No Availibility Of Drixoral (Page 2)
UpdatedI purchase my Drixoral at Costco and have ebeen told they are no longer able to get it, because it is be reformulated, is this correct
Interesting. The drug folks did this about 15 or 20 years ago with migraine drugs. Everything was taken off the market, and a year later sumatriptan was introduced - a whole new world of migraine medication. But why let us suffer for a year? I've been using Drixoral since the early 1970's. Why can't they just leave well enough alone. I think it's a conspiracy.
I agree with Kathy - If they return the product to the market with higher prices (kind of like the gas prices) then one can assume that it was deliberately yanked.
I agree with everyone else. My husband and I have looked at every wal-mart, cvs, and wal-greens and absolutley no one is carrying Drixoral any more. I myself have never had allergies until we moved to our current location 3yrs ago, and I found that Drixoral was the only thing that worked and eased my sinus headaches. Along with everyone else, I feel as though my head is going to burst b/c of sinus pressure and my stomach is nauseated. I checked with the pharmacist and was told to try claritan or zertec. I tried claritan and it didn't do anything for my husband or me. I guess I'll have to break down and try the zertec. **Kind of concerned why we all feel nauseated now?
I suspect they are changing the chemicals that put Drixoral behind the counter and off the shelf. I am sure they have seen their sales drop since Drizoral was moved. Frankly, moving OTC drugs behind the counter to fight meth production is a typical, impetent American resposnd to a problem. The response will not make a dent in reducing meth production, and serves to only inconvenience the honest consumer. But hey, your government officals get to say, look what we are doing to fight the war on drugs. Anyway, I saw my physician and got a presciption for Lodrane -- which is working very well for me.
Don't both with Zyrtec. It doesn't work either. I haven't found anything that works as good as Drixoral. One thing that has helped a little is drinking green tea. I also sometimes take Benedryl, even if it makes me sleepy. Better sleepy than suffering.
I've been taking Claritin for a few days now and my allergy symptoms are getting out of control! I take Drixoral because I have a heart problem that is very sensitive to stimulation (like in Sudafed, caffeine, etc.) For some reason, the pseudoephedrine sulfate in Drixoral doesn't make my heart race like the pseudoephedrine hydrochloride in Sudafed. The pharmacist tells me that there is no difference, but my heart and I know differently! I don't know what to do.
WoW I have never felt more like a junkie in my life, trying to find this medicine. I had every friend I had going to all the drug stores buying up as much as we could. Dimetapp for children is close to drixoral. You have to add the peudoephedrine because it's not the same dose. And you have to take 6 pills because it's children med. It would be great if some other drug company jumped on it. And this business about not being able to get more than 30 in one month and having to sign for it is crazy.
Just an update. Drixoral contains Pseudoephedrine Sulfate while most of the other medicines contain Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride and that may be a difference on how the medicine works for you. Just a thought.
The Salts Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride And Pseudoephedrine Sulfate
Having tried evey new allergy med that came along and only Drixoral works for the past 38 years, I am concerned that a year from now Drixoral will not be the same or even exist. Recently Sinutab disappeared and there is no comparable drug available. What if they do this to Drixoral. I find it hard to believe that they are just stopping production temporarily and not making other arrangements during the transistion. Are they taking Levitra, Zetia, Vytorin or Nasonex off the market. Schering-Phough also makes these drugs. I don't think so. My bet is that we will never see this drug again. I hope you all can get through this. Not sure how we will do it.
I can't find this anywhere. I just started looking for this last week and I'm shocked I can't find it anywhere. I checked CVS, and Walgreens. My mom says Shoppers doesn't have it and my dad said that Rite-Aid isn't selling it either. This is very sad news. Why would they not tell us they are taking it off the market. Seems shady to me.
CVS used to make their own generic brand. Maybe they are removing the Sudafed from it. Did the manufacturer say where they were moving to?
It seems there are all sort of rumors, like the plant closing and being moved that makes Drixoral. I have been taking it since 1970 and have never found a subsitute. I started taking it to clear my ear for scuba diving, initially, and then when my allergies got more significant, it seemed to work well against them. I'm looking into a prescription coded CPM/PSE , which is more expensive, but may be the same formula.EA46
my friend is a pharmacist and she said there is a manufacturing problem and everyone is on date given. This is horrible because I have been taking this for years and it is the only thing that works for me. Yep no other drug contains the same ingredients...I have been miserable during this allergy season
Does anyone know a communication link to whomever in the DEA can answer why there is such a low monthly limit on Drixoral?
Has anyone tried buying drixoral online from Canada? It seems to be available.
Anybody give any thought to the company maybe realizing a potential liability if Drixoral is found addictive and changes physiology with long-term use? Fold up the tent and steal away in the night?
I've had the same experiences as most of you. No Drixoral to be found... I sure need it when I get a sinus headache. no other combination of medications works. I take it only as neede. so it's NOT addictive. To Lyvette:I too have to watch the cardiac involvement..for some reason, the sudafed in Drix. doesn't harm me! Thanx to those who found Bromfenex, Lodrane...will try to find them.
I had to stop taking Drixoral to have an allergy test done, and spent the week dizzy, nauseous, I couldn't turn my head or my eyes would go crazy. I asked my allergist about it, and he said that since I stopped taking a decongestant, my inner ears had water in them, which was basically making me motion sick. I have been very upset about the lack of Drixoral, however, I think that the antihistimine is very unique and works well. I am going to check out the Lodrane and Bromfenex that I read about in these comments with my allergist and hopefully, it will work out. I am actually having other side effects from the other allergy drugs on the market that I don't get with Drixoral. It's too bad some company out there hasn't made a generic version like they have with everything else.
There are three other drugs with the same formula as Drixoral
AllerDur, Duotan PD, Tanafed DP
I Know I am one, for the last 15 some years and now I am freaking out, but canada's Drixoral plant did not close down and you can call the canada pharmacy and order them, there is a three week lead time on them, to that is for ever but in reality it is better than not having them for a year. The customer service at this pharmacy told me the orders pills are going out like crazy to all of us that can't get them no more..
I hope this helps...,
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