No Availibility Of Drixoral
UpdatedI purchase my Drixoral at Costco and have ebeen told they are no longer able to get it, because it is be reformulated, is this correct
I usually get mine at Walmart. They cannot get it, either. No explanation. I hope they did not find something dangerous with it.
Maybe you can try to find a small Mom n' Pop pharmacy that still compounds formulas. The active ingredients in this med are Dexbrompheniramine and Pseudoephedrine. If you go to one of those pharmacies and tell them the ingredients they might be able to formulate it for you.
The manufacturer did the same thing about 2 years ago and there was talk they were going to reformulate it then but they did not. There isn't another drug with the same ingredients. Not sure why, but every time I can't get it, I get very sick and nothing else helps.
What are we going to do? Like Peggy I get very sick when i don't take Drixoral. I try to explain this to my doctors-how I get nauseated and downright sick but I guess they don't understand my symptoms. They continue to recommend prescription meds or once prescription only meds but none of these work like Drixoral. What are we going to do? If anyone knows something that works for the sinus-related naseau please pass it on
I have been looking for drixoral for over a week now. Finally, today, my pharmacy told me that they had been unable to get it for about a month. She checked to see if, according to her information, the manufacturer was reformulating the product. According to the info she had available, they are not. I asked about a comparable substitution. She said there isn't one. Evidently this med is unique. I too tend to get sick without this medicine during alergy season. I've been without it for three or four days now, and I can tell if I can't get it soon I'll be in my doctor's office for some antibiotics. I wish there was an alternative.
The pharmacist advised me to try Chlorpheniramine Maleate (Walmart's generic name is Chlortabs) AND Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride (sudafed). this combo is helping...but definately not as good as drixoral. I hope they don't mess it up when they reformulate it!!!!
I called Schering-Plough the drug manufacturer of Drixoral. They are moving the manufacturing plant, and Drixoral will be off the market for 1 year, until they are moved in. I saw my doctor, and he put me on Lodrane. It is the same antihistimine in Drixoral. If you mix that with a decongestant, Sudafed, you get the same thing as Drixoral. See your doctor for the prescription. Hope this helps!
Go figure they wait until prime allergy / sinus season to take it off the market for a year!! That's a horrible business move, with most products this would kill them & they wouldn't be able to make a comeback- I guess they're just lucky that no one else has a comparable product (yet). I also get sick when I don't take it. It's the only thing that works. I'm so frustrated!!!!!!!!!
Amy, thank you for posting this useful information!
We also called the manufacturer just to verify, and we were told the same thing: That there is a temporary hold on the manufacturing while they change facilities, and that it should hopefully be available after 2008. The lady helping us even said that there have been a lot of people calling in about it.
You may be interested in the manufacturer's contact information:
Schering-Plough Corporation World Headquarters
2000 Galloping Hill Road
Kenilworth, N.J. 07033-0530
Telephone: (908) 298-4000
Best of luck to everyone!
Related Thread: view_drug_forum.asp?Title=drixoral&Page=74841
I called Schering-Plough Healthcare Products myself and they told me that they were changing plants and drixoral would not be available for about a year. Bad News! I tend to get sick and ache all over without it also.
This is B.S. The drug business is very competitive. If you manufacture a product that flys off the shelf like Drixoral does, you would figure out a way to manufacture and deliver that product. Would you not? Hopefully this product has not been recalled internally due to some screw up. Reformulated? Great idea! Lets reformulate the product so that it doesn't work! OK. Meeting dismissed gentlemen. And by the way, your million dollar bonuses for that idea is waiting for you on the secrteary's desk.
Has anybody had any luck getting a private pharmacist to compound a similar formula based on the active ingredients Dexbrompheniramine and Pseudoephedrine ??
I cant help but laugh at all of the comments. My husband and I have been taking one Drixoral a day for at least 21 years. Everyone's comments have been said by us the last few weeks. Another company needs to jump on these ingredients and make a product compatible and just change the name. I am so afraid they will bring it back with an outrageous price; along with gas and grocery prices.
