 4mg for 5 years with continuous side effects. I used to be lean. One of my friends suggested it, who has used it for 2 months and stopped and he has some skin problems. If i stop taking it for one day i start facing some problems. What would be the side effects for me if i stop using this at this point? Also, what are the tests i need to take? Currently I experience laziness, a headache sometimes, hypertension, and i feel very tense when it comes to small issues. ## Have you discussed it with a doctor? PRactin contains the active ingredient Cyproheptadine, it is an antihistamine and, while it does cause weight gain in some people due to appetite changes, using it in such a manner, without your doctors approval is not safe. Any weight gain achieved is ...
Can i take cipla actin and arvs? ## Can i use cipla actin and arvs? I want to know if there is no side effects ## . Im hiv ppsitev so i wnt to knw can I use cipla actin.while I'm eating arvs ## I want to give my 7 months old baby cipla actin is this safe for him please help ## Can I take cipla actin with my arvs? Will I gain weight? ## I want to know that tehre are no side effects if I use cipla actin and my arvs cz. I'm hiv+ Please, I need the help before I take it cz. I really want to gain my weight back. ## Can I take cipla actin while I'm taking arvs It's been 9 months but still i haven't got my weight back ## According to the University of Maryland Medical Center ( / drug interaction tool), there are no drug interactions listed between Cyproheptadine (Cip...
Walgreens doesn't have Comtrex anymore. Has it been discontinued? If not, where can I get it? ## Yes, Comtrex is still available, however, since it contains Pseudoephedrine, along with Acetaminophen and Chlorpheniramine as the active ingredients, it is now kept behind the pharmacy counter. You'll have to go to the pharmacy and ask for it, which means presenting an ID and signing for the purchase. [1] Pseudoephedrine Drug Information: MedlinePlus [2] Acetaminophen Drug Information: MedlinePlus [3] Chlorpheniramine Drug Information: MedlinePlus I hope this helps! ## You cannot find this behind pharmacy counters any more - I bought some while in Erie, PA for the hollidays at Giant Eagle. Amazon also carries the drug but at a very expensive price. ## Can you still find Comtrex col...
I have been on Losartan 50mg by Camber for years. I had my prescription filled and got the Solco brand at Walgreens. For 3 weeks, I could barely function, terrible cough, backache, anxiety and nervousness. This stuff was poison. Stopped it for 4 days....symptoms started to disappear. Got the Camber brand through mail order again and things are going back to normal. Anyone else have anything similar happen? ## The symptoms you've described can be normal side effects of Losartan, according to FA reports. Other side effects may also include hypotension, increased urination, heartburn, and leg pain. Ref: Losartan Information There is a chance that the generic manufactured by Solco is a bit stronger than the one you usually take, which may explain why you were suddenly miserable. The Hat...
Is it true that by taking this drug you will be able to gain weight, enlarge breasts and develop hips? If so, after how long from when you start taking the Apetito? ## I really want to gain weight, so i bought appetine pills. Will they really help me gain weight? ## Yes, it's true. It took me two months to have a beautiful body, but it has one side effect - you get a pot belly. ## drink banana shake three times a day u can gain weight upto 8kg in 15 days .....and for making healthy banana shake add 3 bananas in half cup of milk.. ## where can i find super apetito in ireland, would like to gain some weight ## I want to take apetito tablets to gain weight are they not cancerous? and after how long will i see the difference and when to stop? thanx.. ## were can i buy apetito tablets in...