I called Schering also and was told the manufcture of Drixoral was being moved to a new plant. It would be off the amrket for a year and would not be reformulated. It makes no sense.
I like the product and I suppose it must be beacuse of the specific antihistamine, Dexbrompheniramine.
I believe other products containing Brompheniramine exist and I will look for them and try them.
I don't think that having Drixoral Behind The Counter has any bearing on its availability. There are plenty of cold medicines with pseudoephedrine available, all of them Behind The Counter, of course.
I agree with almost everyone. I am in a panic because I am supposed to fly to the other coast in two weeks - if I am not in the hospital by that time - and flying with my symptoms is no fun! I have been searching the internet for other products with the same things in it and can find NONE - prescription or over the counter. If someone finds one - please post.
This blows my mind. I just went to make my monthly jaunt to Costco to hear the same thing. Reading this thread blows me away.
I'm a life-long allergy sufferer and and having tried pretty much everything on the market, Drixoral is the only thing that has worked for me.
I don't get it. What were the geniuses at Schering-Plough thinking? Especially if, as it sounds, it seems ot be sold out everywhere.
Good News/Bad News - my doctor went to work on the problem and found a prescription medication Bromfenex. I have taken it and it works! Don't know if it will work for everyone.
Bad News - you can only get it if your pharmacy has some on hand. (Thank goodness mine did) because they are going to stop making this too! What is going on!
Fascinating to read that so many others have had the same experience with Drixoral. I also talked with Schering-Plough, and may continue to call in regularly, just to remind them that their customers need this medicine. I'm going in to see the doctor tomorrow and I'm desperately hoping she can fnd a prescription drug to substitute for Drixoral.
This is bad news! I also take Drixoral for my allergy/sinus and nothing else works the same for me...Im going to go see my doctor soon and Im calling the manufacturer as well...what are they doing to us?!
If I find something similar I will let you know.
I thought I was the only one who didn't feel well because I didn't have the Drixoral to take anylonger. I don't feel well, my head feels big and I feel like I have been drinking and get nauseated. No other allergy medications I've tried does the same thing. I sure hope they hurry and get it soon. I have tried 4 different Walmarts, Target and small drugstores and no one has any. I hope the drug company realizes what a good product they have and how much money they are loosing by not having it on the market!
Most Recent Replies:
ok ppl since the govt and big pharm companies and meth-heads(all are in the same class) have ruined it for everyone. I guess we will just have to put our heads together and become chemists and start manufacturing our own drugs. feel free to post any advise on your trials and errors.
I do not know how old these postings are concerning Drixoral Cold & Allergy Tablets. I suspect that many of these postings are very very old because if you call many of these Pharmacies in Canada including the ones mentioned in the postings you will find out that no reoutable pharmacy in Canada no longer sells "Drixoral"!!! I have just about called every reputable pharmacy in Canad over the last 60 days and that is of this date, November 2, 2012. No one sells Drixoral tabs any more. Many of these companies will tell you that they use to sell it, up until a month or so ago. If anyone knows better, please, please, let me and others know. I have been buying this product for some 35 plus years!!! I can remember when it was a prescription medication my son was taking it as a little boy age 9. Now he is 42. I introduced this product to my husband because he has sinus problems pretty badly and this was the only product that worked for him. I too purchased Drixoral from Canadian pharmacies for over a few years sense the USA stop selling it. I would call Schering-Plough Manufacturers many times and asked them when they were going to start re-manufacturing Drixoral and I would always receive a vague answer concerning their relocation - that was 2 years ago 2010!!!! How I cry because of the need for this product. Everyone in my home are either sinus sufferers "or" allergy sufferers just like many of you!!! I think there is something else going on that many of the faithful consumers Drixoral users are not aware of as to why this product not only disappeared but was also deliberately taken off the market and every shelf in America!!! and it has something to do with the FOOD & DRUG ADMINISTRATION and the Good Old USA Government. Someone wanted to see this product discontinued permanetly!!! even so far as to Canada and possibly othet neighboring countries. It it sad to say that you (you anybody) can get herion and marijuana into this country faster than you could get Drixoral back on the pharmacy shelves. If anyone else knows how or where you can purchase a reputable box of Drixoral please step up to the plate and let me know as well as others and I hope you've called and/or purchased this product within the last 30 days from Nov. 2012. Thank you ever so very much. Sincerely, Mrs. D.L. WilliamsCrayton, Chicago,IL USA.
Why is everybody naïvely accepting Schering Plough's claim that Drixoral will soon return (even though S-P has repeatedly pushed back their estimated dates)? Honestly, when was the last time a medicine was suddenly/quietly removed from the market for years due to a manufacturing plant relocation? NEVER.
And yet Canadians still obtain it and now gouge Americans after quadrupling prices overnight, while FDA thugs will doubtlessly try to block importations. Just thank SP's profit motive (it was already winding down the product cycle and ceased advertising) and the FDA's totalitarian efforts to deprive Americans of their health care rights (forcing Drixoral's removal from OTC). You're all just watching helplessly as SP continues to push back the supposed plant reopening date, while the remaining pills skyrocket in price in Canada and knock-off versions flood the black market.
On the bright side, there have been fewer panicked postings here lately as ex-diehard Drixoral customers have apparently started using various alternatives. Please continue to post your replacement drugs/combos here, so we know which treatments have the best chance of success now that Drixoral will probably never be available in local pharmacies ever again.
I just got off the phone with Shering-Plough again... I hadn't called them since the end of 2008. The lady I spoke with said that she knew they would not be producing it for the remainder of 2009, but that beyond that they had not been given a date. I asked why they had not continued to produce it while they built their new facilities, and she said she did not know, but that she did know that they would have if it had been possible, because it has not been beneficial either to their consumers or to Shering-Plough for Drixoral to be off the market. I asked again if it was going to be reformulated, and she said not to her knowledge. She confirmed that I was on the mailing list to be informed when it was going to be available again.
I have 12 Drixoral left. I get by with chlortabs, which help. I take the Drixoral when the chlortabs just cannot get my allergies under control. Last week, after managing to avoid taking Drixoral for a couple of months (I'm meting it out with an eyedropper), I had to take it three days in a row.
I can only hope 12 Drixoral are enough for me to make it through 2009 and however long it remains unavailable.
I have read that a number of drugs ordered from Canadian pharmacies are manufactured in China. I'm not doing that. They seem to be fond of putting lead and other toxic substances in things they export.
I had trouble finding Drixoral last year and now that I have been able to find it, it no longer works. I know that they must have reformulated the product because I have taken this product ever since it was introduced to the market. It used to completely dry up all mucus in my lungs and sinuses for a 12 hour period. I have been taking the new product 4 times a day and it still does not work. I used to take it at night so that I could have complete rest without sinus problems. Now I wake up every 2 hours to evacuate the mucus buildup that occurs. I thought that maybe the last package was just an abnomally but apparently they have changed the formula and it just does not work. I tried to contact them through email but they have taken the contact link for Drixoral off the Schering Plough website. It is unjust that they take away the one product that works due to pressure from the governments. We are not criminals so why punish us.
I went looking for Drixoral over the weekend and found nothing. I decided to check online myself and found this site with all my fellow allergy sufferers. I am going to try the Canada sites. I have three questions:
1. Why are we so dependent on this product?
2. Why is it the only product that works for us?
3. If all the other companies know that it works, why are they not trying to reproduce it?
I have been told that they pulled DRIXORAL because the drug dealers have been using it to manufacture Crystal Meth.
I ordered drixoral from Canada last Wednesday. I received it on Friday. Great relief. It works.
Drixoral is readily available in canada and no prescription. I bought mine from
after I saw the comment and since then I have been reordering from them time and again and with no complaints.
Drixoral has been on my side for last 30 years. I hope you find your.
Hallelujah. I received a Drixoral generic from Northwest Pharmacy of Canada - It took about 2 weeks and came from Switzerland. It is a Schering-Plough product. I don't remember how much it cost at the store, but the generic for 50 tabs was about half the price as the Drixoral on the site.With the US federal restriction, I took my chances and actually ordered 180 tabs. All arrived.
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